Lockdown Fans: What Is Your Endgame Plan?

I’m advocating that we listen to the experts.
what do we consider to be experts?

virologists? epidemiologists ? regular doctors?

we could pick any one of ^^^^, and ring up their C-19 Utubes ,only to find them fighting among themselves

Being human, experts never agree on everything but in regard to the coronavirus, leaders in fields of virology, epidemiology, and medical research, nearly all agree the novel coronavirus is spread primarily through the air between humans. Plus both scientists and anyone with common sense agrees that separating people prevents the spread of the virus. The major disagreements occur when experts start making recommendations that have consequences outside of their field, such as epidemiologists recommend that we keep lock down orders in place which has grave economic consequences.
People who want the lockdowns to continue spend a lot of time shouting slogans and congratulating themselves on how they're "the only ones who care about saving lives", but I have yet to hear any of them tell us what their actual plan is for an endgame, or how they envision the future going forward if we were to cave in to their demands.

So I'd really like to know: if you could convince all the governors to continue the lockdowns, what do you think that looks like? How long do you want it to last, and/or what is your metric for ending it? And then what happens? What's your plan going forward from there? Do you have one?
A good place to start is when there are no new cases.

You couldn't figure that out all by yourself? Wow!
That will never happen

Not with our president.
Not with any president

Looks like South Korea, Singapore and other countries are flattening out that curve and reducing their numbers of active cases. Why can't Trump?

Let me know when the combined population numbers of those countries comes close to our actual population number....
There are no excuses for what has happened here. We are supposed to have the best medical facilities and equipment. Our situation was created by poor presidential leadership.

So what was South Korea’s excuse when they got hammered by MERS a few years ago? What was Spain’s excuse now? How about France? UK? It’s a global pandemic. Everyone got overwhelmed.

MERS killed about 36 people in South Korea in 2015.

Spain, didn't react well to COVID. Neither did France and in the U.K. they were seriously considering herd immunity until it got serious.

In the mean time we were better positioned, had more warning and it's still not over with. If you took the NYC area out of the mix the number of cases is only increasing in the United States and now we are going to reopen? Makes perfect sense.
We should have sealed New York from the rest of America along with china

I always kinda thought we should do that, anyway.
New York City is a petri dish for disease

And diseased thinking.

Yeah, New York whose economy far out paces most of the country.
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Americans, by a large 30-point margin, are resistant to re-opening the country now, believing the risk to human life of opening the country outweighs the economic toll of remaining under restrictive lockdowns -- a concern that starkly divides along partisan lines, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos released Friday.

It's not the only poll showing this result either. I know, I know, you've been programmed to disregard any information you don't want to be true but your confirmation bias is not my problem.

The polls only indicate that the 24/7 news cycle of alarmism regarding the corona panic has swayed the opinion of a lot of people.

As people see things open up in Georgia, in Mississippi and other forward thinking parts of the country, their opinions will change. And that's why radicals on the coast are fighting the efforts of people in the interior to get back to normalcy.

Yeah, people aren't as dumb as you. When they see the virus spike in places like Georgia it's going to be painfully obvious why.
What "spike?"

Georgia cases are increasing. Wait for the spike because with their economy allegedly opening the outcome is going to be pretty obvious. Georgia already has more cases and deaths per capita than California by almost double.

I'm sure you hope that will be the case, but my guess is that the opening of the Great State of Georgia will occur with no particular problems at all, leading other states to follow suit. Maybe not Far Left New York, but other, forward thinking states.

No, my hope would be that COVID will mutate out of existence but you can't count on hope.

There is not a shred of evidence that supports opening up will lead to fewer cases, quite the opposite.
There's even less evidence (as in zero) that cowering in our homes and throwing scores of millions out of work will make the virus go away.

It's way past time to nut up, protect the vulnerable, and get back to living life.

Nothing you said there is accurate or contains any merit.
What I said is exactly accurate....Maybe you have some verifiable evidence that Cowering in Place™ and ruining the lives of the healthy is going to make the virus just give up and go away?

C'mon....Dazzle us.

I've already provided a link for a stud that shows Social Distancing and Stay at home measures work. Cower? I'm not cowering. On Wednesday I'm going to practice social distancing and go off roading in Sedona. I've also been spending a lot of time working on my hobby which is upgrading my OHV. So, maybe you can't think of anything to do but leave me out of your pathetic existence.

As far as ruining lives. Yes, many people are going to suffer but there is only one way to fix this and that is to get beyond the virus before economies can be fully opened and since we have so few weapons we're going to need to depend on social distancing measures. Most Americans are in agreement as many polls have demonstrated.
Most Americans who think as you do will change their minds when they run out of money
I’m advocating that we listen to the experts.
what do we consider to be experts?

virologists? epidemiologists ? regular doctors?

we could pick any one of ^^^^, and ring up their C-19 Utubes ,only to find them fighting among themselves

Being human, experts never agree on everything but in regard to the coronavirus, leaders in fields of virology, epidemiology, and medical research, nearly all agree the novel coronavirus is spread primarily through the air between humans. Plus both scientists and anyone with common sense agrees that separating people prevents the spread of the virus. The major disagreements occur when experts start making recommendations that have consequences outside of their field, such as epidemiologists recommend that we keep lock down orders in place which has grave economic consequences.
People who want the lockdowns to continue spend a lot of time shouting slogans and congratulating themselves on how they're "the only ones who care about saving lives", but I have yet to hear any of them tell us what their actual plan is for an endgame, or how they envision the future going forward if we were to cave in to their demands.

