Liberals in New Yawk Hate Glen Beck.

"Violence"? If Beck said it, it must be true! He's never lied about anything! Beck would never, ever blow something out of proportion!

See, someone intentionally kicked a glass of wine on his wife's back! He's so bad ass that he can mind read someone's intent!

And pictures of his family! Oh dear!

And people pointed at him!

Good thing his "security detail" was there to protect him.

I guess getting paid "beaucoup" bucks to be a political shock jock has a downside.

People don't like your sorry ass.

He never claimed someone intentionally kicked a glass of wine on his wife's back. Only that they laughed at her when it happened.

Nice isnt it?

Uh, yes he did. Did you listen to the whine fest?

Or maybe "wine fest" is more appropriate.

If not: go to 2:20 of the video.
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dont forget he is an admitted liar but so are a lot of people.....he admits he does not check his facts etc....

YouTube - ‪Why listen to Glenn Beck when He Admits he Lies‬‏

Glenn found the woman's twitter account and it showed a discussion about how to spill wine on Beck and his family and make it look like an accident. They also tried to kick him in the mouth accidentally (this was discussed in her tweets with friends) but they weren't able to pull that one off.

No it doesn't. It shows a snide remark from someone that wasn't there. If you want to "live and die" by twitter, all the "tweets" from the people there said it was an accident. They don't pretend to like Beck, but they also don't claim this was some sort of conspiracy. Furthermore, they had no idea that Beck would spew his vaginitis over the national airways the next day, so they had no reason to try and "cover" themselves.

As usual, Beck just hyped the actions of some 20 somethings at the park for his own ratings bonanza.

Of course, if you believe Beck's website: "The Blaze", you'll probably believe anything.
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becks light is simply reaping what he sewed. The guy is the worst person (or close to it) on the planet. It seems to me, he feels like he can say anything about anyone....the most disgusting slanderous lies. It seems to me, he doesn't care....thinks it's funny even. What he said about Sorros, just to win points with his uneducated, illiterate, hillbilly followers/sheep......that was disgusting. If he doesn't like the backlash......maybe he shouldn't have ATTACKED people from the safety of his little microphone. Seems to me, he has lied about people and has created fake conspiracies. Again, he is reaping what he sewed.

Can't have cake and eat it too. Also, he's been shown to tell absolute lies about events. So, I personally doubt his story anyway.
Then, it's OK with you if this same sort of thing were to happen to Soros and his family, for example.

Would be fine if it happened to me. has happened to me. I accepted the apology and enjoyed the show.
Then, it's OK with you if this same sort of thing were to happen to Soros and his family, for example.

sure why wouldn't I be?
Are some of the righties making a big deal out of this over on the Petty thread calling Petty little for protecting his property rights from Bachmans illegal use?
Of course. Liberals are SO long as you think and act just like them.
becks light is simply reaping what he sewed. The guy is the worst person (or close to it) on the planet. It seems to me, he feels like he can say anything about anyone....the most disgusting slanderous lies. It seems to me, he doesn't care....thinks it's funny even. What he said about Sorros, just to win points with his uneducated, illiterate, hillbilly followers/sheep......that was disgusting. If he doesn't like the backlash......maybe he shouldn't have ATTACKED people from the safety of his little microphone. Seems to me, he has lied about people and has created fake conspiracies. Again, he is reaping what he sewed.

Can't have cake and eat it too. Also, he's been shown to tell absolute lies about events. So, I personally doubt his story anyway.
Then, it's OK with you if this same sort of thing were to happen to Soros and his family, for example.

Would be fine if it happened to me. has happened to me. I accepted the apology and enjoyed the show.
If anyone messed with my family because they did not like MY political opinion, it would not be fine with me.

But, cool. If any liberal gets their family messed with by any conservatives (likely won't happen because in general, they outclass libs any day of the week) we can count on you to zip it.

Yeah, I believe that. :rolleyes:

(No offense)
Then, it's OK with you if this same sort of thing were to happen to Soros and his family, for example.

sure why wouldn't I be?
Are some of the righties making a big deal out of this over on the Petty thread calling Petty little for protecting his property rights from Bachmans illegal use?

