lets see how the gun control dems handle this

That's your problem. You act like making it harder for one person to kill so many in such a short time is not worth while. You're an idiot.
There are millions upon millions of ARs in this country... And a handful of them are used in crimes percentage wise - like a tiny percentage of a percentage of a percentage...
The thinking of gun control as a necessarily need is delusional at best. There are much bigger fish to fry
2016 Real Time Death Statistics in America

It's not about doing away with guns dumbass. It's about trying to keep them out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them, and reducing the number of shots that can be fired before stopping to reload. Of course, like I said before, you think laws are useless, so you are just fine with how many people can be killed in a very short time.

What you ignore is people have very legitimate uses for those weapons with high capacity magazines. I don't have one right now, but I'm seriously considering buying one next week with a night vision scope. Wild hogs are devastating my property. Imagine trying run a lawn mower though a plowed field, that's what you get with hogs.

You don't need that many shots before reloading for hogs.My 870 has a three round plug, and I do just fine.


Your opinion of what I NEED is irrelevant, immaterial and unimportant.

Another idiot planning on a war with the government. That's crazy.
It is proof that those who don't support gun rights have never been in a situation where they wish they had one.

You realize that wanting reasonable restrictions isn't the same as wanting to do away with all guns don't you?
We already have reasonable restrictions

Correct, just not enough.

We have enough we just don't enforce them properly

One more gun law added to the 20,000 or so already one the books will not be the panacea you think it will

Nobody expects it will be a panacea.
What do you expect then if it won't work now.
Enforce the laws we ,have,reject PC
Pay attention.the guy that killed 13 in new York got a legal pistol permit,even aftet the guys dad went to the broome county sheriff,the people that issue them,yelling them not to give him one he wasn't stable,during the investigation,his co workers,other family members saying the same thing,not long after the Chinese immigrant trapped and killed 13 people .
Just leave our rights be, leftists. Once you allow the government to step all over one right, what's to stop them from doing the same to other rights? Oh, that's right, nothing.

Also, since 70% of criminals and murderers obtain their weapons through ILLEGAL means (big surprise for some of you, I suppose), then your banning things and restricting things doesn't do anything. MURDER is already against the law!

Then background checks would limit those legal purchases. Why do you want to make it easier for a thug to get a gun?

Did you read Obama's 2010 study conducted by the CDC? I'm willing to BET that you did not.

I'm sure you are willing to bet a lot of things. Just a few posts back you would have bet that the Federalist papers were a legal document with active bearing on our laws.

They are. Duh. Well . . . did you read the Obama study from 2010? Yes or no.

Is that the study that basically negates Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama wished it would say and strongly supported gun rights?
Name one law that will stop mass shootings? And how? Be specific

Change the age a young man can buy a gun to age 30.
Simple, effective and no harm to anyone.

If that isn't acceptable, how about limiting the types of guns young men under 30 can buy to revolvers and single shot .22 rifles?

While this would not be 100% effective, it would seriously cut down the types of mass shootings we have seen lately. As well as helping curb straw buyers, kids finding dads gun, domestic violence with a gun involved etc.

There ya go. A real solution.

it should be taught in the schools


You should prove you are trained before you can buy a gun

Would a CHL and 20+ years active military qualify?
Works for me

Now how bout we require it for that strange kid who lives down the street and talks to himself all the time?

How bout we go back to teaching "gun" safety in schools instead of banning the word?

If some redneck school district wants to teach gun safety, I have no problem with it

Regardless of where it is taught, it should be required before getting a hunting license or purchasing a firearm

How many Islamic Terrorist Attacks would that have prevented? Boston? San Bernardino? Orlando?
That's your problem. You act like making it harder for one person to kill so many in such a short time is not worth while. You're an idiot.
There are millions upon millions of ARs in this country... And a handful of them are used in crimes percentage wise - like a tiny percentage of a percentage of a percentage...
The thinking of gun control as a necessarily need is delusional at best. There are much bigger fish to fry
2016 Real Time Death Statistics in America

It's not about doing away with guns dumbass. It's about trying to keep them out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them, and reducing the number of shots that can be fired before stopping to reload. Of course, like I said before, you think laws are useless, so you are just fine with how many people can be killed in a very short time.
Reloading takes milliseconds with just a little practice you stupid dolt.
Anything the anti-gun nutters come up with is going to be frivolous at best…

the shooter who killed one student and injured several others at Seattle Pacific University was pepper sprayed and held down when he stopped to reload his gun. In the Tuscon, Ariz. shooting, Jared Loughner killed six and injured 13 others using a handgun with a 31-round clip. But he was ultimately stopped when he went to change magazines. And during the Sandy Hook Massacre, several kids reportedly escaped while shooter Adam Lanza was reloading his gun.

so loughner had a 31 round clip did he
I wish more straights would take gun training courses

it should be taught in the schools


You should prove you are trained before you can buy a gun

it should be taught in the public schools

each and every child that attends a public school should

receive firearms training
Or else we could only teach those who are interested in owning guns

Forgot about the Constitution...AGAIN, didn't you?
I don't know why they were surprised by the turn out, them dems loves thay free stuff.