So I'd really like to know: if you could convince all the governors to continue the lockdowns, what do you think that looks like? How long do you want it to last, and/or what is your metric for ending it? And then what happens? What's your plan going forward from there? Do you have one?
A good place to start is when there are no new cases.

You couldn't figure that out all by yourself? Wow!
That will never happen

Not with our president.
Not with any president

Looks like South Korea, Singapore and other countries are flattening out that curve and reducing their numbers of active cases. Why can't Trump?

Let me know when the combined population numbers of those countries comes close to our actual population number....
There are no excuses for what has happened here. We are supposed to have the best medical facilities and equipment. Our situation was created by poor presidential leadership.

So what was South Korea’s excuse when they got hammered by MERS a few years ago? What was Spain’s excuse now? How about France? UK? It’s a global pandemic. Everyone got overwhelmed.

MERS killed about 36 people in South Korea in 2015.

Spain, didn't react well to COVID. Neither did France and in the U.K. they were seriously considering herd immunity until it got serious.

In the mean time we were better positioned, had more warning and it's still not over with. If you took the NYC area out of the mix the number of cases is only increasing in the United States and now we are going to reopen? Makes perfect sense.
We should have sealed New York from the rest of America along with china

I always kinda thought we should do that, anyway.
New York City is a petri dish for disease

And diseased thinking.

Yeah, New York whose economy far out paces most of the country.
New York used to be a manufacturing center

but not so much now

Its still a hub for commerce but mostly just buying and selling stuff produced somewhere else
Americans, by a large 30-point margin, are resistant to re-opening the country now, believing the risk to human life of opening the country outweighs the economic toll of remaining under restrictive lockdowns -- a concern that starkly divides along partisan lines, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos released Friday.

It's not the only poll showing this result either. I know, I know, you've been programmed to disregard any information you don't want to be true but your confirmation bias is not my problem.

The polls only indicate that the 24/7 news cycle of alarmism regarding the corona panic has swayed the opinion of a lot of people.

As people see things open up in Georgia, in Mississippi and other forward thinking parts of the country, their opinions will change. And that's why radicals on the coast are fighting the efforts of people in the interior to get back to normalcy.

Yeah, people aren't as dumb as you. When they see the virus spike in places like Georgia it's going to be painfully obvious why.

I doubt it will be painfully obvious, since I'm sure you leftists will continue to go out of your way to spread more lies about it.

What lie did I spread?

Don't give me this shit about "We've worked really hard to panic people and convince them of bullshit, and now you have to treat our lies like truth because look how many people have bought it" and expect me to fall in line.

What bullshit were people convinced of?

Was it that lie about going from 15 to nearly zero cases?
Was it the lie that the cupboards were bare and Obama didn't leave Trump a test for a virus that didn't yet exist?
Was it the lie that anyone could get a test for anytime they like?
Was it the lie that the WH set guidelines for reopening only for the president to ignore them when red states chose to open too early?
Was it the lie that nobody could have predicted this pandemic when the WH was alerted repeatedly?

There's more missteps along the way but where is the documented evidence that social distancing does not slow the spread of the virus? You seem to think that's not true, you ignored my link about the subject.

No instead let's have a bunch of wingnut assholes protesting measures that work and shaming people on facebook for wearing a face mask or pretending their 2nd amendment rights are once again under siege.

Fucking waste of space you guys are.
Americans, by a large 30-point margin, are resistant to re-opening the country now, believing the risk to human life of opening the country outweighs the economic toll of remaining under restrictive lockdowns -- a concern that starkly divides along partisan lines, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos released Friday.

It's not the only poll showing this result either. I know, I know, you've been programmed to disregard any information you don't want to be true but your confirmation bias is not my problem.

The polls only indicate that the 24/7 news cycle of alarmism regarding the corona panic has swayed the opinion of a lot of people.

As people see things open up in Georgia, in Mississippi and other forward thinking parts of the country, their opinions will change. And that's why radicals on the coast are fighting the efforts of people in the interior to get back to normalcy.

Yeah, people aren't as dumb as you. When they see the virus spike in places like Georgia it's going to be painfully obvious why.
What "spike?"

Georgia cases are increasing. Wait for the spike because with their economy allegedly opening the outcome is going to be pretty obvious. Georgia already has more cases and deaths per capita than California by almost double.

I'm sure you hope that will be the case, but my guess is that the opening of the Great State of Georgia will occur with no particular problems at all, leading other states to follow suit. Maybe not Far Left New York, but other, forward thinking states.

No, my hope would be that COVID will mutate out of existence but you can't count on hope.

There is not a shred of evidence that supports opening up will lead to fewer cases, quite the opposite.

So far as I can tell, there has been no evidence actually suggesting that lockdowns lead to fewer cases and/or fewer deaths, either. Which makes sense, since they were never intended for that purpose. The lockdowns were only ever supposed to delay cases and spread them out over time, so that the hospitals wouldn't be overrun. The models never suggested that the eventual end totals wouldn't be the same either way.

As far as I can tell you didn't really look.

