Louisiana's most visited plantation removes sign declaring slaves were 'happy & well taken care of'

Louisiana's most visited plantation removes sign declaring slaves were 'happy & well taken care of'

Why should they remove it except under fear of progressive PC punishment if it was actually true? Are you saying that slaves COULDN'T have been happy and well taken care of just because its frowned upon now? They might have been owned people but you have to look at it under the context of the time it happened in, not some space age, futuristic view centuries in the future! Are you saying that the HUNDREDS of movies made depicting family owned slaves of that day as content and cared for were all factually gross lies? These people were living in a huge mansion, state of the art in its day, making beds, cooking, serving meals, cleaning, working various tasks around the place, caring for horses, children, running errands, learning english, pretty decent clothes to wear, surrounded by drapery and gardens, getting medical attention . . . . what would have been their lives back in Africa?

WHO ARE YOU to decide, centuries after the fact that this was wrong in every case and they weren't happy? How many surviving records from the 19th century have you checked where slaves were actually interviewed and ASKED THEIR OPINIONS?
Most people would enjoy slavery. They only long for a just and generous master.

Imagine to be provided housing, clothing, medical care, food, a guaranteed job. The evils of competition and the destruction of meritocracy don't exist. The master is the sole provider of the necessities of life.

Is this slavery or liberalism? It's the same thing.
Holy God! I can't even begin to state what is so disgustingly wrong with this! Women were repeatedly raped by their owners. Many women were made to bear children over and over so that they could be sold to other slave owners. Their housing was four walls and maybe some slats to sleep on.

And does this look like someone who should have been happy to be a slave?



I always thought you were heartless, but this is even worse that I could imagine.

Tipsy is a Russian troll.
Thanks for that info. I was told by someone that she was originally Katzendogs and was a far fringe lunatic.
So. Your complaint against slavery is that the master was cruel and unjust.

You verify the truth of what I said. Slavery is the natural state of the liberal. You only want a just and generous master.
You're a fraud and clearly delusional if you believe that. No liberals want blacks, or anyone else to have a master of any kind. I've never heard any liberal say that slavery is the natural state. If it is, then why aren't you a slave? If it's so wonderful like you describe, then why aren't you signing up to be one?

My friend who told me who you really are is right, you really are a lunatic. He has a long memory and knew you by the screen name you had before. He said you are a far fringe lunatic. Now someone tells me you are a Russian troll. Either way, once again, you are a lunatic, and unhinged and that's why you worship tramp and accept him as your God and Messiah. SICK!
I don't think slavery is wonderful. I don't want to be taken care of. I don't want a government to be my master and give me anything.

If you want to be cared for, given free medical care, food, housing, education, clothing, transportation vouchers, if you want the ordinary cares of living provided to you then you are a natural slave. You just want a master that will be nice to you and not hurt you.

Freedom is a painful experience. You fall. You fail. You might be ruined. You get hurt and patch yourself up. The slave is frightened by freedom. They want a safety net or a hammock.

An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?
Too bad their own people sold them into slavery.
What's that got to do with anything?
Where does reality live in a libstains head?
Your question makes no sense? Mine does. Can you respond with a coherent, intelligent, rebuttal of mine or not?
What for? You scum are beyond reasoning with.
We'll take that as a no. You have nothing of value to offer.
Too bad their own people sold them into slavery.
What's that got to do with anything?
Where does reality live in a libstains head?
Your question makes no sense? Mine does. Can you respond with a coherent, intelligent, rebuttal of mine or not?
What for? You scum are beyond reasoning with.
We'll take that as a no. You have nothing of value to offer.
Classic buttstain replay.
Holy God! I can't even begin to state what is so disgustingly wrong with this! Women were repeatedly raped by their owners. Many women were made to bear children over and over so that they could be sold to other slave owners. Their housing was four walls and maybe some slats to sleep on.

And does this look like someone who should have been happy to be a slave?



I always thought you were heartless, but this is even worse that I could imagine.

Tipsy is a Russian troll.
Thanks for that info. I was told by someone that she was originally Katzendogs and was a far fringe lunatic.
So. Your complaint against slavery is that the master was cruel and unjust.

