

Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
BOTH sides agree almost unanimously. Have to pass it so it can be read! Who's the most famous for that line? Nancy of course- but a crony pre-dated her infamy -

What is in the USA PATRIOT Act? In the Michael Moore film Fahrenheit 9/11, then Rep. John Conyers cracked wise about how no one had actually read the Act and how this was in fact par for the course with America’s laws. Thus, before delving into the deeper issues surrounding the PATRIOT Act, it is worth discussing what the Act actually says. Here’s a brief look at the 10 Titles in the PATRIOT Act:

Passing the USA PATRIOT Act
Paul: 'Glee' in W.H. after 9/11
Paul: 'Glee' in W.H. after 9/11

". . . Paul railed on the PATRIOT Act, a pet issue that he frequently brings up on the trail.

“The PATRIOT Act was written many, many years before 9/11,” Paul said. The attacks simply provided “an opportunity for some people to do what they wanted to do,” he said.. . ."

Joe Biden Admits He Wrote The Patriot Act In 1995!
Joe Biden Admits He Wrote The Patriot Act In 1995!

". . . Biden’s chronology is not accurate: the bombing took place in April 1995 and his bill had been introduced in February 1995. But it’s true that Biden’s proposal probably helped to lay the groundwork for the Bush administration’s Patriot Act. . . . "
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The chaos arising from U.S. interventionism in Syria provides an excellent opportunity to explore the interventionist mind.

Consider the terminology being employed by interventionists: President Trump’s actions in Syria have left a “power vacuum,” one that Russia and Iran are now filling. The United States will no longer have “influence” in the region. “Allies” will no longer be able to trust the U.S. to come to their assistance. Trump’s actions have threatened “national security.” It is now possible that ISIS will reformulate and threaten to take over lands and even regimes in the Middle East.

This verbiage is classic empire-speak. It is the language of the interventionist and the imperialist.

Amidst all the interventionist chaos in the Middle East, it is important to keep in mind one critically important fact: None of it will mean a violent takeover of the U.S. government or an invasion and conquest of the United States. The federal government will go on. American life will go on. There will be no army of Muslims, terrorists, Syrians, ISISians, Russians, Chinese, drug dealers, or illegal immigrants coming to get us and take over the reins of the IRS.

A Huge Empire Requires a Huge Government

Not sure I agree with his optimistic outlook on the US continuing-

I have a saying: When havoc is created, chaos ensues then catastrophe is inevitable- the time line of each can be argued til the cows come home, but the catastrophe cannot be avoided. The only question would be how- it's pretty well documented that Empires fail. The above mentions, in passing, we have built an empire and we have. We have colonies world wide (Military installations)- I had a neighbor a few years ago said he was amazed at how this Country just continued to function even while destroying itself- I guess his view was a bit more optimistic than mine.
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America and some other parts of the world are facing a “revivalist” movement, but rather than being a religious revival, it is an ideological revivalism calling for a turn away from freedom and the open society, and back to an earlier societal tribalism and tyranny.

It cuts across the usual political spectrum because what one finds is a common faith in political and economic collectivism, but a common faith that is divided up into several “denominations,” each of them asserting that it is the one true and good collectivism. But all are united in a condemnation of and opposition to free market liberalism, with its dedication to and respect for the individual to peacefully live his own life in voluntary association with his fellows for mutual benefit and betterment.

There are always two sides to any faith-based system, including political ones: There is a dark view of the reality of a fallen and sinful world, and a vision of a redeemed and just world that offers a lifting of the burdens of injustice from the shoulders of mankind.

Collectivism’s Six-Point Indictment of Market Liberalism

According to almost all the collectivist ideological denominations, the wickedness of the world is all due to “capitalism” and the self-interested profit motive. The list of “sins” laid at the feet of the market economy includes the following:
And now you know why Christ cleared the market of the money changer's. Capitalism needs to be regulated to prevent robber barons like we had 150 years ago.
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And now you know why Christ cleared the market of the money changer's. Capitalism needs to be regulated to prevent robber barons like we had 150 years ago.
Did you read the articles?
And now you know why Christ cleared the market of the money changer's. Capitalism needs to be regulated to prevent robber barons like we had 150 years ago.
Completely irrelevant to the topic.


That idiot Tax Man would be the first to whine if Christ came back and cleared the market of the money changers. Ron Paul was all about clearing them out, yet the left and the right drummed him out of D.C.


