Livelsberger's "Letters"


Gold Member
Apr 8, 2008
In case you're having as much trouble as I did finding the text of Livelsberger's "Letters". I found them at

All the media reported on the "Letters" and gave their take on the "Letters", most concluding he had mental health issues.

It's obvious in his final paragraph that Livelsberger was a Trumper , but none of the media even mentioned it...

Fellow Servicemembers, Veterans, and all Americans,TIME TO WAKE UP!

We are being led by weak and feckless leadership who only serve to enrich themselves.Military and vets move on DC starting now. Militias facilitate and augment this activity.

Occupy every major road along fed buildings and the campus of fed buildings by the hundreds ofthousands.

Lock the highways around down with semis right after everybody gets in. Hold until the purge iscomplete.

Try peaceful means rst, but be prepared to ght to get the Dems out of the fed government andmilitary by any means necessary. They all must go and a hard reset must occur for our country toavoid collapse.

-MSG Matt Livelsberger 18Z, 10th Special Forces Group

We are the United States of America, the best country people to ever exist! But right now we areterminally ill and headed toward collapse.

We are crumbling because of a lack of self respect, morales, and respect for others. Greed andgluttony has consumed us. The top 1% decided long ago they weren’t going to bring everyone elsewith them. You are cattle to them.

We have strayed from family values and corrupted our minds and I am a prime example of having itall but it never being enough.

A lot of us are just sitting around waiting to die. No sunlight, no steps, no fresh air, no hope. Ourchildren are addicted to screens by the age of two. We are lling our bodies with processed foods.

Our population is too fat to join the military yet we are facing a war with China, Russia, North Koreaand Iran before 2030.

We must take these actions if we are going to make it past the next few years in one piece:

We must end the war in Ukraine with negotiated settlement. It is the only way.
Focus on strength and winning. Masculinity is good and men must be leaders. Strength is adeterrent and fear is the product.
Weeded out those in our government and military who do not idealize #2.
The income inequality in this country and cost-of-living is outrageous. The number of homeless onour street is embarrassing and disgusting. Have some pride and take care of this.
Stop obsessing over diversity. We are all diverse and DEI is a cancer.
Thankfully we rejected the DEI candidate and will have a real President instead of Weekend atBernie’s.

We must move on from the culture of weakness and self enrichment perpetuated by our seniorpolitical and military leaders. We are done with the blatant corruption. Our soldiers are done ghting wars without end states or clear objectives.

This was not a terrorist attack, it was a wake up call. Americans only pay attention to spectaclesand violence. What better way to get my point across than a stunt with reworks and explosives?

Why did I personally do it now? I needed to cleanse my mind of the brothers I’ve lost and relievemyself of the burden of the lives I took.

Consider this last sunset of ‘24 and my actions the end of our sickness and a new chapter of healthfor our people. Rally around the Trump, Musk, Kennedy, and ride this wave to the highest hegemonyfor all Americans! We are second to no one.
This poor guy was obviously suffering PTSD after combat duty, explaining his suicide "I needed to cleanse my mind of the brothers I have lost and relieve myself of the burden of the lives I took"

But he was also a fully brainwashed Trumper.
His first letter is nothing less than a 'call to arms' for military, vets and all Americans to go to converge on the capital and lock it down until "Dems are out of the federal government and military "

Showing the confused thinking of a Trumper, Livelsberger laments some of today's social ills like income disparity, the cost of living, homelessness and the loss of morals and family values. His confusion is evident when he goes on to endorse Trump, Musk and RFK Jr.

Brainwashed by billionaires!
This poor guy was obviously suffering PTSD after combat duty, explaining his suicide "I needed to cleanse my mind of the brothers I have lost and relieve myself of the burden of the lives I took"

But he was also a fully brainwashed Trumper.
His first letter is nothing less than a 'call to arms' for military, vets and all Americans to go to converge on the capital and lock it down until "Dems are out of the federal government and military "

Showing the confused thinking of a Trumper, Livelsberger laments some of today's social ills like income disparity, the cost of living, homelessness and the loss of morals and family values. His confusion is evident when he goes on to endorse Trump, Musk and RFK Jr.

Brainwashed by billionaires!
Trump gave him PTSD from combat ?

How did that happen?
Trump gave him PTSD from combat ?

How did that happen?
Ok, try to follow along...he has PTSD from his service in the military and then...he became brainwashed by billionaires into believing they give a damn about his piss ant life.
Ok, try to follow along...he has PTSD from his service in the military and then...he became brainwashed by billionaires into believing they give a damn about his piss ant life.
MAGA psycho. Would have done well on this board.

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