Wicked Jester
Growing Up in the Weather Underground: A Father and Son Tell Their Story
Remember people, this man is just an arms reach away from the president, just as SELF AVOWED COMMUNIST Van Jones WAS. This man is a founding member of the Weather Underground, along with Obama's good buddy Bill Ayers. Like Obama's good buddy Bill Ayers, Jeff Jones was involved in several bombings that were meant to kill our FELLOW AMERICANS. Like Obama's good buddies, Bill Ayers and Van Jones, Jeff Jones is anti-american to the core.
Now, ANYBODY who approves of ANY of these men being given appointments in Obama's administration, should be considered complete IDIOTS!. Period, end of story.
Read the above linked article very carefully. It is beyond disturbing to see a nutjob such as Jones ANYWHERE near the POTUS.
Growing Up in the Weather Underground: A Father and Son Tell Their Story
Remember people, this man is just an arms reach away from the president, just as SELF AVOWED COMMUNIST Van Jones WAS. This man is a founding member of the Weather Underground, along with Obama's good buddy Bill Ayers. Like Obama's good buddy Bill Ayers, Jeff Jones was involved in several bombings that were meant to kill our FELLOW AMERICANS. Like Obama's good buddies, Bill Ayers and Van Jones, Jeff Jones is anti-american to the core.
Now, ANYBODY who approves of ANY of these men being given appointments in Obama's administration, should be considered complete IDIOTS!. Period, end of story.
Read the above linked article very carefully. It is beyond disturbing to see a nutjob such as Jones ANYWHERE near the POTUS.
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