Liberal Boycott of a Restaurant Fails Once Again. LOL This is CLASSIC!!!

Liberals have unjustly attacked and through their threats of violence forced a pizzeria to shut down. A fund was established to support these innocent people. The goal was $25K

Support Memories Pizza Fund Raises 35 000 in Just Four Hours - Cortney O Brien

In just one day it is now over $100K! Give it a week and more publicity and it will be over $1 mil in no time! When the inevitable liberal mind goes onto the next faux outrage, these people will be able to expand their establish and will have developed a loyal and far reaching clientele!

How does it make you liberals feel knowing you made this man and his daughter millionaires that have increased their clientele 1000 fold overnight?

When conservatives unit, liberals always lose. Since most conservatives are generous, caring and support in Christian values (I support Christian values even though I am a Jew).

I donated to their cause and I think everyone here should also!

I thought the free market was supposed to put bigots out of business which is why we don't need discrimination laws. That no longer the case?
According to who? The free market in first half of 20th century did little to put bigots out of business when they refused to serve blacks, Chinese, Japaneses, Jews, and other minorities. The only reason they aren't doing it today is the anti-discrimination laws.

I'm not a aware that Chinese, Japanese had trouble getting a table at most restaurants. Discrimination against blacks was legally enforced. You know that, but you deliberately lump them in the other groups because the only serious discrimination was against them.
Well, now you are aware.
Liberals have unjustly attacked and through their threats of violence forced a pizzeria to shut down. A fund was established to support these innocent people. The goal was $25K

Support Memories Pizza Fund Raises 35 000 in Just Four Hours - Cortney O Brien

In just one day it is now over $100K! Give it a week and more publicity and it will be over $1 mil in no time! When the inevitable liberal mind goes onto the next faux outrage, these people will be able to expand their establish and will have developed a loyal and far reaching clientele!

How does it make you liberals feel knowing you made this man and his daughter millionaires that have increased their clientele 1000 fold overnight?

When conservatives unit, liberals always lose. Since most conservatives are generous, caring and support in Christian values (I support Christian values even though I am a Jew).

I donated to their cause and I think everyone here should also!

I thought the free market was supposed to put bigots out of business which is why we don't need discrimination laws. That no longer the case?
According to who? The free market in first half of 20th century did little to put bigots out of business when they refused to serve blacks, Chinese, Japaneses, Jews, and other minorities. The only reason they aren't doing it today is the anti-discrimination laws.

I'm not a aware that Chinese, Japanese had trouble getting a table at most restaurants. Discrimination against blacks was legally enforced. You know that, but you deliberately lump them in the other groups because the only serious discrimination was against them.
Well, now you are aware.

No I'm not. Prove it.
What's ugly about it is the American people's amazing charity is making one family rich instead of actually helping those in need.

Dude, conservatives already donate tons of money voluntarily to all manner of charitable causes. And it's really none of your business to approve or disapprove of what people feel is worthy of spending their own money on. I loathe hearing self-righteous twaddle about "better spent here". No one's spending their money in the hopes of gaining your approval.

Tough god damn shit. Don't like my opinion? That is your problem not mine. Now would you like to continue acting like a liberal & find a way to silence me so you won't have to loathe anymore?

Ps. Bite me

Yes, arguing with you is "trying to silence you". ONE of us is acting like a liberal, all right, but it ain't me.
You didn't articulate an argument, you whined about my opinion.

You presented an opinion, and I told you you were wrong. Only a liberal thinks being told he's wrong is "trying to silence" him.

Case closed. Butch up, nancy boy.
Listen up you stupid bitch. Opinions by there very definition can not be wrong.

Yours differs from mine. Cry about it some more will ya
Furthermore I think anyone who continues to send them money knowing how much they've already received is just as fucking stupid as they can get & deserves to lose all their money.
But hey don't let me stop you from blowing your money just so you can express your liberal hate.

The difference between you and me....

I give money where need actually exists.

I'm not stupid.

Carry on.......
Dude, conservatives already donate tons of money voluntarily to all manner of charitable causes. And it's really none of your business to approve or disapprove of what people feel is worthy of spending their own money on. I loathe hearing self-righteous twaddle about "better spent here". No one's spending their money in the hopes of gaining your approval.

Tough god damn shit. Don't like my opinion? That is your problem not mine. Now would you like to continue acting like a liberal & find a way to silence me so you won't have to loathe anymore?

Ps. Bite me

Yes, arguing with you is "trying to silence you". ONE of us is acting like a liberal, all right, but it ain't me.
You didn't articulate an argument, you whined about my opinion.

You presented an opinion, and I told you you were wrong. Only a liberal thinks being told he's wrong is "trying to silence" him.

Case closed. Butch up, nancy boy.
Listen up you stupid bitch. Opinions by there very definition can not be wrong.

Yours differs from mine. Cry about it some more will ya

Wrong. Opinions can't be lies, but the are frequently wrong.
Furthermore I think anyone who continues to send them money knowing how much they've already received is just as fucking stupid as they can get & deserves to lose all their money.
But hey don't let me stop you from blowing your money just so you can express your liberal hate.