As far as I can tell, you didn't really think. Washington has been locked down, but it's still generating cases. Where are those coming from, if lockdowns utterly prevent people from getting sick like you keep pretending? Where is the model showing us that the end total number of cases is going to be lower? EVERY model indicates that, months down the road (barring a deus ex machina), the exact same number of people are going to have been infected. The only difference is whether they get infected now, or a month from now.
Americans, by a large 30-point margin, are resistant to re-opening the country now, believing the risk to human life of opening the country outweighs the economic toll of remaining under restrictive lockdowns -- a concern that starkly divides along partisan lines, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos released Friday.

It's not the only poll showing this result either. I know, I know, you've been programmed to disregard any information you don't want to be true but your confirmation bias is not my problem.

The polls only indicate that the 24/7 news cycle of alarmism regarding the corona panic has swayed the opinion of a lot of people.

As people see things open up in Georgia, in Mississippi and other forward thinking parts of the country, their opinions will change. And that's why radicals on the coast are fighting the efforts of people in the interior to get back to normalcy.

Yeah, people aren't as dumb as you. When they see the virus spike in places like Georgia it's going to be painfully obvious why.
What "spike?"

Georgia cases are increasing. Wait for the spike because with their economy allegedly opening the outcome is going to be pretty obvious. Georgia already has more cases and deaths per capita than California by almost double.
So says you. Where's the evidence? There is no chart of daily cases on Worldometer.

Did I say daily?

Georgia has more cases and deaths by nearly double than California who was hit much earlier.
That isn't what the term "spike" means, moron. Tracking cases on a daily basis is how you determine if there is a "spike" in the graph.

You're using terms that you don't understand.
Americans, by a large 30-point margin, are resistant to re-opening the country now, believing the risk to human life of opening the country outweighs the economic toll of remaining under restrictive lockdowns -- a concern that starkly divides along partisan lines, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos released Friday.

It's not the only poll showing this result either. I know, I know, you've been programmed to disregard any information you don't want to be true but your confirmation bias is not my problem.

The polls only indicate that the 24/7 news cycle of alarmism regarding the corona panic has swayed the opinion of a lot of people.

As people see things open up in Georgia, in Mississippi and other forward thinking parts of the country, their opinions will change. And that's why radicals on the coast are fighting the efforts of people in the interior to get back to normalcy.

Yeah, people aren't as dumb as you. When they see the virus spike in places like Georgia it's going to be painfully obvious why.
What "spike?"

Georgia cases are increasing. Wait for the spike because with their economy allegedly opening the outcome is going to be pretty obvious. Georgia already has more cases and deaths per capita than California by almost double.

I'm sure you hope that will be the case, but my guess is that the opening of the Great State of Georgia will occur with no particular problems at all, leading other states to follow suit. Maybe not Far Left New York, but other, forward thinking states.

No, my hope would be that COVID will mutate out of existence but you can't count on hope.

There is not a shred of evidence that supports opening up will lead to fewer cases, quite the opposite.
There's even less evidence (as in zero) that cowering in our homes and throwing scores of millions out of work will make the virus go away.

It's way past time to nut up, protect the vulnerable, and get back to living life.

Nothing you said there is accurate or contains any merit.
What I said is exactly accurate....Maybe you have some verifiable evidence that Cowering in Place™ and ruining the lives of the healthy is going to make the virus just give up and go away?

C'mon....Dazzle us.

I've already provided a link for a stud that shows Social Distancing and Stay at home measures work. Cower? I'm not cowering. On Wednesday I'm going to practice social distancing and go off roading in Sedona. I've also been spending a lot of time working on my hobby which is upgrading my OHV. So, maybe you can't think of anything to do but leave me out of your pathetic existence.

As far as ruining lives. Yes, many people are going to suffer but there is only one way to fix this and that is to get beyond the virus before economies can be fully opened and since we have so few weapons we're going to need to depend on social distancing measures. Most Americans are in agreement as many polls have demonstrated.
I said verifiable evidence....And fucking worthless polls are irrelevant....You're "evidence" fails the scientific acid test of falsifiablility.....Meaning that you cannot possibly prove, whether empirically or objectively, that all the bullshit of the last couple months has been effective....In fact, what the states like Iowa and South Dakota did shows that the whole lockdown was entirely unnecessary.

Your utter disregard (and probably contempt) for people that you admit are suffering is duly noted....You're a phony baloney moralizing narcissist.
Americans, by a large 30-point margin, are resistant to re-opening the country now, believing the risk to human life of opening the country outweighs the economic toll of remaining under restrictive lockdowns -- a concern that starkly divides along partisan lines, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos released Friday.

It's not the only poll showing this result either. I know, I know, you've been programmed to disregard any information you don't want to be true but your confirmation bias is not my problem.

The polls only indicate that the 24/7 news cycle of alarmism regarding the corona panic has swayed the opinion of a lot of people.

As people see things open up in Georgia, in Mississippi and other forward thinking parts of the country, their opinions will change. And that's why radicals on the coast are fighting the efforts of people in the interior to get back to normalcy.

Yeah, people aren't as dumb as you. When they see the virus spike in places like Georgia it's going to be painfully obvious why.

I doubt it will be painfully obvious, since I'm sure you leftists will continue to go out of your way to spread more lies about it.

What lie did I spread?