It is proof that those who don't support gun rights have never been in a situation where they wish they had one.

You realize that wanting reasonable restrictions isn't the same as wanting to do away with all guns don't you?
We have plenty of reasonable restrictions now.
And there are plenty of people that do in fact want to disarm the people.claiming otherwise is willfull ignorance.

I never said there weren't some fringe people who have dumb ideas on both sides. I only said wanting reasonable restrictions is not the same as wanting to ban all guns. Universal background checks would be perfectly reasonable.

Which mass shooting or more importantly, which Fatal Islamic Terrorist Attack would not have happened had there been "universal background checks"?
There are millions upon millions of ARs in this country... And a handful of them are used in crimes percentage wise - like a tiny percentage of a percentage of a percentage...
The thinking of gun control as a necessarily need is delusional at best. There are much bigger fish to fry
2016 Real Time Death Statistics in America

It's not about doing away with guns dumbass. It's about trying to keep them out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them, and reducing the number of shots that can be fired before stopping to reload. Of course, like I said before, you think laws are useless, so you are just fine with how many people can be killed in a very short time.

What you ignore is people have very legitimate uses for those weapons with high capacity magazines. I don't have one right now, but I'm seriously considering buying one next week with a night vision scope. Wild hogs are devastating my property. Imagine trying run a lawn mower though a plowed field, that's what you get with hogs.

You don't need that many shots before reloading for hogs.My 870 has a three round plug, and I do just fine.


Your opinion of what I NEED is irrelevant, immaterial and unimportant.

Another idiot planning on a war with the government. That's crazy.

I simply state the facts. Something which offends you.
it should be taught in the schools


You should prove you are trained before you can buy a gun

Would a CHL and 20+ years active military qualify?
Works for me

Now how bout we require it for that strange kid who lives down the street and talks to himself all the time?

How bout we go back to teaching "gun" safety in schools instead of banning the word?

If some redneck school district wants to teach gun safety, I have no problem with it

Regardless of where it is taught, it should be required before getting a hunting license or purchasing a firearm

Nope, all schools.
Thugs are normally prohibited from legal gun purchases, or are you labeling innocent people as thugs?

No Thugs are thugs. An individual has no obligation to find out or even care if the person they are selling to is a thug. Without that obligation, lots of innocent people will sell guns to more thugs. As you know, they don't care about the law, but I suggest those innocent people would follow the law forcing the thug to find another source.

How many, give me a number with a link.

How the hell should I know? If an under aged kid wants alcohol bad enough, he will get some, but we still check his ID before he can buy. If he had a source that could legally sell him alcohol without any obligation to check his Id, a lot more kids would be getting drunk. Any individual legally selling guns without a background check makes it a lot easier for someone who shouldn't have a gun to get one.

Oh OK, you want to pass a law with no idea how it could be enforced, and that makes sense to you?

How and why would it be enforced any differently than any other law?

OK, a gun changes hands, no background check, both say it was done before the law, how do you prove it didn't?
Moronic thread premise.

‘Dems’ have no problem with citizens taking a gun training course, gay Americans in particular, given their likelihood of becoming victims of hateful rightwing bigots.

And firearm regulatory measures are more than just the regulation of actual firearms.
wait, are you saying that carrying a gun could keep the gays from becoming victims of crime?
I wish more straights would take gun training courses

it should be taught in the schools


You should prove you are trained before you can buy a gun

it should be taught in the public schools

each and every child that attends a public school should

receive firearms training
Or else we could only teach those who are interested in owning guns
Many states require some sort of training class
Would a CHL and 20+ years active military qualify?
Works for me

Now how bout we require it for that strange kid who lives down the street and talks to himself all the time?

How bout we go back to teaching "gun" safety in schools instead of banning the word?

If some redneck school district wants to teach gun safety, I have no problem with it

Regardless of where it is taught, it should be required before getting a hunting license or purchasing a firearm

no not redneck for whatever that means loser

ALL schools if you want to attach something like that to a constitutional right

then it needs to be taught to all children

Two thirds of American families have no interest in owning guns

But if rednecks want their schools to offer training, I have no problem
Yes because only rednecks own guns
Works for me

Now how bout we require it for that strange kid who lives down the street and talks to himself all the time?

