Liberal Theologists Support Palestinian Cause - Not Israel

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
The Wide Path Nominal Christians who follow Liberal Theology are supporting the enemies of Israel. Does this suprise me? No. Jesus said, Ye shall know them by their fruits. Wasn't Rick Warren the one who told the Christian world that Obama was a Christian? Again... Jesus said, Ye shall know them by their fruits. Exposing more false teachers, folks. Read the following:

An interview with an American Christian commentator published by Israeli media this week reveals just how far the Evangelical Church has moved into the "Palestinian camp" when it comes to the Middle East conflict.

For decades, Israel's most stalwart supporters were to be found among Evangelical Christians, the bulk of whom saw the rebirth of the Jewish state as a fulfillment of biblical prophecy and evidence of God's faithfulness.

But a new generation of Evangelical leaders are "committed to spreading the Palestinian version of the conflict," said Jim Fletcher, a long-time Christian publisher, in an interview published to Israel National News. "These pro-Palestinian leaders currently control the narrative within the Church."

According to Fletcher, there is a "massive the heart of the American Evangelical Church to lure its members to the Palestinian side." As a result of that effort, it is now "severely mistaken to think that all Evangelicals are pro-Israel."

Among those Evangelical leaders one should be wary of are Willow Creek Pastor Lynne Hybels, Saddleback Community Church Pastor Rick Warren, Dr. Gary Burge of Wheaton College and Christian publisher Cameron Strang.

Hybels and Burge were speakers at last year's Christ at the Checkpoint conference in Bethlehem, where local and foreign Evangelical leaders painted modern Israel as a nation wholly disconnected from its biblical roots and prophecies pertaining to it.

Furthermore, this movement interprets Yeshua's own teachings in a more humanistic light in order to use them against Israel.

"In the Palestinian narrative, emotion is predominant. The emphasis is on ‘land confiscations, checkpoints, detentions, beatings.’ What they call the ‘apartheid wall’ is also mentioned frequently," explained Fletcher.

But, perhaps most disconcerting, is the lack of a strong response from those who still love Israel and see her for what she truly is, warts and all.

"To my knowledge, there are no broad-based Evangelical leaders in the U.S. who will speak out about this problem, which is developing into an epidemic," said Fletcher, warning in conclusion that "the way things are going, support will completely flip from Israel to the Palestinians in the next generation."

For those of us sitting in Israel, there is another worrying effect: more and more Israelis are starting to feel that, once again, they cannot trust or rely on Christians.

The mere fact that this interview was published on a religious Israeli media website demonstrates that Israeli Jews see the strong wall of Christian support eroding, and as a result the bonds that were built up over the past century are beginning to unravel.
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This latest news from Israel today is truly troublesome to me. I am not sure where this article belongs. It is current news. It is about Israel and the Palestinians so perhaps it belongs on that link. Then again it is concerning the false teachers who have the Evangelical Church in their clutches these days so perhaps it belongs on the religion thread!

Wherever it belongs it belongs front and center news because I doubt anyone ever thought they would see the day the evangelicals would dare to side with Israels enemies! I am utterly shocked at this report.

I have been writing for several weeks now on the subject of False Teachers rampant inside the evangelical camp. Yet I didn't realize it had become so far "off" that it now has become the enemy of Israel and brought itself under the curse of Almighty God!

Is it any wonder true Christians no longer feel comfortable in most evangelical churches??!

Last night I read a person who claims to be an expert on the bible accuse a missionary of being a "useless teacher" because his sermon was about holiness, righteousness unto God, obedience and repentance! Truly I believe the bible teachers of today have lost their ever loving minds! Look at where this is leading, folks! Very disturbing! VERY!

May God have mercy upon America and these evangelical churches who have made themselves enemies of God by teaching heresy and siding with His enemies!
How does one reconcile being a born again Christian and siding with the enemies of Israel? How does one who is a born again Christian claim to be "more compassionate" than God Himself?! How can ANY born again Christan justify defending the House of Esau who has made themselves enemies of the House of Jacob and House of Joseph by their own actions? How is this possible? It isn't. These people have departed from the faith. They have departed from God. If they were ever His at all they can no longer claim such a thing. They have become the enemies of God by doing such a thing and it is time to call them out on it. If no leading Evangelical Church is willing to do it?