Don't give me this shit about "We've worked really hard to panic people and convince them of bullshit, and now you have to treat our lies like truth because look how many people have bought it" and expect me to fall in line.

What bullshit were people convinced of?

Was it that lie about going from 15 to nearly zero cases?
Was it the lie that the cupboards were bare and Obama didn't leave Trump a test for a virus that didn't yet exist?
Was it the lie that anyone could get a test for anytime they like?
Was it the lie that the WH set guidelines for reopening only for the president to ignore them when red states chose to open too early?
Was it the lie that nobody could have predicted this pandemic when the WH was alerted repeatedly?

There's more missteps along the way but where is the documented evidence that social distancing does not slow the spread of the virus? You seem to think that's not true, you ignored my link about the subject.

No instead let's have a bunch of wingnut assholes protesting measures that work and shaming people on facebook for wearing a face mask or pretending their 2nd amendment rights are once again under siege.

Fucking waste of space you guys are.

Enough deflection. You've wasted pages of posts trying to make this about virtue signaling and demonization instead of addressing the topic.

So if you don't want to reopen, tell us what your plan looks for to remain locked down. You want to preen yourself on how you care so much more for people and locking down is "what good people think"? Then EARN your self-flattery and tell me what you plan to do besides running your gums.
I’m advocating that we listen to the experts.
what do we consider to be experts?

virologists? epidemiologists ? regular doctors?

we could pick any one of ^^^^, and ring up their C-19 Utubes ,only to find them fighting among themselves

Being human, experts never agree on everything but in regard to the coronavirus, leaders in fields of virology, epidemiology, and medical research, nearly all agree the novel coronavirus is spread primarily through the air between humans. Plus both scientists and anyone with common sense agrees that separating people prevents the spread of the virus. The major disagreements occur when experts start making recommendations that have consequences outside of their field, such as epidemiologists recommend that we keep lock down orders in place which has grave economic consequences.
People who want the lockdowns to continue spend a lot of time shouting slogans and congratulating themselves on how they're "the only ones who care about saving lives", but I have yet to hear any of them tell us what their actual plan is for an endgame, or how they envision the future going forward if we were to cave in to their demands.

So I'd really like to know: if you could convince all the governors to continue the lockdowns, what do you think that looks like? How long do you want it to last, and/or what is your metric for ending it? And then what happens? What's your plan going forward from there? Do you have one?
A good place to start is when there are no new cases.

You couldn't figure that out all by yourself? Wow!
That will never happen

Not with our president.
Not with any president

Looks like South Korea, Singapore and other countries are flattening out that curve and reducing their numbers of active cases. Why can't Trump?

Let me know when the combined population numbers of those countries comes close to our actual population number....
There are no excuses for what has happened here. We are supposed to have the best medical facilities and equipment. Our situation was created by poor presidential leadership.

So what was South Korea’s excuse when they got hammered by MERS a few years ago? What was Spain’s excuse now? How about France? UK? It’s a global pandemic. Everyone got overwhelmed.

MERS killed about 36 people in South Korea in 2015.

Spain, didn't react well to COVID. Neither did France and in the U.K. they were seriously considering herd immunity until it got serious.

In the mean time we were better positioned, had more warning and it's still not over with. If you took the NYC area out of the mix the number of cases is only increasing in the United States and now we are going to reopen? Makes perfect sense.
We should have sealed New York from the rest of America along with china

I always kinda thought we should do that, anyway.
New York City is a petri dish for disease

And diseased thinking.

Yeah, New York whose economy far out paces most of the country.
Live by the sword, die by the sword!
Americans, by a large 30-point margin, are resistant to re-opening the country now, believing the risk to human life of opening the country outweighs the economic toll of remaining under restrictive lockdowns -- a concern that starkly divides along partisan lines, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos released Friday.

It's not the only poll showing this result either. I know, I know, you've been programmed to disregard any information you don't want to be true but your confirmation bias is not my problem.

The polls only indicate that the 24/7 news cycle of alarmism regarding the corona panic has swayed the opinion of a lot of people.

As people see things open up in Georgia, in Mississippi and other forward thinking parts of the country, their opinions will change. And that's why radicals on the coast are fighting the efforts of people in the interior to get back to normalcy.

Yeah, people aren't as dumb as you. When they see the virus spike in places like Georgia it's going to be painfully obvious why.
What "spike?"

Georgia cases are increasing. Wait for the spike because with their economy allegedly opening the outcome is going to be pretty obvious. Georgia already has more cases and deaths per capita than California by almost double.

I'm sure you hope that will be the case, but my guess is that the opening of the Great State of Georgia will occur with no particular problems at all, leading other states to follow suit. Maybe not Far Left New York, but other, forward thinking states.

No, my hope would be that COVID will mutate out of existence but you can't count on hope.

There is not a shred of evidence that supports opening up will lead to fewer cases, quite the opposite.

So far as I can tell, there has been no evidence actually suggesting that lockdowns lead to fewer cases and/or fewer deaths, either. Which makes sense, since they were never intended for that purpose. The lockdowns were only ever supposed to delay cases and spread them out over time, so that the hospitals wouldn't be overrun. The models never suggested that the eventual end totals wouldn't be the same either way.

As far as I can tell you didn't really look.

As far as I can tell, you didn't really think. Washington has been locked down, but it's still generating cases.