And yet, we see rant after rant about any insult towards any Democrat. We see the left desperately trying to link right wing extremists to the shooting of Gifford.
Then, it's OK with you if this same sort of thing were to happen to Soros and his family, for example.

sure why wouldn't I be?
Are some of the righties making a big deal out of this over on the Petty thread calling Petty little for protecting his property rights from Bachmans illegal use?

And yet, we see rant after rant about any insult towards any Democrat. We see the left desperately trying to link right wing extremists to the shooting of Gifford.
Right, like the spit that never happened. And that wasn't even family.
Then, it's OK with you if this same sort of thing were to happen to Soros and his family, for example.

sure why wouldn't I be?
Are some of the righties making a big deal out of this over on the Petty thread calling Petty little for protecting his property rights from Bachmans illegal use?

And yet, we see rant after rant about any insult towards any Democrat. We see the left desperately trying to link right wing extremists to the shooting of Gifford.
Right, like the spit that never happened. And that wasn't even family.
Lie and deny, that is the CON$ervative way. There is video on YouTube of Congressman Cleaver being spit upon by an angry mob of Teabaggers, but to CON$ it never happened. There are photos of Beck being totally ignored by the New Yorkers and to CON$ he is being attacked by an angry mob. :cuckoo:
And yet, we see rant after rant about any insult towards any Democrat. We see the left desperately trying to link right wing extremists to the shooting of Gifford.
Right, like the spit that never happened. And that wasn't even family.
Lie and deny, that is the CON$ervative way. There is video on YouTube of Congressman Cleaver being spit upon by an angry mob of Teabaggers, but to CON$ it never happened. There are photos of Beck being totally ignored by the New Yorkers and to CON$ he is being attacked by an angry mob. :cuckoo:
Then post that link showing the act.

And, if it happened, it's clearly assault.

You'll post the link to the cops pressing those charges as well, won't you. Because the cops were called. So, let's see the charges for the 'assault'.

And you just proved my point. No, I don't believe for a second that if the tables were turned, you (general) wouldn't mind.

Then, it's OK with you if this same sort of thing were to happen to Soros and his family, for example.

Would be fine if it happened to me. has happened to me. I accepted the apology and enjoyed the show.
If anyone messed with my family because they did not like MY political opinion, it would not be fine with me.

But, cool. If any liberal gets their family messed with by any conservatives (likely won't happen because in general, they outclass libs any day of the week) we can count on you to zip it.

Yeah, I believe that. :rolleyes:

(No offense)

Like I pointed out earlier in thread, I've been to the very same park to see plenty of events. I've been to parks all around NYC to see events. I've had things spilled on me...and people apologizing. Which is, by all accounts except for Becks, what happened here. There are plenty of police in the park..and in ADDITION..he had his own security. Bryant park is pretty small..and easy to spot trouble.

Beck is lying. He's a liar. People have put up youtube's of him saying that very thing. I put up a youtube of him faking tears for a photoshoot.

I don't know why this Elmer Gantry Carnival Barker has any credibility with anyone. If this had been George Will, Shepard Smith, or Chris Wallace..I'd say, they might have some standing.

But Glenn Beck? Come on. :lol:
Would be fine if it happened to me. has happened to me. I accepted the apology and enjoyed the show.
If anyone messed with my family because they did not like MY political opinion, it would not be fine with me.

But, cool. If any liberal gets their family messed with by any conservatives (likely won't happen because in general, they outclass libs any day of the week) we can count on you to zip it.

Yeah, I believe that. :rolleyes:

(No offense)

Like I pointed out earlier in thread, I've been to the very same park to see plenty of events. I've been to parks all around NYC to see events. I've had things spilled on me...and people apologizing. Which is, by all accounts except for Becks, what happened here. There are plenty of police in the park..and in ADDITION..he had his own security. Bryant park is pretty small..and easy to spot trouble.

