Loser Lebron James snaps after Charles Barkley eloquently criticizes him


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
here's what happened: Loser Lebron's Cavs lost 8 games in January, including last night's loss to the worst team in the league, Dallas. Loser Lebron asked for more support and more players.

Barkley said: "stop whining. you wanted JR Smith you got him. you wanted shumpert you got him. you wanted korver you got him. you're the best player in the world. do you want ALL the best players. do you not want to compete?"

then Loser Lebron said: "I'm not gonna let folks like Barkley tarnish my legacy like that. there's a new sherriff in town!"
The NBA is different from when Barkley was playing. At that time you could have two stars and five guys named "Bob" on your team, and win the NBA championship. In fact, most of them fit this pattern. Shaq and Kobe, Dirk and Steve Nash, Michael and Scotty Pippin, etc.

Now, the first 6 or 7 players on the roster all have to be significant contributors, or you just can't do it. LeBron is asking management to put together a team that can beat SF, and that will require a whole team, not just a couple of stars and some plug-ins.

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