We're moving the goal posts then? Did Washington reduce their cases due to social distancing or not? They did. Actually most places that effectively practiced social distancing and stay at home have reduced their cases or kept them low. San Francisco Bay Area, Washington State, Michigan and the NYC area are all seeing reductions in new cases yet if you remove those areas the remaining population of the U.S. is still going up.

Here is what is happening in NYC vs the rest of the United States. By reopening further it's just going to push much of the country back up.


Where are those coming from, if lockdowns utterly prevent people from getting sick like you keep pretending? Where is the model showing us that the end total number of cases is going to be lower? EVERY model indicates that, months down the road (barring a deus ex machina), the exact same number of people are going to have been infected. The only difference is whether they get infected now, or a month from now.

Did I ever say that stay at home measures alone reduce cases to zero immediately? No, why are you lying and saying I did? Very disingenuous of you or perhaps you're just not that bright. Which one?

Exact same number will be infected? That sounds whimsical.
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Americans, by a large 30-point margin, are resistant to re-opening the country now, believing the risk to human life of opening the country outweighs the economic toll of remaining under restrictive lockdowns -- a concern that starkly divides along partisan lines, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos released Friday.

It's not the only poll showing this result either. I know, I know, you've been programmed to disregard any information you don't want to be true but your confirmation bias is not my problem.

The polls only indicate that the 24/7 news cycle of alarmism regarding the corona panic has swayed the opinion of a lot of people.

As people see things open up in Georgia, in Mississippi and other forward thinking parts of the country, their opinions will change. And that's why radicals on the coast are fighting the efforts of people in the interior to get back to normalcy.

Yeah, people aren't as dumb as you. When they see the virus spike in places like Georgia it's going to be painfully obvious why.
What "spike?"

Georgia cases are increasing. Wait for the spike because with their economy allegedly opening the outcome is going to be pretty obvious. Georgia already has more cases and deaths per capita than California by almost double.
So says you. Where's the evidence? There is no chart of daily cases on Worldometer.

Did I say daily?

Georgia has more cases and deaths by nearly double than California who was hit much earlier.
That isn't what the term "spike" means, moron. Tracking cases on a daily basis is how you determine if there is a "spike" in the graph.

You're using terms that you don't understand.

The spike comes after a couple of weeks of inbreds like yourself socializing with each other.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
Americans, by a large 30-point margin, are resistant to re-opening the country now, believing the risk to human life of opening the country outweighs the economic toll of remaining under restrictive lockdowns -- a concern that starkly divides along partisan lines, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos released Friday.

It's not the only poll showing this result either. I know, I know, you've been programmed to disregard any information you don't want to be true but your confirmation bias is not my problem.

The polls only indicate that the 24/7 news cycle of alarmism regarding the corona panic has swayed the opinion of a lot of people.

As people see things open up in Georgia, in Mississippi and other forward thinking parts of the country, their opinions will change. And that's why radicals on the coast are fighting the efforts of people in the interior to get back to normalcy.

Yeah, people aren't as dumb as you. When they see the virus spike in places like Georgia it's going to be painfully obvious why.
What "spike?"

Georgia cases are increasing. Wait for the spike because with their economy allegedly opening the outcome is going to be pretty obvious. Georgia already has more cases and deaths per capita than California by almost double.
So says you. Where's the evidence? There is no chart of daily cases on Worldometer.

Did I say daily?

Georgia has more cases and deaths by nearly double than California who was hit much earlier.
That isn't what the term "spike" means, moron. Tracking cases on a daily basis is how you determine if there is a "spike" in the graph.

You're using terms that you don't understand.

The spike comes after a couple of weeks of inbreds like yourself socializing with each other.
In other words, you still don't know what a "spike" is.
The Anti-Lockdown Protesters Have a Twisted Conception of Liberty

Most Americans support the lockdowns and want the government to bring the coronavirus under control before opening up the economy. But “most” is not “all,” and a small minority is eager to end all the restrictions now, even as the virus spreads and Covid-19 caseloads continue to grow.

A small faction of that minority has taken to the streets in vocal opposition to stay-at-home measures and the politicians responsible for them. They carry guns and wave Confederate flags and denounce virus mitigation strategies as “tyranny,” an imposition on their liberty to shop, consume and do as they please.

The vast majority of these protesters — like the vast majority of those who want to prematurely reopen the economy — are white. This is in stark contrast to the victims of Covid-19 (who are disproportionately black and brown), as well as those who have lost their jobs as a result of the pandemic (who are also disproportionately black and brown), as well as those who have been or will be forced to work — or work more — as a result of reopening (the service workers and laborers who are again disproportionately black and brown).

It’s true that not every racial disparity speaks to some deeper dynamic of race and racism. But this one does. I don’t think you can separate the vehemence of anti-lockdown protesters from their whiteness, nor do I think we can divorce their demands to “reopen” the economy from the knowledge that many of those most affected belong to other racial groups. It’s not so much that they’re showing racial animus (although some are), but that their conception of what it means to be “free” is, at its root, tied tightly to their racial identity.

Americans, by a large 30-point margin, are resistant to re-opening the country now, believing the risk to human life of opening the country outweighs the economic toll of remaining under restrictive lockdowns -- a concern that starkly divides along partisan lines, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos released Friday.

It's not the only poll showing this result either. I know, I know, you've been programmed to disregard any information you don't want to be true but your confirmation bias is not my problem.