Beck is lying. He's a liar. People have put up youtube's of him saying that very thing. I put up a youtube of him faking tears for a photoshoot.

I don't know why this Elmer Gantry Carnival Barker has any credibility with anyone. If this had been George Will, Shepard Smith, or Chris Wallace..I'd say, they might have some standing.

But Glenn Beck? Come on. :lol:
Maybe you have some inside sources that allow you to make any conclusion about this. Do share.

Personally, even if Charlie Manson had a child or a wife - both of whom had no involvement other than being his family - I wouldn't pick on her just because I don't like him.

But, that's just the way I am.
If anyone messed with my family because they did not like MY political opinion, it would not be fine with me.

But, cool. If any liberal gets their family messed with by any conservatives (likely won't happen because in general, they outclass libs any day of the week) we can count on you to zip it.

Yeah, I believe that. :rolleyes:

(No offense)

Like I pointed out earlier in thread, I've been to the very same park to see plenty of events. I've been to parks all around NYC to see events. I've had things spilled on me...and people apologizing. Which is, by all accounts except for Becks, what happened here. There are plenty of police in the park..and in ADDITION..he had his own security. Bryant park is pretty small..and easy to spot trouble.

Beck is lying. He's a liar. People have put up youtube's of him saying that very thing. I put up a youtube of him faking tears for a photoshoot.

I don't know why this Elmer Gantry Carnival Barker has any credibility with anyone. If this had been George Will, Shepard Smith, or Chris Wallace..I'd say, they might have some standing.

But Glenn Beck? Come on. :lol:
Maybe you have some inside sources that allow you to make any conclusion about this. Do share.

Personally, even if Charlie Manson had a child or a wife - both of whom had no involvement other than being his family - I wouldn't pick on her just because I don't like him.

But, that's just the way I am.

I must say, I enjoyed your reference to Charles Manson when talking about Glenn Beck.
Like I pointed out earlier in thread, I've been to the very same park to see plenty of events. I've been to parks all around NYC to see events. I've had things spilled on me...and people apologizing. Which is, by all accounts except for Becks, what happened here. There are plenty of police in the park..and in ADDITION..he had his own security. Bryant park is pretty small..and easy to spot trouble.

Beck is lying. He's a liar. People have put up youtube's of him saying that very thing. I put up a youtube of him faking tears for a photoshoot.

I don't know why this Elmer Gantry Carnival Barker has any credibility with anyone. If this had been George Will, Shepard Smith, or Chris Wallace..I'd say, they might have some standing.

But Glenn Beck? Come on. :lol:
Maybe you have some inside sources that allow you to make any conclusion about this. Do share.

Personally, even if Charlie Manson had a child or a wife - both of whom had no involvement other than being his family - I wouldn't pick on her just because I don't like him.

But, that's just the way I am.

I must say, I enjoyed your reference to Charles Manson when talking about Glenn Beck.
Unfortunately, I can see your thought process; and it's scary - that I can see it.

I really must be getting dumbed down at USMB.
Right, like the spit that never happened. And that wasn't even family.
Lie and deny, that is the CON$ervative way. There is video on YouTube of Congressman Cleaver being spit upon by an angry mob of Teabaggers, but to CON$ it never happened. There are photos of Beck being totally ignored by the New Yorkers and to CON$ he is being attacked by an angry mob. :cuckoo:
Then post that link showing the act.

And, if it happened, it's clearly assault.

You'll post the link to the cops pressing those charges as well, won't you. Because the cops were called. So, let's see the charges for the 'assault'.

And you just proved my point. No, I don't believe for a second that if the tables were turned, you (general) wouldn't mind.

Before the CON$ were denying the spitting ever happened, they acknowledged it happened but accused the spitter of being a Democratic plant to make the teabaggers look bad.