I WILL DO IT! The members of these churches should leave at once! This is a disgrace!
The owner of Charisma Magazine - Steven Strang - his son, Cameron Strang - is supporting the Palestinians and it is time to send Charisma Magazine a message! Anyone who defends the House of Esau in its actions against the House of Jacob and the House of Joseph ( ISRAEL ) has departed from the faith. They no longer have the right to call themselves a "Christian Magazine" ! ! !

Meet another nominal christian following the Liberal Theology trend.......Cameron Strang
The owner of Charisma Magazine - Steven Strang - his son, Cameron Strang - is supporting the Palestinians and it is time to send Charisma Magazine a message! Anyone who defends the House of Esau in its actions against the House of Jacob and the House of Joseph ( ISRAEL ) has departed from the faith. They no longer have the right to call themselves a "Christian Magazine" ! ! !

Meet another nominal christian following the Liberal Theology trend.......Cameron Strang

Amazing that this guy has not a single mention of Jesus Christ on his entire website. Breaking Bad, batman mustache, beach pictures, photo of his BMW and his fancy boat - all his toys - yet no mention of Jesus Christ. Not even a cross. Wow. Welcome to the world of Nominal Christians folks, who are now defending the House of Esau against the House of Jacob and the House of Joseph and using their own christian magazine empires to do it with. No wonder the rest of the False Teachers in the Evangelical Churches won't open their mouths to confront Rick Warren, Cameron Strang and the rest of their False Brethren. THEY LOVE THE PRAISES OF MEN MORE THAN THE PRAISE OF GOD.

Despicable. That is what I think about it! Utterly despicable!
Jesus said, If you deny me before men I will deny you before the Father. Denying the House of Jacob and the House of Joseph in favor of the House of Esau is denying Jesus Christ, folks. Anyone doing it had better repent. This is blasphemy. God said the entire world would rise up against Israel in the end of days but I never in my life thought I'd see the evangelical churches remain silent while the Lead False Teachers inside preaching the Wide Path false Gospel message got away with openly professing themselves as enemies of Israel. Truly this is beyond what I ever imagined possible.

I am devoted to Jesus Christ. Not to a Nation or a people group or any other thing but to Jesus Christ. Still I believe the Word of God that says If I bless Israel I shall be blessed and if I curse Israel I shall be cursed. This promise has not expired. It is still in action today. Again, I do not worship a nation or a people, I worship Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. My Bible tells me to defend the Word of God and the Word of God says Bless Israel. Do not CURSE HER. Or you will be under a curse! These False teachers and wide is the road nominal christians have put themselves under a curse by doing this. My bible tells me to warn the righteous if they turn from their righteousness it won't be remembered. They will die in their sin but their blood won't be on my hands! So anyone going with this wide is the road bunch has been warned today! You'll be judged for it! - Jeri
Many Christians seem to forget that Ishmael was the first born of Abraham and entitled to the same blessing G-d gave to Isaac.

In fact, since he was the first born son, Ishmael and his progeny received a double blessing/portion according to Torah Law. .. :cool:

Not All Evangelical Christians Love Israel

So should Jews be more receptive to evangelical support of Israel?

By Rachel Silberstein|October 30, 2013


In fact, Nicholson points out, there growing disagreement over whether or not the founding of the modern State of Israel occurred as the bible prescribed, with some going as far as calling it immoral. This shift highlights how fickle Zionism can be when rooted in interpretation of scripture or theological conviction, which is why Nicholson suggests that pro-Israel Jews ought to be more receptive to American evangelical support of Israel:

By all rights, this rather stunning fact—the fact of a vibrant Christian Zionism—should encourage a welcoming response from beleaguered Jewish supporters of Israel. Instead, it has caused palpable discomfort, especially among Jewish liberals. Wary of ulterior religious motives, and viewing evangelicals as overly conservative in their general outlook on the world, such Jews either accept the proffered support with a notable lack of enthusiasm or actively caution their fellow Jews against accepting it at all. To many, the prospect of an alignment with evangelicals, even one based on purely tactical considerations, seems positively distasteful. Very few have attempted to penetrate the evangelical world or to understand it in any substantive way.

Related: Christians for Palestine
Friends in Deed
How about we just let Israel and the Palis work it out amongst themselves? If they can come to an agreement, fine. If one side or the other kills every man, woman, and child of the other side, that's good too. It's not really our problem.

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