Low Confidence in Trump Wordwide


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017

How does an American president do in five months what in two terms his predecessors, thankfully, did not? Even widely despised Bush II didn't get to just 22% confidence.

The chart above doesn't tell the whole story.
  • "In terms of personal characteristics, Trump is seen by most publics around the world as arrogant, intolerant and even dangerous. At the same time, he is seen by sizable percentages as a strong leader."
What's especially disconcerting about the survey results is that the lack of confidence comes from our allies. Our most significant adversaries, of course, are thrilled with Trump....and why shouldn't they be? He goes easy on them.
What that world-wide poll clearly shows, is what should ultimately be embarrassing to both Trump and his acolytes is this.....Russia seems to "love" him more than they loved Obama.....and one HAS to wonder why.......and Israel seem to "like" Trump a bit more than they liked Obama.......and THAT is it......

So, "Make Russia great again" would be a more apropos slogan to place on Trump's Chinese-made baseball caps.....
I have low confidence in Trump but then again I have low confidence in every politician...... in every country...... worldwide....... :eusa_whistle:

Actually most of our significant adversaries were ecstatic under Obama's speak softly but carry a wet noodle policy as it allowed them to make inroads into sphere's of influence that were once exclusively ours.

How does an American president do in five months what in two terms his predecessors, thankfully, did not? Even widely despised Bush II didn't get to just 22% confidence.

The chart above doesn't tell the whole story.
  • "In terms of personal characteristics, Trump is seen by most publics around the world as arrogant, intolerant and even dangerous. At the same time, he is seen by sizable percentages as a strong leader."
What's especially disconcerting about the survey results is that the lack of confidence comes from our allies. Our most significant adversaries, of course, are thrilled with Trump....and why shouldn't they be? He goes easy on them.

If they are so concerned then maybe they should grow up and start taking responsibility for their own protection instead of relying on US.

Anything else is the whining of an ungrateful child.
Keep making cuts to bullshit programs and globalist assholes. Fuck what other people think. You think they care what we think about them?
What that world-wide poll clearly shows, is what should ultimately be embarrassing to both Trump and his acolytes is this.....Russia seems to "love" him more than they loved Obama.....and one HAS to wonder why.......and Israel seem to "like" Trump a bit more than they liked Obama.......and THAT is it......

So, "Make Russia great again" would be a more apropos slogan to place on Trump's Chinese-made baseball caps.....

Because Trump is smart enough to realize that the Cold War is over and he is not living in the past.

THat's what you meant, right?
We don't live in a vacuum. Like it or not, trade and military alliances are still important. Now, is it necessary that other countries like Trump in order to trade or ally with the U.S.? No, not exactly. Trusting his judgment and wanting to cooperate with the guy, though....if they don't, it could make things harder for him.
We don't live in a vacuum. Like it or not, trade and military alliances are still important. Now, is it necessary that other countries like Trump in order to trade or ally with the U.S.? No, not exactly. Trusting his judgment and wanting to cooperate with the guy, though....if they don't, it could make things harder for him.

Our trading partners and military allies have been massively benefiting because America has been the world's bitch.

Of course they will not like having their gravy train stopped.

We can't afford to take the hit for the rest of the world anymore.
We don't live in a vacuum. Like it or not, trade and military alliances are still important. Now, is it necessary that other countries like Trump in order to trade or ally with the U.S.? No, not exactly. Trusting his judgment and wanting to cooperate with the guy, though....if they don't, it could make things harder for him.

Our trading partners and military allies have been massively benefiting because America has been the world's bitch.

Of course they will not like having their gravy train stopped.

We can't afford to take the hit for the rest of the world anymore.
There's some of that going on, for sure. Not so sure "the hit" we've taken is their fault, though. If you're talking about the slow economy, we priced our workforce out of the market and it took off for cheaper pastures, and automation, to compete in a growing global marketplace. One thing has led to another. If Trump can turn that tide, fine, but from what I've heard that isn't likely without the Delorean from Back to The Future.
The money we have given in diplomatic aid to other countries will be given to them by another "kindly Uncle" and that will be either Russia or China. I'd rather they look to us, frankly.
meanwhile ...

The latest figures for Trump include 29% who Strongly Approve of the way Trump is performing and 45% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -16. (see trends).

Rasmussen RW bellweather ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

We don't live in a vacuum. Like it or not, trade and military alliances are still important. Now, is it necessary that other countries like Trump in order to trade or ally with the U.S.? No, not exactly. Trusting his judgment and wanting to cooperate with the guy, though....if they don't, it could make things harder for him.

Our trading partners and military allies have been massively benefiting because America has been the world's bitch.

Of course they will not like having their gravy train stopped.

We can't afford to take the hit for the rest of the world anymore.
There's some of that going on, for sure. Not so sure "the hit" we've taken is their fault, though. If you're talking about the slow economy, we priced our workforce out of the market and it took off for cheaper pastures, and automation, to compete in a growing global marketplace. One thing has led to another. If Trump can turn that tide, fine, but from what I've heard that isn't likely without the Delorean from Back to The Future.
The money we have given in diplomatic aid to other countries will be given to them by another "kindly Uncle" and that will be either Russia or China. I'd rather they look to us, frankly.

That don't even make sense...


How does an American president do in five months what in two terms his predecessors, thankfully, did not? Even widely despised Bush II didn't get to just 22% confidence.

