Lets see what the left have turned our men into, shall we?

Sums up the difference in a 15 second clip.

Just one picture says it all.

Conservatives just gaslight themselves into blaming everything they don’t like on “the left.” The left is evil. The left is corrupt. The left wants to eat your children. Blah blah blah
The left is evil. The left is corrupt. The left wants to eat your children.

For once i actually agree with your last statement...
Well I don't know if Peaky Blinders was the best comparison.

Here's some young men (CCC workers) here in Virginia in the 1930s.
In my AO they built the Skyline Drive as well as a untold number of fire roads and hiking trails.

There was a abandoned fire road CCC camp on one of my old hunting leases. In fact we used the old military bunk beds we found in there in our hunting cabin on the same property.



Iron Mike at the Old Rag visitor's center.

The Left? Scientific evidence the Left has done this? You don't have any do you? That makes you a liar. By the way, what have Gay people done to you?
Shove their lifestyle in our faces, that's what. Insisting we accept what they do in the bedroom when it SHOULD be private. Prancing around showing their dicks to children during their sick gay pride parades. Feminizing our military where they toddle along in high heels. That's what they have done.

Conservatives just gaslight themselves into blaming everything they don’t like on “the left.” The left is evil. The left is corrupt. The left wants to eat your children. Blah blah blah
More accurately would be, "the left wants everything given to them for nothing, rather than earning it themselves."
You incur school debt via a loan, signing your name to it......"Have someone else pay for it, as my signature isn't really giving my word that I will pay for what I agreed to."
You want free health care. "The cost has to come out of someone else's pockets."
If some woman spit's you out from between her legs...."The government should cover all your expenses, as they are responsible for you simply because you are born, as someone else should pay for your existence."
You see people owning private property that you aren't allowed to walk on...."I can't walk there and can't afford my own, so no one should have private property, so I can walk wherever I want."
The left is all about jealousy and want.
And of course, everyone marching in lock-step with the left.....or else.

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