Long term virus effects.

Post-COVID Conditions​

Updated July 12, 2021

What is funny is their list of long term symptoms is what I got from the 2nd Moderna vaccination, lasted 3 weeks.

  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
  • Tiredness or fatigue
  • Symptoms that get worse after physical or mental activities
  • Difficulty thinking or concentrating (sometimes referred to as “brain fog”)
  • Cough
  • Chest or stomach pain
  • Headache
  • Fast-beating or pounding heart (also known as heart palpitations)
  • Joint or muscle pain
  • Pins-and-needles feeling
  • Diarrhea
  • Sleep problems
  • Fever
  • Dizziness on standing (lightheadedness)
  • Rash
  • Mood changes
  • Change in smell or taste

Moderna analysis: Those vaccinated last year twice more likely to contract COVID-19​

Kyle Morris
Wed, September 15, 2021, 4:31 PM

Moderna Inc. has released a set of data which suggested its COVID-19 vaccine is effective in preventing serious health issues or death from "variants of concern" but admitting that efficacy decreases over time, such that those who received the vaccine last year were twice more likely to contract a breakthrough case of the coronavirus disease.
According to the data, which Moderna released Wednesday, a "study shows lower risk of breakthrough infection in participants vaccinated more recently (median 8 months after first dose) than participants vaccinated last year (median 13 months after first dose)."

What they mean is that in a year the Moderna lost half of its effectiveness.
That means that in approximately 2 years, it will be all gone and have no effectiveness.
This is not a debate on the vax. I visited my cardiologist today. He is very concerned about long term ramifications of getting the virus and getting over it. Whether one is vaxxed is not the issue. Getting the virus and the damage it does even to youth may have consequences down the road. He was majorly concerned.


Understand this:
The covid virus does essentially nothing significant or permanent to the human body.
It can not get into or survive in the blood, so can not travel to he heart, brain, or any other organs except the ones with airways, like the lungs or sinuses.

So what causes the heart, brain, kidney, sense of smell, fatigue, and other damage?
It is all the cytokine storm, the immune system over reaction.
It includes microphages that attack and macerate healthy lung tissue, sending millions of micro blood clots into the vascular system.

The trick is if the cytokine storm is detected, to use immuno-suppressants to stop it.
If you use immuno-suppressants too soon, you instead will just prevent your immune system from working at all.
It has to be monitored by a doctor that understands the stages and what the dangers are.

But do not go to an ICU, where the hospital will not give individual care, but instead will just want to put everyone on a ventilator and ignore them.
That ensures death, because if the cytokine storm happens, then the lungs quickly full with lymphatic system fluids, and the patient will essentially drown unless frequently turned. And no patient in an induced coma for an intubated ventilator, in and ICU, is ever going to get turned.
What they mean is that in a year the Moderna lost half of its effectiveness.
That means that in approximately 2 years, it will be all gone and have no effectiveness.
New research released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday shows that effectiveness of the Moderna vaccine is staying particularly strong.

Over the course of five months of research, from March to August, the effectiveness of all the vaccines at keeping people out of the hospital due to COVID among people without compromising conditions was highest for Moderna recipients, at 93%. Pfizer's effectiveness was overall 88% and Johnson & Johnson's was 71%.

Pfizer's effectiveness decreased after 120 days of the study period, from 91% to 77%, while Moderna's effectiveness did not see a similar decline. Initial effectiveness of 93% only declined to 92% with Moderna.

"Although these real-world data suggest some variation in levels of protection by vaccine, all FDA-approved or authorized COVID-19 vaccines provide substantial protection against COVID-19 hospitalization," researchers concluded.COVID racial disparities also affect kids, report says; Moderna vaccine protection staying especially strong: Latest COVID-19 updates

Israeli study says the Pfizer vaccine is losing effectiveness.​

Last week, Israel's health ministry released preliminary data suggesting that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine's ability to protect against a mild coronavirus infection may have decreased precipitously, even though it remains effective against severe illness and death from COVID-19. The reason for the decrease in the vaccine's effectiveness may be both because of transient immunity and the virulent delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, which is more adept at overcoming the vaccine's defenses.

The delta variant is now the dominant strain of SARS-CoV-2 in Israel, where researchers now estimate that the two-shot Pfizer vaccine is only 39% effective in preventing an infection within the country. That is about half as effective as the vaccine was two weeks ago, when it purportedly exhibited 64% effectiveness against coronavirus infection in Israel


CDC: COVID-19 Vaccines 66% Effective Against Delta Variant​

Aug. 25, 2021 -- Vaccine effectiveness against COVID-19 infection dropped from about 91% to 66% once the Delta variant became the dominant strain in the U.S., according to a new study published Tuesday by the CDC.

The decline points to the highly contagious nature of the Delta variant and underscores the importance of vaccination to prevent severe disease, hospitalization, and death, the study authors wrote.
humanity's best bet for achieving durable immunity is still through a vaccine. Relying on a strategy of waiting for herd immunity to be achieved is "flawed," according to a paper by a group of researchers published in The Lancet.

