Liberal Fox News Pushes Gay Agenda!

I've been trying to tell people Fox News is not as Conservative as some try to make them out to be. They may not be as Left as CNN,NBC,NPR,or other MSM outlets but that doesn't necessarily make them Conservative. For example,is Michael Bloomberg Conservative? Bloomberg is their darling. Fox News has adopted an almost identical political philosophy. They promote Bloomberg politics now. You could also say they are more balanced than CNN and NBC. They do have many Liberal commentators to go along with their so-called Conservatives. I do see much more balance there. CNN & NBC provide very little if any balance from what i see. So when Fox touts their 'Fair & Balanced' approach,they really are telling the truth.
Anybody watch Fox News this morning? Rick Santorum was on with Chris Wallace and Chris was hammering him for not supporting gays in the military.

Chris quoted some anti-integration guy from 1945 and said that Rick Santorums reasoning is exactly the same! Imagine that! Comparing Black Civil Rights to the Gay Agenda! :eek:

Didn't know Fox was so Liberal. I should have known after looking at their Sunday Night TV lineup.

Shepard Smith is a staunch democrat and fox has liberals on all the time.

Whomever told you they were far right shouldn't be trusted in the future on these matters ;).

Yes they are right of center but no more to the right then CNN is to the left.

Are you sure you aren't confusing CNN with MSNBC? CNN is not to the left, MSNBC is. Fox isn't right of center, they are firmly ensconced on the right.

I meant what I said.

MSNBC = Far Left
CNN = Center/left
FOX = Center/Right
Shepard Smith is a staunch democrat and fox has liberals on all the time.

Whomever told you they were far right shouldn't be trusted in the future on these matters ;).

Yes they are right of center but no more to the right then CNN is to the left.

Are you sure you aren't confusing CNN with MSNBC? CNN is not to the left, MSNBC is. Fox isn't right of center, they are firmly ensconced on the right.

I meant what I said.

MSNBC = Far Left
CNN = Center/left
FOX = Center/Right

Oh? Fox is under new ownership? I must have missed that memo.
Are you sure you aren't confusing CNN with MSNBC? CNN is not to the left, MSNBC is. Fox isn't right of center, they are firmly ensconced on the right.

I meant what I said.

MSNBC = Far Left
CNN = Center/left
FOX = Center/Right

Oh? Fox is under new ownership? I must have missed that memo.

Shepard Smith is a staunch democrat and fox has liberals on all the time.

Whomever told you they were far right shouldn't be trusted in the future on these matters ;).

Yes they are right of center but no more to the right then CNN is to the left.

Are you sure you aren't confusing CNN with MSNBC? CNN is not to the left, MSNBC is. Fox isn't right of center, they are firmly ensconced on the right.

"CNN has always had a liberal bias and it has gotten worse since the 2008 Presidential election. Lou Dobbs is its only conservative news commentator. the rest are all very liberal. however, CNN is not as biased as MSNBC."
Is cnn left wing?????????????? - Yahoo! UK & Ireland Answers

or perhaps the list of liberal personalities fox gives airtime to

Fox News is more than what most Socialist/Progressive Democrats have been told. For example,Rupert Murdoch has held numerous fundraisers for Hillary Clinton. He was a big Clinton supporter last time around. Most Democrats don't know that though. Murdoch just created a niche and that niche has been incredibly successful. Most of the MSM in the U.S. is Left/Democrat-leaning. That's just the way it is. But many Americans were starving for some alternative Conservative-leaning Media. And Murdoch delivered it via Fox News. They have become THE alternative to Liberal MSM.

Murdoch above all,is a brilliant businessman. And his politics are surprisingly not what most Democrats think they are. Fox News is not as Conservative as most think either. They are moreso a Neocon/Socialist-leaning Network now. They now represent the politics of a Michael Bloomberg. And Bloomberg is not a Conservative. They may be less Left than CNN & NBC but that's not hard to accomplish. That's my take on Fox News anyway. God Bless and have a great day.

Your post is on the head: Fox News is actually centrist, and just as Left as it is Right.

Not that you need it, but let me add some validation, the Liberal roll-call on Fox:

Alan Colmes
Susan Estrich
Bob Beckel
Juan Williams
Mara Laiason
Mort Kondrache
Kirsten Powers
Shepard Smith
Pat Caddell
Greta Van Sustren (defended Clinton)
Geraldo Rivera
Leslie Marshall
Lanny Davis
Ellis Henican
Ed Henry
Marc Lamont Hill
Professor Caroline Heldman
Representative Martin Frost
Nina Easton
Judy Miller
Evan Bayh
Joe Trippi
Joey Jackson
Alicia Menendez
Juan Hernandez
Lis Wiehl
Kimberly Guilfoyle

just sayin :eusa_whistle:
"Just sayin" doesn't mean shit. They put all manner of people on there to give the "balanced" bit, and they are either trained monkeys or they get chewed up and spit out.
There are many Liberal/Socialist commentators on Fox News. Far more than Conservative commentators on CNN,NBC,and NPR. So their 'Fair & Balanced' slogan really is accurate. That being said,they're not nearly as Conservative as most Democrats have been told.
I just don't see many Conservatives at CNN,NBC,or NPR. I do see many Liberals/Socialists appearing regularly on Fox News though. So they really are 'Fair & Balanced.' Certainly much more than CNN,NBC,or NPR are anyway.

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