Lindsay Graham is "tired of this sh*tshow surrounding who's gonna send tanks and when they're gonna send 'em."

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021

  • Sens. Lindsey Graham, Richard Blumenthal, and Sheldon Whitehouse were in Kyiv on Friday.
  • After meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Graham urged the West to send tanks.
  • "Putin is trying to rewrite the map of Europe by force of arms," Graham said.
Sen. Lindsey Graham urged the US and Germany to send tanks to the Ukrainian military during a visit to Kyiv on Friday, as Western defense officials meeting in Germany failed to agree on sending the weapons.

The South Carolina Republican visited Ukraine along with Democratic Sens. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut and Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island. The three lawmakers, who have been supportive of sending additional aide to Ukraine, met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

"All three of us, one Republican and two Democrats, share the same goal — for Ukraine to drive the Russians out of Ukraine. To achieve that goal, the Ukrainian military needs tanks," Graham said during a press conference after the meeting and on Twitter. "I am tired of the shit show surrounding who is going to send tanks and when are they going to send them. Putin is trying to rewrite the map of Europe by force of arms. World order is at stake."

Judge this man by the company he keeps.

To answer the question I posed on another thread: Yes, Russia is completely capable of attacking countries that provide weapons to the Ukrainians. Russia is capable of using nukes on Ukraine and on any country that comes to Ukraine's aid if they do.

What does Graham imagine will prevent that? Putin's sanity? His underling's willingness to assasinate Putin? The Russian people revolting against Putin and his underlings? No evidence of either has been shown since the invasion. Graham thinks that the U.S. not giving Ukraine weaponst fast enough is a shitshow? He'll see an actual shitshow if Russia/Putin starts losing and gets desperate. A shitshow that he may only survive by hiding in the congressional fallout shelter.

I am appalled by Russia's invastion of Ukraine and I applaud the Ukrainians for fighting back. I only wish Obama had already been selling arms to Ukraine before that invasion, and that Trump had done it at a faster pace. Before the war is the time to arm a country in peril of invasion. Do it after, and we become involved in the combat.

Worst case scenario if we don't help Ukraine at all anymore is that Russia wins the invasion and then starts the oft-repeated process of losing the occupation. One thing is for sure. With no accountability for the billions we are sending Zelensky, he and his wife will be chilling in the west while that happens.

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