Liberalism and Liberation


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
'Liberation' sure sounds like a good thing......
...but it depends what one is being 'liberated' from.
Take a look, and see the subject of said 'liberation' their own words.

1. "The advance of leftist values and policies that characterizes this takeover [of society] has weakened the moral and cultural foundations on which this country rose to become the most powerful nation on earth. Under this administration, the war on culture has expanded to include the left's war on Christians, on women, on men, on children, on minorities, and on the rule of law.

The leftist lack of principles behind the disappearance of moral and cultural decency has infiltrated our federal government and many of our most important institutions.

...the left's agenda is a history of anger at, and hatred of, capitalism, religion, and individual initiative. Leftists hate the very foundations of Western culture.

...Herbert Marcuse, a communist professor who escaped Nazi Germanyin the 1930s and set up shop in America. Marcuse and another popular Marxist author, Erich Fromm, became influential leaders of the movement toward Marxism in this country. Both...were proponents of what was called "polymorphous sexuality"

...the ultimate liberation of mankind from sexual repression and from the need to work for a living. They envisioned a society in which American citizens would give up individual freedom to the state and become pleasure-seeking functionaries whose only value consisted in pushing the envelope of hedonism."
"Stop the Coming Civil War," by Michael Savage, chapter three

The truth of the above is before our very eyes.

2. "On Tuesday, the CBO confirmed what conservatives warned about during the first debates on the law — ObamaCare is bad for the economy. The non-partisan office estimated that, in just a decade, there will be 2.5 million fewer workers in the labor market than otherwise would be without the health care overhaul. In addition, ObamaCare will increase the debt by more than $1 trillion over the next ten years."
CBO ObamaCare Will Kill 2.5-Million Jobs - Breitbart

Good or bad? Depends on whether one is a Liberal, or a clear thinker.

3. "The Congressional Budget Office estimated on Tuesday that the Affordable Care Act will reduce the number of full-time workers by 2.5 million over the next decade. That is mostly a good thing, a liberating result of the law. Of course, Republicans immediately tried to brand the findings as “devastating” and stark evidence of President Obama’s health care reform as a failure and a job killer.

The new law will free people, young and old, to pursue careers or retirement without having to worry about health coverage. Workers can seek positions they are most qualified for and will no longer need to feel locked into a job they don’t like "

a. "....House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said the health care law fulfills the promises of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness because it allows people to leave jobs that include health insurance as a benefit: You can become a “photographer or writer.”

“I’ve always said that the Affordable Care Act is something that was transformative,” Pelosi said ..." Pelosi Obamacare Means You Could Be A Photographer or Writer CNS News

For those literate enough....the Left's misuse of language was foretold...
"War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength;"...the three slogans of the English Socialist Party ("INGSOC" for short) of Oceania."

4. Dr. Thomas Sowell, in “Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One,” challenges individuals to analyze not only their short term (Stage One) impact but to also think ahead to their long term (Stage Two, Three, etc) impact. Politicians do not think beyond Stage One because they will be praised (and elected) for the short term benefits but will not be held accountable much later when the long term consequences appear.
And reliable Democrat voters buy it like it was on sale.

So....with all this 'liberation' from having to work for a living......who do the Liberals/Progressives/Democrats believe will pay to keep the newly-liberated in the life style they've come to expect?

The answer requires thinking beyond Stage One.
'Liberation' sure sounds like a good thing......
...but it depends what one is being 'liberated' from.
Take a look, and see the subject of said 'liberation' their own words.

1. "The advance of leftist values and policies that characterizes this takeover [of society] has weakened the moral and cultural foundations on which this country rose to become the most powerful nation on earth. Under this administration, the war on culture has expanded to include the left's war on Christians, on women, on men, on children, on minorities, and on the rule of law.

The leftist lack of principles behind the disappearance of moral and cultural decency has infiltrated our federal government and many of our most important institutions.

...the left's agenda is a history of anger at, and hatred of, capitalism, religion, and individual initiative. Leftists hate the very foundations of Western culture.

...Herbert Marcuse, a communist professor who escaped Nazi Germanyin the 1930s and set up shop in America. Marcuse and another popular Marxist author, Erich Fromm, became influential leaders of the movement toward Marxism in this country. Both...were proponents of what was called "polymorphous sexuality"

...the ultimate liberation of mankind from sexual repression and from the need to work for a living. They envisioned a society in which American citizens would give up individual freedom to the state and become pleasure-seeking functionaries whose only value consisted in pushing the envelope of hedonism."
"Stop the Coming Civil War," by Michael Savage, chapter three

The truth of the above is before our very eyes.

2. "On Tuesday, the CBO confirmed what conservatives warned about during the first debates on the law — ObamaCare is bad for the economy. The non-partisan office estimated that, in just a decade, there will be 2.5 million fewer workers in the labor market than otherwise would be without the health care overhaul. In addition, ObamaCare will increase the debt by more than $1 trillion over the next ten years."
CBO ObamaCare Will Kill 2.5-Million Jobs - Breitbart

Good or bad? Depends on whether one is a Liberal, or a clear thinker.

3. "The Congressional Budget Office estimated on Tuesday that the Affordable Care Act will reduce the number of full-time workers by 2.5 million over the next decade. That is mostly a good thing, a liberating result of the law. Of course, Republicans immediately tried to brand the findings as “devastating” and stark evidence of President Obama’s health care reform as a failure and a job killer.

The new law will free people, young and old, to pursue careers or retirement without having to worry about health coverage. Workers can seek positions they are most qualified for and will no longer need to feel locked into a job they don’t like "

a. "....House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said the health care law fulfills the promises of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness because it allows people to leave jobs that include health insurance as a benefit: You can become a “photographer or writer.”

