Lies Advanced Under Government Coercion….


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
….are still lies.
One may question how and why insanity became government policy…..but they remain lies.

1.“Nobody Expected the Transgender Inquisition!

2. The Transgender Inquisition is international in scope. All around the world, people are being charged with heinous heresies such as ‘people cannot change sex’, ‘forced pronouns use is wrong’ ‘women have the right to single-sex changerooms’ and ‘children should not be affirmed in their hatred of their own bodies’.

3. Just like the Spanish Inquisition carried out under King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain in the late 1400s, the Transgender Inquisition aims not to persuade people of its merits, but to crush and terrify any intellectual dissent out of the people within its reach.

4.Like their predecessors, the Transgender Inquisitors rely on and are satisfied with forcing a pretence of social acceptance through the law.
By legally redefining sex as “gender identity”, disagreement as “hate speech” or “discrimination”, forced pronouns as “inclusion”, indoctrination of children as “education” and refusal to condone the sterilisation and mutilation of children’s bodies as “abuse”,
they entirely evade the slow but civil process of persuading people of their philosophy before expecting them to submit to it.

5. Whilst the Spanish Inquisition used physical torture and exile to force confessions of sinful “unbelief”, insincere retractions and degrading penance from their victims, the Transgender Inquisition employs sanitised, modern-day torture techniques such as social and political exile, financial ruin, jail and of course, the terrifying threat of removing one’s children.
These modern methods have the double benefit of appearing rational and civil, whilst still being exceptionally effective at breaking the human spirit.

6. Just as those medieval dissenters were destroyed or cast out, and converts heavily scrutinised and accused of practising their former ‘faiths’ in secret, so trans ‘dissenters’ are destroyed, cast out, and ‘converts’ are relentlessly screened for ‘faithfulness’ by their willingness to perform public acts of self-mortification and devotion to the trans cause. For that is what the cowardly submission to the total decimation of women’s, men’s, children’s and parent’s rights in law actually constitutes, physical and psychological humiliation.”

In so very many ways, and precincts, an insanity has infected our civilization.

I see no vaccine anywhere on the horizon.

7. "Rather than red robes and crosses, our new ‘Grand Inquisitors’ wear pronoun badges and rainbow lanyards. Rather than the ‘Tribunal of the Holy Office of the Inquisition’, we now have Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commissions.
Rather than persecuting on the basis of objective religious differences, as Senator Chandler discovered, our Grand Inquisitors go one step further and prosecute when one of their own feels ‘offended, intimidated, insulted, ridiculed or humiliated.’

But isn’t compelled speech insulting to human dignity?
Isn’t it offensive, insulting and humiliating to force women to accept, to celebrate their own erasure in law?
Isn’t it an intimidation tactic to weaponise laws to force submission to your ideology?
Isn’t it insulting and ridiculing to be slandered as transphobic just for disagreeing with extreme transgender ideology?”

And isn't it the very definition of 'totalitarian'?????
So how does the existence of Trans people effect your life in any way?

You'll be the first one to whine when someone insults you, but when you are asked to refer to a Trans person by their preferred pronoun, you think this is some great imposition? Really?

Frankly, I'm pushing 60, and I've only known 2 Trans people in my entire life, and one of them wasn't out at the time I knew him/her. (This person was an officer in the National Guard unit I was in and is a cousin to our current governor.)

It frankly doesn't come up that much, not enough for the hysterics you are going through.
8. “What of the humiliation and intimidation that women and children suffer when men invade their toilets, changerooms, rape shelters, sports teams and jobs with impunity? What about the offence caused when these “stunning and brave” men are cheered on and encouraged for terrifying women and children in this way?

What of the intimidation of parents, teachers and doctors under horrifyingly blunt anti ‘conversion therapy’ laws, which threaten criminal penalties for anyone who encourages children with gender dysphoria to try and find joy in their biological sex?

This increasingly common and blatantly deliberate taking of ‘legal’ offence where none was intended or where it should be tolerated as a matter of maturity, is a thinly veiled attempt to terrify people into silence, to squash intellectual dissent and healthy public debate.

