Look at this horse

The Irish Ram

Apr 10, 2011
diagonally parked in a parallel universe
Look at the legs on this horse, and the length of his body:

^That is Man o' War. Considered to have had the best conformation of any horse ever. He was perfect.

Now look at the legs on this horse:

That is Mage, who won the Derby this year.

The cannon and radius bones on horses today are an inch + longer and look how far out in front of the horse his left leg is. That is referred to as the horse's stretch. Trying to get that leg back under the horse with all that weight when it is stretched that far is why horses are breaking their ankles and knees and dying every day on racetracks around the country.
There needs to be reform. Breeders are killing horses and the sport. One dead at the Derby, one dead at the Preakness takes all the joy out of a day at the races. It is heartbreaking... :mad:
Secretariat was the GOAT and was a massive horse. But yes, there's so much money in horse racing and the horses are being bred into freaks on the chance that they win one of the big ones.
Secretariat was a marvel. I doubt we'll ever see another horse win the Belmont by 31 lengths. There have been so many great ones. Sea Biscuit, War Admiral, sired by Man o' War, Citation. So many greats. It's hard to watch them being put down on race tracks because of greedy breeders. I swore after today, I'd never watch another race. And I love the sport.
Secretariat was a marvel. I doubt we'll ever see another horse win the Belmont by 31 lengths. There have been so many great ones. Sea Biscuit, War Admiral, sired by Man o' War, Citation. So many greats. It's hard to watch them being put down on race tracks because of greedy breeders. I swore after today, I'd never watch another race. And I love the sport.
I'm not a surgeon, but it seems like they could at least try to fix these horses legs with titanium rods, if for no other reason than letting them live for breeding purposes.
The legs rarely heal because of the weight. Trying to keep them in slings can cause colic due to abdominal pressure, and causes other complications. It's so difficult to keep them immobile long enough for the leg to heal. Sometimes they can put casts on if the injury is a ruptured ligament, but that usually ends their racing career.
Eh, minority opinion I'm sure, but they should ban horse racing. Will never happen. Too much money in it, but they should ban it.
Eh, minority opinion I'm sure, but they should ban horse racing. Will never happen. Too much money in it, but they should ban it.
The dirty side is something not touched upon. Dog racing is the same and is actually slowly being banned. However, dogs do not have riders and are less glamorous than the equines in racing and easier to eliminate if not very good.

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