"There is no evidence for lasting protective immunity to SARS-CoV-2 following natural infection, and the endemic transmission that would be the consequence of waning immunity would present a risk to vulnerable populations for the indefinite future," the researchers wrote. "Such a strategy would not end the COVID-19 pandemic but result in recurrent epidemics, as was the case with numerous infectious diseases before the advent of vaccination."

In other words, political leaders who have pinned hopes of defeating the virus on achieving herd immunity will not only fail, but will needlessly kill their citizens in the process. President Donald Trump as well as UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson have both touted a strategy of achieving herd immunity through deliberate public health inaction in order to let the virus run its course through citizens.
My son has been having cardiac problems ever since getting vexed. He's been to the ER twice.

That is what is so frustrating.
That article claims that recovery immunity won't last and is pushing vaccine immunity instead, when the truth is we know it is the exact opposite.
We know from previous SARS in 2002, and MERS in 2009, that it is recovery immunity that is life long, and so far vaccine immunity appears VERY short lived.

Herd immunity has always been what ended every single previous epidemic there has ever been.
So there is absolutely no reason at all to doubt herd immunity will quickly and easily end covid.
The problem is we prevent herd immunity deliberately.
If you "flatten the curve", you conserve easy hosts, so then prevent herd immunity.
That is what is so frustrating.
That article claims that recovery immunity won't last and is pushing vaccine immunity instead, when the truth is we know it is the exact opposite.
We know from previous SARS in 2002, and MERS in 2009, that it is recovery immunity that is life long, and so far vaccine immunity appears VERY short lived.

Herd immunity has always been what ended every single previous epidemic there has ever been.
So there is absolutely no reason at all to doubt herd immunity will quickly and easily end covid.
The problem is we prevent herd immunity deliberately.
If you "flatten the curve", you conserve easy hosts, so then prevent herd immunity.
It isn’t that simple. For example, immunity from Covid infection isn’t necessarily long lived. That is truth. There are multiple factors at play and a lot of unknowns because the virus hasn’t been around long enough.

What ended prior epidemics wasn’t “herd immunity” through infection, it was through vaccination. The major diseases swept through us in epidemics over and over: small pox, diphtheria, yellow fever, polio. It wasn’t until we had vaccinations that it finally stooped.
It isn’t that simple. For example, immunity from Covid infection isn’t necessarily long lived. That is truth. There are multiple factors at play and a lot of unknowns because the virus hasn’t been around long enough.

What ended prior epidemics wasn’t “herd immunity” through infection, it was through vaccination. The major diseases swept through us in epidemics over and over: small pox, diphtheria, yellow fever, polio. It wasn’t until we had vaccinations that it finally stooped.

No, they are almost certain that covid recovery immunity is life long.
Almost all recovery immunities are life long.
The rare exceptions are pertussis and tetanus
Covid has been around for a very long time, and is very similar to other coronaviruses, this is just the first time we notices it crossing over to humans,

And no, not a single epidemic in progress has EVER been ended by vaccination.
That is because it takes too long to develop a vaccine.
Vaccine have ONLY been used to prevent up coming future epidemics.
ALl epidemics in progress have all only been ended by herd immunity.
For example, the 1948 Polio epidemic was over with herd immunity by the time the Salk vaccine was available in 1957.
It isn’t that simple. For example, immunity from Covid infection isn’t necessarily long lived. That is truth. There are multiple factors at play and a lot of unknowns because the virus hasn’t been around long enough.

What ended prior epidemics wasn’t “herd immunity” through infection, it was through vaccination. The major diseases swept through us in epidemics over and over: small pox, diphtheria, yellow fever, polio. It wasn’t until we had vaccinations that it finally stooped.
It evolved in animals, and not a single recent Chinese communist report about it being at large in nature have we seen.
Yes , he would know
Also you could get long term lung damage
If that were true, you wouldn't be able to contract the virus a second time, but this has happened repeatedly.

Immunity is not magic.
Nothing can prevent infection.
Immunity means the immune system is familiar, so can efficiently recognize and fight off an infection.
No immunity can ever prevent any infection, ever.
Immunity is not magic.
Nothing can prevent infection.
Immunity means the immune system is familiar, so can efficiently recognize and fight off an infection.
No immunity can ever prevent any infection, ever.

Q: Then why are there second infections worse than the first?
A: Mutations.
Q: Then why are there second infections worse than the first?
A: Mutations.

First of all, never heard of 2nd infection worse than first.
Most 2nd infection so minor as to be asymptomatic.

Second is mutations take on order of 10,000 years because they are totally random and therefore usually just inert.
What does happen fast is natural selection increasing the genetic dominance of one long existing variant, or hybridization from more than one variant injecting it RNA into the same cell.
Doctors frequently say "mutation" but that is not the correct use of the word.
When a human married couple have children that contain DNA from both but not identical to either, that is called a hybrid, not a mutation.

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