“I’ve always said that the Affordable Care Act is something that was transformative,” Pelosi said ..." Pelosi Obamacare Means You Could Be A Photographer or Writer CNS News

For those literate enough....the Left's misuse of language was foretold...
"War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength;"...the three slogans of the English Socialist Party ("INGSOC" for short) of Oceania."

4. Dr. Thomas Sowell, in “Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One,” challenges individuals to analyze not only their short term (Stage One) impact but to also think ahead to their long term (Stage Two, Three, etc) impact. Politicians do not think beyond Stage One because they will be praised (and elected) for the short term benefits but will not be held accountable much later when the long term consequences appear.
And reliable Democrat voters buy it like it was on sale.

So....with all this 'liberation' from having to work for a living......who do the Liberals/Progressives/Democrats believe will pay to keep the newly-liberated in the life style they've come to expect?

The answer requires thinking beyond Stage One.

Your CBO link is an incomplete picture of the net costs of the ACA.
'Liberation' sure sounds like a good thing......
...but it depends what one is being 'liberated' from.
Take a look, and see the subject of said 'liberation' their own words.

1. "The advance of leftist values and policies that characterizes this takeover [of society] has weakened the moral and cultural foundations on which this country rose to become the most powerful nation on earth. Under this administration, the war on culture has expanded to include the left's war on Christians, on women, on men, on children, on minorities, and on the rule of law.

The leftist lack of principles behind the disappearance of moral and cultural decency has infiltrated our federal government and many of our most important institutions.

...the left's agenda is a history of anger at, and hatred of, capitalism, religion, and individual initiative. Leftists hate the very foundations of Western culture.

...Herbert Marcuse, a communist professor who escaped Nazi Germanyin the 1930s and set up shop in America. Marcuse and another popular Marxist author, Erich Fromm, became influential leaders of the movement toward Marxism in this country. Both...were proponents of what was called "polymorphous sexuality"

...the ultimate liberation of mankind from sexual repression and from the need to work for a living. They envisioned a society in which American citizens would give up individual freedom to the state and become pleasure-seeking functionaries whose only value consisted in pushing the envelope of hedonism."
"Stop the Coming Civil War," by Michael Savage, chapter three

The truth of the above is before our very eyes.

2. "On Tuesday, the CBO confirmed what conservatives warned about during the first debates on the law — ObamaCare is bad for the economy. The non-partisan office estimated that, in just a decade, there will be 2.5 million fewer workers in the labor market than otherwise would be without the health care overhaul. In addition, ObamaCare will increase the debt by more than $1 trillion over the next ten years."
CBO ObamaCare Will Kill 2.5-Million Jobs - Breitbart

Good or bad? Depends on whether one is a Liberal, or a clear thinker.

3. "The Congressional Budget Office estimated on Tuesday that the Affordable Care Act will reduce the number of full-time workers by 2.5 million over the next decade. That is mostly a good thing, a liberating result of the law. Of course, Republicans immediately tried to brand the findings as “devastating” and stark evidence of President Obama’s health care reform as a failure and a job killer.

The new law will free people, young and old, to pursue careers or retirement without having to worry about health coverage. Workers can seek positions they are most qualified for and will no longer need to feel locked into a job they don’t like "

a. "....House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said the health care law fulfills the promises of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness because it allows people to leave jobs that include health insurance as a benefit: You can become a “photographer or writer.”

“I’ve always said that the Affordable Care Act is something that was transformative,” Pelosi said ..." Pelosi Obamacare Means You Could Be A Photographer or Writer CNS News

For those literate enough....the Left's misuse of language was foretold...
"War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength;"...the three slogans of the English Socialist Party ("INGSOC" for short) of Oceania."

4. Dr. Thomas Sowell, in “Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One,” challenges individuals to analyze not only their short term (Stage One) impact but to also think ahead to their long term (Stage Two, Three, etc) impact. Politicians do not think beyond Stage One because they will be praised (and elected) for the short term benefits but will not be held accountable much later when the long term consequences appear.
And reliable Democrat voters buy it like it was on sale.

So....with all this 'liberation' from having to work for a living......who do the Liberals/Progressives/Democrats believe will pay to keep the newly-liberated in the life style they've come to expect?

The answer requires thinking beyond Stage One.

Your CBO link is an incomplete picture of the net costs of the ACA.

1. "And here's what you need to know. First, I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits -- either now or in the future. (Applause.) I will not sign it if it adds one dime to the deficit, now or in the future, period."
Remarks by the President to a Joint Session of Congress on Health Care The White House

a. "GAO Report: Obamacare Adds $6.2 Trillion to Long-Term Deficit"
GAO Report Obamacare Adds 6.2 Trillion to Long-Term Deficit National Review Online


No wonder NYLiar supports the White House Liar!
Other than CrusaderFrank and the few other wackadoodles, is it possible PC is able to convince anyone of anything beyond the fact (evidence is ubiquitous) that she is a narcissistic ADD, OCD, troll?
Other than CrusaderFrank and the few other wackadoodles, is it possible PC is able to convince anyone of anything beyond the fact (evidence is ubiquitous) that she is a narcissistic ADD, OCD, troll?

As is your regular pattern, you fail to confront the reality that I've provided. post about lil' ol' me....and not with any truth attached.

One can only conclude that I've wounded you so deeply and so often that you simply try to score points.

You've rated another zero.

In short, there are things living on the bottom of ponds that are smarter than you are.
'Liberation' sure sounds like a good thing......
...but it depends what one is being 'liberated' from.
Take a look, and see the subject of said 'liberation' their own words.

1. "The advance of leftist values and policies that characterizes this takeover [of society] has weakened the moral and cultural foundations on which this country rose to become the most powerful nation on earth. Under this administration, the war on culture has expanded to include the left's war on Christians, on women, on men, on children, on minorities, and on the rule of law.

