Louisiana justice of the peace denied marriage license to interracial couple

The "state" didn't deny a marriage license.

State actor refers to color of law, ergo, he IS the government.

Except he did not in any way, shape or form prevent them from getting a marriage license or from getting married, your argument fails, except to liberal dumb asses that think they can force people to do what they want. He is NOT the State, his refusal to marry them did not prevent in any manner them from marrying. Thus no law was broken. His position inot a State position and anyone that claims it is must need more schooling.

Speaking of backwoods...

He IS representing the State of Louisiana or Backwoodsville or whatever you call it. He has voiced discriminatory objections and he and the state will pay dearly. It is only a matter of time.

I expect his statement and refusal to issue a marriage license made you and Limbaugh and Beck and all the other GOP faithful happy. Good for you!

A justice of the peace doesn't have to marry anyone. They can refuse to marry you if they don't like you, or if they're busy that day, or if they just don't do marriages.

It is possible that he can do the above. However, he can NOT discriminate based on a person's race, gender, or religion. And that's exactly what he did - he even publicly copped to it - he didn't do it because of the two people's races. He even said he has done just that before and indicated he will do it in future. He needs to be removed from the office.
This is the revealing part of his statement:

“I just don’t believe in mixing the races that way. I have piles and piles of black friends. They come to my home, I marry them, they use my bathroom. I treat them just like everyone else.”

The he says he is not a racist. PLEASE....!
This is the revealing part of his statement:

“I just don’t believe in mixing the races that way. I have piles and piles of black friends. They come to my home, I marry them, they use my bathroom. I treat them just like everyone else.”

The he says he is not a racist. PLEASE....!

Hey Jim, you think that is something, this is what the trial Judge in Loving had to say:

"Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And, but for the interference with his arrangement, there would be no cause for such marriage. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix."

Seperate Continents? Pangaea was the whole Earth until Continental drift. What if we had ONE massive land mass today?

All mankind would be native inhabitants!
I agree with the judge. Mixed race children are the ones that suffer, as a result of two selfish people who want to experiment and mix their races. I am a black male who does not feel mixed race marriages should be legal. White people need to stick with whites, and blacks need to keep the black race black.

We need to stop all this bulcrap about "melting pot" and "diversity is good" garbage.
There is beauty in the unique features of all races, there is no need to distort, and or mix the
races of the world. Mixing the races, takes away from the original form of how God made us all.

Ah, great. Another Nazi. Only this time - black one.

Why do I have to be a Nazi, to say that I don't beleive in the mixing of the races?.
Blacks should marry other blacks only, and whites should stick to the white race only.
This has been the case for many thousands of years now.

As far as I am concerned, the White race is genetically inferior to blacks anyway, why would a black person in their
right mind want to dilute their genes with someone who is white? Black genes are dominate in all of these combinations.
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This is the revealing part of his statement:

“I just don’t believe in mixing the races that way. I have piles and piles of black friends. They come to my home, I marry them, they use my bathroom. I treat them just like everyone else.”

The he says he is not a racist. PLEASE....!

Wow. It's just getting better ...
It is possible that he can do the above. However, he can NOT discriminate based on a person's race, gender, or religion. And that's exactly what he did - he even publicly copped to it - he didn't do it because of the two people's races. He even said he has done just that before and indicated he will do it in future. He needs to be removed from the office.

"Selective enforcement", due to a person's color violates the federal constitution.

Although not technically SE I suppose, maybe selective NON enforcement, but the legal drift is there.

As I posted before, 18 USC 242 is a distinct possibility to charge.

I have not scoured LA law, but Dereliction of duty also comes to mind.
State actor refers to color of law, ergo, he IS the government.

Except he did not in any way, shape or form prevent them from getting a marriage license or from getting married, your argument fails, except to liberal dumb asses that think they can force people to do what they want. He is NOT the State, his refusal to marry them did not prevent in any manner them from marrying. Thus no law was broken. His position inot a State position and anyone that claims it is must need more schooling.

Speaking of backwoods...

He IS representing the State of Louisiana or Backwoodsville or whatever you call it. He has voiced discriminatory objections and he and the state will pay dearly. It is only a matter of time.

I expect his statement and refusal to issue a marriage license made you and Limbaugh and Beck and all the other GOP faithful happy. Good for you!


You are still a jerk.
This is the revealing part of his statement:

“I just don’t believe in mixing the races that way. I have piles and piles of black friends. They come to my home, I marry them, they use my bathroom. I treat them just like everyone else.”

The he says he is not a racist. PLEASE....!

You are both jerks in Each in Your own special way.
I agree with the judge. Mixed race children are the ones that suffer, as a result of two selfish people who want to experiment and mix their races. I am a black male who does not feel mixed race marriages should be legal. White people need to stick with whites, and blacks need to keep the black race black.

We need to stop all this bulcrap about "melting pot" and "diversity is good" garbage.
There is beauty in the unique features of all races, there is no need to distort, and or mix the
races of the world. Mixing the races, takes away from the original form of how God made us all.

