Active Member
Liberals hate equality. For instance, let's take progressive taxes. They by their very nature promote inequality. They tax people at different rates in order to create equality. Yet, that presupposes all people are born equal. In fact, some people are born better looking, some people are born healthier, some people are born smarter. So, instead of letting an unattractive woman get equal thru hard work, or an unatheletic geek get closer to equality thru creating innnovative software, liberals want everyone to be hostage to the genetic lottery of birth. We wouldn't dream of taxing someone at a higher rate because they were born better looking than us -- something they didn't earn, yet , if a person earns more thru hardwork, than it's moral to tax them at a higher rate? Sorry that's immoral. Why should anyone vote for immoral people known as redistributionists/Dems/LIbs???