Liberalism’s Real Appeal

You don't take stock of criticism. You keep pouting and whining.

Lemme guess -- it doesn't apply to you, does it?

Naw, I just haven't seen much valid criticism here, other than whining that I make you all look like the racist assholes you clearly are.

I doubt it because this has something to do with the relaxation of morals and having no accountability. The liberal agenda is to promote Hollywood values -- characterized by public obscenities, decadence, narcissism, hypocrisy, rampant drug use, extramarital sex leading to the spread of sexually-transmitted disease, abortion, lawlessness and the promotion of the homosexual agenda. One of which you commented on. Such values have a very negative influence on the life of individuals, and very often lead to death. It's not wonder libs are not happy and outraged much of the time.

Hollywood values? are you kidding me? I'm sorry, when did "Abortion, the motion picture" come out? The thing is, Hollywood is actually kind of tame, they market test every movie before it's released and they have an MPAA system with two clergymen on it giving movies they don't like a fatal "R" Rating.

No, guy, the reason why the country is going to hell in a handbasket is that rich people have been systematically dismantling the Middle Class. Period. Nothing more complicated than that. They did this because the children who grew up with comfortable lives because their grandparents marched on picket lines were easily distracted with,

"The gays and the abortions and the drugs are all bad!"

and you fell for it.
And in terms of SA. Israel is a separate country keeping the terror groups of Hamas and Farah away. Your 2nd rate education amuses me. Feel free to at least man up and admit you’re an antisemite.

Now, funny thing.... The Apartheid Regime (the one in South Africa, not Israel, they are both Apartheid regimes, really) called Nelson Mandella a "Terrorist" and locked him up for decades. They called Steven Biko a terrorist and murdered him.

The only difference is that White People in South Africa knew their apartheid regime was unsustainable in the face of international condemnation.

The Apartheid regime in Israel will keep doing the same shit as long as AIPAC has our politicians shitting the suits if someone even mentions that they have too much influence.
Yes!!! Love it more Jew hate and you may call them Moslems if you so choose and there is a reason I do it. If you didn’t go to a 2nd rate school you would know that. Capitalism is too complex for you to comprehend. I thought you were putting me on ignore? Another lie?

Naw, your Trolling still amuses me, little Troll...

Most of us understand Capitalism just fine.. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Has been this way since the 1970's when they started busting up the unions and dismantling the middle class. Even dumb white people realize this and fail to identify the cause.

Wrong. The “rich” aren’t always the same and the “poor” aren’t always the same. People move up
And down. Most people that start poor don’t end up being poor. In fact the Brookings Institute (Liberals) determined that if you do three things:

1) Graduate HS (don’t even have to attend a 2nd rate university)

2) Get a job

3) Don’t become a single parent

98% of those persons will not end up poor. Seems simple. I am starting to question whether you went to college at all. Your definition of capitalism was not only simplistic but it was simply incorrect. It is like
dumbasses who say that 1% of the population owns 90% of the wealth. That 1% is fluid. People move in and out of it. It is not set in stone. Maybe you should take some night classes in statistics, economics and logic?
And in terms of SA. Israel is a separate country keeping the terror groups of Hamas and Farah away. Your 2nd rate education amuses me. Feel free to at least man up and admit you’re an antisemite.

Now, funny thing.... The Apartheid Regime (the one in South Africa, not Israel, they are both Apartheid regimes, really) called Nelson Mandella a "Terrorist" and locked him up for decades. They called Steven Biko a terrorist and murdered him.

The only difference is that White People in South Africa knew their apartheid regime was unsustainable in the face of international condemnation.

The Apartheid regime in Israel will keep doing the same shit as long as AIPAC has our politicians shitting the suits if someone even mentions that they have too much influence.

The situations are utterly disparate. South Africa was never the conquerors ancient homeland. Israel was and always will be. You should also learn history and geography. Now put me on ignore like you threatened to or was that threat empty as well? You’re such a liar it’s amusing.
Wrong. The “rich” aren’t always the same and the “poor” aren’t always the same. People move up
And down. Most people that start poor don’t end up being poor. In fact the Brookings Institute (Liberals) determined that if you do three things:

actually, the US has less financial mobility now than any time in history.