The difference between you and me....

I give money where need actually exists.

I'm not stupid.

Carry on.......

My opinion is that we need to fight the queer Gestapo by helping their victims.
$900,000.00 in 36 hours...

Tens of thousands of people supporting people who stand up for their God-given rights.

Now... how much did people donate to the Homosexuals who were traumatized by not having a Christian Baker and Photographer at their make-believe wedding?

Last time I checked it was $0.00 over a couple of years.
Tough god damn shit. Don't like my opinion? That is your problem not mine. Now would you like to continue acting like a liberal & find a way to silence me so you won't have to loathe anymore?

Ps. Bite me

Yes, arguing with you is "trying to silence you". ONE of us is acting like a liberal, all right, but it ain't me.
You didn't articulate an argument, you whined about my opinion.

You presented an opinion, and I told you you were wrong. Only a liberal thinks being told he's wrong is "trying to silence" him.

Case closed. Butch up, nancy boy.
Listen up you stupid bitch. Opinions by there very definition can not be wrong.

Yours differs from mine. Cry about it some more will ya

Wrong. Opinions can't be lies, but the are frequently wrong.

Opinions can, and often are lies.

Pick a single obama statement... anything uttered by either Clintons, or anything said by any Leftist, anywhere, ever.
Dude, conservatives already donate tons of money voluntarily to all manner of charitable causes. And it's really none of your business to approve or disapprove of what people feel is worthy of spending their own money on. I loathe hearing self-righteous twaddle about "better spent here". No one's spending their money in the hopes of gaining your approval.

Tough god damn shit. Don't like my opinion? That is your problem not mine. Now would you like to continue acting like a liberal & find a way to silence me so you won't have to loathe anymore?

Ps. Bite me

Yes, arguing with you is "trying to silence you". ONE of us is acting like a liberal, all right, but it ain't me.
You didn't articulate an argument, you whined about my opinion.

You presented an opinion, and I told you you were wrong. Only a liberal thinks being told he's wrong is "trying to silence" him.

Case closed. Butch up, nancy boy.
Listen up you stupid bitch. Opinions by there very definition can not be wrong.

Yours differs from mine. Cry about it some more will ya

*snore* Even the hypocrisy isn't funny at this point.

Piss off, pantywaist.
Furthermore I think anyone who continues to send them money knowing how much they've already received is just as fucking stupid as they can get & deserves to lose all their money.
But hey don't let me stop you from blowing your money just so you can express your liberal hate.

The difference between you and me....

I give money where need actually exists.

I'm not stupid.

Carry on.......

What a completely incoherent load of "I'm fucking stupid".

But please note that at no time while pointing out what a babbling, senile dimwit you're currently being have I even once suggested that you should be prevented from making a stumbling fool of yourself in public. I'm mocking and ridiculing your substandard ass, not trying to silence it. Learn the difference.
Furthermore I think anyone who continues to send them money knowing how much they've already received is just as fucking stupid as they can get & deserves to lose all their money.
But hey don't let me stop you from blowing your money just so you can express your liberal hate.

The difference between you and me....

I give money where need actually exists.

I'm not stupid.

Carry on.......

What a completely incoherent load of "I'm fucking stupid".

But please note that at no time while pointing out what a babbling, senile dimwit you're currently being have I even once suggested that you should be prevented from making a stumbling fool of yourself in public. I'm mocking and ridiculing your substandard ass, not trying to silence it. Learn the difference.
The only thing your doing is looking stupid.
Well done.
Remember that it was a Southern Democrat (LBJ) that came up with his infamous "I'll have those Niggras voting Democrat for the next 100 years" strategy"

Yep, you're right. That doesn't change the fact that the parties evolved over time to have actually switched its social political positions. The Democratic Party was also the party of 'states government over federal government'. Lincoln and TRoosevelt were two of the most pro-fed gov presidents we've ever had. Things change over time. It's super interesting, when you think about it.
Hmmmmm, . . . Wrong. the Republican party has never endorsed the racist policies that your party revelled in.
The Republican Party, from the time of Lincoln on, has ALWAYS stood firm for human and civil rights.
We were the ones who took on slavery.
We're the ones who first put women and blacks in positions of power in the government
We have always been the ones holding the line against pukes.
Who is intolerant of who? Your statement is nothing but hypocritical.

Liberals have unjustly attacked and through their threats of violence forced a pizzeria to shut down. A fund was established to support these innocent people. The goal was $25K

Support Memories Pizza Fund Raises 35 000 in Just Four Hours - Cortney O Brien

In just one day it is now over $100K! Give it a week and more publicity and it will be over $1 mil in no time! When the inevitable liberal mind goes onto the next faux outrage, these people will be able to expand their establish and will have developed a loyal and far reaching clientele!

How does it make you liberals feel knowing you made this man and his daughter millionaires that have increased their clientele 1000 fold overnight?

When conservatives unit, liberals always lose. Since most conservatives are generous, caring and support in Christian values (I support Christian values even though I am a Jew).

I donated to their cause and I think everyone here should also!