The polls only indicate that the 24/7 news cycle of alarmism regarding the corona panic has swayed the opinion of a lot of people.

As people see things open up in Georgia, in Mississippi and other forward thinking parts of the country, their opinions will change. And that's why radicals on the coast are fighting the efforts of people in the interior to get back to normalcy.

Yeah, people aren't as dumb as you. When they see the virus spike in places like Georgia it's going to be painfully obvious why.
What "spike?"

Georgia cases are increasing. Wait for the spike because with their economy allegedly opening the outcome is going to be pretty obvious. Georgia already has more cases and deaths per capita than California by almost double.

I'm sure you hope that will be the case, but my guess is that the opening of the Great State of Georgia will occur with no particular problems at all, leading other states to follow suit. Maybe not Far Left New York, but other, forward thinking states.

No, my hope would be that COVID will mutate out of existence but you can't count on hope.

There is not a shred of evidence that supports opening up will lead to fewer cases, quite the opposite.
There's even less evidence (as in zero) that cowering in our homes and throwing scores of millions out of work will make the virus go away.

It's way past time to nut up, protect the vulnerable, and get back to living life.

Nothing you said there is accurate or contains any merit.
What I said is exactly accurate....Maybe you have some verifiable evidence that Cowering in Place™ and ruining the lives of the healthy is going to make the virus just give up and go away?

C'mon....Dazzle us.

I've already provided a link for a stud that shows Social Distancing and Stay at home measures work. Cower? I'm not cowering. On Wednesday I'm going to practice social distancing and go off roading in Sedona. I've also been spending a lot of time working on my hobby which is upgrading my OHV. So, maybe you can't think of anything to do but leave me out of your pathetic existence.

As far as ruining lives. Yes, many people are going to suffer but there is only one way to fix this and that is to get beyond the virus before economies can be fully opened and since we have so few weapons we're going to need to depend on social distancing measures. Most Americans are in agreement as many polls have demonstrated.
I said verifiable evidence....

Already provided it, I'm sorry you chose to ignore it.

And fucking worthless polls are irrelevant....

I wasn't referring to the poll. The poll was to demonstrate public opinion and in that sense it's not worthless or irrelevant.

You're "evidence" fails the scientific acid test of falsifiablility

Prove your point.

.....Meaning that you cannot possibly prove, whether empirically or objectively, that all the bullshit of the last couple months has been effective....In fact, what the states like Iowa and South Dakota did shows that the whole lockdown was entirely unnecessary.

I've provided more evidence that you have that social distancing doesn't work. Was it? I mean you had a meat packing plant that supplied a pretty decent percentage of pork to the country close and in Iowa...well, not looking great as they are movin' on up the chain.

Iowa is going in the wrong direction it wold seem. I wonder if they can do anything about that.

Your utter disregard (and probably contempt) for people that you admit are suffering is duly noted....You're a phony baloney moralizing narcissist.
Americans, by a large 30-point margin, are resistant to re-opening the country now, believing the risk to human life of opening the country outweighs the economic toll of remaining under restrictive lockdowns -- a concern that starkly divides along partisan lines, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos released Friday.

It's not the only poll showing this result either. I know, I know, you've been programmed to disregard any information you don't want to be true but your confirmation bias is not my problem.

The polls only indicate that the 24/7 news cycle of alarmism regarding the corona panic has swayed the opinion of a lot of people.

As people see things open up in Georgia, in Mississippi and other forward thinking parts of the country, their opinions will change. And that's why radicals on the coast are fighting the efforts of people in the interior to get back to normalcy.

Yeah, people aren't as dumb as you. When they see the virus spike in places like Georgia it's going to be painfully obvious why.
What "spike?"

Georgia cases are increasing. Wait for the spike because with their economy allegedly opening the outcome is going to be pretty obvious. Georgia already has more cases and deaths per capita than California by almost double.

I'm sure you hope that will be the case, but my guess is that the opening of the Great State of Georgia will occur with no particular problems at all, leading other states to follow suit. Maybe not Far Left New York, but other, forward thinking states.

No, my hope would be that COVID will mutate out of existence but you can't count on hope.

There is not a shred of evidence that supports opening up will lead to fewer cases, quite the opposite.

So far as I can tell, there has been no evidence actually suggesting that lockdowns lead to fewer cases and/or fewer deaths, either. Which makes sense, since they were never intended for that purpose. The lockdowns were only ever supposed to delay cases and spread them out over time, so that the hospitals wouldn't be overrun. The models never suggested that the eventual end totals wouldn't be the same either way.

As far as I can tell you didn't really look.

As far as I can tell, you didn't really think. Washington has been locked down, but it's still generating cases.

We're moving the goal posts then? Did Washington reduce their cases due to social distancing or not? They did. Actually most places that effectively practiced social distancing and stay at home have reduced their cases or kept them low. San Francisco Bay Area, Washington State, Michigan and the NYC area are all seeing reductions in new cases yet if you remove those areas the remaining population of the U.S. is still going up.

Here is what is happening in NYC vs the rest of the United States. By reopening further it's just going to push much of the country back up.

View attachment 333918

Where are those coming from, if lockdowns utterly prevent people from getting sick like you keep pretending? Where is the model showing us that the end total number of cases is going to be lower? EVERY model indicates that, months down the road (barring a deus ex machina), the exact same number of people are going to have been infected. The only difference is whether they get infected now, or a month from now.