The leftist lack of principles behind the disappearance of moral and cultural decency has infiltrated our federal government and many of our most important institutions.

...the left's agenda is a history of anger at, and hatred of, capitalism, religion, and individual initiative. Leftists hate the very foundations of Western culture.

...Herbert Marcuse, a communist professor who escaped Nazi Germanyin the 1930s and set up shop in America. Marcuse and another popular Marxist author, Erich Fromm, became influential leaders of the movement toward Marxism in this country. Both...were proponents of what was called "polymorphous sexuality"

...the ultimate liberation of mankind from sexual repression and from the need to work for a living. They envisioned a society in which American citizens would give up individual freedom to the state and become pleasure-seeking functionaries whose only value consisted in pushing the envelope of hedonism."
"Stop the Coming Civil War," by Michael Savage, chapter three

The truth of the above is before our very eyes.

2. "On Tuesday, the CBO confirmed what conservatives warned about during the first debates on the law — ObamaCare is bad for the economy. The non-partisan office estimated that, in just a decade, there will be 2.5 million fewer workers in the labor market than otherwise would be without the health care overhaul. In addition, ObamaCare will increase the debt by more than $1 trillion over the next ten years."
CBO ObamaCare Will Kill 2.5-Million Jobs - Breitbart

Good or bad? Depends on whether one is a Liberal, or a clear thinker.

3. "The Congressional Budget Office estimated on Tuesday that the Affordable Care Act will reduce the number of full-time workers by 2.5 million over the next decade. That is mostly a good thing, a liberating result of the law. Of course, Republicans immediately tried to brand the findings as “devastating” and stark evidence of President Obama’s health care reform as a failure and a job killer.

The new law will free people, young and old, to pursue careers or retirement without having to worry about health coverage. Workers can seek positions they are most qualified for and will no longer need to feel locked into a job they don’t like "

a. "....House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said the health care law fulfills the promises of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness because it allows people to leave jobs that include health insurance as a benefit: You can become a “photographer or writer.”

“I’ve always said that the Affordable Care Act is something that was transformative,” Pelosi said ..." Pelosi Obamacare Means You Could Be A Photographer or Writer CNS News

For those literate enough....the Left's misuse of language was foretold...
"War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength;"...the three slogans of the English Socialist Party ("INGSOC" for short) of Oceania."

4. Dr. Thomas Sowell, in “Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One,” challenges individuals to analyze not only their short term (Stage One) impact but to also think ahead to their long term (Stage Two, Three, etc) impact. Politicians do not think beyond Stage One because they will be praised (and elected) for the short term benefits but will not be held accountable much later when the long term consequences appear.
And reliable Democrat voters buy it like it was on sale.

So....with all this 'liberation' from having to work for a living......who do the Liberals/Progressives/Democrats believe will pay to keep the newly-liberated in the life style they've come to expect?

The answer requires thinking beyond Stage One.

Your CBO link is an incomplete picture of the net costs of the ACA.

1. "And here's what you need to know. First, I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits -- either now or in the future. (Applause.) I will not sign it if it adds one dime to the deficit, now or in the future, period."
Remarks by the President to a Joint Session of Congress on Health Care The White House

a. "GAO Report: Obamacare Adds $6.2 Trillion to Long-Term Deficit"
GAO Report Obamacare Adds 6.2 Trillion to Long-Term Deficit National Review Online


No wonder NYLiar supports the White House Liar!

Are you denying that your link was to a report that was incomplete as to the effects on the deficit?
Other than CrusaderFrank and the few other wackadoodles, is it possible PC is able to convince anyone of anything beyond the fact (evidence is ubiquitous) that she is a narcissistic ADD, OCD, troll?

Well, she posts these absurdities TRYING to get personally attacked, so she can play the victim.
'Liberation' sure sounds like a good thing......
...but it depends what one is being 'liberated' from.
Take a look, and see the subject of said 'liberation' their own words.

1. "The advance of leftist values and policies that characterizes this takeover [of society] has weakened the moral and cultural foundations on which this country rose to become the most powerful nation on earth. Under this administration, the war on culture has expanded to include the left's war on Christians, on women, on men, on children, on minorities, and on the rule of law.

The leftist lack of principles behind the disappearance of moral and cultural decency has infiltrated our federal government and many of our most important institutions.

...the left's agenda is a history of anger at, and hatred of, capitalism, religion, and individual initiative. Leftists hate the very foundations of Western culture.

...Herbert Marcuse, a communist professor who escaped Nazi Germanyin the 1930s and set up shop in America. Marcuse and another popular Marxist author, Erich Fromm, became influential leaders of the movement toward Marxism in this country. Both...were proponents of what was called "polymorphous sexuality"

...the ultimate liberation of mankind from sexual repression and from the need to work for a living. They envisioned a society in which American citizens would give up individual freedom to the state and become pleasure-seeking functionaries whose only value consisted in pushing the envelope of hedonism."
"Stop the Coming Civil War," by Michael Savage, chapter three

The truth of the above is before our very eyes.

2. "On Tuesday, the CBO confirmed what conservatives warned about during the first debates on the law — ObamaCare is bad for the economy. The non-partisan office estimated that, in just a decade, there will be 2.5 million fewer workers in the labor market than otherwise would be without the health care overhaul. In addition, ObamaCare will increase the debt by more than $1 trillion over the next ten years."
CBO ObamaCare Will Kill 2.5-Million Jobs - Breitbart

Good or bad? Depends on whether one is a Liberal, or a clear thinker.

3. "The Congressional Budget Office estimated on Tuesday that the Affordable Care Act will reduce the number of full-time workers by 2.5 million over the next decade. That is mostly a good thing, a liberating result of the law. Of course, Republicans immediately tried to brand the findings as “devastating” and stark evidence of President Obama’s health care reform as a failure and a job killer.