Check out this article from the EPI.

U.S. lags behind peer countries in mobility

The situations are utterly disparate. South Africa was never the conquerors ancient homeland. Israel was and always will be. You should also learn history and geography. Now put me on ignore like you threatened to or was that threat empty as well? You’re such a liar it’s amusing.

Naw, you are still beclowning yourself, and it's amusing.

Sorry, the People from Central Europe who call themselves "Jews" were never from Palestine.... they just adopted a bastardized version of their religion... Same as the Christians and Muslims who live there.

And they weren't too keen on moving there until Hitler started turning them into lampshades and bars of soap.

SA and Israel are EXACTLY the same, colonial states oppressing an indigenous people. One of them had the good sense to reform.
98% of those persons will not end up poor. Seems simple. I am starting to question whether you went to college at all. Your definition of capitalism was not only simplistic but it was simply incorrect. It is like
dumbasses who say that 1% of the population owns 90% of the wealth. That 1% is fluid. People move in and out of it. It is not set in stone. Maybe you should take some night classes in statistics, economics and logic?

It doesn't matter if that one percent is fluid, dummy. Most of us won't be part of it.

What taught me a lesson about capitalism wasn't College, it was working a job for a company that screwed me over after I had medical issues... that's capitalism. You exist to make the rich richer....

Now, true story. What scares the hell out of me is that AOC and Bernie are becoming louder voices in the DNC. But that's because for too many working folks, working a full time job and then driving an Uber to make ends meet, Capitalism is a true shit sandwich.
Wrong. The “rich” aren’t always the same and the “poor” aren’t always the same. People move up
And down. Most people that start poor don’t end up being poor. In fact the Brookings Institute (Liberals) determined that if you do three things:

actually, the US has less financial mobility now than any time in history.

Check out this article from the EPI.

U.S. lags behind peer countries in mobility

The situations are utterly disparate. South Africa was never the conquerors ancient homeland. Israel was and always will be. You should also learn history and geography. Now put me on ignore like you threatened to or was that threat empty as well? You’re such a liar it’s amusing.

Naw, you are still beclowning yourself, and it's amusing.

Sorry, the People from Central Europe who call themselves "Jews" were never from Palestine.... they just adopted a bastardized version of their religion... Same as the Christians and Muslims who live there.

And they weren't too keen on moving there until Hitler started turning them into lampshades and bars of soap.

SA and Israel are EXACTLY the same, colonial states oppressing an indigenous people. One of them had the good sense to reform.

Article from 2012 is ancient and still false. SA and Israel have zero comparisons. Jews are the indigenous people. You a Moslem, Joe?
98% of those persons will not end up poor. Seems simple. I am starting to question whether you went to college at all. Your definition of capitalism was not only simplistic but it was simply incorrect. It is like
dumbasses who say that 1% of the population owns 90% of the wealth. That 1% is fluid. People move in and out of it. It is not set in stone. Maybe you should take some night classes in statistics, economics and logic?

It doesn't matter if that one percent is fluid, dummy. Most of us won't be part of it.

What taught me a lesson about capitalism wasn't College, it was working a job for a company that screwed me over after I had medical issues... that's capitalism. You exist to make the rich richer....

Now, true story. What scares the hell out of me is that AOC and Bernie are becoming louder voices in the DNC. But that's because for too many working folks, working a full time job and then driving an Uber to make ends meet, Capitalism is a true shit sandwich.

So because you’re left out you’re angry? LMAO. I am definitely in the top 10% and very comfortable. I dont Care what Bill Gates has. There are those much wealthier and much poorer than me. Hence I am in the Middle Class. LOL. So people have to work hard? And? Money isn’t free. What do you do for work? Do you work?
It’s not just a few people though. And it isn’t just rich people.

The reality is that throwing money over a fence has never worked.

Are more or less people on government assistance today than ten years ago?

There are more people over all....

Probably less now because Obama got us out of Bush's recession, but let's wait... Trump will fix that soon enough.

Here's what you dipshits don't get. The reason why we are "throwing money" at poverty is because of wealth inequality. 40% of households that use SNAP (what we used to call Food Stamps), have at least one person in the household who has a job. Just not a job that pays enough to put food on the table. The same thing with Section 8 housing or Medicaid.

