Life in Hitler's Germany

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If you believe lies,half truths and garbage yeah...They should rename it the Adolf Hitler/Nazi Germany channel. Lol...its hilarious to watch the crap they put on there.
Being a Jew in Hitler's wartime Germany was bad enough but being a draft age male was akin to a death sentence. Hitler could have kept his part of the treaty with Russia but the maniac decided to invade Russia when the weather was nice. I guess Hitler was unfamiliar with the change of seasons and lost an estimated one million, two hundred thousand young German men in the prime of their short lives.
USSR had plans to invade Germany as well. He just took initiative and did it first.I don't blame him for doing it I blame him because he should have finished off the English at Dunkirk.
What about the vermin? They are just like today's Jews no loyalty except to their race.They use whatever country they are in as a host and suck the blood right out of it.
I've been up one side of Germany and down the other. Knew a tiger tank commander, hitler youth, SS, all old men. It wasn't as great as you think it was. Extreme nationalism. The place got what it deserved. The only reason that the great cathedral of Koln was spared was because it helped allied bombers reach their targets. My family was sent to B-garten near the eagles nest after the war. Beautiful place but filled with shame.
I dont condone any war, however the winners should not have the luxury of writing history to serve their purposes despite and oft times contrary to reality.
If you believe lies,half truths and garbage yeah...They should rename it the Adolf Hitler/Nazi Germany channel. Lol...its hilarious to watch the crap they put on there.

Why do you think someone imagine Holocaust? And what makes me even more interested: why should we admit the deeds - that we supposedly did not have done? I think we already pay for all the atrocities we've done. Because of having too much money???

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