The new law will free people, young and old, to pursue careers or retirement without having to worry about health coverage. Workers can seek positions they are most qualified for and will no longer need to feel locked into a job they don’t like "

a. "....House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said the health care law fulfills the promises of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness because it allows people to leave jobs that include health insurance as a benefit: You can become a “photographer or writer.”

“I’ve always said that the Affordable Care Act is something that was transformative,” Pelosi said ..." Pelosi Obamacare Means You Could Be A Photographer or Writer CNS News

For those literate enough....the Left's misuse of language was foretold...
"War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength;"...the three slogans of the English Socialist Party ("INGSOC" for short) of Oceania."

4. Dr. Thomas Sowell, in “Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One,” challenges individuals to analyze not only their short term (Stage One) impact but to also think ahead to their long term (Stage Two, Three, etc) impact. Politicians do not think beyond Stage One because they will be praised (and elected) for the short term benefits but will not be held accountable much later when the long term consequences appear.
And reliable Democrat voters buy it like it was on sale.

So....with all this 'liberation' from having to work for a living......who do the Liberals/Progressives/Democrats believe will pay to keep the newly-liberated in the life style they've come to expect?

The answer requires thinking beyond Stage One.

Your CBO link is an incomplete picture of the net costs of the ACA.

1. "And here's what you need to know. First, I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits -- either now or in the future. (Applause.) I will not sign it if it adds one dime to the deficit, now or in the future, period."
Remarks by the President to a Joint Session of Congress on Health Care The White House

a. "GAO Report: Obamacare Adds $6.2 Trillion to Long-Term Deficit"
GAO Report Obamacare Adds 6.2 Trillion to Long-Term Deficit National Review Online


No wonder NYLiar supports the White House Liar!

Are you denying that your link was to a report that was incomplete as to the effects on the deficit?

And here, a return performance at open mic night....the NYLiar!

His act includes only two tricks:

Trick #1....lies

Trick #2....obfuscation and changing the subject.

Today, it's Trick #2 on display. dice.
The OP is very specific....your inability to confront the truth is noted, and your attempt to alter the direction, disallowed.
Other than CrusaderFrank and the few other wackadoodles, is it possible PC is able to convince anyone of anything beyond the fact (evidence is ubiquitous) that she is a narcissistic ADD, OCD, troll?

Well, she posts these absurdities TRYING to get personally attacked, so she can play the victim.

You two should take your act on the road.... can call it 'Dumb and Dumber'
'Liberation' sure sounds like a good thing......
...but it depends what one is being 'liberated' from.
Take a look, and see the subject of said 'liberation' their own words.

1. "The advance of leftist values and policies that characterizes this takeover [of society] has weakened the moral and cultural foundations on which this country rose to become the most powerful nation on earth. Under this administration, the war on culture has expanded to include the left's war on Christians, on women, on men, on children, on minorities, and on the rule of law.

The leftist lack of principles behind the disappearance of moral and cultural decency has infiltrated our federal government and many of our most important institutions.

...the left's agenda is a history of anger at, and hatred of, capitalism, religion, and individual initiative. Leftists hate the very foundations of Western culture.

...Herbert Marcuse, a communist professor who escaped Nazi Germanyin the 1930s and set up shop in America. Marcuse and another popular Marxist author, Erich Fromm, became influential leaders of the movement toward Marxism in this country. Both...were proponents of what was called "polymorphous sexuality"

...the ultimate liberation of mankind from sexual repression and from the need to work for a living. They envisioned a society in which American citizens would give up individual freedom to the state and become pleasure-seeking functionaries whose only value consisted in pushing the envelope of hedonism."
"Stop the Coming Civil War," by Michael Savage, chapter three

The truth of the above is before our very eyes.

2. "On Tuesday, the CBO confirmed what conservatives warned about during the first debates on the law — ObamaCare is bad for the economy. The non-partisan office estimated that, in just a decade, there will be 2.5 million fewer workers in the labor market than otherwise would be without the health care overhaul. In addition, ObamaCare will increase the debt by more than $1 trillion over the next ten years."
CBO ObamaCare Will Kill 2.5-Million Jobs - Breitbart

Good or bad? Depends on whether one is a Liberal, or a clear thinker.

3. "The Congressional Budget Office estimated on Tuesday that the Affordable Care Act will reduce the number of full-time workers by 2.5 million over the next decade. That is mostly a good thing, a liberating result of the law. Of course, Republicans immediately tried to brand the findings as “devastating” and stark evidence of President Obama’s health care reform as a failure and a job killer.

The new law will free people, young and old, to pursue careers or retirement without having to worry about health coverage. Workers can seek positions they are most qualified for and will no longer need to feel locked into a job they don’t like "

a. "....House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said the health care law fulfills the promises of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness because it allows people to leave jobs that include health insurance as a benefit: You can become a “photographer or writer.”

“I’ve always said that the Affordable Care Act is something that was transformative,” Pelosi said ..." Pelosi Obamacare Means You Could Be A Photographer or Writer CNS News

For those literate enough....the Left's misuse of language was foretold...
"War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength;"...the three slogans of the English Socialist Party ("INGSOC" for short) of Oceania."

4. Dr. Thomas Sowell, in “Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One,” challenges individuals to analyze not only their short term (Stage One) impact but to also think ahead to their long term (Stage Two, Three, etc) impact. Politicians do not think beyond Stage One because they will be praised (and elected) for the short term benefits but will not be held accountable much later when the long term consequences appear.
And reliable Democrat voters buy it like it was on sale.

So....with all this 'liberation' from having to work for a living......who do the Liberals/Progressives/Democrats believe will pay to keep the newly-liberated in the life style they've come to expect?

The answer requires thinking beyond Stage One.

