Liberty University urges students to arm themselves

Their roof, their rules.
Indeed. I bet there won't be any mass shootings on Liberty Universities campus anytime soon. Never know when a student carrying concealed might make it not worth your while trying to murder people.
Granted the left wing's view of America is skewed by their ignorance of history and their bigotry toward Christians but look at the facts. The most notorious mass shooting in history, and for some reason the least reported, happened a couple of years in Southwest Va at Va Tech Blacksburg. Almost everyone in Va. Tech Blacksburg was so afraid of a psychotic Korean born student that professors wouldn't be in the same room with him but nobody did anything because it would have been unkind to point out that an Asian student was freaking crazy. The stupid local Police should have arrested him for stalking female students but they went along with idiotic liberal procedure and they let him go with a recommendation for psychological counseling. The psychotic nut case wasn't booked by the local police and while he was undergoing court ordered psychological counseling he was able to "legally" purchase firearms because the Va. Liberals thought the confidentiality of Psychiatric patients trumped the safety of citizens. In another case a Veteran allegedly undergoing counseling for alleged PTSD shot and killed a decorated former Seal sniper in a notorious case that even sparked a Hollywood movie and yet there is apparently no effort to disarm Veterans who claim to be mentally disabled because of PTSD disorder.
Liberty University president urges students to get guns -

That should scare the shit out of the leftards. Armed AND Religious! :banana:



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