Live announcement from Theresa May: Threat level raised to critical from severe


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
No link, saw on CBC news. This means, that not only is a terror attack "highly likely", but it is now possibly "imminent". There will now be armed support for police and special anti-terror police and military at sporting events and the like throughout England.

They have made arrests related to this attack and haven't ruled out a broader terror group in England. At least if these cowardly, scumbag animals try to attack children and innocent citizens there is a better chance they get sent to hell by the bullet from a rifle.

Update: Now reported by Fox News

Manchester attack: UK terror threat level raised to 'critical,' another attack may be imminent

DEVELOPING: British Prime Minister Theresa May announced Tuesday that the country’s terror threat level has been raised to its highest level in the wake of the deadly attack at a Manchester Ariana Grande concert, signifying that another attack may be imminent.
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No link, saw on CBC news. This means, that not only is a terror attack "highly likely", but it is now possibly "imminent". There will now be armed support for police and special anti-terror police and military at sporting events and the like throughout England.

They have made arrests related to this attack and haven't ruled out a broader terror group in England. At least if these cowardly, scumbag animals try to attack children and innocent citizens there is a better chance they get sent to hell by the bullet from a rifle.

Update: Now reported by Fox News

Manchester attack: UK terror threat level raised to 'critical,' another attack may be imminent

DEVELOPING: British Prime Minister Theresa May announced Tuesday that the country’s terror threat level has been raised to its highest level in the wake of the deadly attack at a Manchester Ariana Grande concert, signifying that another attack may be imminent.

The British have their General Election on May 8th, imagine the chaos if the Kebabs do something on the day of the election.
Hmm, shishkebab is a decent Muslim contribution. :)

The Kebabs need removing.


It's like this... you have a kind heart and want to help people, so you open your home to a few people... they start to take over your home, hate you for what you are, and ultimatley KILL some of your family, and then you stand there and say, NO... LET MORE OF THEM IN.

Can someone please explain the thinking there?

That's Europe... and the dems/leftists/liberals of America.

It's enough to make any SANE person think that the dems/leftists/liberals are COLLUDING with the terrorists. Isn't that called TREASON?
Meanwhile, I believe they have laws against criticizing islam.


Then they get what they get.

Yeap, hence the reason I claim we are ALL getting what we deserve.

Even us, for being tolerant and caving into liberal demands. Just how do we do it? Well, for me I could make honest to God sacrifices and truly boycott certain tv stations like espn etc. How "difficult" would that be? I bring them up cause of their obvious left leanings. Like how they gave BRUCE Jenner the "courage award" over a veteran who had limbs blown off. Then how we got lectured to by their 'hosts" and how they made a united stand against the police in the Michael Brown case etc.

I still watch it and I could at the very least make a sacrifice. I don't. I pay lip service.

Stuff like that. As a result of my apathetic way, we are under control by these heathens.

Yes, that is all contributions to the actions we see in England and the pathetic assholes that tolerate for the sake of their political correct hypocritical bullshit.

Therefore, we are all getting what we deserve.
Check out the maps in this link. And its older maps. Still...imagine what it looks like now.

Most And Least Muslim States In America (PHOTOS) | HuffPost

If Trump doesn't put a whoa on the influx of refugees, and/or has that hawaiian judge arrested for not following EO, then...we are next on the hit list. They are already plotting and planning in basements and no other muslims "know", dontcha know. other areas of England, there are groups of people standing around with signs and yelling LET THEM IN!

Wash, rinse, repeat.

Those maniacs in America also.

This from Olympia, Washington a mixture of ugly wimmens, a brainwashed child ashamed to show it's face, a Jungle Bunny and a fat ugly carpet muncher.


This it says is from Dulles, I'll have to Google what American state Dulles is in, a mixture of ugly Kebab wimmens, a Kebab man and a group of Beta Cuck faggots.


This again from Dulles, a mixture of Jungle Bunnies, ugly wimmens, brainwashed children and Beta Cuck faggots.


This is from Seattle, Washington a mixture of ugly wimmens, delusional wimmens who are desperate to get raped by Mooselimbs, filthy Hippy types who look like they stink and need a wash and Beta Cuck faggots.

AP_17030029794540.jpg other areas of England, there are groups of people standing around with signs and yelling LET THEM IN!

Wash, rinse, repeat.

Those maniacs in America also.

This from Olympia, Washington a mixture of ugly wimmens, a brainwashed child ashamed to show it's face, a Jungle Bunny and a fat ugly carpet muncher.


This is says is from Dulles, I'll have to Google what American state Dulles is in.


This again from Dulles, a mixture of Jungle Bunnies, ugly wimmens, brainwashed children and Beta Cuck faggots.


This is from Seattle, Washington a mioxture of ugly wimmens, delusional wimmens who are desperate to get raped by Mooselimbs, filthy Hippy types who look like they stink and need a wash and Beta Cuck faggots.

Everyone watch this whole video. Listen to the song and watch the pics.

A lot like those.


You have sane people also, including at the front a sane Black lady, of course all the sane people in pictures such as below are you know just racist bigots :rolleyes-41:

Leftist Logic, not wanting to get blown up by savages is being a racist bigot :uhoh3:


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