Livestream of Convoy Protest in Canada (link)

They're having fun and that's more important now than being able to understand what they want or what they want to change.

I think they want the same as poor Americans wanted when they attempted the Jan. 6th. coup, only to a much lesser extent.

Much lesser because Canada does have a very high quality of life and is rated very highly on freedoms.

But still, the political right has an issue on account of them wanting their money back and not wanting to share the tax burden that gave Canada those high ratings on freedom and quality of life.

However, their support from the Conservative government opposition side has dissolved away when Premier Ford turned against them. Doug Ford, Canada's answer to America's crackpot ex-president!

And of course the fed NDP has decided to stand with Canada's government.

I just don't see any future for these clowns. The subversive leaders have been tagged by CSIS and the police and the charges won't be petty!

90% of Canadian truckers are vaccinated.

That beats our 70% vaccination rate by a mile.

What are the Canadian truckers complaining about? Sometimes they have to wear a mask?

Worldwide Movement: Massive Freedom Convoy Formed in Helsinki, Finland Against COVID-19 Mandates and High Fuel Taxes – Cops Detain 55 Protesters​

A massive freedom convoy was organized on Friday outside parliament in Helsinki, Finland demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Sanna Marin’s government, cutting 50% of fuel prices, and an end to all COVID restrictions.


Did Justin Trudeau’s Vicious Lies and Smears Lead to Car Ramming of Freedom Convoy Protesters in Winnipeg? Will Media Run with This Like Charlottesville?​

On Saturday several freedom protesters were injured by a vehicle that appeared to intentionally ram into a truck and run over at least one protester in Winnepeg.


90% of Canadian truckers are vaccinated.

That beats our 70% vaccination rate by a mile.

What are the Canadian truckers complaining about? Sometimes they have to wear a mask?
vaxx mandate :rolleyes:, which part don't you understand????

90% of Canadian truckers are vaccinated.

That beats our 70% vaccination rate by a mile.

What are the Canadian truckers complaining about? Sometimes they have to wear a mask?
The freedom of others to make their own choices....How insulated from the real world do you need to be to not know this?

90% of Canadian truckers are vaccinated.

That beats our 70% vaccination rate by a mile.

What are the Canadian truckers complaining about? Sometimes they have to wear a mask?
This isn't partisan, this is about freedom, civil rights, and civil liberties.

You really don't have a clue what it is all about, because the billionaire cabal has purposely kept you uninformed, and you refuse to look into, thinking it is partisan. It isn't.

Naomi Wolf - Why Vaccine Passports Equal Slavery Forever​

Naomi Wolf reconsiders the 2nd Amendment at the New Hampshire Liberty Forum 2014​


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