Lockheed Martin to lay off 123,000


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Lockheed Martin to lay off 123,000 and other defense contractors may follow - Tea Party Tribune

Lockheed Martin is going to lay off 123,000 defense workers due to Obama's downsizing of the military

President Obama’s administration has asked Lockheed Martin to delay its announcement of the layoffs of 123,000 employees to make the unemployment numbers look much better. Lockheed Martin is one of several defense contractors ready to lay off tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of people after the election. These numbers may indeed rocket the unemployment figures past 8%.

Obama's sheds one tear for laid off workers. All part of his move forward approach to get Americans back to work.


Lockheed Martin to lay off 123,000 and other defense contractors may follow - Tea Party Tribune

Lockheed Martin is going to lay off 123,000 defense workers due to Obama's downsizing of the military

President Obama’s administration has asked Lockheed Martin to delay its announcement of the layoffs of 123,000 employees to make the unemployment numbers look much better. Lockheed Martin is one of several defense contractors ready to lay off tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of people after the election. These numbers may indeed rocket the unemployment figures past 8%.

Obama's sheds one tear for laid off workers. All part of his move forward approach to get Americans back to work.

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And there is nova, the con tool. Referencing a new source, which blasts obama. Normal for nova. That is what he does.
So, let me see. Must be another really, really impartial and believable source. But NO, NOVA. Not again. Your source is as partial as possible. it is THE TEA PARTY TRIBUNE!!! How can we ever take you seriously, nova. This proves, again, that you are simply a con tool.
Lockheed Martin to lay off 123,000 and other defense contractors may follow - Tea Party Tribune

Lockheed Martin is going to lay off 123,000 defense workers due to Obama's downsizing of the military

President Obama’s administration has asked Lockheed Martin to delay its announcement of the layoffs of 123,000 employees to make the unemployment numbers look much better. Lockheed Martin is one of several defense contractors ready to lay off tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of people after the election. These numbers may indeed rocket the unemployment figures past 8%.

Obama's sheds one tear for laid off workers. All part of his move forward approach to get Americans back to work.

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And there is nova, the con tool. Referencing a new source, which blasts obama. Normal for nova. That is what he does.
So, let me see. Must be another really, really impartial and believable source. But NO, NOVA. Not again. Your source is as partial as possible. it is THE TEA PARTY TRIBUNE!!! How can we ever take you seriously, nova. This proves, again, that you are simply a con tool.

Here...try this then!

Despite the possibility of laying off 10,000 workers if the defense budget cuts are enacted in January, Lockheed Martin is not notifying its workers of any mass layoffs.
Lockheed Martin Not Giving Layoff Notices - AMD
Lockheed Martin to lay off 123,000 and other defense contractors may follow - Tea Party Tribune

Lockheed Martin is going to lay off 123,000 defense workers due to Obama's downsizing of the military

President Obama’s administration has asked Lockheed Martin to delay its announcement of the layoffs of 123,000 employees to make the unemployment numbers look much better. Lockheed Martin is one of several defense contractors ready to lay off tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of people after the election. These numbers may indeed rocket the unemployment figures past 8%.

Obama's sheds one tear for laid off workers. All part of his move forward approach to get Americans back to work.

View attachment 22417

View attachment 22418
And there is nova, the con tool. Referencing a new source, which blasts obama. Normal for nova. That is what he does.
So, let me see. Must be another really, really impartial and believable source. But NO, NOVA. Not again. Your source is as partial as possible. it is THE TEA PARTY TRIBUNE!!! How can we ever take you seriously, nova. This proves, again, that you are simply a con tool.

Here...try this then!

Despite the possibility of laying off 10,000 workers if the defense budget cuts are enacted in January, Lockheed Martin is not notifying its workers of any mass layoffs.
Lockheed Martin Not Giving Layoff Notices - AMD
Much better. Did you happen to notice that 10,000 in January if the defense budget is cut is just a bit different than 123,000. And, of course, if you would rather keep employing people to help blow holes in the ground in foreign countries in order to hep keep employment up, then you would be against the reduction in the defense appropriation. However, if you are concerned about the deficit, or if you would rather use the defense $ to provide stimulative spending in US jobs, then the layoffs may be ok with you.