Your CBO link is an incomplete picture of the net costs of the ACA.

1. "And here's what you need to know. First, I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits -- either now or in the future. (Applause.) I will not sign it if it adds one dime to the deficit, now or in the future, period."
Remarks by the President to a Joint Session of Congress on Health Care The White House

a. "GAO Report: Obamacare Adds $6.2 Trillion to Long-Term Deficit"
GAO Report Obamacare Adds 6.2 Trillion to Long-Term Deficit National Review Online


No wonder NYLiar supports the White House Liar!

Are you denying that your link was to a report that was incomplete as to the effects on the deficit?

And here, a return performance at open mic night....the NYLiar!

His act includes only two tricks:

Trick #1....lies

Trick #2....obfuscation and changing the subject.

Today, it's Trick #2 on display. dice.
The OP is very specific....your inability to confront the truth is noted, and your attempt to alter the direction, disallowed.

You didn't read your own CBO link, which offers this key footnote:

These numbers exclude effects on the deficit of provisions of the Affordable Care Act that are not related to insurance coverage.

Get it NOW? Who's the liar NOW?
'Liberation' sure sounds like a good thing......
...but it depends what one is being 'liberated' from.
Take a look, and see the subject of said 'liberation' their own words.

1. "The advance of leftist values and policies that characterizes this takeover [of society] has weakened the moral and cultural foundations on which this country rose to become the most powerful nation on earth. Under this administration, the war on culture has expanded to include the left's war on Christians, on women, on men, on children, on minorities, and on the rule of law.

The leftist lack of principles behind the disappearance of moral and cultural decency has infiltrated our federal government and many of our most important institutions.

...the left's agenda is a history of anger at, and hatred of, capitalism, religion, and individual initiative. Leftists hate the very foundations of Western culture.

...Herbert Marcuse, a communist professor who escaped Nazi Germanyin the 1930s and set up shop in America. Marcuse and another popular Marxist author, Erich Fromm, became influential leaders of the movement toward Marxism in this country. Both...were proponents of what was called "polymorphous sexuality"

...the ultimate liberation of mankind from sexual repression and from the need to work for a living. They envisioned a society in which American citizens would give up individual freedom to the state and become pleasure-seeking functionaries whose only value consisted in pushing the envelope of hedonism."
"Stop the Coming Civil War," by Michael Savage, chapter three

The truth of the above is before our very eyes.

2. "On Tuesday, the CBO confirmed what conservatives warned about during the first debates on the law — ObamaCare is bad for the economy. The non-partisan office estimated that, in just a decade, there will be 2.5 million fewer workers in the labor market than otherwise would be without the health care overhaul. In addition, ObamaCare will increase the debt by more than $1 trillion over the next ten years."
CBO ObamaCare Will Kill 2.5-Million Jobs - Breitbart

Good or bad? Depends on whether one is a Liberal, or a clear thinker.

3. "The Congressional Budget Office estimated on Tuesday that the Affordable Care Act will reduce the number of full-time workers by 2.5 million over the next decade. That is mostly a good thing, a liberating result of the law. Of course, Republicans immediately tried to brand the findings as “devastating” and stark evidence of President Obama’s health care reform as a failure and a job killer.

The new law will free people, young and old, to pursue careers or retirement without having to worry about health coverage. Workers can seek positions they are most qualified for and will no longer need to feel locked into a job they don’t like "

a. "....House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said the health care law fulfills the promises of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness because it allows people to leave jobs that include health insurance as a benefit: You can become a “photographer or writer.”

“I’ve always said that the Affordable Care Act is something that was transformative,” Pelosi said ..." Pelosi Obamacare Means You Could Be A Photographer or Writer CNS News

For those literate enough....the Left's misuse of language was foretold...
"War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength;"...the three slogans of the English Socialist Party ("INGSOC" for short) of Oceania."

4. Dr. Thomas Sowell, in “Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One,” challenges individuals to analyze not only their short term (Stage One) impact but to also think ahead to their long term (Stage Two, Three, etc) impact. Politicians do not think beyond Stage One because they will be praised (and elected) for the short term benefits but will not be held accountable much later when the long term consequences appear.
And reliable Democrat voters buy it like it was on sale.

So....with all this 'liberation' from having to work for a living......who do the Liberals/Progressives/Democrats believe will pay to keep the newly-liberated in the life style they've come to expect?

The answer requires thinking beyond Stage One.

Your CBO link is an incomplete picture of the net costs of the ACA.

1. "And here's what you need to know. First, I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits -- either now or in the future. (Applause.) I will not sign it if it adds one dime to the deficit, now or in the future, period."
Remarks by the President to a Joint Session of Congress on Health Care The White House

a. "GAO Report: Obamacare Adds $6.2 Trillion to Long-Term Deficit"
GAO Report Obamacare Adds 6.2 Trillion to Long-Term Deficit National Review Online


No wonder NYLiar supports the White House Liar!

Are you denying that your link was to a report that was incomplete as to the effects on the deficit?

And here, a return performance at open mic night....the NYLiar!

His act includes only two tricks:

Trick #1....lies

Trick #2....obfuscation and changing the subject.

Today, it's Trick #2 on display. dice.
The OP is very specific....your inability to confront the truth is noted, and your attempt to alter the direction, disallowed.

You didn't read your own CBO link, which offers this key footnote:

These numbers exclude effects on the deficit of provisions of the Affordable Care Act that are not related to insurance coverage.

Get it NOW? Who's the liar NOW? have no way to dispute that Liberals want an electorate that doesn't earn its own income, and is solely dependent on big government?

