Logic riddle:

What is the probability her sibling is also female?

  • 25%

  • 33.33%

  • 50%

  • Not enough information to answer

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A sibling can be either male or female

Probability is 50/50 it is a female

The sex of the other sibling is irrelevant
Tomorrow it will either rain or it will not rain.

Does that mean chance of rain tomorrow is 50/50? Nope...
I'm sticking with not enough info then because she still may have more than one sibling.
Yes, you guys can't even struggle through a simple math problem without your fetish taking over your senses. I did see that coming.

The only hard part of this type of mathematics is freeing yourself from preconceptions and mistaken assumptions. Understanding what information you have and don't have, and discerning what you can and cannot correctly infer from it.
The population ratio of women to men is 50% so it makes that figure most likely with the information given.
The population ratio of women to men is 50% so it makes that figure most likely with the information given.
Maybe try it this way:

An infinite deck of cards, but half are red and half are black.

I select two cards at random, and I hold them behind my back.

I show you one of them. It is red.

What is the probability the other card I hold is also red?
Last edited:
One member is already set
The other member is 50/50
This is where your fundamental error lies. Both members are "already set". The coins have already been flipped.

Else, this problem would then be reduced to, "The girl's mother is about to have another baby. Will it be male or female?"

In this case, you know you have the older sibling in front of you.

In my riddle, you do not have this information.
This is where your fundamental error lies. Both members are "already set". The coins have already been flipped.

Else, this problem would then be reduced to, "The girl's mother is about to have another baby. Will it be male or female?"

In this case, you know you have the older sibling in front of you.

In my riddle, you do not have this information.
Doesn’t matter

We know the sex of one
Don’t know the sex of the other
Makes it 50/50
He's saying the odds of having a boy and a girl are higher than having two girls regardless. Sequential vs combinational logic. Given one then the other..
You're a liberal. Are we assuming there are only two sexes?
I agree that there are only two sexes.

I will also acknowledge a person who identifies as gay as 'just another one of us' with NO MENTAL issues, as some RWI's suggest.
Gays have been among the non gay, as long as humans have existed.
I just choose to treat the gay the same as I treat the non-gay.
Many RWI's have a problem doing that, they openly tell us that, (well at least the vocal on USMB) and the very few bigots I know.

So, what's the next concern you have about how I feel about the gay community?
In case you missed the point, "I have no problem with anyone that identifies as gay."

Is trans your next question.
To that I will answer the exact same way.
Deal with it and quit being so angry.
You are sitting in the park and meet a girl. She says she has one sibling.

What is the probability her sibling is also female?

(Assume no identical twins)
Sorry. error vote.

This is not a dependent probability so the probability is approximately 50%.

Sibling can be girl or boy approximately 50% probability.

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