You verify the truth of what I said. Slavery is the natural state of the liberal. You only want a just and generous master.
You're a fraud and clearly delusional if you believe that. No liberals want blacks, or anyone else to have a master of any kind. I've never heard any liberal say that slavery is the natural state. If it is, then why aren't you a slave? If it's so wonderful like you describe, then why aren't you signing up to be one?

My friend who told me who you really are is right, you really are a lunatic. He has a long memory and knew you by the screen name you had before. He said you are a far fringe lunatic. Now someone tells me you are a Russian troll. Either way, once again, you are a lunatic, and unhinged and that's why you worship tramp and accept him as your God and Messiah. SICK!
I don't think slavery is wonderful. I don't want to be taken care of. I don't want a government to be my master and give me anything.

If you want to be cared for, given free medical care, food, housing, education, clothing, transportation vouchers, if you want the ordinary cares of living provided to you then you are a natural slave. You just want a master that will be nice to you and not hurt you.

Freedom is a painful experience. You fall. You fail. You might be ruined. You get hurt and patch yourself up. The slave is frightened by freedom. They want a safety net or a hammock.
That's if you are forced into it at birth, and don't know anything else. Who are you to make that decision for them? Answer, no one! Stop trying to get off as if you do. You own dominion over no man or woman. They are not your pets to do as you please.
Louisiana's most visited plantation removes sign declaring slaves were 'happy & well taken care of'

Why should they remove it except under fear of progressive PC punishment if it was actually true? Are you saying that slaves COULDN'T have been happy and well taken care of just because its frowned upon now? They might have been owned people but you have to look at it under the context of the time it happened in, not some space age, futuristic view centuries in the future! Are you saying that the HUNDREDS of movies made depicting family owned slaves of that day as content and cared for were all factually gross lies? These people were living in a huge mansion, state of the art in its day, making beds, cooking, serving meals, cleaning, working various tasks around the place, caring for horses, children, running errands, learning english, pretty decent clothes to wear, surrounded by drapery and gardens, getting medical attention . . . . what would have been their lives back in Africa?

WHO ARE YOU to decide, centuries after the fact that this was wrong in every case and they weren't happy? How many surviving records from the 19th century have you checked where slaves were actually interviewed and ASKED THEIR OPINIONS?
The photographs of starving naked Africans, in Africa, are much worse then the photographs of clothed and well fed slaves of the antebellum south. Were some beaten? Sure. Did they deserve it? I have no idea. Injuring a slave and reducing its value would not be a practice widely performed. They were an investment.
Holy God! I can't even begin to state what is so disgustingly wrong with this! Women were repeatedly raped by their owners. Many women were made to bear children over and over so that they could be sold to other slave owners. Their housing was four walls and maybe some slats to sleep on.

And does this look like someone who should have been happy to be a slave?



I always thought you were heartless, but this is even worse that I could imagine.

Tipsy is a Russian troll.
Thanks for that info. I was told by someone that she was originally Katzendogs and was a far fringe lunatic.
So. Your complaint against slavery is that the master was cruel and unjust.

You verify the truth of what I said. Slavery is the natural state of the liberal. You only want a just and generous master.
You're a fraud and clearly delusional if you believe that. No liberals want blacks, or anyone else to have a master of any kind. I've never heard any liberal say that slavery is the natural state. If it is, then why aren't you a slave? If it's so wonderful like you describe, then why aren't you signing up to be one?

My friend who told me who you really are is right, you really are a lunatic. He has a long memory and knew you by the screen name you had before. He said you are a far fringe lunatic. Now someone tells me you are a Russian troll. Either way, once again, you are a lunatic, and unhinged and that's why you worship tramp and accept him as your God and Messiah. SICK!
I don't think slavery is wonderful. I don't want to be taken care of. I don't want a government to be my master and give me anything.

If you want to be cared for, given free medical care, food, housing, education, clothing, transportation vouchers, if you want the ordinary cares of living provided to you then you are a natural slave. You just want a master that will be nice to you and not hurt you.

