Long live the "goodness" of the state.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
I know now that Snowden and Assange were not traitors but whistle blowers. The fact that we even know about them is testament to the fact that the state was slow to react to their revelations and their genuine warnings about the power of the state. The state is the state; it makes no difference if it dresses itself in the civilian clothes of a democracy or the uniform of socialism. The outcome for the people is the same, serfdom to the state.

The paradigm of advancing technology has not enhanced the cognitive and spiritual skills of the people, it has in fact, replaced them with the neuro persuasion of the state and the false reality projected to keep the state in control. Humans are mammals on this planet, but the state operates in a very insectoid manner-We are happy drones of the state.

Many do not see what they see, they see what they are told to see. Here in what we call the free world, free people are now quick to turn on their neighbors. They report them to the state as threats and demand retribution for infractions against the state because the state is good and threats to the state are bad. Groupthink nourishes the state while individual observation raises dangerous questions and introduces dissonate notes into the marching music of state compliance. State compliance is good and doing what you are told without question is required by the state.

The state has experts that think for the people so the people can be relieved of the burden of thinking for themselves. Dangerous thoughts are always lurking, and they must be crushed by the state with the help of people who see the goodness of the state and bow to that goodness. The state has wonderful informational allies that used to question it but now act as friendly town criers in service to the state. They bring the goodness of the state into our homes and ease our minds with conformity helping to fight the temptation to ask dangerous questions.

There was a bad man encouraging the people to ask dangerous questions but that bad man is now gone. The state intervened on behalf of the people and manipulated an unwise election process so the state could continue to bestow its goodness on the people. All is good now. Snowden and Assange will rot in prison.
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I am not laughing at you. I want the best for you. But you need to think for yourselves. Only then can you be free.

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