Did I ever say that stay at home measures alone reduce cases to zero immediately? No, why are you lying and saying I did? Very disingenuous of you or perhaps you're just not that bright. Which one?

Exact same number will be infected? That sounds whimsical.

So what is your suggestion? That places with zero deaths or very few deaths should close and not open until after New York does?
Americans, by a large 30-point margin, are resistant to re-opening the country now, believing the risk to human life of opening the country outweighs the economic toll of remaining under restrictive lockdowns -- a concern that starkly divides along partisan lines, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos released Friday.

It's not the only poll showing this result either. I know, I know, you've been programmed to disregard any information you don't want to be true but your confirmation bias is not my problem.

The polls only indicate that the 24/7 news cycle of alarmism regarding the corona panic has swayed the opinion of a lot of people.

As people see things open up in Georgia, in Mississippi and other forward thinking parts of the country, their opinions will change. And that's why radicals on the coast are fighting the efforts of people in the interior to get back to normalcy.

Yeah, people aren't as dumb as you. When they see the virus spike in places like Georgia it's going to be painfully obvious why.
What "spike?"

Georgia cases are increasing. Wait for the spike because with their economy allegedly opening the outcome is going to be pretty obvious. Georgia already has more cases and deaths per capita than California by almost double.
So says you. Where's the evidence? There is no chart of daily cases on Worldometer.

Did I say daily?

Georgia has more cases and deaths by nearly double than California who was hit much earlier.
That isn't what the term "spike" means, moron. Tracking cases on a daily basis is how you determine if there is a "spike" in the graph.

You're using terms that you don't understand.

The spike comes after a couple of weeks of inbreds like yourself socializing with each other.
In other words, you still don't know what a "spike" is.

I do. Whether it's your insulin reading or what's going to happen in a couple of weeks to states that reopen.
Americans, by a large 30-point margin, are resistant to re-opening the country now, believing the risk to human life of opening the country outweighs the economic toll of remaining under restrictive lockdowns -- a concern that starkly divides along partisan lines, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos released Friday.

It's not the only poll showing this result either. I know, I know, you've been programmed to disregard any information you don't want to be true but your confirmation bias is not my problem.

The polls only indicate that the 24/7 news cycle of alarmism regarding the corona panic has swayed the opinion of a lot of people.

As people see things open up in Georgia, in Mississippi and other forward thinking parts of the country, their opinions will change. And that's why radicals on the coast are fighting the efforts of people in the interior to get back to normalcy.

Yeah, people aren't as dumb as you. When they see the virus spike in places like Georgia it's going to be painfully obvious why.
What "spike?"

Georgia cases are increasing. Wait for the spike because with their economy allegedly opening the outcome is going to be pretty obvious. Georgia already has more cases and deaths per capita than California by almost double.

I'm sure you hope that will be the case, but my guess is that the opening of the Great State of Georgia will occur with no particular problems at all, leading other states to follow suit. Maybe not Far Left New York, but other, forward thinking states.

No, my hope would be that COVID will mutate out of existence but you can't count on hope.

There is not a shred of evidence that supports opening up will lead to fewer cases, quite the opposite.

So far as I can tell, there has been no evidence actually suggesting that lockdowns lead to fewer cases and/or fewer deaths, either. Which makes sense, since they were never intended for that purpose. The lockdowns were only ever supposed to delay cases and spread them out over time, so that the hospitals wouldn't be overrun. The models never suggested that the eventual end totals wouldn't be the same either way.

As far as I can tell you didn't really look.

As far as I can tell, you didn't really think. Washington has been locked down, but it's still generating cases.

We're moving the goal posts then? Did Washington reduce their cases due to social distancing or not? They did. Actually most places that effectively practiced social distancing and stay at home have reduced their cases or kept them low. San Francisco Bay Area, Washington State, Michigan and the NYC area are all seeing reductions in new cases yet if you remove those areas the remaining population of the U.S. is still going up.

Here is what is happening in NYC vs the rest of the United States. By reopening further it's just going to push much of the country back up.

View attachment 333918

Where are those coming from, if lockdowns utterly prevent people from getting sick like you keep pretending? Where is the model showing us that the end total number of cases is going to be lower? EVERY model indicates that, months down the road (barring a deus ex machina), the exact same number of people are going to have been infected. The only difference is whether they get infected now, or a month from now.

Did I ever say that stay at home measures alone reduce cases to zero immediately? No, why are you lying and saying I did? Very disingenuous of you or perhaps you're just not that bright. Which one?

Exact same number will be infected? That sounds whimsical.

So what is your suggestion? That places with zero deaths or very few deaths should close and not open until after New York does?

No, according to Trump's guidelines they should see 14 days of straight decline, most states haven't. I would actually say 4 weeks but hey, who am I?
I see they moved this crap to the conspiracy section. Good place for it. LOL

So what I hear you saying is, "I'm so glad that we've managed to successfully hijack and derail this thread off onto the meaningless shouting we want every conversation to be."
You were outsmarted. It wasn’t difficult at all. Lol
Americans, by a large 30-point margin, are resistant to re-opening the country now, believing the risk to human life of opening the country outweighs the economic toll of remaining under restrictive lockdowns -- a concern that starkly divides along partisan lines, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos released Friday.