Freedom is a painful experience. You fall. You fail. You might be ruined. You get hurt and patch yourself up. The slave is frightened by freedom. They want a safety net or a hammock.

You don't want to be taken care of but you think the black person should be and be damn grateful for it. that about right? You do realize that back then, women...ALL women were considered property and had to do what the man dictated, don't you? Is that how you want to live? Is it how you live now?

And public education IS free. And as far as the rest, the majority of this country doesn't rely on those, but many in poor Southern states do. And guess what color those states are....RED! Mississippi is at the bottom the the rung for everything in this country and it is a bright red. Alabama is a close second. And they're mostly WHITE.
Most people would enjoy slavery. They only long for a just and generous master.

Imagine to be provided housing, clothing, medical care, food, a guaranteed job. The evils of competition and the destruction of meritocracy don't exist. The master is the sole provider of the necessities of life.

Is this slavery or liberalism? It's the same thing.
Holy God! I can't even begin to state what is so disgustingly wrong with this! Women were repeatedly raped by their owners. Many women were made to bear children over and over so that they could be sold to other slave owners. Their housing was four walls and maybe some slats to sleep on.

And does this look like someone who should have been happy to be a slave?



I always thought you were heartless, but this is even worse that I could imagine.

Tipsy is a Russian troll.

Do you have proof? You seem to take the intellectually lazy, dishonest approach, to minimize those that you disagree with. Not very effective and you look pretty dumb for playing the Russian card, of course a Canadian troll meddling in US politics is not that much different than a Russian troll meddling in US politics.
Lol there was never a change.. wouldn’t the south today be extremely racist if that was true? All cries of racial oppression only comes from towns run by Democrats
You can learn a lot from history books. Pick one up sometime.
I have .. maybe you should.. all cries of racial oppression has only come from places run by democrats
This place is definitely not controlled by Democrats;

Words don’t hurt blacks it’s a devastating publi education system democrats run and teach them to be slaves .. I went to these schools,, it’s the building codes they put in black neighborhoods, it’s flooding their cities with the world poor that does damage .. not words you need to learn the definition of racism and slavery
If only you could construct an intelligent counter argument to mine, as it reflects yours. You were the one who said they were controlled by Democrats right? Who are those white voters in Mississippi? Take a wild guess. Whites control everything in Mississippi. Try again.

All cries of racial oppression have only come from towns run by democrats.. it’s not republican towns.. name calling is not the definition of racism lol
Tipsy is a Russian troll.
Thanks for that info. I was told by someone that she was originally Katzendogs and was a far fringe lunatic.
So. Your complaint against slavery is that the master was cruel and unjust.

You verify the truth of what I said. Slavery is the natural state of the liberal. You only want a just and generous master.
You're a fraud and clearly delusional if you believe that. No liberals want blacks, or anyone else to have a master of any kind. I've never heard any liberal say that slavery is the natural state. If it is, then why aren't you a slave? If it's so wonderful like you describe, then why aren't you signing up to be one?

My friend who told me who you really are is right, you really are a lunatic. He has a long memory and knew you by the screen name you had before. He said you are a far fringe lunatic. Now someone tells me you are a Russian troll. Either way, once again, you are a lunatic, and unhinged and that's why you worship tramp and accept him as your God and Messiah. SICK!
I don't think slavery is wonderful. I don't want to be taken care of. I don't want a government to be my master and give me anything.

If you want to be cared for, given free medical care, food, housing, education, clothing, transportation vouchers, if you want the ordinary cares of living provided to you then you are a natural slave. You just want a master that will be nice to you and not hurt you.

