LOL, Climate "Scientists" Now Rejecting Falsifiability as a Necessary Role In Scientific Theory


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
These people are charlatans.

If a theory is not falsifiable then it is not a theory but is a TAUTOLOGY instead.

Climate change has changed the way I think about science. Here’s why

It turns out that my work now as a climate scientist doesn’t quite gel with the way we typically talk about science and how science works.

Climate change, and doing climate change research, has changed the way I see and do science. Here are five points that explain why....

1. Methods aren’t always necessarily falsifiable
Falsifiability is the idea that an assertion can be shown to be false by an experiment or an observation, and is critical to distinctions between “true science” and “pseudoscience”.

Climate models are important and complex tools for understanding the climate system. Are climate models falsifiable? Are they science? A test of falsifiability requires a model test or climate observation that shows global warming caused by increased human-produced greenhouse gases is untrue. It is difficult to propose a test of climate models in advance that is falsifiable....

This difficulty doesn’t mean that climate models or climate science are invalid or untrustworthy. Climate models are carefully developed and evaluated based on their ability to accurately reproduce observed climate trends and processes. This is why climatologists have confidence in them as scientific tools, not because of ideas around falsifiability.

2. There’s lots of ways to interpret data
Climate research is messy. I spent four years of my PhD reconstructing past changes in Australian and Indonesian rainfall over many thousands of years. Reconstructing the past is inherently problematic. It is riddled with uncertainty and subject to our individual interpretations.

During my PhD, I submitted a paper for publication detailing an interpretation of changes in Indonesian climates, derived from a stalagmite that formed deep in a cave.

My coauthors had disparate views about what, in particular, this stalagmite was telling us. Then, when my paper was returned from the process of peer review, seemingly in shreds, it turns out the two reviewers themselves had directly opposing views about the record.​

Lol, Climate Science is turning into such a sham that it is hardly concealable any more.
So all the scientists in the various scientific societies in the world are in on a vast international conspiracy to delude us all? Maybe you fellows need to stock up on tinfoil for your little hats.

Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Sciences, and every major University has policies statements that state that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. You really think you ignorant deniers know more about science than do the scientists? Lordy, lordy, you are beneath contempt.
So all the scientists in the various scientific societies in the world are in on a vast international conspiracy to delude us all? Maybe you fellows need to stock up on tinfoil for your little hats.

Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Sciences, and every major University has policies statements that state that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. You really think you ignorant deniers know more about science than do the scientists? Lordy, lordy, you are beneath contempt.
There are insanely huge amounts of money involved and although I do admire most scientist I'm not going to listen to a mathematician, engineer, politician and so on lecture me on climate.
Lmfao it's a big war and the AGW cult is always on the defense because their bullshit doesn't hold up in court ..

They always embarrass themselves .
OK, silly dumb ass, link to show us where AGW has not stood up in court.

Show us where it has? I could defeat you in a court of law over the AGW scam and I am not even a lawyer or have a college degree..

This reminds me working on our 4th year .

Opinion | Whatever happened to Michael Mann's defamation suit? (2017 edition)
These AGW cultists are DESTROYING SCIENCE by morphing it into something that allows them to claim their BS as science so they can get goobermint money, but without having to submit their work for a falsifiable test.


I should sue old rocks and mamooth in a court of law for One dollar and settle this nonsense AGW crap once and for all

My first witnesses would be a 2nd grade class from Dubuque Iowa who learned about dinosaurs, the ice ages and stuff .

So all the scientists in the various scientific societies in the world are in on a vast international conspiracy to delude us all? Maybe you fellows need to stock up on tinfoil for your little hats.

Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Sciences, and every major University has policies statements that state that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. You really think you ignorant deniers know more about science than do the scientists? Lordy, lordy, you are beneath contempt.
There are insanely huge amounts of money involved and although I do admire most scientist I'm not going to listen to a mathematician, engineer, politician and so on lecture me on climate.
Geologists, Glaciaologists, Climatologists, Meteorologists, and Atmospheric Physicists are the scientists most involved in measuring the warming Earth. Here is the statement of the American Geophysical Union, the Scientific Society with the most of these people in it.

Human-induced climate change requires urgent action.

Humanity is the major influence on the global climate change observed over the past 50 years. Rapid societal responses can significantly lessen negative outcomes.

“Human activities are changing Earth’s climate. At the global level, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping greenhouse gases have increased sharply since the Industrial Revolution. Fossil fuel burning dominates this increase. Human-caused increases in greenhouse gases are responsible for most of the observed global average surface warming of roughly 0.8°C (1.5°F) over the past 140 years. Because natural processes cannot quickly remove some of these gases (notably carbon dioxide) from the atmosphere, our past, present, and future emissions will influence the climate system for millennia.

