License to Kill?


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
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People's Republic of NJ
The director of national intelligence affirmed rather bluntly today that the U.S. intelligence community has authority to target American citizens for assassination if they present a direct terrorist threat to the United States.

"We take direct actions against terrorists in the intelligence community; if Â… we think that direct action will involve killing an American, we get specific permission to do that," Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair told the House Intelligence Committee.

Rep. Peter Hoekstra D-Mich., addressed the issue at today's hearing.

"The targeting of Americans -- it's a very sensitive issue, but again there's been more information in the public domain than what has been shared with this committee," he said.

License to Kill? Intelligence Chief Says U.S. Can Take Out American Terrorists - ABC News

Wow. I had no idea...:confused:
Someone already posted this yesterday. It is going to be a very sad day for America when an American is targeted by those who are sworn to protect and uphold.
Ruby Ridge sound familiar?

Or how about Waco?

Were not those people American citizens?
Is this new? Or have they always had this authority?

I don't see what the big fuss is about.

Guy waving an assult rifle around in a mall. Should we care if he's an American Citizen before we target him? Should we wait until he begins spraying us with bullets?
True. But they used the word "assassination" Isn't that different than defense?

Frankly, my dear, if someone was plotting to bomb your house, I wouldn't give a damn whether they "assasinated" them, or if they simply "disappeared" or if a cop shot them.

Would you?

What WOULD piss me off is if the US Government decided to do nothing but wait until your house went up in a ball of flame, then took action.
WTF do folks want us to do? Issue hats and Tshirts with "citizen" on it so intelligence can attempt to sort things out before giving someone a third eye and a large hole in the back of their head?
This is nothing new. Hundreds of assasinations take place and Joe Public is not informed.
And I M glad he is not.
The real problem is no one should talk about it and now they are. Intelligence is not an exact science.
Forgive my cynacism, but I don't think the gubmint would give a rats ass if my house was about to be blown up. I'd trust my local police more.

I don't see them ever exercising this "right". Even after our houses are blown up, they'd get him a fuckin lawyer.
Forgive my cynacism, but I don't think the gubmint would give a rats ass if my house was about to be blown up. I'd trust my local police more.

I don't see them ever exercising this "right". Even after our houses are blown up, they'd get him a fuckin lawyer.

Local Police = "Gubmint" ya know.

However, since you're in NJ, I have to agree: The Feds would probably break out the marshmallows and toast them over the wreckage.

True. But they used the word "assassination" Isn't that different than defense?

No. Assassination here just means taking out what they perceive to be a threat. This isn't anything new. You're about sixty to seventy years behind, no offense.
I guess it is alright to target muslim terrorists but not American ones?
I guess it is alright to target muslim terrorists but not American ones?

Wait, you mean there are non-Muslim terrorists?

What's next? Going to tell me that women are equal to men?
That's why I asked. Of course, it makes sense, but for some reason I thought a "pre-emptive" killing was outlawed years ago. Thanks for the info.
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