Liberal Mindset is Coercive and a Threat to Liberty. Arrogance Leads Them Toward False Notion of Common Folks

Liberal narcism and egoism is on full display on a daily basis. The centerpiece of their belief system is that people who do not share their opinions are ignorant rubes. Therefore the liberal feels that "if only the unenlightened people would think like me, they could find their true higher self." After they become enlightened then they would voluntarily join the left realizing that it is for their own good. If they do not conform then they must be bullied, oppressed, and their voice shut down so that they might find their "real selves." Therefore totalitarianism is the logical path of arrogant leftist thought.
The liberal media acts as a conduit for the establishment of this totalitarianism: "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country."
- Edward Bernays
Donald Trump has been fighting the swamp since 2016. But liberals in Washington D.C., academia, and the farce of a news media have tried to stop him. Conservatism is freedom. Liberalism is oppression.
There is common folk from the city and there is common folks in the country. Yet one thing I have seen in both. The majority of them work and live yet tend not to never tell you how to vote. You are not common folk from anyplace I have ever known but Hell.
Liberals like to suppress opposing views and force their views on society because of their arrogance. Liberals know what's best for those who disagree with them. Those unenlightened peasants.
All I ever see you post is you pushing your pills at what you claim is meds for their ills, you must be a liberal. But wait... Both sides do it that must mean I am a conservative. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Conservative's believe in individual freedom and more power to the states vs. federal government. Liberals want to stop freedom of speech, opposing ideas, and will burn down whole neighborhoods to do it.

Account for trump's authoritarianism. Account for his sending federal thugs to an American city that did not invite them. Account for his bigoted assaults on states and cities with leaders from the Democratic Party. Account for his firings of inspectors general and of people who don't worship him; all replaced by toadies. Account for right-wingers' attempts to silence opposing ideas, including passing laws prohibiting people, including doctors, from discussing certain topics with their patients. Account for the right-wingers' attempts to shovel cult crap at women and LGBTs, and use the government to do it. Account for the fact that the vast majority of Americans work or are looking for work. Account for a right-winger being appointed to dictate the views expressed on Voice of America. This is just the start.

The trump administration has done more to assault individual freedom than any other administration in my lifetime.
President of the United States has a duty to protect federal property against thugs and terrorist who want to burn it down and murder police. State and local government has no legal authority in these matters. If you understood the concept of federalism then you would realize that your comments are driven by raw emotions and the egotistical belief that you are always correct. President Trump has acted within the letter of the Constitution of the United States of America. But, you psychologically deranged leftist see him as an authoritarian dictator so you can justify riots, looting, and murder.

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