Extensive, independent observations confirm the reality of global warming. These observations show large-scale increases in air and sea temperatures, sea level, and atmospheric water vapor; they document decreases in the extent of mountain glaciers, snow cover, permafrost, and Arctic sea ice. These changes are broadly consistent with long-understood physics and predictions of how the climate system is expected to respond to human-caused increases in greenhouse gases. The changes are inconsistent with explanations of climate change that rely on known natural influences.

AGU Statement on Climate Change
Lmfao it's a big war and the AGW cult is always on the defense because their bullshit doesn't hold up in court ..

They always embarrass themselves .
OK, silly dumb ass, link to show us where AGW has not stood up in court.

Show us where it has? I could defeat you in a court of law over the AGW scam and I am not even a lawyer or have a college degree..

This reminds me working on our 4th year .

Opinion | Whatever happened to Michael Mann's defamation suit? (2017 edition)
I certainly do believe that you are not a lawyer, nor have a college degree.

Whatever happened to the stupid fuck that was going to charge Dr. Mann with fraud?

Judge Sides With UVa Over State Attorney General's Climate-Research Inquiry

A state judge in Virginia on Monday threw out an attempt by the state's attorney general, Kenneth T. Cuccinelli, to force the University of Virginia to surrender more than a decade's worth of documents related to a leading researcher of climate change.

The judge, Paul M. Peatross Jr., said in his six-page ruling that Mr. Cuccinelli did not sufficiently explain what he believes the former University of Virginia professor, Michael E. Mann, may have done wrong. "The nature of the conduct is not stated so that any reasonable person could glean what Dr. Mann did to violate the statute," Judge Peatross wrote.

Mr. Mann and his supporters in national academic and civil-liberties groups celebrated the ruling, calling it a clear defeat for a state prosecutor who appeared to be using the power of his office to intimidate scientists who have warned of the dangers of manmade global warming.

"It looks like a pretty stinging rebuke of what many have argued is clearly a witch hunt against me, and I hope that it will serve as a wake-up call to the attorney general and his staff," said Mr. Mann, now a professor of meteorology at Pennsylvania State University at University Park.

Oh yes, he went on to lose the election for the Governorship of Virginia.

Virginia Supreme Court Tosses Out AG Cuccinelli Inquisition on Michael Mann

In a victory for university scholars, the Virginia Supreme Court ruled today that Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli does not have the authority to demand the release of email and other documents related to the work of former University of Virginia climate scientist Michael Mann. Cuccinelli’s global warming denial machine fishing expedition had been criticized even by climate ‘skeptics’ who are no friends of Prof. Mann. It raised the chilling question of whether the university could protect researchers’ ability to privately and freely correspond with one another.

The Washington Post and Richmond (Va.) Times-Dispatch online reported.

The Court’s 26-page ruling is here (PDF).

The court’s ruling was on the question of Cuccinelli’s statutory jurisdiction vis-a-vis the university. From the Times-Dispatch:

The Virginia Supreme Court today sided with the University of Virginia in its fight against the state attorney general’s investigation of former U.Va. climate scientist Michael Mann.

The court upheld the Albemarle Circuit Court ruling setting aside Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli’s civil investigative demands for documents related to grants Mann receive to study global warming.

Cuccinell sought the information under the state’s Fraud Against Taxpayers Act.

But the high court ruled today that the university is not “a person” under the act, and the term “corporation” as used in the statute does not include state agencies such as public universities. …
Lmfao it's a big war and the AGW cult is always on the defense because their bullshit doesn't hold up in court ..

They always embarrass themselves .
OK, silly dumb ass, link to show us where AGW has not stood up in court.

Show us where it has? I could defeat you in a court of law over the AGW scam and I am not even a lawyer or have a college degree..

This reminds me working on our 4th year .

Opinion | Whatever happened to Michael Mann's defamation suit? (2017 edition)
I certainly do believe that you are not a lawyer, nor have a college degree.

Whatever happened to the stupid fuck that was going to charge Dr. Mann with fraud?

Judge Sides With UVa Over State Attorney General's Climate-Research Inquiry

A state judge in Virginia on Monday threw out an attempt by the state's attorney general, Kenneth T. Cuccinelli, to force the University of Virginia to surrender more than a decade's worth of documents related to a leading researcher of climate change.

