Zone1 Let's Talk About "Merit"

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Hw? Seriously? I mean, you say this stuff out loud without being laughed at?
The reason why you are more likely to find litter in poor areas of any race is that no one owns that space to clean it up.
Why are poor Oriental, and Jewish neighborhoods so well cared for?
Jesus, still saying "Orientals"?

ASIANS. Why is it such a big problem for you to say that?
"Asians" include Caucasian demographics, like Arabs that have low average IQ's. "Asians" also includes Mongoloid demographic that are known for low average IQ's too.

I could call Orientals "East Asians," and sometimes to, but that feels like a concession to political correctness, which I hate, because I hate the lies it enforces.
Whites and Orientals have had benefited from several thousand years of being selected genetically for the ability to master reading, writing, and arithmetic. Negroes have not.

Dude, give me a break. Universal education/literacy is a concept that is less than a few hundred years old. Do you think that medieval peasants knew how to read or do complex math?

Harsh environments select genetically for the ability to survive the environments. That is why persecution has bred the Ashkenazim to be the most intelligent race in existence.

That's debatable. Seems to me that if you are constantly being wiped out by your neighbors, that's the opposite of a good breeding strategy.

"Asians" include Caucasian demographics, like Arabs that have low average IQ's. "Asians" also includes Mongoloid demographic that are known for low average IQ's too.

Wow, seriously, Mongoloid? Seriously, you talk like a 90 year old.

I could call Orientals "East Asians," and sometimes to, but that feels like a concession to political correctness, which I hate, because I hate the lies it enforces.

You mean treating people decently is a lie? Really? I can see why you have no friends.
ow, seriously, Mongoloid? Seriously, you talk like a 90 year old.

Mongoloid: relating to, or characteristic of one of the traditional racial divisions of humankind, marked by prominent cheekbones, epicanthic folds about the eyes, and straight black hair, and including the Mongols, Manchus, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, Annamese, Siamese, Burmese, Tibetans, and, to some extent, the Inuits and the American Indians.​

You mean treating people decently is a lie? Really? I can see why you have no friends.
I have never known an Oriental I did not like. Because I treat Orientals decently I have never known one who disliked me.

Because of their high IQ averages and their low rates of crime and illegitimacy Orientals deserve to be called "the model minority."

In the United states Orientals tend to be more prosperous than white Gentiles., and vastly more prosperous than Negroes.

We have one group who is very upset that Black students are getting accepted into colleges over White students due to a perceived lack of merit.

Yet those same people are engaging in all sorts of verbal gymnastics trying to insist that when it comes to the same perceived lack of merit in the admission of legacy students (who take far more slots away from more meritorious White and Asian students), it is completely different and perfectly justified.


Legacy students are taking spots from more academically qualified applicants. If your complaint is how this is unfair to more deserving students then I fail to see any difference.

The argument to that is: of course it is different! It brings the college money! It is ok to be unfair to those poor students who are better qualified in that case.

Does anyone see the absurdity here? I think there is a mighty struggle to not say the obvious…they are only bothered if it is Blacks who are perceived as getting some sort “advantage”.

As to claiming legacy admissions are “business decisions”….all of these private, Ivy League institutions are businesses and they aren’t going to be making decisions that lose them money, piss off their donors, or violate their mission and that includes decisions on diversity. There is money associated with that as well.

If you oppose admissions that aren’t based soley on merit, then there is no difference that would be internally consistent.
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Homo Sapiens responds to genetic tinkering just like dogs, cats and cattle do. Selective breeding has been done by natural selection as long as the earth has existed. Breed frogs for bigger legs by only allowing the frogs with big legs to breed, you eventually get big frog legs to cook. Breed chickens with big breasts to other chickens with big breasts, you eventually get the Dolly Parton chicken breasts we take for granted. Make intelligence a desired trait and breed smart men with smart women and you get smarter children. Natural selection works; people have proven it over centuries with domesticated animals and people are no different biologically than other mammals.
The difference is in breeding domestic animals, we select for traits and line breed animals to concentrate those traits in a short amount of time. That is unnatural selection.