Thankfully, as many official and self-styled Transgender Inquisitors around the world have been discovering, modern society has tasted and seen that freedom of speech and freedom of conscience are good.”
See, it's a robot... It just goes on with it's program.


Click, whirr, Bullet Point Crazy #8.

So tell us simply, how does the existence of Trans people have any negative effect on your life?
9. And the result of electing the modern day Bolsheviks, the Democrats, to Congress: The Equality Act

“As one of their first legislative achievements after winning a majority in the House during the midterms, Democrats passed HR 5, the Equality Act. Under the guise of extending the protections of the Civil Rights Act to the LGBTQ community, the Equality Act made the witch-hunting of heretics like Dr. Josephson a requirement of the law.” Horowitz, “Blitz”

On Wednesday March 13, (2019)Nancy Pelosi introduced the so-called Equality Act, a bill that would add “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” as protected classes under federal civil rights law.

1. The Equality Act would force employers and workers to conform to new sexual norms or else lose their businesses and jobs.

This is already happening on the state and local level. …high school French teacher was dismissed under the school’s anti-discrimination policy after he refused to comply with administrators’ orders to use a female student’s preferred masculine pronouns.

2. The Equality Act would force hospitals and insurers to provide and pay for these therapies against any moral or medical objections. It would politicize medicine by forcing professionals to act against their best medical judgment and provide transition-affirming therapies.

3. This politicization of medicine would ultimately harm families by normalizing hormonal and surgical interventions for gender dysphoric children as well as ideological “education” in schools and other public venues.

4. The Equality Act would ultimately lead to the erasure of women by dismantling sex-specific facilities, sports, and other female-only spaces.

Sexual orientation and gender identity laws that open up sex-specific facilities like bathrooms, locker rooms, etc. to members of the opposite sex enable sexual assault.

5. The Equality Act would also hurt charities, volunteers, and the populations they serve.

State and local sexual orientation and gender identity laws have shut down numerous faith-based adoption and foster care agencies across the country, in Pennsylvania, New York, Illinois, California, Massachusetts, and the District of Columbia.

These states wrongly treated the belief that children do best with both a mother and a father as discriminatory, and kids are the ones who are paying the price. With 438,000 children languishing in foster care nationwide, we need more agencies working to help kids find homes, not fewer.” The Equality Act

“This bill would politicize medicine by forcing doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals to offer drastic not in view of new scientific discoveries, but by ideological fiat.” Heritage.

“The Trump administration absolutely opposes discrimination of any kind and supports the equal treatment of all," the official stated. "However, this bill in its current form is filled with poison pills that threaten to undermine parental and conscience rights.”
Trump opposes federal LGBTQ nondiscrimination bill, citing 'poison pills'
10. “Dr. Allan Josephson is the former chief of the University of Louisville’s Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology. In 2017 he presented his views on treating children who experience gender dysphoria at a Heritage Foundation event. He had previously expressed the same views as an expert witness in court cases.

In his speech Dr. Josephson challenged transgender orthodoxy—a progressive dogma. He said the “notion that gender identity should trump chromosomes, hormones, internal reproductive organs, external genitalia, and secondary sex characteristics when classifying individuals is counter to medical science.”

He further said that, “transgender ideology neglects the child’s need for developing coping and problem-solving skills necessary to meet developmental challenges.” He concluded by advising parents to listen to their children empathetically, and then “use their collective wisdom in guiding their child to align with his or her biological sex.” Horowitz, “Blitz,” ch.10

As is pro forma for the Left, any who disagree must be destroyed: he was fired.

“His salary and retirement benefits were also reduced. Meanwhile his outraged colleagues were unappeased and continued to attack and belittle him.

“They took all these retaliatory actions,” his lawsuit stated, “with an eye to ensuring that neither he nor anyone else dares to express viewpoints they find objectionable on medical and psychiatric issues.”

This was an ominous episode in an ongoing modern-day witch hunt, whose effect is to overthrow the standards and procedures that have created modern medicine and academic disciplines. The witch-hunters would replace scientific methods with dogma and an ideologically driven outrage that seeks not to refute the opinions it finds problematic but to destroy the individuals who express them, in effect burning the heretics at the stake.” Ibid.

Not very different, is it, from the treatment of those who say ‘all lives matter.’

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