The judge, Paul M. Peatross Jr., said in his six-page ruling that Mr. Cuccinelli did not sufficiently explain what he believes the former University of Virginia professor, Michael E. Mann, may have done wrong. "The nature of the conduct is not stated so that any reasonable person could glean what Dr. Mann did to violate the statute," Judge Peatross wrote.

Mr. Mann and his supporters in national academic and civil-liberties groups celebrated the ruling, calling it a clear defeat for a state prosecutor who appeared to be using the power of his office to intimidate scientists who have warned of the dangers of manmade global warming.

"It looks like a pretty stinging rebuke of what many have argued is clearly a witch hunt against me, and I hope that it will serve as a wake-up call to the attorney general and his staff," said Mr. Mann, now a professor of meteorology at Pennsylvania State University at University Park.

Oh yes, he went on to lose the election for the Governorship of Virginia.

Virginia Supreme Court Tosses Out AG Cuccinelli Inquisition on Michael Mann

In a victory for university scholars, the Virginia Supreme Court ruled today that Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli does not have the authority to demand the release of email and other documents related to the work of former University of Virginia climate scientist Michael Mann. Cuccinelli’s global warming denial machine fishing expedition had been criticized even by climate ‘skeptics’ who are no friends of Prof. Mann. It raised the chilling question of whether the university could protect researchers’ ability to privately and freely correspond with one another.

The Washington Post and Richmond (Va.) Times-Dispatch online reported.

The Court’s 26-page ruling is here (PDF).

The court’s ruling was on the question of Cuccinelli’s statutory jurisdiction vis-a-vis the university. From the Times-Dispatch:

The Virginia Supreme Court today sided with the University of Virginia in its fight against the state attorney general’s investigation of former U.Va. climate scientist Michael Mann.

The court upheld the Albemarle Circuit Court ruling setting aside Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli’s civil investigative demands for documents related to grants Mann receive to study global warming.

Cuccinell sought the information under the state’s Fraud Against Taxpayers Act.

But the high court ruled today that the university is not “a person” under the act, and the term “corporation” as used in the statute does not include state agencies such as public universities. …
Man made climate change is just opinion... no two ways about it
The issue of what is causing the present very rapid warming was settled in 1859 when Tyndall discovered the absorption spectra of CO2, CH4, and other GHGs. That discovery was quantified by Savante Arrhenius in 1896.
So all the scientists in the various scientific societies in the world are in on a vast international conspiracy to delude us all? Maybe you fellows need to stock up on tinfoil for your little hats.

Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Sciences, and every major University has policies statements that state that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. You really think you ignorant deniers know more about science than do the scientists? Lordy, lordy, you are beneath contempt.

If they deny the concept of falsifiabilty they are nothing more than charlatans fool. That is one of the underlying foundations of modern science. To deny falsifiabilty is to return to the days when alchemists were transmuting lead into gold.
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The Global Warming pushers are all full of shit. The biggest destroyer of the environment is China, yet progressive globalists support open trade with them, rewarding China with manufacturing jobs where they use slave labor and no regard for pollution and emissions.
I don't think that anyone is denying falsifiabilty for theories and hypothesis. What they are saying is that really cannot be applied to models. For we know that models are not correct, but they are sometimes useful.
So all the scientists in the various scientific societies in the world are in on a vast international conspiracy to delude us all? Maybe you fellows need to stock up on tinfoil for your little hats.

Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Sciences, and every major University has policies statements that state that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. You really think you ignorant deniers know more about science than do the scientists? Lordy, lordy, you are beneath contempt.
There are insanely huge amounts of money involved and although I do admire most scientist I'm not going to listen to a mathematician, engineer, politician and so on lecture me on climate.
Geologists, Glaciaologists, Climatologists, Meteorologists, and Atmospheric Physicists are the scientists most involved in measuring the warming Earth. Here is the statement of the American Geophysical Union, the Scientific Society with the most of these people in it.

Human-induced climate change requires urgent action.

Humanity is the major influence on the global climate change observed over the past 50 years. Rapid societal responses can significantly lessen negative outcomes.

“Human activities are changing Earth’s climate. At the global level, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping greenhouse gases have increased sharply since the Industrial Revolution. Fossil fuel burning dominates this increase. Human-caused increases in greenhouse gases are responsible for most of the observed global average surface warming of roughly 0.8°C (1.5°F) over the past 140 years. Because natural processes cannot quickly remove some of these gases (notably carbon dioxide) from the atmosphere, our past, present, and future emissions will influence the climate system for millennia.