Natural selection doesn’t work quite that way. Traits that we think are beneficial may or may not be in different situations. Traits can get concentrated through genetic bottlenecks but they may not be beneficial. A neutral trait may become dominant within a population due to geography or chance (genetic drift). Significant changes in species takes millions of years through natural selection.
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We have one group who is very upset that Black students are getting accepted into colleges over White students due to a perceived lack of merit.

Yet those same people are engaging in all sorts of verbal gymnastics trying to insist that when it comes to the same perceived lack of merit in the admission of legacy students (who take far more slots away from more meritorious White and Asian students), it is completely different and perfectly justified.


Legacy students are taking spots from more academically qualified applicants. If your complaint is how this is unfair to more deserving students then I fail to see any difference.

The argument to that is: of course it is different! It brings the college money! It is ok to be unfair to those poor students who are better qualified in that case.

Does anyone see the absurdity here? I think there is a mighty struggle to not say the obvious…they are only bothered if it is Blacks who are perceived as getting some sort “advantage”.

As to claiming legacy admissions are “business decisions”….all of these private, Ivy League institutions are businesses and they aren’t going to be making decisions that lose them money, piss off their donors, or violate their mission and that includes decisions on diversity. There is money associated with that as well.

If you oppose admissions that aren’t based soley on merit, then there is no difference that would be internally consistent.
And here you see how racism works in 2023. But you already knew. When we make the argument on equal terms, we see that the argument is simply that whites are entitled to everything and they are the only ones who are.
We’ve also spent untold trillions on the black community, not just taxpayer money on social welfare the last century, but also private donations, affirmative action, scholarships, media, political movements, all doing things to ”help the black community“ and yet they are still the lowest IQ, least educated, highest unemployed, poorest, most obese and unhealthy, most addicted to drugs, most violent, most criminal group in America.
No you haven't. And your comment is completely wrong.
Blacks aren't getting 4 strikes and whites 2. Affirmative Action involves ASIANS, BLACKS, HISPANICS, PACIFIC ISLANDERS, NATIVE AMERICANS, and WHITE WOMEN. According to the stats, whites are getting 5 strikes and everyone else 1, since less qualified white men/women are admitted because of legacy and white women have benefitted most from AA.
Whites of European ancestry conquered mush of the world.

You say that like it's a good thing. Um, yeah, we spread plague, genocide, war and pollution over much of the world. Good on us, I guess.
When we are gone, I wonder if the world will miss us.

I have never known an Oriental I did not like. Because I treat Orientals decently I have never known one who disliked me.
Actually, most of them probably dislike you, they are just too polite to say so.
You say that like it's a good thing. Um, yeah, we spread plague, genocide, war and pollution over much of the world. Good on us, I guess.
When we are gone, I wonder if the world will miss us.
My comment was in response to your earlier comment: "that's debatable. Seems to me that if you are constantly being wiped out by your neighbors, that's the opposite of a good breeding strategy."

Which in turn was a response to my earlier comment: "Whites and Orientals have had benefited from several thousand years of being selected genetically for the ability to master reading, writing, and arithmetic. Negroes have not."

How are we "constantly being wiped out by" our neighbors?

We are not out produced by Negroes, if you think of our intellectual and economic achievements. We are out reproduced by Negroes.

This is because of our pathological and racially dysfunctional altruism. In the United States our tax money provides welfare checks for their illegitimate children. Our food stamps feed those illegitimate black children. Section 8 housing houses them.

In Africa our food aid feeds Negroes during their periodic famines. Our medical aid cures their diseases. Our peace keeping missions stop their inter-tribal wars. Then when they move to Europe white welfare again keeps them alive. With an average IQ of 70 African Negroes are even less able to contribute to modern economies than American Negroes, who have averages of 85 due to the genetic generosity of white slave owners.
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Actually, most of them [Orientals] probably dislike you, they are just too polite to say so.
That is a bizarre statement. Why would Orientals dislike me when I obviously admire their cultures, when I treat them with courtesy and respect, and when I tell them of my admiration?

In his essay, "Race, Evolution, and Behavior," Professor J. Philippe Rushton documents that Orientals tend to be more intelligent than whites, and that they have lower rates of crime and illegitimacy.