How bout we go back to teaching "gun" safety in schools instead of banning the word?

If some redneck school district wants to teach gun safety, I have no problem with it

Regardless of where it is taught, it should be required before getting a hunting license or purchasing a firearm

no not redneck for whatever that means loser

ALL schools if you want to attach something like that to a constitutional right

then it needs to be taught to all children

Two thirds of American families have no interest in owning guns

But if rednecks want their schools to offer training, I have no problem
Yes because only rednecks own guns
dont know about where you live, but here in the Washington/Baltimore area, if you took away all of the guns, you would put over half the black male population out of work.
hard to hold up the corner gas station if all you have is a pack of half smoked black and milds.
I don't know why they were surprised by the turn out, them dems loves thay free stuff.

It is proof that those who don't support gun rights have never been in a situation where they wish they had one.

You realize that wanting reasonable restrictions isn't the same as wanting to do away with all guns don't you?

Please....name reasonable restrictions that actually do anything constructive.....
What's your idea of reasonable? Fuck face

Been down that road a million times. I name a couple reasonable measures, and you claim laws don't mean anything because there are still crooks. You're wrong.
Name one law that will stop mass shootings?

That's your problem. You act like making it harder for one person to kill so many in such a short time is not worth while. You're an idiot.
There are millions upon millions of ARs in this country... And a handful of them are used in crimes percentage wise - like a tiny percentage of a percentage of a percentage...
The thinking of gun control as a necessarily need is delusional at best. There are much bigger fish to fry
2016 Real Time Death Statistics in America

It's not about doing away with guns dumbass. It's about trying to keep them out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them, and reducing the number of shots that can be fired before stopping to reload. Of course, like I said before, you think laws are useless, so you are just fine with how many people can be killed in a very short time.

What you are saying here.....everything you have proposed has been shown to be so flawed, so lacking in reason and reality, that you get tired of being called out on it.......because you can't defend what your propose in any real fashion...got it...
I don't know why they were surprised by the turn out, them dems loves thay free stuff.

It is proof that those who don't support gun rights have never been in a situation where they wish they had one.

You realize that wanting reasonable restrictions isn't the same as wanting to do away with all guns don't you?

We have reasonable restriction as a nation, some states have gone batshit crazy though. Funny how they're all blue states.

Universal background checks and magazine limits. Don't bother with your silly excuses why you don't want them. I've already heard that crap a hundred times. It doesn't hold up.

And please...how about explaining how either one would have stopped any of the mass shootings we have had or limited the deaths and injuries...

Do you realize magazine limits in actual shootings have been studied.....and the rate of fire of these mass shooters, in real world mass shootings shows that magazine limits would do nothing to save lives...actual research shows this....

What you don't understand is the anti-gun bait and switch...you think that when the anti-gunners say magazine limits...they mean 100 round drums or that they want to actually save lives.......and that is where you are foolish.....that is the bait...

The Switch comes in when they want to limit magazines of semi auto pistols to 10 rounds only....making current models of guns with 15-19 rounds illegal, and thereby having a gun ban by other means....

And universal background checks......straw buyers with clean records will pass private background checks as easily as they do for current federally mandated background checks at licensed gun dealers....

Another anti gun bait and switch....

The bait...you think the anti-gunners want to stop criminals and mass shooters from getting guns with a background check on private sales....

The switch.....by switching the word Sale for the word Transfer.....you now require all transfers of guns...that means loaning guns or giving guns to a family member will now be a felony without going to a gun store or police station to do a background check.....if the gun store will even do it...since they will not be making any money on it.....

And the other part of the switch.....there are some places where it is 150-200 dollars for a background check....adding to the price of the gun....you know, the old revolver the Widow Johnson is trying to get rid of because her husband died.....that is worth about 200 bucks, and now is 400 with the mandatory background check...if she even realizes she needs to do a background check........and if she doesn't know she has to do a background check to give her son his dad's gun....both her and her son are now felons.....
I don't know why they were surprised by the turn out, them dems loves thay free stuff.

It is proof that those who don't support gun rights have never been in a situation where they wish they had one.

You realize that wanting reasonable restrictions isn't the same as wanting to do away with all guns don't you?

We have reasonable restriction as a nation, some states have gone batshit crazy though. Funny how they're all blue states.

Universal background checks and magazine limits. Don't bother with your silly excuses why you don't want them. I've already heard that crap a hundred times. It doesn't hold up.

Explain how you enforce universal background checks.

he can't...that is why he says he won't...because we will be mean and press him to explain how they work....

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