Liberals never pass on a chance to prove their claim of tolerance is a lie
Still they lost business because of their hatred of others.
And when someone such as yourself throws the "nazi" jargon around it shows your ignorance and stupidity.
They are taking handouts. Get it.

You have no idea what you are talking about here. They lost their customers because they showed hatred and bigotry. Now they are staying alive with the help of others giving them charity. They can't make it on their own now and you come up that lame comment.
Nice try fool!

Sure they are taking handouts. They couldn't do it on their own with their philosophy and the people spoke. So now they are taking handouts because they are failures in their business.

Don't you wish they could stand on their own feet and make a living the decent way.
And not accept a handout.

They were standing on their feet until liberal threatened to shut them off.
They didn't asked for donation nor set the gofundme page.

Handout or reparation?

The fact that many more people support the pizzaria owners than the queers really makes your blood boil, doesn't it?

They shut down because of death threats, not because they didn't have customers. That remains to be seen. However, the fact that your a dumb fucking Nazi asshole is duly noted.
Still they lost business because of their hatred of others.
And when someone such as yourself throws the "nazi" jargon around it shows your ignorance and stupidity.
They are taking handouts. Get it.

You have no idea what you are talking about here. They lost their customers because they showed hatred and bigotry. Now they are staying alive with the help of others giving them charity. They can't make it on their own now and you come up that lame comment.
Nice try fool!

Sure they are taking handouts. They couldn't do it on their own with their philosophy and the people spoke. So now they are taking handouts because they are failures in their business.

They were standing on their feet until liberal threatened to shut them off.
They didn't asked for donation nor set the gofundme page.

Handout or reparation?

The fact that many more people support the pizzaria owners than the queers really makes your blood boil, doesn't it?

They shut down because of death threats, not because they didn't have customers. That remains to be seen. However, the fact that your a dumb fucking Nazi asshole is duly noted.
Yeah they lost business, and I bet that people from all over will make special trips,to the pizza parlor to show support and then you add $800,000 plus, that ought to teach them. :lmao:
You seem to be trying to make this mutually exclusive items, which they are not.
It's like you gun nuts and our demand for never even giving any ground on all the stupid items you want to keep so your
love of "protecting" yourself is never infringed on.
The rights of those who do not demean their religion in any manner are being infringed upon. They want to live their life in
acceptance of who they are too.

You have no idea what you are talking about here. They lost their customers because they showed hatred and bigotry. Now they are staying alive with the help of others giving them charity. They can't make it on their own now and you come up that lame comment.
Nice try fool

Where is the hatred and bigotry in serving any gay that walks in but saying that they would not cater a gay wedding when it went against their religious views?

The hatred and bigotry is going off the deep deep end and raising a bunch of shit on an hypothetical that never happen.

You need to stop your hatred and bigotry towards those that have religious convictions that is different than your own. Not only is it not cool but it is against everything that this country was founded upon.
You still refuse to accept the fact they are taking handouts.
Nice try.

Still they lost business because of their hatred of others.
And when someone such as yourself throws the "nazi" jargon around it shows your ignorance and stupidity.
They are taking handouts. Get it.

You have no idea what you are talking about here. They lost their customers because they showed hatred and bigotry. Now they are staying alive with the help of others giving them charity. They can't make it on their own now and you come up that lame comment.
Nice try fool!

Sure they are taking handouts. They couldn't do it on their own with their philosophy and the people spoke. So now they are taking handouts because they are failures in their business.

The fact that many more people support the pizzaria owners than the queers really makes your blood boil, doesn't it?

They shut down because of death threats, not because they didn't have customers. That remains to be seen. However, the fact that your a dumb fucking Nazi asshole is duly noted.
Yeah they lost business, and I bet that people from all over will make special trips,to the pizza parlor to show support and then you add $800,000 plus, that ought to teach them. :lmao:
You still refuse to accept the fact they are taking handouts.
Nice try.

Still they lost business because of their hatred of others.
And when someone such as yourself throws the "nazi" jargon around it shows your ignorance and stupidity.
They are taking handouts. Get it.

You have no idea what you are talking about here. They lost their customers because they showed hatred and bigotry. Now they are staying alive with the help of others giving them charity. They can't make it on their own now and you come up that lame comment.
Nice try fool!

The fact that many more people support the pizzaria owners than the queers really makes your blood boil, doesn't it?

They shut down because of death threats, not because they didn't have customers. That remains to be seen. However, the fact that your a dumb fucking Nazi asshole is duly noted.
Yeah they lost business, and I bet that people from all over will make special trips,to the pizza parlor to show support and then you add $800,000 plus, that ought to teach them. :lmao:

Who said anything about handouts. I give to charity all the time, handouts are helping hands. I thought you liberals love handouts, or is it just government handouts you are for?
Still they lost business because of their hatred of others.
And when someone such as yourself throws the "nazi" jargon around it shows your ignorance and stupidity.
They are taking handouts. Get it.

You keep repeating the same thing over and over. It's still a lie.
They didn't lost business. They closed it because of the threats from loonies.

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