Liberals committing suicide!!



TODAY ONLY at Uncle Sam's Suicide Shop!!!
50% off all items! We have the latest in rope, razors, hand guns, buildings, bridges, pills, and poisons!!!!
Come one come all and tell them that Uncle Sam sent 'ya!!!
Welcome to the board!

They aren't suicidal though, just ignorant retards. Don't get frustrated with them, just laugh at them.
I will enjoy laughing at all the liberals here now that Saddam was caught. Heck I might even be a good neighbor and give em a lift to Uncle Sam's store! :p:
I suppose your anticipation and encouragement of "liberals commiting suicide" are related to your self proclaimed handle as some sort of "common sense". Sorry to disappoint you.

This is indeed a great day for liberals and conservatives alike. A tyrant is certainly deposed and the door opens for others to be as well. How do you read that?

This liberal won't be considering "suicide" just yet.
Originally posted by Psychoblues
This is indeed a great day for liberals and conservatives alike.

Although this may be true in the general sense, I find it laughable that the liberals from this board are mostly absent in the threads about Saddam being captured. That's not something that furthers their hating Bush agenda.
they have been fairly absent tonite, kinda nice. they are maybe doing top secret research to found something else to bash G.W. on. or are they making up new tin foil hats??
Originally posted by jon_forward
they have been fairly absent tonite, kinda nice. they are maybe doing top secret research to found something else to bash G.W. on. or are they making up new tin foil hats??

Haha or maybe we're out enjoying a nice sunday outside of our houses :D
Even I, jimnyc, was attracted to some of the GWB "agenda" as you call it during the campaign of 2000. I've said this often on democratic boards to great disagreement but I'll repeat it here. The 2 (two) things that attracted many "swing voters" to GWB were the statements he made about "compassionate conservative" and "if you pay taxes, you get relief."

As his "agenda" has proven false on both those accounts his only alternative was the pursuit of his windfall objective. The "War on Terror". His speeches that were written by professionals and his made up and highly promoted "tough guy" image fail to impress those of us that don't fall for such propaganda although we agree that the "War on Terror" is very real and necessary. I wish the republicans had found it so real and necessary during the '90's, but that's another story.

As a middle income American, I have felt no relief whatsoever from any tax-cut or tax-cut proposal by GWB and looking at actual projections I don't anticipate any. I don't see anything compassionate about his policies either except they tend to benefit giant corporations with little regard to small businesses and that they completely ignore the dilemma that MOST Americans face.

As a politically aware American, a proud and Veteran American, I never thought I'd see the "good ol' boy" system operating all the way to the White House. GWB proved me wrong on that account. America DOES stand for the priveledged, the wealthy, the powerful and to hell with all the rest. My father tried to teach me that in the '60's but I either forgot or ignored him. After all these years, I regret that.
That's a lovely story, Psycho, but I don't see how it relates to this thread. We were discussing the mysterious absences of liberals whenever 'good news' stories are discussed. Thanks for sharing your heartfelt story though!
Originally posted by jon_forward
hey Isaac, i didnt include you in that statemant, i should have included the ranting and raving liberials instead of 'they'.

My thanks as always jon. Don't worry i didn't take it to heart. :)

Ranting or raving from anyside is just low-class in my opinon.
Sorry I was away Jimnyc, it seems that you were missing a liberal. This is NOT a partisan issue, everybody is glad that Saddam is gone, its just a question of whether or not it was vital to homeland secuirity that liberals question.
Originally posted by Palestinian Jew
Sorry I was away Jimnyc, it seems that you were missing a liberal. This is NOT a partisan issue, everybody is glad that Saddam is gone, its just a question of whether or not it was vital to homeland secuirity that liberals question.

I'm glad you feel that way, and I'm sure even most liberals agree. That is hardly an absolute though. I've been browsing boards for a good part of the day and not all share that sentiment.

There's also a good deal of liberals from this very sight who we KNOW won't chime in about Saddam, at least not without putting a negative spin on something else at the same time.
I'm glad you feel that way, and I'm sure even most liberals agree. That is hardly an absolute though. I've been browsing boards for a good part of the day and not all share that sentiment.

I guess we finally get to agree. I hate the far left liberals as much as you do, probably more just because they make the rest of us look like idiots.
far left, far right,...I prefer to call them extremist..sort of a catch all file 13 thing, what aresaddams people gonna do to him? this should be quick, but interesting. did they ever draw and quarter over there or was that to nice?? looks like so far we are all in agreement on the butcher of bagdad.

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