Freedom is a painful experience. You fall. You fail. You might be ruined. You get hurt and patch yourself up. The slave is frightened by freedom. They want a safety net or a hammock.
That's if you are forced into it at birth, and don't know anything else. Who are you to make that decision for them? Answer, no one! Stop trying to get off as if you do. You own dominion over no man or woman. They are not your pets to do as you please.
Lacking formal bondage, liberals still look to be cared for. They fashion the government as the owner of last resort. No one made that decision for them. They make it themselves. This is what democrats are dangling in your face. Free everything. The government will give it to you. Anything you want. The government will give it to you. The Democrats are the best masters ever.
Louisiana's most visited plantation removes sign declaring slaves were 'happy & well taken care of'

Why should they remove it except under fear of progressive PC punishment if it was actually true? Are you saying that slaves COULDN'T have been happy and well taken care of just because its frowned upon now? They might have been owned people but you have to look at it under the context of the time it happened in, not some space age, futuristic view centuries in the future! Are you saying that the HUNDREDS of movies made depicting family owned slaves of that day as content and cared for were all factually gross lies? These people were living in a huge mansion, state of the art in its day, making beds, cooking, serving meals, cleaning, working various tasks around the place, caring for horses, children, running errands, learning english, pretty decent clothes to wear, surrounded by drapery and gardens, getting medical attention . . . . what would have been their lives back in Africa?

WHO ARE YOU to decide, centuries after the fact that this was wrong in every case and they weren't happy? How many surviving records from the 19th century have you checked where slaves were actually interviewed and ASKED THEIR OPINIONS?
The photographs of starving naked Africans, in Africa, are much worse then the photographs of clothed and well fed slaves of the antebellum south. Were some beaten? Sure. Did they deserve it? I have no idea. Injuring a slave and reducing its value would not be a practice widely performed. They were an investment.
What in your mind constitutes deserving to be beaten like the person in one of the pictures I posted? And you think putting value on another person so that they can be sold is a reason not to whip them almost to death? Most slaves were sold as families with children, or children alone, or young men and women before the torture started.
With every post, you revel yourself to be even more disgusting when I didn't think that was possible.
You can learn a lot from history books. Pick one up sometime.
I have .. maybe you should.. all cries of racial oppression has only come from places run by democrats
This place is definitely not controlled by Democrats;

Words don’t hurt blacks it’s a devastating publi education system democrats run and teach them to be slaves .. I went to these schools,, it’s the building codes they put in black neighborhoods, it’s flooding their cities with the world poor that does damage .. not words you need to learn the definition of racism and slavery
If only you could construct an intelligent counter argument to mine, as it reflects yours. You were the one who said they were controlled by Democrats right? Who are those white voters in Mississippi? Take a wild guess. Whites control everything in Mississippi. Try again.

All cries of racial oppression have only come from towns run by democrats.. it’s not republican towns.. name calling is not the definition of racism lol

The natural slaves of democrats don't want to live in towns run by Republicans. There aren't enough services for them.
Most people would enjoy slavery. They only long for a just and generous master.

Imagine to be provided housing, clothing, medical care, food, a guaranteed job. The evils of competition and the destruction of meritocracy don't exist. The master is the sole provider of the necessities of life.

Is this slavery or liberalism? It's the same thing.
Holy God! I can't even begin to state what is so disgustingly wrong with this! Women were repeatedly raped by their owners. Many women were made to bear children over and over so that they could be sold to other slave owners. Their housing was four walls and maybe some slats to sleep on.

And does this look like someone who should have been happy to be a slave?



I always thought you were heartless, but this is even worse that I could imagine.

Tipsy is a Russian troll.
Thanks for that info. I was told by someone that she was originally Katzendogs and was a far fringe lunatic.

How is Dragonlady being a Canadian troll any different than a Russian Troll and other than the Canadian Troll's word, what other proof do you have that Tipsy is a Russian Troll?

According to everything I have read Russian trolls came along in 2014, if your friend knew her prior to 2014 then she isn't a Russian Troll and Dragonlady is lying.
I see that the usual's have turned this into a liberal bashing site and have gotten off topic. This is about the slaves on the plantations, but some just can't help themselves and have to resort to bashing liberals, who they constantly lie about wanting free stuff, when it's been proven time and time again that it's the red states and the uneducated people in them who benefit from free stuff much more than those in the blue states.
Tipsy is a Russian troll.
Thanks for that info. I was told by someone that she was originally Katzendogs and was a far fringe lunatic.
So. Your complaint against slavery is that the master was cruel and unjust.