But, my point is, cons like nova are disingenuous. They only post dogma made to make the current dem pres look bad. Which is useless if you actually want to understand what is going on.
use the defense $ to provide stimulative spending in US jobs,

And then the stimulative spending ends, the jobs disappear and you have a recession. Sorry dear but sustainable jobs come from the private sector. This is Econ 101, class one, day one.

See why we are positive a liberal will be slow. Someone told you a stimulus was stimulative and you simply believed it. Why not wait till college before you post here??
Regardless of the number of lay-offs ,there will be many,and more to follow as the Obama agenda goes into warp drive,and as any sane person knows when obama care is in full swing many will lose there jobs,or be force into lower paying jobs,and or part time positions ....
Regardless of the number of lay-offs ,there will be many,and more to follow as the Obama agenda goes into warp drive,and as any sane person knows when obama care is in full swing many will lose there jobs,or be force into lower paying jobs,and or part time positions ....
All opinion, nova. And you know how much your opinion is worth. Big surprise is that you did not post more from bat shit crazy con web sites. And where is the appology for the post of 123,000 jobs being lost at Lockheed??? Lockheed has, in total counting all divisions, 123,000 employees. Kind of a big deal if they were to lay of 123,000, eh, nova. Hard to have a corporation without any employees.

But then, nova has no integrity. And his buds do not question his numbers.
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Regardless of the number of lay-offs ,there will be many,and more to follow as the Obama agenda goes into warp drive,and as any sane person knows when obama care is in full swing many will lose there jobs,or be force into lower paying jobs,and or part time positions ....
All opinion, nova.

Opinion?? Its what always happens when you have more and more socialism. Notice what happend to Communist China when they switched from socialism to capitalism??

They purchased no cars at all in 1980, now they purchase 20 million a year! Hundreds of millions still live on a dollar a day to create huge huge inequality but its obviously worth it!!
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Regardless of the number of lay-offs ,there will be many,and more to follow as the Obama agenda goes into warp drive,and as any sane person knows when obama care is in full swing many will lose there jobs,or be force into lower paying jobs,and or part time positions ....
All opinion, nova.

Opinion?? Its what always happens when you have more and more socialism. Notice what happend to Communist China when they switched from socialism to capitalism??

They purchased no cars at all in 1980, now they purchase 20 million a year! Hundreds of millions still live on a dollar a day to create huge huge inequality but its obviously worth it!!
ed, me boy, you are an idiot. You actually believe that China is a capitalist economy. You may be surprised that they disagree. Did you know that the majority of profits go to the state. Not a mere few percent but most of their profit. You are off of your meds. Poor ed. Trying to sound like you know something. But then if us workers would all just work for a buck a day, well, that would be libertarian nervana. Perfect in the limited minds of cons.
You should try a link to impartial source some time. Good for your self image.
You actually believe that China is a capitalist economy.

dear, all economies are mixed. China took a huge step toward capitalism in 1980!!! Wen Jiaboa came here and talked about how he now worshiped Adam Smith and MIlton Friedman on GPS!! Did you think it was huge step toward deeper communism that made them so rich????

See why we are positive a liberal will be slow???

U.S.'s Startup Myth; China's 'Ford Moment': Commentary Review ...
Jul 3, 2010... may have to go Communist. It's tempting to wonder which way China will go. ... So far, China has taken the first path, going more the way of capitalism than Communism. ... Krugman or Paulson: Who You Gonna Bet On? ...

Businessweek - Business News, Stock Market & Financial Advice... - Similar

The Myth of Asia's Miracle
Paul Krugman* ... Communist growth rates were certainly impressive, but not magical. ..... unfair: one is weighing down the buoyant performance of Chinese capitalism with the leaden performance of Chinese socialism. ... Even a modest slowing in China's growth will change the geopolitical outlook substantially. ...

web.mit.edu/krugman/www/myth.html - Similar

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