It's not the only poll showing this result either. I know, I know, you've been programmed to disregard any information you don't want to be true but your confirmation bias is not my problem.

The polls only indicate that the 24/7 news cycle of alarmism regarding the corona panic has swayed the opinion of a lot of people.

As people see things open up in Georgia, in Mississippi and other forward thinking parts of the country, their opinions will change. And that's why radicals on the coast are fighting the efforts of people in the interior to get back to normalcy.

Yeah, people aren't as dumb as you. When they see the virus spike in places like Georgia it's going to be painfully obvious why.

I doubt it will be painfully obvious, since I'm sure you leftists will continue to go out of your way to spread more lies about it.

What lie did I spread?

Don't give me this shit about "We've worked really hard to panic people and convince them of bullshit, and now you have to treat our lies like truth because look how many people have bought it" and expect me to fall in line.

What bullshit were people convinced of?

Was it that lie about going from 15 to nearly zero cases?
Was it the lie that the cupboards were bare and Obama didn't leave Trump a test for a virus that didn't yet exist?
Was it the lie that anyone could get a test for anytime they like?
Was it the lie that the WH set guidelines for reopening only for the president to ignore them when red states chose to open too early?
Was it the lie that nobody could have predicted this pandemic when the WH was alerted repeatedly?

There's more missteps along the way but where is the documented evidence that social distancing does not slow the spread of the virus? You seem to think that's not true, you ignored my link about the subject.

No instead let's have a bunch of wingnut assholes protesting measures that work and shaming people on facebook for wearing a face mask or pretending their 2nd amendment rights are once again under siege.

Fucking waste of space you guys are.

Enough deflection. You've wasted pages of posts trying to make this about virtue signaling and demonization instead of addressing the topic.

So if you don't want to reopen, tell us what your plan looks for to remain locked down. You want to preen yourself on how you care so much more for people and locking down is "what good people think"? Then EARN your self-flattery and tell me what you plan to do besides running your gums.
Enough with the sophistry and lies.

No one doesn’t want to reopen.

We should end following the guidelines when the facts and data support doing so, not because conservatives are afraid of losing the WH and Senate this November.
Americans, by a large 30-point margin, are resistant to re-opening the country now, believing the risk to human life of opening the country outweighs the economic toll of remaining under restrictive lockdowns -- a concern that starkly divides along partisan lines, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos released Friday.

It's not the only poll showing this result either. I know, I know, you've been programmed to disregard any information you don't want to be true but your confirmation bias is not my problem.

The polls only indicate that the 24/7 news cycle of alarmism regarding the corona panic has swayed the opinion of a lot of people.

As people see things open up in Georgia, in Mississippi and other forward thinking parts of the country, their opinions will change. And that's why radicals on the coast are fighting the efforts of people in the interior to get back to normalcy.

Yeah, people aren't as dumb as you. When they see the virus spike in places like Georgia it's going to be painfully obvious why.
What "spike?"

Georgia cases are increasing. Wait for the spike because with their economy allegedly opening the outcome is going to be pretty obvious. Georgia already has more cases and deaths per capita than California by almost double.

I'm sure you hope that will be the case, but my guess is that the opening of the Great State of Georgia will occur with no particular problems at all, leading other states to follow suit. Maybe not Far Left New York, but other, forward thinking states.

No, my hope would be that COVID will mutate out of existence but you can't count on hope.

There is not a shred of evidence that supports opening up will lead to fewer cases, quite the opposite.

So far as I can tell, there has been no evidence actually suggesting that lockdowns lead to fewer cases and/or fewer deaths, either. Which makes sense, since they were never intended for that purpose. The lockdowns were only ever supposed to delay cases and spread them out over time, so that the hospitals wouldn't be overrun. The models never suggested that the eventual end totals wouldn't be the same either way.

As far as I can tell you didn't really look.

As far as I can tell, you didn't really think. Washington has been locked down, but it's still generating cases.

We're moving the goal posts then? Did Washington reduce their cases due to social distancing or not? They did. Actually most places that effectively practiced social distancing and stay at home have reduced their cases or kept them low. San Francisco Bay Area, Washington State, Michigan and the NYC area are all seeing reductions in new cases yet if you remove those areas the remaining population of the U.S. is still going up.

Here is what is happening in NYC vs the rest of the United States. By reopening further it's just going to push much of the country back up.

View attachment 333918

Where are those coming from, if lockdowns utterly prevent people from getting sick like you keep pretending? Where is the model showing us that the end total number of cases is going to be lower? EVERY model indicates that, months down the road (barring a deus ex machina), the exact same number of people are going to have been infected. The only difference is whether they get infected now, or a month from now.

Did I ever say that stay at home measures alone reduce cases to zero immediately? No, why are you lying and saying I did? Very disingenuous of you or perhaps you're just not that bright. Which one?

Exact same number will be infected? That sounds whimsical.

So what is your suggestion? That places with zero deaths or very few deaths should close and not open until after New York does?

No, according to Trump's guidelines they should see 14 days of straight decline, most states haven't. I would actually say 4 weeks but hey, who am I?

The majority of counties in the United States have Zero deaths, and many of the rest have very few. Should they be allowed to open immediately, as they haven't even been affected? You can't have a decline when you are already at Zero.

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