Diamond Member
- Banned
- #1
Trump announced his candidacy in June.
In the intervening months– rightly or wrongly, quoted out of context or otherwise– Trump has trolled every cross section of American society…
..................Trump Cruz Kasich Hillary
Favorable 29 30 41 37
Unfavorable 63 58 39 55
Voters have 30 years-worth of reasons to hate Trump and Hillary.
But the average American can barely recognize Cruz, let alone quote a single gaffe or name a single policy dispute…
In the intervening months– rightly or wrongly, quoted out of context or otherwise– Trump has trolled every cross section of American society…
- “Some, I assume, are good people”
- “I like people who don’t get caught”
- Eminent Domain
- Mass deportation
- Megyn Kelly is “bleeding from her wherever”
- Carly Fiorina is ugly
- Ben Carson is “pathological”
- Mocked disabled reporter (allegedly)
- Muslim ban
- Bush lied, people died
- Trump University
- Trump Steaks
- Disavow David Duke-gate
- Disavow violence-gate
- #AppleVsFBI
- Michelle Fields-ghazi
- Heidi Cruz is ugly
- Michelle Fields-ghazi II
- Abortion gaffe
- Abortion gaffe II
..................Trump Cruz Kasich Hillary
Favorable 29 30 41 37
Unfavorable 63 58 39 55
Voters have 30 years-worth of reasons to hate Trump and Hillary.
But the average American can barely recognize Cruz, let alone quote a single gaffe or name a single policy dispute…