Lock him up with all the rest of the insurrectionists!

georgia just requested a special grand jury. so that should be watched.

naw ... just very comfy. good planning & budgeting have made us debt free.

i prefer to buy a few extra things every week when i go to the grocery store & when a bag is filled - i drop it off at my little town hall for some locals who might be struggling. but i do write a nice check for the salvation army every year at christmas.

no gold card ... but the two cards we do have get paid off in full every month & so do the gas cards. i haven't paid a dime in interest since reagan took that deduction away.

We get it, you're a blowhard Bolshevik. And like all blowhards Bolsheviks your vast wealth is why you care so deeply about da po - who you never give a crumb to.

A Marxist truth, charity begins in your neighbor's wallet. You're happy to spend every dime others have to make yourself feel better.

Trillions to promote Marxism - not one dime to help those in need! The democrat credo.
Not that you'll accept any of this, but:

Imprisoning the Nisei during WWII despite having broken no laws
Soviet gulags
North Korean prison camps
Australia's COVID camps

All leftist phenomena.

If all you've got is NUH UH, spare me.
You forgot to mention the Nisei Japanese Internment Camps during WWII turned out as a positive:

The 442nd would become the most decorated unit in U.S. military history, earning more than 18,000 individual awards. The unit’s motto—"Go For Broke”—represented its members’ drive to prove themselves to the country that had tried to keep them from fighting. < Link. Suggest you read it.

The Democrat party sucks, and that's why I'm not a part of it. Will you accept and include the following?

- Dubya's administration argued against $30 billion in unemployment extensions in the name of fiscal discipline while pushing for a tax cut extension that would cost $2 trillion over 10 years. Can you explain, in detail, how this isn't a blatant attempt at instilling a classist society? Please and thank you.
- Trump said he would protect Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid for the older demographic. Then this administration turned around and proposed budgets slashing all three. Them gaslighting us that they believed the elderly and infirm are an important demographic in this country was all bullshit. In reality, Republicans want to delete anyone not contributing to the workforce.
- Republicans want to reduce the amount of migrants applying and qualifying for asylum. Isolationism. The Return In Mexico policy is a disaster that prolongs this process forcing thousands of asylum seekers to await hearings in Mexico. This is by design. They even followed the hated Obama's lead, filling detention centers to the brink near the border with asylum seekers in prison like accommodations with little to no resources to advance their citizenship status. Magaturds seem to embrace this super good leadership. :113: It certainly brought out the ugly side of isolationist policy.
- "Tax cuts for the middle class!" - a bold faced Republican lie.
Wrong as usual. I certainly don’t care what you say. I was responding to your meaningless post. You keep making vacuous statements and I do try to educate you. Only a total retard like you would assume that this implies I care about the shit you spew.

You’re here, in my estimation, purely for our easy target practice. You spew shit and others hit the Bull’s eye in shooting your shit down. Easy.
Uh huh. What are you here for, magaturd? The science? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: GTF outta here, petunia.

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This just tells me you're just as terrified as your political opposition that if you're completely wrong about your own position, you've fucked yourselves, So, congratulations. If Mr. Trump ever gets a legitimate judicial smackdown (conviction), y'all will lose your minds. Living a life on such a fragile precipice seems pointless to me. But hey, to quote butcher Caddyshack: 'It looks good on you'
Oh, look -- a leftist saying putting people in camps is a good thing. Gasp.
The Democrat party sucks, and that's why I'm not a part of it. Will you accept and include the following?

- Dubya's administration argued against $30 billion in unemployment extensions in the name of fiscal discipline while pushing for a tax cut extension that would cost $2 trillion over 10 years. Can you explain, in detail, how this isn't a blatant attempt at instilling a classist society? Please and thank you.
- Trump said he would protect Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid for the older demographic. Then this administration turned around and proposed budgets slashing all three. Them gaslighting us that they believed the elderly and infirm are an important demographic in this country was all bullshit. In reality, Republicans want to delete anyone not contributing to the workforce.
- Republicans want to reduce the amount of migrants applying and qualifying for asylum. Isolationism. The Return In Mexico policy is a disaster that prolongs this process forcing thousands of asylum seekers to await hearings in Mexico. This is by design. They even followed the hated Obama's lead, filling detention centers to the brink near the border with asylum seekers in prison like accommodations with little to no resources to advance their citizenship status. Magaturds seem to embrace this super good leadership. :113: It certainly brought out the ugly side of isolationist policy.
- "Tax cuts for the middle class!" - a bold faced Republican lie.
What does any of that have to do with leftists putting people in camps?

Hint: Nothing. Dismissed.
This just tells me you're just as terrified as your political opposition that if you're completely wrong about your own position, you've fucked yourselves, So, congratulations. If Mr. Trump ever gets a legitimate judicial smackdown (conviction), y'all will lose your minds. Living a life on such a fragile precipice seems pointless to me. But hey, to quote butcher Caddyshack: 'It looks good on you'
That's what it tells you? No, that's the voices in your head.

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