Liberals Will Have A Stroke

One more 1st Amendment issue to cause Liberals to go berserk.

The sheriff for York-Poquoson counties in Virginia has added America’s national motto, “In God We Trust,” to his patrol cars, offering an extensive legal defense for his actions.

Sheriff J.D. “Danny” Diggs posed for a photo on the York County’s Facebook page showing the new decal on a sheriff’s vehicle.

In the post, Diggs says his goal is not to offend anyone, but rather to honor God. He said posting the motto on patrol cars “does not injure or threaten anyone.”

Sheriff Adds 4 Words to His Patrol Cars – Liberals Outraged – American Spotlight

Dear Hossfly
If Liberals continue to cross the line with church-state separation,
pushing the health care mandates and later the gay marriage endorsements that both constitute faith-based BELIEFS established by govt,
then we will see more aggressive pushing by

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

When the liberals pushed the ACA mandates above and beyond any arguments for "prochoice"
and "keeping govt out of private health care decisions" they blew it.

This opened the door for the Prolife to start pushing their beliefs.

And now the liberals can no longer cry for "separation of church and state"
after violating this very concept with the gay marriage implementation through the states,
and continuing to make excuses for the ACA mandates that violate free choice by federal govt regulations, mandates and penalties on free choice of health care.

Liberals did it to themselves.
You are very silly, making such silly comments.

It's something else for the loons to get their panties in a twist over

Those panties are on the cracker who couldn't leave well enough alone.

Your racism is rearing it's ugly head. You daffy loons can't help yourselves, all that white privilege and BS is such a sham

gezz muffie bi cat fish don't you ever stop? The sheriff is obviously doing it for political reasons. Putting nonsensical things on cop cars is meaningless drivel costing the tax payer , he might as well put we love Micky mouse on all the cars to piss away the money
He used his own money, but that's beside the point. Imagine if the sheriff was Muslim in Dearborn Michigan and placed "In Allah We Trust" on every police patrol vehicle.

According to the sheriff, his message includes Allah, lol. ...nudge...nudge...wink...wink.

Oddly, Sharia Law is a real example of trusting in God.
You are very silly, making such silly comments.

It's something else for the loons to get their panties in a twist over

Those panties are on the cracker who couldn't leave well enough alone.

Your racism is rearing it's ugly head. You daffy loons can't help yourselves, all that white privilege and BS is such a sham

I've also noticed how racist and bigoted the Left are....of course, like black people, they CANNOT POSSIBLY be racist and bigoted :rolleyes-41:

No those are ONLY things that White Christian Conservatives can be :rolleyes-41:

I actually had one tell me blacks can't be racist, this is how utterly stupid a left loon is
I was keeding!
It's something else for the loons to get their panties in a twist over

Those panties are on the cracker who couldn't leave well enough alone.

Your racism is rearing it's ugly head. You daffy loons can't help yourselves, all that white privilege and BS is such a sham

gezz muffie bi cat fish don't you ever stop? The sheriff is obviously doing it for political reasons. Putting nonsensical things on cop cars is meaningless drivel costing the tax payer , he might as well put we love Micky mouse on all the cars to piss away the money

Get lost ya Bat Shit nuts moron. Go start another whine thread about someone, ya fucking joke
How Christian of you.

You're another bat shit nuts one. Serious, you have some deep rooted issues going on
It's political theism. He has no business putting his personal belief decals on government owned vehicles.
Cough cough's on our money.
So? You want a Christian Taliban in America? This is a step in that direction.
Hardly. Seeing the word "God" on a police car isn't going to have any real consequence on your life, I promise.

It will give them the vapors

A implicit admission that the real goal here was to antagonize.
It's political theism. He has no business putting his personal belief decals on government owned vehicles.
Cough cough's on our money.
So? You want a Christian Taliban in America? This is a step in that direction.
Hardly. Seeing the word "God" on a police car isn't going to have any real consequence on your life, I promise.

Guess you don't get it either. I think someone has already reminded the pinheads here about the FIrst Amendment, but righties on here are only concerned about the Second. In fact, they think the Constitution is all about the Second Amendment even though there are 26 other ones.
It's political theism. He has no business putting his personal belief decals on government owned vehicles.
Cough cough's on our money.
So? You want a Christian Taliban in America? This is a step in that direction.
Hardly. Seeing the word "God" on a police car isn't going to have any real consequence on your life, I promise.
Bull. It's part of an overall campaign to insert Christianity into the government.

Put whatever message you want on your personal car but leave government vehicles free of religious messages.
It's political theism. He has no business putting his personal belief decals on government owned vehicles.
Cough cough's on our money.
So? You want a Christian Taliban in America? This is a step in that direction.
Hardly. Seeing the word "God" on a police car isn't going to have any real consequence on your life, I promise.

It will give them the vapors

A implicit admission that the real goal here was to antagonize.

Watch out....She doesn't know the definition of "implicit".
You are very silly, making such silly comments.

It's something else for the loons to get their panties in a twist over

Those panties are on the cracker who couldn't leave well enough alone.

Your racism is rearing it's ugly head. You daffy loons can't help yourselves, all that white privilege and BS is such a sham

gezz muffie bi cat fish don't you ever stop? The sheriff is obviously doing it for political reasons. Putting nonsensical things on cop cars is meaningless drivel costing the tax payer , he might as well put we love Micky mouse on all the cars to piss away the money
He used his own money, but that's beside the point. Imagine if the sheriff was Muslim in Dearborn Michigan and placed "In Allah We Trust" on every police patrol vehicle.

As has already been pointed out, "Allah" is the Arabic word for "God".
It's political theism. He has no business putting his personal belief decals on government owned vehicles.
Cough cough's on our money.

Yes, it is. And it shouldn't be just like there should be no Washington National Cathedral or any stupid National Prayer Breakfasts, either. And just like there should be no Federal Reserve Bank sanctioned by our government or IRS. Are you getting it, yet?

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