Liberals in New Yawk Hate Glen Beck.

Amazing how you are all defending this hate.

You honestly don't think people should be able to be in public without being insulted just because you don't like their politics? You seriously think their family should be insulted?

you guys are such liars and hypocrites. It's seriously disgusting.
"Violence"? If Beck said it, it must be true! He's never lied about anything! Beck would never, ever blow something out of proportion!

See, someone intentionally kicked a glass of wine on his wife's back! He's so bad ass that he can mind read someone's intent!

And pictures of his family! Oh dear!

And people pointed at him!

Good thing his "security detail" was there to protect him.

I guess getting paid "beaucoup" bucks to be a political shock jock has a downside.

People don't like your sorry ass.

He never claimed someone intentionally kicked a glass of wine on his wife's back. Only that they laughed at her when it happened.

Nice isnt it?
All we have about this 'incident' is what Beck said happened. Personally, I need more than just one person's account of an incident to draw any conclusion about that incident.

He is a proven liar. After taking a vow of truthfulness, which has expired now.
Why would anyone put a time limit on a vow of truthfulness anyway?

What proof do you have that he is a liar?

Since when does the left ever substantiate a claim that someone is a liar? It's like their oldest attack on people who disagree with them. It's either "They lie!" Or "They're stupid!" Or "They're crazy!"

It be nice if they got over this 1 grade method of arguing and learned how to discuss topics intellectually.
Amazing how you are all defending this hate.

You honestly don't think people should be able to be in public without being insulted just because you don't like their politics? You seriously think their family should be insulted?

you guys are such liars and hypocrites. It's seriously disgusting.

I think you might be confusing "thinking it's ok" with "thinking it didn't actually happen the way he says it did".

You guys want to believe it completely, I know. You lap it up because it fits your little "liberal" mold in your head. I, on the other hand, have no reason to believe Beck's drama-queen version of events. I wouldn't be surprised if there were one or two assholes in the crowd heckling him, but he clearly blew it completely out of proportion to make political hay out of it.
becks light is simply reaping what he sewed. The guy is the worst person (or close to it) on the planet. It seems to me, he feels like he can say anything about anyone....the most disgusting slanderous lies. It seems to me, he doesn't care....thinks it's funny even. What he said about Sorros, just to win points with his uneducated, illiterate, hillbilly followers/sheep......that was disgusting. If he doesn't like the backlash......maybe he shouldn't have ATTACKED people from the safety of his little microphone. Seems to me, he has lied about people and has created fake conspiracies. Again, he is reaping what he sewed.

Can't have cake and eat it too. Also, he's been shown to tell absolute lies about events. So, I personally doubt his story anyway.
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"Violence"? If Beck said it, it must be true! He's never lied about anything! Beck would never, ever blow something out of proportion!

See, someone intentionally kicked a glass of wine on his wife's back! He's so bad ass that he can mind read someone's intent!

And pictures of his family! Oh dear!

And people pointed at him!

Good thing his "security detail" was there to protect him.

I guess getting paid "beaucoup" bucks to be a political shock jock has a downside.

People don't like your sorry ass.

He never claimed someone intentionally kicked a glass of wine on his wife's back. Only that they laughed at her when it happened.

Nice isnt it?
Actually he did! See how he inspires others to lie in his defense.

The video from his show is at this link, see and hear for yourself.

Glenn Beck Says Family Harassed In Bryant Park: 'It Was A Hostile Situation' (VIDEO)
to attack a mans family even though you disagree with him is the act of a coward. certain things and people are off limits.. If you want to attack Beck on his stances and on his delivery of material that is your perogative but to defend the attackers of his family is just assinine .
So what exactly is so untrustworthy about Glenn's account?

I have no doubt that a few assholes might have heckled him - but to claim that he felt threatened? That someone kicked wine on his wife on purpose?

I wasn't there, so I don't know for sure - but neither were you. You're free to believe Beck's story - I think the random 25-year old is more trustworthy, though.

It's in Beck's personal interest to claim that he was "threatened" by those "violent" New York "liberals" - it'll do wonders for his ratings. All of his listeners, like you, will eat up his story, further "proving" to you that Glenn Beck is being "persecuted".

It's part of the persecution complex thing that's part of Beck's shtick.
Sure some liberals hate Beck. Where is there any news in that?

Some conservatives hate Olberman too.

It's one thing to despise a person and altogether another to attack his wife and children.. and yet here you and the other leftist loons are condoning it and basically stating they deserve it..

Praying to God for rain = WRONG
Attacking women and children - GOOD

The liberal machine.

I DARE anyone to attack my child.. I DARE YOU.. You see, I have every right to defend my daughter from criminals like the left in this nation .. Self defense. Conservatives need to start remembering this.. It's time to take off the gloves. Throwing glitter, pies, wine.. all of it, IT'S OVER.. Do it again and find out what happens. I am not a Glenn Beck fan, at ALL but I wish he would have beat the ever loving dog crap out of the person who came after his family.. I WOULD HAVE.

You might want to review my other posts in this thread.
How does on kick wine on another anyway?

Well if you don't have a table or a chair with cup holders you gotta put it by your feet.

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