Ah, great. Another Nazi. Only this time - black one.

Why do I have to be a Nazi, to say that I don't beleive in the mixing of the races?.
Blacks should marry other blacks only, and whites should stick to the white race only.
This has been the case for many thousands of years now.

As far as I am concerned, the White race is genetically inferior to blacks anyway, why would a black person in their
right mind want to dilute their genes with someone who is white? Black genes are dominate in all of these combinations.

Wow! This thread is a Jerk Magnet.

Scientific Eve.
Watch NGC Presents Online - Scientific Adam and Eve - Zimbio
Until someone can post the LAW that says he is LEGALLY REQUIRED to perform marriages then this whole argument is baseless. There is NO SUCH LAW. As a JOP he is legally ABLE to perform marriages but that is not the main function of his JOB. Many JOP's do NOT perform marriages. The state of NC says that a Notary is legally ABLE to perform marriages. Do they HAVE to? Nope! It is just something that being a Notary in NC allows you to do. You can become an Ordained Minister online and be LEGALLY ABLE to perform marriages but that doesn't mean you HAVE to. When the SCOTUS ruled that NO ONE could be forced to perform a same sex marriage they basically threw out the right to sue or whatever because someone won't marry you because of their beliefs.

edit: One more thing. The JOP does NOT issue a marriage license. You go through the Clerk of Court for that. So he did NOT refuse to issue them a marriage license. He simply did not want to perform the MARRIAGE CEREMONY because of his beliefs. It might make him not to popular and they might not ask him to continue on as JOP but no laws were broken. I'd be willing to bet that after 34 years he's ready to retire anyway. Might be a bit earlier than what he planned.
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Until someone can post the LAW that says he is LEGALLY REQUIRED to perform marriages then this whole argument is baseless. There is NO SUCH LAW. As a JOP he is legally ABLE to perform marriages but that is not the main function of his JOB. Many JOP's do NOT perform marriages. The state of NC says that a Notary is legally ABLE to perform marriages. Do they HAVE to? Nope! It is just something that being a Notary in NC allows you to do. You can become an Ordained Minister online and be LEGALLY ABLE to perform marriages but that doesn't mean you HAVE to. When the SCOTUS ruled that NO ONE could be forced to perform a same sex marriage they basically threw out the right to sue or whatever because someone won't marry you because of their beliefs.

There are excuses that you can't use. His was one of them.
Whether is was a nice thing to do is not the case here. As I said, he's probably not real popular right now but he broke no laws thanks to the SCOTUS. By setting precedent allowing people who can legally perform marriages to refuse to do so due to their beliefs is going to hold all the way across the board. Just because you don't like the decision he made does NOT make it illegal. Performing marriages is NOT the primary job of a JOP. It is something that comes with the title nothing more. It is NOT mandatory. Do I think it's right.............no...but what happens now has nothing to do with how I feel about it. Or you or anyone else for that matter. NO LAWS WERE BROKEN. Sure, someone's feelings might have gotten hurt a little bit, but they were NOT denied the right to get married. Hell, he even recommended another person to do it for them. Personally, I wouldn't want someone to be FORCED to perform my marriage. I wouldn't feel it was "real".
No laws were broken by the JP, yet he can be (and should be) forced out of office.
I found this on a local LA site, thought it was worth posting:

Did it ever occur to anyone that this may all be a ruse. The New World Order controlled media likes to promote a stereotype of a "racist south" to keep us divided. Perhaps someone in the media paid off the Justice and the couple. I assume the Justice will not be charged even though he committed a crime. He will be asked to resign , which he will do. All three will be paid a hefty sum in secret and the media will have the race-baiting story they wanted.
Ah, great. Another Nazi. Only this time - black one.

Why do I have to be a Nazi, to say that I don't beleive in the mixing of the races?.
Blacks should marry other blacks only, and whites should stick to the white race only.
This has been the case for many thousands of years now.

As far as I am concerned, the White race is genetically inferior to blacks anyway, why would a black person in their
right mind want to dilute their genes with someone who is white? Black genes are dominate in all of these combinations.

Wow! This thread is a Jerk Magnet.

Scientific Eve.
Watch NGC Presents Online - Scientific Adam and Eve - Zimbio

Perhaps I am, but this guy is a flaming racist and many of you are accepting of what he did. NICE!
Why do I have to be a Nazi, to say that I don't beleive in the mixing of the races?.
Blacks should marry other blacks only, and whites should stick to the white race only.
This has been the case for many thousands of years now.

As far as I am concerned, the White race is genetically inferior to blacks anyway, why would a black person in their
right mind want to dilute their genes with someone who is white? Black genes are dominate in all of these combinations.

Wow! This thread is a Jerk Magnet.

Scientific Eve.
Watch NGC Presents Online - Scientific Adam and Eve - Zimbio

Perhaps I am, but this guy is a flaming racist and many of you are accepting of what he did. NICE!

This is one area we are in agreement. What he did was wrong. Not something any two people looking to get married should have to encounter.

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