If the one percent hadn't dismantled the middle class and busted up the unions, we wouldn't have so many people needing help.
Joey, your external locus of control is off the charts.

You don’t even realize that government wants and needs high prices. You don’t realize that the root cause of all of our problems is government itself.

You have a severe need to believe that if only the right people were in charge that all of our problems would be solved.

No one is coming to save you. You have to save yourself.
You need to explain how the leftist position -- "I'm not going to give you anything personally, but I will vote for people who want to take other people's stuff and give it to you" -- is superior to people giving out of their own pockets.

Because it ACTUALLY WORKS. Charities don't provide enough to take care of all the poor people. Taxing the rich and helping the working class does. The Europeans have ALREADY FIGURED THIS OUT. We do it, too, but begrudgingly, because the GOP has gotten very good at convincing stupid white people that welfare mom wants half his cookie. (Which is why some of the poorest counties in the country vote GOP.)
Joey, would you like for government to regulate wages, prices and profits?

Because that is exactly what you are arguing for.
98% of those persons will not end up poor. Seems simple. I am starting to question whether you went to college at all. Your definition of capitalism was not only simplistic but it was simply incorrect. It is like
dumbasses who say that 1% of the population owns 90% of the wealth. That 1% is fluid. People move in and out of it. It is not set in stone. Maybe you should take some night classes in statistics, economics and logic?

It doesn't matter if that one percent is fluid, dummy. Most of us won't be part of it.

What taught me a lesson about capitalism wasn't College, it was working a job for a company that screwed me over after I had medical issues... that's capitalism. You exist to make the rich richer....

Now, true story. What scares the hell out of me is that AOC and Bernie are becoming louder voices in the DNC. But that's because for too many working folks, working a full time job and then driving an Uber to make ends meet, Capitalism is a true shit sandwich.
Your own beloved government’s data shows that some rich folk get poorer and some poor folk get richer. But for the rich folk that get richer and the poor folk that get poorer there is a very simple and logical explanation. They keep doing the same things.

At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. Choose wisely. No one is coming to save you. You have to do that yourself.
And how many children had that happen to them?

Too many. Millions of American children go to bed hungry at night.

But when the government forcibly takes money to give it to another it is compassion?

Freely giving money to help those in need is condescension?

What the fuck is your mental malfunction?

Ideal world, everyone makes a living wage and pays their own wage by working a job that provides satisfaction.

We don't live there. Instead we have social programs, but the biggest entitlements are still middle class white people, not poor people of color.

And, no, rich people paying more for a dancing horse than they do to help poor people isn't anything to be proud of.

What do you care if a person buys a horse?

What do you have that you don't need and why don't you sell it all and buy food for all those kids starving to death in your shithole town?
Poor minorities are so blessed to have white liberals insisting they're not good enough to improve their condition.

Here's the problem, dummy. More and more white people are finding themselves right down with them, because the One Percent doesn't care if you go to bed hungry or not. They got Dancing Horses to buy!

What other people have has no effect on what you can have.

How does a person you don't know buying a horse have any effect on your pathetic life?
You don't take stock of criticism. You keep pouting and whining.

Lemme guess -- it doesn't apply to you, does it?

Naw, I just haven't seen much valid criticism here, other than whining that I make you all look like the racist assholes you clearly are.

I doubt it because this has something to do with the relaxation of morals and having no accountability. The liberal agenda is to promote Hollywood values -- characterized by public obscenities, decadence, narcissism, hypocrisy, rampant drug use, extramarital sex leading to the spread of sexually-transmitted disease, abortion, lawlessness and the promotion of the homosexual agenda. One of which you commented on. Such values have a very negative influence on the life of individuals, and very often lead to death. It's not wonder libs are not happy and outraged much of the time.

Hollywood values? are you kidding me? I'm sorry, when did "Abortion, the motion picture" come out? The thing is, Hollywood is actually kind of tame, they market test every movie before it's released and they have an MPAA system with two clergymen on it giving movies they don't like a fatal "R" Rating.

