LIB Identity Politics Has Their Party On The Rocks

The following OP is NOT for those with reading comprehension or low IQs or short attention spans........which leaves out the vast majority of forum members here.
I have yet to read a more insightful description of the LIBs in the US.
Liberals, Shipwrecked

Why can't the Republicans get anything done? They are proving to be a very dysfunctional party. Is that why you are bringing up the Democrats because you're embarrassed?

I mean I can understand talking about Democrats when Barrack or Pelosi were in charge but for god sakes man! Own it!!! You're in charge now and the fact is your party sucks. Whatever they pass is bad and they can't pass shit.
Look you moron!
The thread title was about the fucking Democratic party!
But PLEASE PLEASE continue to pretend everything is just great with your party. Your 'leaders' Pelosi and Maxime are certifiably mentally incapable of stringing two coherent words together.
Hillary and her fag Mook spent 1.2 BILLION dollars trashing Trump instead of offering the voters ANY solutions to BONOBO's failed presidency.
How did that work out asshole???????
Your radical LIB MSM is spending everyday bashing Trump. Ya. That's REALLY bringing the undecideds to the DEM side.
President Trump's approval rating is UP from his honest talk about what really happened in Virginia last week.
Let's see what your reaction will be in 18 when you lose 10 more Senate seats. HAAA HAAAA!
But you go ahead and keep whistling in the DEM graveyard.
Face it pal. You're a fucking LOSER!
Here's latest from the senile old bitch Pelosi.........your number one fundraiser Pelosi: You Can’t Yell ‘Wolf’ In A Crowded Theater [VIDEO]

Do you remember at this time in Obama's presidency you guys said he was failing miserably? I do.

But what I don't remember is me talking about Republicans at this point in 2009. Why would I? It was blue dog democrats that were holding up legislation.

Actually, Mitch was philabusting and that didn't make me very happy but it wasn't him who got to the blue dogs. It was the lobbyists. Same people who own the Republicans and who prevented the ACA from being repealed and why you guys can't get anything done.

I know this thread is about the Democratic party. You can't stand to talk about the failure within the Republican party. It's clearly making you mad. But instead of talking about your own problems you are focusing on Maxine and Nancy? What a loser you are.
If you want to have a debate about the REP party start a fucking new thread asshole!
And make sure you don't cry "WOLF" in a crowded theatre!
Your lame attempt to deflect from the stunning failure of YOUR party is noted.

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