Looks Like Fetterman Had An Earpiece In.....7 Second Delay In Answering A Question Pretty Much Indicates They Were Feeding Him Answers

. He can stand up on his own, thank you very much.

So, why didn't he?

His performance in the debate was about the most embarrassingly bad attempt at such I have ever seen.

Good grief, the D next to his name is all that you care about. I'm reminded of the passage in 1984 where the inquisitor holds up three fingers and tells Winston Smith he WILL see two.
The sad thing about this is that the Dems are propping up this near-vegetable, but if he were to win the election, they would pressure him to step down almost immediately. Not because he's incapacitated, but because he is incapacitated in a way that could cause him to vote the wrong way accidentally.

So, he steps down, and the (D) governor of Pennsylvania appoints a senator hand picked by the DNC.
I did, that is how I knew you were wrong. Oz is behind by an average of 2 points, not dead even.

Well within the margin of error.
This one says Uncle Festorman only has a one point lead.
While Uncle Festor's numbers are dropping Oz's numbers continues to climb.
That so called debate didnt do any good for Uncle Festors numbers thats for sure.

AARP says it's neck and neck.

Fetterman is not capable of carrying out the duties of a senator. Even if he is brilliant and only has communication difficulties, the nature of the job as a senator is to communicate. Senators do not sit in chambers thinking great thoughts. The must speak, argue, present. Fetterman can't.

It's not as if he has an uncompromising reputation as a brilliant orator and hard worker. He is well known as a slacker. Even without a stroke he isn't capable. He's not going to get better either.

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