It doesn't matter whether it is irrelevant to the topic, this is a good teaching moment. The left is ALWAYS confusing CORPORATISM and CAPITALISM.

If the government did not interfere with the free market as much, in all likelihood, robber barons would never exist. This is what the left DO NOT understand, mostly b/c foundations own everything, including mass compulsory education.

The government encourages large, centralized trading markets because they are easier to tax, but then the pols with mechanization's give tax breaks to those who contribute, thus, capturing the system, hence, legalized corruption.

The idiotic left make the foolish assumption that the free market is the problem, when it is government that is the problem. IF they outlawed capitalism, they would have a totalitarian government telling them what jobs they had to do, what education they are suited for, and their precious art fair's, farmer's markets, and e-commerce would be made illegal. They are so dumb, it boggles the mind.
A free market IS the problem!! Regulations that limit how much corporations can gouge people, profit, keep the likes of Carnegie and rockefeller in check.
A free market IS the problem!! Regulations that limit how much corporations can gouge people, profit, keep the likes of Carnegie and rockefeller in check.
There's no such thing as free markets- never has been- free is to be unencumbered- there are markets and there are controlled markets- the market is influenced by commerce/free trade between supplier and consumer.
Controlled markets are controlled by control freaks who fear competition and are willing to pay for play in the controlled markets- our system is quasi-keynesian ruled by congress critters who are morally weak who will accept money for laws prohibiting competition- markets invite competition through innovation and cost for service/product gauged by the consumer, not the laws intentionally allowing only the likes of Carnegies and Rockefellers-
A free market IS the problem!! Regulations that limit how much corporations can gouge people, profit, keep the likes of Carnegie and rockefeller in check.
Yeah. . . last time we had a free market was when a Democrat was president.

Old Hickory.

A free market IS the problem!! Regulations that limit how much corporations can gouge people, profit, keep the likes of Carnegie and rockefeller in check.
Yeah. . . last time we had a free market was when a Democrat was president.

Old Hickory.

Not a fan of Jackson, but the quotes are dead on.
No, I'm not either.

What he did to the natives was despicable.

But he was spot on about the banks.

I'm not a fan of Trump, but, then, he has been a better opponent of the globalist cabal than anyone since Reagan before Bush the elder put out a hit on him to send a message. :71:
A free market IS the problem!! Regulations that limit how much corporations can gouge people, profit, keep the likes of Carnegie and rockefeller in check.
There's no such thing as free markets- never has been- free is to be unencumbered- there are markets and there are controlled markets- the market is influenced by commerce/free trade between supplier and consumer.
Controlled markets are controlled by control freaks who fear competition and are willing to pay for play in the controlled markets- our system is quasi-keynesian ruled by congress critters who are morally weak who will accept money for laws prohibiting competition- markets invite competition through innovation and cost for service/product gauged by the consumer, not the laws intentionally allowing only the likes of Carnegies and Rockefellers-
Good thing

We can not allow unfettered markets
A free market IS the problem!! Regulations that limit how much corporations can gouge people, profit, keep the likes of Carnegie and rockefeller in check.
There's no such thing as free markets- never has been- free is to be unencumbered- there are markets and there are controlled markets- the market is influenced by commerce/free trade between supplier and consumer.
Controlled markets are controlled by control freaks who fear competition and are willing to pay for play in the controlled markets- our system is quasi-keynesian ruled by congress critters who are morally weak who will accept money for laws prohibiting competition- markets invite competition through innovation and cost for service/product gauged by the consumer, not the laws intentionally allowing only the likes of Carnegies and Rockefellers-
Good thing

We can not allow unfettered markets
You need not worry- there have never been unfettered markets- markets are not free, though trade should be- markets are influenced by consumers- controlled markets are what we have here- by fettered politicians-
A free market IS the problem!! Regulations that limit how much corporations can gouge people, profit, keep the likes of Carnegie and rockefeller in check.
There's no such thing as free markets- never has been- free is to be unencumbered- there are markets and there are controlled markets- the market is influenced by commerce/free trade between supplier and consumer.
Controlled markets are controlled by control freaks who fear competition and are willing to pay for play in the controlled markets- our system is quasi-keynesian ruled by congress critters who are morally weak who will accept money for laws prohibiting competition- markets invite competition through innovation and cost for service/product gauged by the consumer, not the laws intentionally allowing only the likes of Carnegies and Rockefellers-
Good thing

We can not allow unfettered markets

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