How totalitarian of you.
5. With the Liberal house organ, the NYTimes trumpeting how wonderful it is that ObamaCare makes it possible not to keep one's job, and Pelosi saying that " the health care law fulfills the promises of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness because it allows people to leave jobs," we have shown that Liberals/Progressives/Democrats " envision a society in which American citizens would give up individual freedom to the state and become pleasure-seeking functionaries whose only value consisted in pushing the envelope of hedonism." [as per OP]

Communist Herbert Marcuse, his slogan/order to "Make Love, Not War" has been vindicated by the Left!

a. "Marcuse was adopted as the intellectual guru of the hippie movement, and he, in turn, provided the younger generation with a steady stream of propaganda to sanctify their rebellious impulses. (It was Marcuse who invented the catchphrase "Make love, not war.")

For Marcuse, the only answer to the problem of fascism was communism. "The Communist Parties are, and will remain, the sole anti-fascist power," he declared. For this reason, he urged Americans not to be too hard on the totalitarian experiments of their communist enemies, asserting that "the denunciation of neo-fascism and Social Democracy must outweigh denunciation of Communist policy." Salvo Magazine - The Illusionist by Robin Phillips would be hard pressed to find significant difference between communism and fascism.

On the 'evil meter,' the former scores higer!

Yet, today.....Communists own the oval office.
Your CBO link is an incomplete picture of the net costs of the ACA.

1. "And here's what you need to know. First, I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits -- either now or in the future. (Applause.) I will not sign it if it adds one dime to the deficit, now or in the future, period."
Remarks by the President to a Joint Session of Congress on Health Care The White House

a. "GAO Report: Obamacare Adds $6.2 Trillion to Long-Term Deficit"
GAO Report Obamacare Adds 6.2 Trillion to Long-Term Deficit National Review Online


No wonder NYLiar supports the White House Liar!

Are you denying that your link was to a report that was incomplete as to the effects on the deficit?

And here, a return performance at open mic night....the NYLiar!

His act includes only two tricks:

Trick #1....lies

Trick #2....obfuscation and changing the subject.

Today, it's Trick #2 on display. dice.
The OP is very specific....your inability to confront the truth is noted, and your attempt to alter the direction, disallowed.

You didn't read your own CBO link, which offers this key footnote:

These numbers exclude effects on the deficit of provisions of the Affordable Care Act that are not related to insurance coverage.

Get it NOW? Who's the liar NOW? have no way to dispute that Liberals want an electorate that doesn't earn its own income, and is solely dependent on big government?

How totalitarian of you.

How does my proving that your OP was inaccurate and misleading prompt that incoherent irrelevant response.

But since you posted it, what is your evidence that the Liberal consensus is that no one in the electorate should have a job?

5. With the Liberal house organ, the NYTimes trumpeting how wonderful it is that ObamaCare makes it possible not to keep one's job, and Pelosi saying that " the health care law fulfills the promises of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness because it allows people to leave jobs," we have shown that Liberals/Progressives/Democrats " envision a society in which American citizens would give up individual freedom to the state and become pleasure-seeking functionaries whose only value consisted in pushing the envelope of hedonism." [as per OP]

Communist Herbert Marcuse, his slogan/order to "Make Love, Not War" has been vindicated by the Left!

a. "Marcuse was adopted as the intellectual guru of the hippie movement, and he, in turn, provided the younger generation with a steady stream of propaganda to sanctify their rebellious impulses. (It was Marcuse who invented the catchphrase "Make love, not war.")

For Marcuse, the only answer to the problem of fascism was communism. "The Communist Parties are, and will remain, the sole anti-fascist power," he declared. For this reason, he urged Americans not to be too hard on the totalitarian experiments of their communist enemies, asserting that "the denunciation of neo-fascism and Social Democracy must outweigh denunciation of Communist policy." Salvo Magazine - The Illusionist by Robin Phillips would be hard pressed to find significant difference between communism and fascism.

On the 'evil meter,' the former scores higer!

Yet, today.....Communists own the oval office.

If Obama is a Communist (lol) why is it that since he took office we now have more Americans working in the private sector and fewer Americans working in government?

Isn't the Communist agenda to move in opposite directions to that trend?
If their philosophy is so very do Leftists get so many to vote for their plan?

This way:
"81% of people receiving public housing benefits vote Democratic – and that’s just the tip of the handout iceberg"
81 of people receiving public housing benefits vote Democratic and that s just the tip of the handout iceberg Rare

6. " has already become clear that federal subsidies of any kind destroy the work ethic that has made America the most powerful and economically successful nation on Earth.

Since President Lyndon Johnson's Great Society legislation was passed in the 1960s, the federal government has spent $20 trillion to fund programs that dole out everything from cash to food stamps to housing to medical care to Americans who are unable or unwilling to provide for themselves and their families.

Nearly a third of America's 315 million people receive assistance from at least one of the eighty federal subsidy programs....."
Savage, Op. Cit.

a. " “Government spent $916 billion on these programs in 2012 alone, and roughly 100 million Americans received aid from at least one of them, at an average cost of $9,000 per recipient. (That figure doesn’t include Security or Medicare.)

“Federal and state welfare spending, adjusted for inflation, is 16 times greater than it was in 1964.”
End of the Line for the Welfare State

This was not the intention of the Founders.

“I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.”
James Madison

“I can find no warrant for such an appropriation in the Constitution, and I do not believe that the power and duty of the general government ought to be extended to the relief of individual suffering which is in no manner properly related to the public service or benefit. A prevalent tendency to disregard the limited mission of this power and duty should, I think, be steadfastly resisted, to the end that the lesson should be constantly enforced that, though the people support the government, the government should not support the people.”
Grover Cleveland
If their philosophy is so very do Leftists get so many to vote for their plan?

This way:
"81% of people receiving public housing benefits vote Democratic – and that’s just the tip of the handout iceberg"
81 of people receiving public housing benefits vote Democratic and that s just the tip of the handout iceberg Rare

6. " has already become clear that federal subsidies of any kind destroy the work ethic that has made America the most powerful and economically successful nation on Earth.