You verify the truth of what I said. Slavery is the natural state of the liberal. You only want a just and generous master.
You're a fraud and clearly delusional if you believe that. No liberals want blacks, or anyone else to have a master of any kind. I've never heard any liberal say that slavery is the natural state. If it is, then why aren't you a slave? If it's so wonderful like you describe, then why aren't you signing up to be one?

My friend who told me who you really are is right, you really are a lunatic. He has a long memory and knew you by the screen name you had before. He said you are a far fringe lunatic. Now someone tells me you are a Russian troll. Either way, once again, you are a lunatic, and unhinged and that's why you worship tramp and accept him as your God and Messiah. SICK!
I don't think slavery is wonderful. I don't want to be taken care of. I don't want a government to be my master and give me anything.

If you want to be cared for, given free medical care, food, housing, education, clothing, transportation vouchers, if you want the ordinary cares of living provided to you then you are a natural slave. You just want a master that will be nice to you and not hurt you.

Freedom is a painful experience. You fall. You fail. You might be ruined. You get hurt and patch yourself up. The slave is frightened by freedom. They want a safety net or a hammock.

You don't want to be taken care of but you think the black person should be and be damn grateful for it. that about right? You do realize that back then, women...ALL women were considered property and had to do what the man dictated, don't you? Is that how you want to live? Is it how you live now?

And public education IS free. And as far as the rest, the majority of this country doesn't rely on those, but many in poor Southern states do. And guess what color those states are....RED! Mississippi is at the bottom the the rung for everything in this country and it is a bright red. Alabama is a close second. And they're mostly WHITE.
Louisiana's most visited plantation removes sign declaring slaves were 'happy & well taken care of'

Why should they remove it except under fear of progressive PC punishment if it was actually true? Are you saying that slaves COULDN'T have been happy and well taken care of just because its frowned upon now? They might have been owned people but you have to look at it under the context of the time it happened in, not some space age, futuristic view centuries in the future! Are you saying that the HUNDREDS of movies made depicting family owned slaves of that day as content and cared for were all factually gross lies? These people were living in a huge mansion, state of the art in its day, making beds, cooking, serving meals, cleaning, working various tasks around the place, caring for horses, children, running errands, learning english, pretty decent clothes to wear, surrounded by drapery and gardens, getting medical attention . . . . what would have been their lives back in Africa?

WHO ARE YOU to decide, centuries after the fact that this was wrong in every case and they weren't happy? How many surviving records from the 19th century have you checked where slaves were actually interviewed and ASKED THEIR OPINIONS?
The photographs of starving naked Africans, in Africa, are much worse then the photographs of clothed and well fed slaves of the antebellum south. Were some beaten? Sure. Did they deserve it? I have no idea. Injuring a slave and reducing its value would not be a practice widely performed. They were an investment.
What in your mind constitutes deserving to be beaten like the person in one of the pictures I posted? And you think putting value on another person so that they can be sold is a reason not to whip them almost to death? Most slaves were sold as families with children, or children alone, or young men and women before the torture started.
With every post, you revel yourself to be even more disgusting when I didn't think that was possible.

There is absolutely nothing that I can think of that would justify getting beaten like those pictures. That is why slavery is such a bad mark on America's history.
I see that the usual's have turned this into a liberal bashing site and have gotten off topic. This is about the slaves on the plantations, but some just can't help themselves and have to resort to bashing liberals, who they constantly lie about wanting free stuff, when it's been proven time and time again that it's the red states and the uneducated people in them who benefit from free stuff much more than those in the blue states.

It seems that the liberals are bashing conservatives as well. You did just that in a post about Mississippi and Alabama. so ypu participate in what you are claiming to be upset with.
Most people would enjoy slavery. They only long for a just and generous master.

Imagine to be provided housing, clothing, medical care, food, a guaranteed job. The evils of competition and the destruction of meritocracy don't exist. The master is the sole provider of the necessities of life.

