Liberals Will Have A Stroke

You are very silly, making such silly comments.

It's something else for the loons to get their panties in a twist over

Those panties are on the cracker who couldn't leave well enough alone.

Your racism is rearing it's ugly head. You daffy loons can't help yourselves, all that white privilege and BS is such a sham

gezz muffie bi cat fish don't you ever stop? The sheriff is obviously doing it for political reasons. Putting nonsensical things on cop cars is meaningless drivel costing the tax payer , he might as well put we love Micky mouse on all the cars to piss away the money
He used his own money, but that's beside the point. Imagine if the sheriff was Muslim in Dearborn Michigan and placed "In Allah We Trust" on every police patrol vehicle.

How is it that he gets to put any fucking personal message on the side of a vehicle paid for by tax payers and owned by the county or state?
Let's see how the cons respond if we plaster Buddhist non-violent messages on cop cars.
America has always been special country. Founded by people of faith, the United States has always been one nation under God. Ours is a unique land where the American people are united by a shared belief that their rights to life, liberty, property and happiness are granted by a Creator and can never be usurped by government.

Today, however, the bonds that have unified our nation are under attack by a small but vocal, organized and well-funded group of anti-religious activists. These militants assert that America is a deeply flawed nation and that a belief in God is outadated and even immoral. Their goal is to revise our nation's history, belittle our religious traditions and drive faith out of public life for good. In their "new" America, government, and not God, will reign supreme.

In God We Trust was founded to push back against these anti-religious activists through grass-roots activism in local communities, in state legislators and in Washington, D.C.
In God We Trust - Our Mission
A stroke is too merciful for Western-hating, liberal, treasonous, arrogant spoiled brats. I prefer something longer and slower.
Putting what you worship on your car? It's a Southern tradition:

It's something else for the loons to get their panties in a twist over

Those panties are on the cracker who couldn't leave well enough alone.

Your racism is rearing it's ugly head. You daffy loons can't help yourselves, all that white privilege and BS is such a sham

gezz muffie bi cat fish don't you ever stop? The sheriff is obviously doing it for political reasons. Putting nonsensical things on cop cars is meaningless drivel costing the tax payer , he might as well put we love Micky mouse on all the cars to piss away the money
He used his own money, but that's beside the point. Imagine if the sheriff was Muslim in Dearborn Michigan and placed "In Allah We Trust" on every police patrol vehicle.

As has already been pointed out, "Allah" is the Arabic word for "God".
Imagine if the cop cars said "In Allah We trust". I bet you wouldn't like that much.
Those panties are on the cracker who couldn't leave well enough alone.

Your racism is rearing it's ugly head. You daffy loons can't help yourselves, all that white privilege and BS is such a sham

gezz muffie bi cat fish don't you ever stop? The sheriff is obviously doing it for political reasons. Putting nonsensical things on cop cars is meaningless drivel costing the tax payer , he might as well put we love Micky mouse on all the cars to piss away the money
He used his own money, but that's beside the point. Imagine if the sheriff was Muslim in Dearborn Michigan and placed "In Allah We Trust" on every police patrol vehicle.

As has already been pointed out, "Allah" is the Arabic word for "God".
Imagine if the cop cars said "In Allah We trust". I bet you wouldn't like that much.

Hell they'd bitch if a county clerk wanted to wear her head scarf on the job.
One more 1st Amendment issue to cause Liberals to go berserk.

The sheriff for York-Poquoson counties in Virginia has added America’s national motto, “In God We Trust,” to his patrol cars, offering an extensive legal defense for his actions.

Sheriff J.D. “Danny” Diggs posed for a photo on the York County’s Facebook page showing the new decal on a sheriff’s vehicle.

In the post, Diggs says his goal is not to offend anyone, but rather to honor God. He said posting the motto on patrol cars “does not injure or threaten anyone.”

Sheriff Adds 4 Words to His Patrol Cars – Liberals Outraged – American Spotlight
Just the American Taliban at work, using tax dollars to promote religion.
When you really have no sound argument equate something like words on a police vehicle to a group that has committed real crimes against humanity. Its a pathetic ploy.

The question should be does this violate the separation of church and state to the people of that community. If so then they will be heard in the next election for Sheriff. If it doesn't bother the community then its nobody else's freaking business
Your racism is rearing it's ugly head. You daffy loons can't help yourselves, all that white privilege and BS is such a sham

gezz muffie bi cat fish don't you ever stop? The sheriff is obviously doing it for political reasons. Putting nonsensical things on cop cars is meaningless drivel costing the tax payer , he might as well put we love Micky mouse on all the cars to piss away the money
He used his own money, but that's beside the point. Imagine if the sheriff was Muslim in Dearborn Michigan and placed "In Allah We Trust" on every police patrol vehicle.

As has already been pointed out, "Allah" is the Arabic word for "God".
Imagine if the cop cars said "In Allah We trust". I bet you wouldn't like that much.

Hell they'd bitch if a county clerk wanted to wear her head scarf on the job.
No kidding. It's the Christian fundies pushing this kind of stuff.
I respect all believes. My opinion however is that Bernie sanders is the best candidate. I even wrote a song about it! Check it out!
One more 1st Amendment issue to cause Liberals to go berserk.

The sheriff for York-Poquoson counties in Virginia has added America’s national motto, “In God We Trust,” to his patrol cars, offering an extensive legal defense for his actions.

Sheriff J.D. “Danny” Diggs posed for a photo on the York County’s Facebook page showing the new decal on a sheriff’s vehicle.

In the post, Diggs says his goal is not to offend anyone, but rather to honor God. He said posting the motto on patrol cars “does not injure or threaten anyone.”

Sheriff Adds 4 Words to His Patrol Cars – Liberals Outraged – American Spotlight
Just the American Taliban at work, using tax dollars to promote religion.
When you really have no sound argument equate something like words on a police vehicle to a group that has committed real crimes against humanity. Its a pathetic ploy.

The question should be does this violate the separation of church and state to the people of that community. If so then they will be heard in the next election for Sheriff. If it doesn't bother the community then its nobody else's freaking business
I want my cop cars to have Buddhist wishes on them. "Do no harm", for example.

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