Since President Lyndon Johnson's Great Society legislation was passed in the 1960s, the federal government has spent $20 trillion to fund programs that dole out everything from cash to food stamps to housing to medical care to Americans who are unable or unwilling to provide for themselves and their families.

Nearly a third of America's 315 million people receive assistance from at least one of the eighty federal subsidy programs....."
Savage, Op. Cit.

a. " “Government spent $916 billion on these programs in 2012 alone, and roughly 100 million Americans received aid from at least one of them, at an average cost of $9,000 per recipient. (That figure doesn’t include Security or Medicare.)

“Federal and state welfare spending, adjusted for inflation, is 16 times greater than it was in 1964.”
End of the Line for the Welfare State

This was not the intention of the Founders.

“I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.”
James Madison

“I can find no warrant for such an appropriation in the Constitution, and I do not believe that the power and duty of the general government ought to be extended to the relief of individual suffering which is in no manner properly related to the public service or benefit. A prevalent tendency to disregard the limited mission of this power and duty should, I think, be steadfastly resisted, to the end that the lesson should be constantly enforced that, though the people support the government, the government should not support the people.”
Grover Cleveland

Federal subsidies of any kind reduce the work ethic?

Then why do you oppose ending Medicaid?
If their philosophy is so very do Leftists get so many to vote for their plan?

This way:
"81% of people receiving public housing benefits vote Democratic – and that’s just the tip of the handout iceberg"
81 of people receiving public housing benefits vote Democratic and that s just the tip of the handout iceberg Rare

6. " has already become clear that federal subsidies of any kind destroy the work ethic that has made America the most powerful and economically successful nation on Earth.

Since President Lyndon Johnson's Great Society legislation was passed in the 1960s, the federal government has spent $20 trillion to fund programs that dole out everything from cash to food stamps to housing to medical care to Americans who are unable or unwilling to provide for themselves and their families.

Nearly a third of America's 315 million people receive assistance from at least one of the eighty federal subsidy programs....."
Savage, Op. Cit.

a. " “Government spent $916 billion on these programs in 2012 alone, and roughly 100 million Americans received aid from at least one of them, at an average cost of $9,000 per recipient. (That figure doesn’t include Security or Medicare.)

“Federal and state welfare spending, adjusted for inflation, is 16 times greater than it was in 1964.”
End of the Line for the Welfare State

This was not the intention of the Founders.

“I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.”
James Madison

“I can find no warrant for such an appropriation in the Constitution, and I do not believe that the power and duty of the general government ought to be extended to the relief of individual suffering which is in no manner properly related to the public service or benefit. A prevalent tendency to disregard the limited mission of this power and duty should, I think, be steadfastly resisted, to the end that the lesson should be constantly enforced that, though the people support the government, the government should not support the people.”
Grover Cleveland

Federal subsidies of any kind reduce the work ethic?

Then why do you oppose ending Medicaid?

The insane view that cultivating a non-working, pleasure-seeking society- the goal of the Liberal/Progressive/Democrats- is antithetical to America, to rectitude, to success.

Liberalism 'liberates' people from their ultimate happiness, their achievement of equanimity and satisfaction with their life.

7. "In The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, Max Weber argued that the Protestant Reformation—with John Calvin’s and Martin Luther’s emphasis on individual responsibility, hard work, thrift, providence, honesty, and deferred gratification at its center—shaped the spirit of capitalism and helped it succeed.

...the Protestant ethic served as a lodestar for millions of poor immigrants, many from countries with little experience of free markets and democracy. Their assimilation into a culture that they recognized not as Protestant but as American reinvigorated the country, helping to set late-nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century America on a distinctly different path from much of Europe.

The breakup of this 300-year-old consensus on the work ethic began with the cultural protests of the 1960s, which questioned and discarded many traditional American virtues. The roots of this breakup lay in what Daniel Bell described in The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism as the rejection of traditional bourgeois qualities by late-nineteenth-century European artists and intellectuals who sought “to substitute for religion or morality an aesthetic justification of life.” By the 1960s, that modernist tendency had evolved into a credo of self-fulfillment in which “nothing is forbidden, all is to be explored,” Bell wrote."
Whatever Happened to the Work Ethic by Steven Malanga City Journal Summer 2009

The result of the welfare ethos of Liberalism is a population that is disgusted both with itself, and with the institution making it easy to be slothful,criminal, and deviant.
If their philosophy is so very do Leftists get so many to vote for their plan?

This way:
"81% of people receiving public housing benefits vote Democratic – and that’s just the tip of the handout iceberg"
81 of people receiving public housing benefits vote Democratic and that s just the tip of the handout iceberg Rare

6. " has already become clear that federal subsidies of any kind destroy the work ethic that has made America the most powerful and economically successful nation on Earth.

Since President Lyndon Johnson's Great Society legislation was passed in the 1960s, the federal government has spent $20 trillion to fund programs that dole out everything from cash to food stamps to housing to medical care to Americans who are unable or unwilling to provide for themselves and their families.

Nearly a third of America's 315 million people receive assistance from at least one of the eighty federal subsidy programs....."
Savage, Op. Cit.

a. " “Government spent $916 billion on these programs in 2012 alone, and roughly 100 million Americans received aid from at least one of them, at an average cost of $9,000 per recipient. (That figure doesn’t include Security or Medicare.)

“Federal and state welfare spending, adjusted for inflation, is 16 times greater than it was in 1964.”
End of the Line for the Welfare State

This was not the intention of the Founders.