Here's video of the spitting, you can see Cleaver flinch when the spit hits him and then point to the Teabag spitter. Followed by a witness saying he saw the spitting but that it was a Dem doing the spitting.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Congressman Emanuel Cleaver spit on by teabagger before healthcare vote - new video!‬‏[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Tea Party Hate and Spit Targets Blacks and Democrats‬‏[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Health protest spitting incident in DC‬‏[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - ‪The Spit Heard Round the World‬‏[/ame]
Lie and deny, that is the CON$ervative way. There is video on YouTube of Congressman Cleaver being spit upon by an angry mob of Teabaggers, but to CON$ it never happened. There are photos of Beck being totally ignored by the New Yorkers and to CON$ he is being attacked by an angry mob. :cuckoo:
Then post that link showing the act.

And, if it happened, it's clearly assault.

You'll post the link to the cops pressing those charges as well, won't you. Because the cops were called. So, let's see the charges for the 'assault'.

And you just proved my point. No, I don't believe for a second that if the tables were turned, you (general) wouldn't mind.

Before the CON$ were denying the spitting ever happened, they acknowledged it happened but accused the spitter of being a Democratic plant to make the teabaggers look bad.

Here's video of the spitting, you can see Cleaver flinch when the spit hits him and then point to the Teabag spitter. Followed by a witness saying he saw the spitting but that it was a Dem doing the spitting.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Congressman Emanuel Cleaver spit on by teabagger before healthcare vote - new video!‬‏[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Tea Party Hate and Spit Targets Blacks and Democrats‬‏[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Health protest spitting incident in DC‬‏[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - ‪The Spit Heard Round the World‬‏[/ame]

Yeah, I can find just as many vids spun to make a non-spit look like a spit.

Unfortunately, the cops who were called saw no evidence to even press charges.

Sucks for you.
Then post that link showing the act.

And, if it happened, it's clearly assault.

You'll post the link to the cops pressing those charges as well, won't you. Because the cops were called. So, let's see the charges for the 'assault'.

And you just proved my point. No, I don't believe for a second that if the tables were turned, you (general) wouldn't mind.

Before the CON$ were denying the spitting ever happened, they acknowledged it happened but accused the spitter of being a Democratic plant to make the teabaggers look bad.

Here's video of the spitting, you can see Cleaver flinch when the spit hits him and then point to the Teabag spitter. Followed by a witness saying he saw the spitting but that it was a Dem doing the spitting.

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Congressman Emanuel Cleaver spit on by teabagger before healthcare vote - new video!‬‏[/ame]
[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Tea Party Hate and Spit Targets Blacks and Democrats‬‏[/ame]
[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Health protest spitting incident in DC‬‏[/ame]
[ame=""]YouTube - ‪The Spit Heard Round the World‬‏[/ame]

Yeah, I can find just as many vids spun to make a non-spit look like a spit.

Unfortunately, the cops who were called saw no evidence to even press charges.

Sucks for you.
Yeah, sure, whatever. :cuckoo:

Funny how Beck can't even produce any photos or vids that can be spun to look like mobs attacking him!!! And cops weren't even called on these nonexistent mobs.

Sucks for you.
Before the CON$ were denying the spitting ever happened, they acknowledged it happened but accused the spitter of being a Democratic plant to make the teabaggers look bad.

Here's video of the spitting, you can see Cleaver flinch when the spit hits him and then point to the Teabag spitter. Followed by a witness saying he saw the spitting but that it was a Dem doing the spitting.

YouTube - ‪Congressman Emanuel Cleaver spit on by teabagger before healthcare vote - new video!‬‏
YouTube - ‪Tea Party Hate and Spit Targets Blacks and Democrats‬‏
YouTube - ‪Health protest spitting incident in DC‬‏
YouTube - ‪The Spit Heard Round the World‬‏

Yeah, I can find just as many vids spun to make a non-spit look like a spit.

Unfortunately, the cops who were called saw no evidence to even press charges.

Sucks for you.
Yeah, sure, whatever. :cuckoo:

Funny how Beck can't even produce any photos or vids that can be spun to look like mobs attacking him!!! And cops weren't even called on these nonexistent mobs.

Sucks for you.
Thanks for showing all of us again what a moron you are.

Nothing about this sucks for me. You can't read, eh? :lol:

But, I love the nuggets idiots like you give me.

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