No, guy, the reason why the country is going to hell in a handbasket is that rich people have been systematically dismantling the Middle Class. Period. Nothing more complicated than that. They did this because the children who grew up with comfortable lives because their grandparents marched on picket lines were easily distracted with,

"The gays and the abortions and the drugs are all bad!"

and you fell for it.
The only asshole i see here is you
So because you’re left out you’re angry? LMAO. I am definitely in the top 10% and very comfortable.

Sure you are... Why do you guys always have to pretend you are successful on the internet.... DO you think anyone is more likely to believe you here than IRL?

So people have to work hard? And? Money isn’t free. What do you do for work? Do you work?

Right now, I own my own business because I got tired of making other people rich.

Doing pretty well. Paid down all the debts I ran up because my company screwed me when I had a medical issue.

Had one period there where I was working three jobs, my full time job, my side business and being a sales rep at a big box store on weekends.

And the thing is, as much progress as I've made, I know it would take one good recession to fuck it up for everyone. Then you'll get a guy like Commie Bernie or someone like him.

Jews are the indigenous people. You a Moslem, Joe?

I've explained this to you mulitiple times. I'm an atheist. Used to be Catholic, but realized they were full of shit. All religion is.

So when some assholes steal someone else's land because "God Told Them To", I think it's absolutely fucking hilarious when they get killed.
What other people have has no effect on what you can have.

How does a person you don't know buying a horse have any effect on your pathetic life?

Okay, let's look at that. How did Mitt Romney get rich enough to buy a Dancing Horse for his Mormon Stepford Wife? Why, he'd go into companies like AmPad, GS Steel, KB Toys and others, loot them for all the assets, pay himself and his investors big dividends and screw the people who did the work.

So you get a guy like Joe Soptic, who worked for GS Steel, lost his job and his health benefits, and watched his wife die of cancer.

Joey, would you like for government to regulate wages, prices and profits?

Because that is exactly what you are arguing for.

We had our greatest prosperity when it did. That Post WWII era, when the workforce was 33% unionized, the minimum wage was an actual living wage, and the rich paid a top marginal rate of 93%. We changed the world, built fantastic public works, put men on the moon....

And then the Republicans fucked it up.
Your own beloved government’s data shows that some rich folk get poorer and some poor folk get richer. But for the rich folk that get richer and the poor folk that get poorer there is a very simple and logical explanation. They keep doing the same things.

At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. Choose wisely. No one is coming to save you. You have to do that yourself.

Never asked anyone to save me. I just want government that protects working folks instead of the rich. The rich will be just fine.

Yes, the rich keep doing the same things.... and they need to knock it the fuck off.
Poor minorities are so blessed to have white liberals insisting they're not good enough to improve their condition.

Here's the problem, dummy. More and more white people are finding themselves right down with them, because the One Percent doesn't care if you go to bed hungry or not. They got Dancing Horses to buy!
I notice even you didn't try to deny the left's colonialist attitude towards minorities.

Well, you can't deny the sun rises in the east.
You need to explain how the leftist position -- "I'm not going to give you anything personally, but I will vote for people who want to take other people's stuff and give it to you" -- is superior to people giving out of their own pockets.

Because it ACTUALLY WORKS. Charities don't provide enough to take care of all the poor people. Taxing the rich and helping the working class does. The Europeans have ALREADY FIGURED THIS OUT. We do it, too, but begrudgingly, because the GOP has gotten very good at convincing stupid white people that welfare mom wants half his cookie. (Which is why some of the poorest counties in the country vote GOP.)
Working out great in Venezuela, ain't it?

Meanwhile, you're a cheap bastard pretending to be generous.
You don't take stock of criticism. You keep pouting and whining.

Lemme guess -- it doesn't apply to you, does it?

Naw, I just haven't seen much valid criticism here, other than whining that I make you all look like the racist assholes you clearly are.
What makes me, personally, racist? The fact that I believe everyone can succeed without government help? The fact that I want only US citizens to vote in our elections? The fact that I don't want government benefits going to illegal immigrants when we have so many US citizens in need?

Oh, wait, I know -- it's nothing more than NEENER NEENER UR A RAICST BECAUSE UR A EVEL REPUBLIKKKAN.

Don't bother denying it.

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