“I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.”
James Madison

“I can find no warrant for such an appropriation in the Constitution, and I do not believe that the power and duty of the general government ought to be extended to the relief of individual suffering which is in no manner properly related to the public service or benefit. A prevalent tendency to disregard the limited mission of this power and duty should, I think, be steadfastly resisted, to the end that the lesson should be constantly enforced that, though the people support the government, the government should not support the people.”
Grover Cleveland

Federal subsidies of any kind reduce the work ethic?

Then why do you oppose ending Medicaid?

The insane view that cultivating a non-working, pleasure-seeking society- the goal of the Liberal/Progressive/Democrats- is antithetical to America, to rectitude, to success.

Liberalism 'liberates' people from their ultimate happiness, their achievement of equanimity and satisfaction with their life.

7. "In The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, Max Weber argued that the Protestant Reformation—with John Calvin’s and Martin Luther’s emphasis on individual responsibility, hard work, thrift, providence, honesty, and deferred gratification at its center—shaped the spirit of capitalism and helped it succeed.

...the Protestant ethic served as a lodestar for millions of poor immigrants, many from countries with little experience of free markets and democracy. Their assimilation into a culture that they recognized not as Protestant but as American reinvigorated the country, helping to set late-nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century America on a distinctly different path from much of Europe.

The breakup of this 300-year-old consensus on the work ethic began with the cultural protests of the 1960s, which questioned and discarded many traditional American virtues. The roots of this breakup lay in what Daniel Bell described in The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism as the rejection of traditional bourgeois qualities by late-nineteenth-century European artists and intellectuals who sought “to substitute for religion or morality an aesthetic justification of life.” By the 1960s, that modernist tendency had evolved into a credo of self-fulfillment in which “nothing is forbidden, all is to be explored,” Bell wrote."
Whatever Happened to the Work Ethic by Steven Malanga City Journal Summer 2009

The result of the welfare ethos of Liberalism is a population that is disgusted both with itself, and with the institution making it easy to be slothful,criminal, and deviant.

Goddam you must be a delight at the breakfast table.

Answering only yes or no,

do you support ending Medicaid?
'Liberation' sure sounds like a good thing......
...but it depends what one is being 'liberated' from.
Take a look, and see the subject of said 'liberation' their own words.

1. "The advance of leftist values and policies that characterizes this takeover [of society] has weakened the moral and cultural foundations on which this country rose to become the most powerful nation on earth. Under this administration, the war on culture has expanded to include the left's war on Christians, on women, on men, on children, on minorities, and on the rule of law.

The leftist lack of principles behind the disappearance of moral and cultural decency has infiltrated our federal government and many of our most important institutions.

...the left's agenda is a history of anger at, and hatred of, capitalism, religion, and individual initiative. Leftists hate the very foundations of Western culture.

...Herbert Marcuse, a communist professor who escaped Nazi Germanyin the 1930s and set up shop in America. Marcuse and another popular Marxist author, Erich Fromm, became influential leaders of the movement toward Marxism in this country. Both...were proponents of what was called "polymorphous sexuality"

...the ultimate liberation of mankind from sexual repression and from the need to work for a living. They envisioned a society in which American citizens would give up individual freedom to the state and become pleasure-seeking functionaries whose only value consisted in pushing the envelope of hedonism."
"Stop the Coming Civil War," by Michael Savage, chapter three

The truth of the above is before our very eyes.

2. "On Tuesday, the CBO confirmed what conservatives warned about during the first debates on the law — ObamaCare is bad for the economy. The non-partisan office estimated that, in just a decade, there will be 2.5 million fewer workers in the labor market than otherwise would be without the health care overhaul. In addition, ObamaCare will increase the debt by more than $1 trillion over the next ten years."
CBO ObamaCare Will Kill 2.5-Million Jobs - Breitbart

Good or bad? Depends on whether one is a Liberal, or a clear thinker.

3. "The Congressional Budget Office estimated on Tuesday that the Affordable Care Act will reduce the number of full-time workers by 2.5 million over the next decade. That is mostly a good thing, a liberating result of the law. Of course, Republicans immediately tried to brand the findings as “devastating” and stark evidence of President Obama’s health care reform as a failure and a job killer.

The new law will free people, young and old, to pursue careers or retirement without having to worry about health coverage. Workers can seek positions they are most qualified for and will no longer need to feel locked into a job they don’t like "

a. "....House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said the health care law fulfills the promises of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness because it allows people to leave jobs that include health insurance as a benefit: You can become a “photographer or writer.”

“I’ve always said that the Affordable Care Act is something that was transformative,” Pelosi said ..." Pelosi Obamacare Means You Could Be A Photographer or Writer CNS News

For those literate enough....the Left's misuse of language was foretold...
"War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength;"...the three slogans of the English Socialist Party ("INGSOC" for short) of Oceania."

4. Dr. Thomas Sowell, in “Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One,” challenges individuals to analyze not only their short term (Stage One) impact but to also think ahead to their long term (Stage Two, Three, etc) impact. Politicians do not think beyond Stage One because they will be praised (and elected) for the short term benefits but will not be held accountable much later when the long term consequences appear.
And reliable Democrat voters buy it like it was on sale.

So....with all this 'liberation' from having to work for a living......who do the Liberals/Progressives/Democrats believe will pay to keep the newly-liberated in the life style they've come to expect?

The answer requires thinking beyond Stage One.

Your CBO link is an incomplete picture of the net costs of the ACA.

1. "And here's what you need to know. First, I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits -- either now or in the future. (Applause.) I will not sign it if it adds one dime to the deficit, now or in the future, period."
Remarks by the President to a Joint Session of Congress on Health Care The White House

a. "GAO Report: Obamacare Adds $6.2 Trillion to Long-Term Deficit"
GAO Report Obamacare Adds 6.2 Trillion to Long-Term Deficit National Review Online


No wonder NYLiar supports the White House Liar!

You originally cited the CBO. Has the CBO changed its original assessment that the ACA will reduce the deficit?

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