Is this slavery or liberalism? It's the same thing.
Holy God! I can't even begin to state what is so disgustingly wrong with this! Women were repeatedly raped by their owners. Many women were made to bear children over and over so that they could be sold to other slave owners. Their housing was four walls and maybe some slats to sleep on.

And does this look like someone who should have been happy to be a slave?



I always thought you were heartless, but this is even worse that I could imagine.

Tipsy is a Russian troll.
Thanks for that info. I was told by someone that she was originally Katzendogs and was a far fringe lunatic.

How is Dragonlady being a Canadian troll any different than a Russian Troll and other than the Canadian Troll's word, what other proof do you have that Tipsy is a Russian Troll?

According to everything I have read Russian trolls came along in 2014, if your friend knew her prior to 2014 then she isn't a Russian Troll and Dragonlady is lying.
I didn't say she was, I was told that in a reply. Ask Dragonlady that.
Tipsy is a Russian troll.
Thanks for that info. I was told by someone that she was originally Katzendogs and was a far fringe lunatic.
So. Your complaint against slavery is that the master was cruel and unjust.

You verify the truth of what I said. Slavery is the natural state of the liberal. You only want a just and generous master.
You're a fraud and clearly delusional if you believe that. No liberals want blacks, or anyone else to have a master of any kind. I've never heard any liberal say that slavery is the natural state. If it is, then why aren't you a slave? If it's so wonderful like you describe, then why aren't you signing up to be one?

My friend who told me who you really are is right, you really are a lunatic. He has a long memory and knew you by the screen name you had before. He said you are a far fringe lunatic. Now someone tells me you are a Russian troll. Either way, once again, you are a lunatic, and unhinged and that's why you worship tramp and accept him as your God and Messiah. SICK!
I don't think slavery is wonderful. I don't want to be taken care of. I don't want a government to be my master and give me anything.

If you want to be cared for, given free medical care, food, housing, education, clothing, transportation vouchers, if you want the ordinary cares of living provided to you then you are a natural slave. You just want a master that will be nice to you and not hurt you.

Freedom is a painful experience. You fall. You fail. You might be ruined. You get hurt and patch yourself up. The slave is frightened by freedom. They want a safety net or a hammock.

You don't want to be taken care of but you think the black person should be and be damn grateful for it. that about right? You do realize that back then, women...ALL women were considered property and had to do what the man dictated, don't you? Is that how you want to live? Is it how you live now?

And public education IS free. And as far as the rest, the majority of this country doesn't rely on those, but many in poor Southern states do. And guess what color those states are....RED! Mississippi is at the bottom the the rung for everything in this country and it is a bright red. Alabama is a close second. And they're mostly WHITE.

And public education IS free.

The teachers work for no pay?

The buildings build, repair and clean themselves?

Public educations is NOT free.

someone, somewhere, is paying for it.
Louisiana's most visited plantation removes sign declaring slaves were 'happy & well taken care of'

Why should they remove it except under fear of progressive PC punishment if it was actually true? Are you saying that slaves COULDN'T have been happy and well taken care of just because its frowned upon now? They might have been owned people but you have to look at it under the context of the time it happened in, not some space age, futuristic view centuries in the future! Are you saying that the HUNDREDS of movies made depicting family owned slaves of that day as content and cared for were all factually gross lies? These people were living in a huge mansion, state of the art in its day, making beds, cooking, serving meals, cleaning, working various tasks around the place, caring for horses, children, running errands, learning english, pretty decent clothes to wear, surrounded by drapery and gardens, getting medical attention . . . . what would have been their lives back in Africa?

WHO ARE YOU to decide, centuries after the fact that this was wrong in every case and they weren't happy? How many surviving records from the 19th century have you checked where slaves were actually interviewed and ASKED THEIR OPINIONS?
The photographs of starving naked Africans, in Africa, are much worse then the photographs of clothed and well fed slaves of the antebellum south. Were some beaten? Sure. Did they deserve it? I have no idea. Injuring a slave and reducing its value would not be a practice widely performed. They were an investment.
The answer to your question is, none of them deserved to be beaten, because none of them should have been there to begin with. I'll ask you again. Who are you who gets to decide dominion over a man or woman?

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