The chart above doesn't tell the whole story.
  • "In terms of personal characteristics, Trump is seen by most publics around the world as arrogant, intolerant and even dangerous. At the same time, he is seen by sizable percentages as a strong leader."
What's especially disconcerting about the survey results is that the lack of confidence comes from our allies. Our most significant adversaries, of course, are thrilled with Trump....and why shouldn't they be? He goes easy on them.

Looks like Trump is doing his job. His job isn't to be popular with a bunch of countries that either hate us or want us to bail them out of their problems (not that the two sentiments are mutually exclusive).
How does an American president
do in five months what in two terms his predecessors, thankfully, did not
? Even widely despised Bush II didn't get to just 22% confidence.
The chart above doesn't tell the whole story.
  • "In terms of personal characteristics, Trump is seen by most publics around the world as arrogant, intolerant and even dangerous. At the same time, he is seen by sizable percentages as a strong leader."
What's especially disconcerting about the survey results is that the lack of confidence comes from our allies. Our most significant adversaries, of course, are thrilled with Trump....and why shouldn't they be? He goes easy on them.

Why the Hell should ANY American President care what any of our enemies think of us? True Americans have few allies here at home, nevermind abroad.
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Best news we've seen in a long time.

The World now understands that America is back and they
don't like it.

No more are we gonna lick the asses of the Europeans.
We bailed all of their asses out of two wars and paid the
tab. No more. There should have been a price attached to
keeping the entire continent from first speaking German and then
70 years of keeping thm from speaking Russian.

When I read that the German people have no confidence in
our President...I know my President is doing his job.

They don't have any confidence because, as an earlier poster
mentioned, we've stopped being their bitch.

We're the most powerful country this planet has ever seen.
It's time we start acting like it. We are just BETTER than
everybody else. If they can't handle it...that's their problem.

I know one thing...If Germany disappeared in the morning,
people would be sad, BUT life would go on. When it is
America's time to go, we'll take everybody else in the world
with us.

That's power and strength. And for now, America deals from
a power stance. Pay up NATO.

As for South America...who gives a crap. That entire continent
is only one step ahead of Africa, and losing ground.

Interesting to note that Kenya had a better opinion of The Donald
than his predecessor. That's probably because they all know, first
hand, that the Obama family is full of shit.

How does an American president do in five months what in two terms his predecessors, thankfully, did not? Even widely despised Bush II didn't get to just 22% confidence.

The chart above doesn't tell the whole story.
  • "In terms of personal characteristics, Trump is seen by most publics around the world as arrogant, intolerant and even dangerous. At the same time, he is seen by sizable percentages as a strong leader."
What's especially disconcerting about the survey results is that the lack of confidence comes from our allies. Our most significant adversaries, of course, are thrilled with Trump....and why shouldn't they be? He goes easy on them.

In other news we don't give a fuck.

Source- Pew Spring 2017? Before the terrorist attacks in England, France in Germany? Yeah but it's summer and the data can change on a dime especially in foreign countries. By the way didn't Pew predict a Hillary win? Four months before the election Pew said Hillary "held a significant edge".
We don't live in a vacuum. Like it or not, trade and military alliances are still important. Now, is it necessary that other countries like Trump in order to trade or ally with the U.S.? No, not exactly. Trusting his judgment and wanting to cooperate with the guy, though....if they don't, it could make things harder for him.

Our trading partners and military allies have been massively benefiting because America has been the world's bitch.

Of course they will not like having their gravy train stopped.

We can't afford to take the hit for the rest of the world anymore.
There's some of that going on, for sure. Not so sure "the hit" we've taken is their fault, though. If you're talking about the slow economy, we priced our workforce out of the market and it took off for cheaper pastures, and automation, to compete in a growing global marketplace. One thing has led to another. If Trump can turn that tide, fine, but from what I've heard that isn't likely without the Delorean from Back to The Future.
The money we have given in diplomatic aid to other countries will be given to them by another "kindly Uncle" and that will be either Russia or China. I'd rather they look to us, frankly.

That don't even make sense...

Okay. Maybe I misunderstood Correll's meaning.

How does an American president do in five months what in two terms his predecessors, thankfully, did not? Even widely despised Bush II didn't get to just 22% confidence.

The chart above doesn't tell the whole story.
  • "In terms of personal characteristics, Trump is seen by most publics around the world as arrogant, intolerant and even dangerous. At the same time, he is seen by sizable percentages as a strong leader."
What's especially disconcerting about the survey results is that the lack of confidence comes from our allies. Our most significant adversaries, of course, are thrilled with Trump....and why shouldn't they be? He goes easy on them.
If I were Trump, I'd respond by nuking Mexico.

How does an American president do in five months what in two terms his predecessors, thankfully, did not? Even widely despised Bush II didn't get to just 22% confidence.

The chart above doesn't tell the whole story.
  • "In terms of personal characteristics, Trump is seen by most publics around the world as arrogant, intolerant and even dangerous. At the same time, he is seen by sizable percentages as a strong leader."
What's especially disconcerting about the survey results is that the lack of confidence comes from our allies. Our most significant adversaries, of course, are thrilled with Trump....and why shouldn't they be? He goes easy on them.

Is this the same world opinion that gave Obama a Nobel Peace Prize?

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