Liberal Columnist: Clinton’s Behavior ‘Far Worse Than’ Anything Trump Has Said!!!!!!

Fairness, something missing from the Republican playbook lexicon.

When you're scared, say you're scared. Honestly, you're not fooling anyone.

I'm not scared of anything concerned, connected, or related to the Republican party or its candidates. They have nothing to offer to America.

Riiiiiiiight, we can all see how not scared you are. :lol:

Continue with your non-scared blackmail scheme..."you go after Bill and I'll blah, blah, blah..."

Good luck with that.
Tit for tat, enjoy the black eye.

:lol: :rofl: Did you shake your fist at the screen as you typed that? :rofl:
LOL, no I'm sorry, I don't get angry talking to idiots on the Internet.
When you're scared, say you're scared. Honestly, you're not fooling anyone.

I'm not scared of anything concerned, connected, or related to the Republican party or its candidates. They have nothing to offer to America.

Riiiiiiiight, we can all see how not scared you are. :lol:

Continue with your non-scared blackmail scheme..."you go after Bill and I'll blah, blah, blah..."

Good luck with that.
Tit for tat, enjoy the black eye.

:lol: :rofl: Did you shake your fist at the screen as you typed that? :rofl:
LOL, no I'm sorry, I don't get angry talking to idiots on the Internet.

:lol: Of course you don't. You have made that transparently clear. :lol:

The last word is yours. Make it count. Try not to burst a blood's totally not worth it.
I'm not scared of anything concerned, connected, or related to the Republican party or its candidates. They have nothing to offer to America.

Riiiiiiiight, we can all see how not scared you are. :lol:

Continue with your non-scared blackmail scheme..."you go after Bill and I'll blah, blah, blah..."

Good luck with that.
Tit for tat, enjoy the black eye.

:lol: :rofl: Did you shake your fist at the screen as you typed that? :rofl:
LOL, no I'm sorry, I don't get angry talking to idiots on the Internet.

:lol: Of course you don't. You have made that transparently clear. :lol:

The last word is yours. Make it count. Try not to burst a blood's totally not worth it.

Shouldn't you be out drunkenly denting your benz with pedestrians?
In a Tuesday op-ed for The Washington Post, liberal columnist Ruth Marcus wrote that “Bill Clinton’s conduct toward women is far worse than any of the offensive things that [Donald] Trump has said.”

“Donald Trump is crude and vulgar,” penned Marcus. “But he has a point about Clinton playing the ‘woman’s card’ and about the male behavior that’s more concerning: her husband’s.”

“Nothing would make the Clinton campaign happier than some good old-fashioned male chauvinist piggery directed her way,” she added. “All the better to rile up female voters who seem surprisingly nonchalant about the prospect of electing the first female president.”

Marcus notes that Hillary has used the “gender minefield” in her past campaigns, yet Trump has used a “weapon that none of Clinton’s Democratic opponents, past or present has dared to mention. He played the Bill Card.” (VIDEO: Trump — It’s ‘Fair Game’ To Discuss Bill Clinton’s ‘Abuse Of Women’)

Read more: Liberal Columnist: Clinton’s Behavior ‘Far Worse Than’ Anything Trump Has Said

Dear Vigilante
Has anyone else made the connection in a Public Statement
that for a Party that claims to be against abuse and to support women becoming independent
and not depending on an "abusive husband" DICTATING finances and decisions,
WHY does the Democratic party INSIST on treating all taxpayers as helpless dependents
who need to be under the CONTROL of govt as the authority dictating policy and funding.

How is this prochoice.

How is this liberating to women or to anybody to keep depending on GOVT to make
all the decisions, and to pay all contributions to campaigns and candidates to run and
make decisions for the people DEPENDING on them instead of managing their own affairs.

How is this not teaching DEPENDENCE

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