Race, Evolution, and Behavior:

I got into trouble on Jared Taylor's website for quoting Professor Rushton, although I learned about Professor Rushton from Taylor's website, and although Professor Rushton spoke at six of Taylor's conferences.

I am a race realist. I am not a white nationalist. I am certainly not a white supremacist. I do not identify with the alt right. Those who call me a racist indulge in the lowest form of discourse because they cannot refute my courteous and fact based arguments.
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We have one group who is very upset that Black students are getting accepted into colleges over White students due to a perceived lack of merit.

Yet those same people are engaging in all sorts of verbal gymnastics trying to insist that when it comes to the same perceived lack of merit in the admission of legacy students (who take far more slots away from more meritorious White and Asian students), it is completely different and perfectly justified.


Legacy students are taking spots from more academically qualified applicants. If your complaint is how this is unfair to more deserving students then I fail to see any difference.

The argument to that is: of course it is different! It brings the college money! It is ok to be unfair to those poor students who are better qualified in that case.

Does anyone see the absurdity here? I think there is a mighty struggle to not say the obvious…they are only bothered if it is Blacks who are perceived as getting some sort “advantage”.

As to claiming legacy admissions are “business decisions”….all of these private, Ivy League institutions are businesses and they aren’t going to be making decisions that lose them money, piss off their donors, or violate their mission and that includes decisions on diversity. There is money associated with that as well.

If you oppose admissions that aren’t based soley on merit, then there is no difference that would be internally consistent.
No, we have people who are upset that racist policies allow lesser-qualified blacks in while rejecting better-qualified whites and Asians. We want to eliminate racist policies.

And again, granting admission to children of big donors isn’t racist. It’s done for financial reasons.
Speaking of Orientals, before he banned me twice from his website for praising Jews and Orientals, I liked to quote the following statements by Jared Taylor:


[East] Asians have faced fierce discrimination in America, but
this has not stopped them from working hard and getting ahead.
In fact, they have been so successful in "racist" America that
whites have even begun to complain about [East] Asian achievement.
Whether one looks at Japanese and Chinese, who have been in
America for generations, or Koreans and Vietnamese, who have
arrived more recently, [East] Asians have been remarkably successful...

The achievements of more recent [East] Asian immigrants have been
well publicized. Everyone has heard of Vietnamese children who
came to America unable to speak English and then, a few years
later, graduated at the tops of their high-school classes...

Throughout this period of constant prejudice and persecution,
Chinese worked hard, saved their money, and built better lives for
themselves. By the time they had full, legal standing in this country
many Chinese had incomes comparable to those of native-born
whites. By 1969, Chinese as a group outearned Italian, German,
and even Anglo-Saxon Americans.

During the 1960s, Chinatown was the part of San Francisco with
the most unemployment and poverty, the highest rate of tubercu-
losis, the least education, and the most substandard housing.

Nevertheless, in 1965, only five people of Chinese ancestry went
to jail in the whole state of California. 377
- Jared Taylor, Paved with Good Intentions

Wherever you look, Asians outperform whites academically and financially...

we have a considerably less than one standard deviation difference between Asian IQ — North Asian IQ — and white IQ. I think that, too, is a result of genetics, and I think that that is what explains the dominance of Asians in certain fields, and their lower rates of illegitimacy compared to whites, their lower crime rates, their better achievement in school, their higher average incomes...

I think [East] Asians are objectively superior to whites by just about any measure that you can come up with in terms of what are the ingredients for a successful society. (Emphasis mine)

- Jared Taylor Interview


When I quoted those statements on Jared Taylor's website I was flamed. Taylor warned me to stop doing it. Apparently he was allowed to make those statements, but I was not allowed to quote him. We will see if I am allowed to quote him on the U.S. Message Board.

The success of Orientals in the United States deprives Negroes of their alibi. It is possible for a non white race in the United States to endure persecution and discrimination, and prosper by behaving and performing well.

The notion that it is somehow our fault that Negroes tend to perform poorly intellectually, and to behave badly by committing lots of crimes and having lots of illegitimate children, is preposterous.
Jared Taylor does like me. After banning me the first time he sent me an autographed copy of his most recent book. I admire him along with Charles Murray and Professor's Arthur Jensen and J. Philippe Rushton.
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