Extensive, independent observations confirm the reality of global warming. These observations show large-scale increases in air and sea temperatures, sea level, and atmospheric water vapor; they document decreases in the extent of mountain glaciers, snow cover, permafrost, and Arctic sea ice. These changes are broadly consistent with long-understood physics and predictions of how the climate system is expected to respond to human-caused increases in greenhouse gases. The changes are inconsistent with explanations of climate change that rely on known natural influences.

AGU Statement on Climate Change

Here is your climate change, OldFuck...,.....


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So all the scientists in the various scientific societies in the world are in on a vast international conspiracy to delude us all? Maybe you fellows need to stock up on tinfoil for your little hats.

Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Sciences, and every major University has policies statements that state that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. You really think you ignorant deniers know more about science than do the scientists? Lordy, lordy, you are beneath contempt.
There are insanely huge amounts of money involved and although I do admire most scientist I'm not going to listen to a mathematician, engineer, politician and so on lecture me on climate.
Geologists, Glaciaologists, Climatologists, Meteorologists, and Atmospheric Physicists are the scientists most involved in measuring the warming Earth. Here is the statement of the American Geophysical Union, the Scientific Society with the most of these people in it.

Human-induced climate change requires urgent action.

Humanity is the major influence on the global climate change observed over the past 50 years. Rapid societal responses can significantly lessen negative outcomes.

“Human activities are changing Earth’s climate. At the global level, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping greenhouse gases have increased sharply since the Industrial Revolution. Fossil fuel burning dominates this increase. Human-caused increases in greenhouse gases are responsible for most of the observed global average surface warming of roughly 0.8°C (1.5°F) over the past 140 years. Because natural processes cannot quickly remove some of these gases (notably carbon dioxide) from the atmosphere, our past, present, and future emissions will influence the climate system for millennia.

Extensive, independent observations confirm the reality of global warming. These observations show large-scale increases in air and sea temperatures, sea level, and atmospheric water vapor; they document decreases in the extent of mountain glaciers, snow cover, permafrost, and Arctic sea ice. These changes are broadly consistent with long-understood physics and predictions of how the climate system is expected to respond to human-caused increases in greenhouse gases. The changes are inconsistent with explanations of climate change that rely on known natural influences.

AGU Statement on Climate Change
That's great, but people have been caught fudging data to outright lying and then theres Al Gore. The huge economic implications of maybe adverting a 1 degree increase in temperature over a century. Sounds suspiciously like a ponzi scheme to me.
So all the scientists in the various scientific societies in the world are in on a vast international conspiracy to delude us all? Maybe you fellows need to stock up on tinfoil for your little hats.

Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Sciences, and every major University has policies statements that state that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. You really think you ignorant deniers know more about science than do the scientists? Lordy, lordy, you are beneath contempt.
There are insanely huge amounts of money involved and although I do admire most scientist I'm not going to listen to a mathematician, engineer, politician and so on lecture me on climate.
Geologists, Glaciaologists, Climatologists, Meteorologists, and Atmospheric Physicists are the scientists most involved in measuring the warming Earth. Here is the statement of the American Geophysical Union, the Scientific Society with the most of these people in it.

Human-induced climate change requires urgent action.

Humanity is the major influence on the global climate change observed over the past 50 years. Rapid societal responses can significantly lessen negative outcomes.

“Human activities are changing Earth’s climate. At the global level, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping greenhouse gases have increased sharply since the Industrial Revolution. Fossil fuel burning dominates this increase. Human-caused increases in greenhouse gases are responsible for most of the observed global average surface warming of roughly 0.8°C (1.5°F) over the past 140 years. Because natural processes cannot quickly remove some of these gases (notably carbon dioxide) from the atmosphere, our past, present, and future emissions will influence the climate system for millennia.

Extensive, independent observations confirm the reality of global warming. These observations show large-scale increases in air and sea temperatures, sea level, and atmospheric water vapor; they document decreases in the extent of mountain glaciers, snow cover, permafrost, and Arctic sea ice. These changes are broadly consistent with long-understood physics and predictions of how the climate system is expected to respond to human-caused increases in greenhouse gases. The changes are inconsistent with explanations of climate change that rely on known natural influences.

AGU Statement on Climate Change
Why do you political hacks continue to only cite scientists who promote AGW and completely ignore those who dispute that?
If you were honest you'd consider scientists who dispute AGW and you'd question the extremism of the AGW agenda.
I don't think that anyone is denying falsifiabilty for theories and hypothesis. What they are saying is that really cannot be applied to models. For we know that models are not correct, but they are sometimes useful.

If it can't be applied to a model then the model is science fiction pure and simple.

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