Let's say we had intelligence about a Chinese warship en route to launching an attack on a US aircraft carrier.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
The Commander-In-Chief orders an immediate air strike against that Chinese warship. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff immediately calls the President of the CCP and says "We have been ordered to attack your ship, we will be engaging with air strikes in approximately 8 hours. Good luck sir". So anyone have a problem with that?
#1. There is no intelligence in the US. They want a ship sunk and it's on. Your boys/girls/undecided are on Pronhoob right now
The Commander-In-Chief orders an immediate air strike against that Chinese warship. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff immediately calls the President of the CCP and says "We have been ordered to attack your ship, we will be engaging with air strikes in approximately 8 hours. Good luck sir". So anyone have a problem with that?
The National Security Council (which includes the JCS Chair) would be privy to the intel.

What the general was worried about was that the blob was going to see a report on Newsmax about a Chinese Warship and think it was actually happening.... essentially the same thing you guys do here day in and day out.
In my eyes, and I know many will agree.....Milley is a despicable worm.:mad-61:

No offense to worms.

The JCS is under the command of the President, and he calls the shots. And honestly, America would destroy the Chinese.
Thats the way it is now, but the day will come, when the Chinese will give America all that it can handle.
The Commander-In-Chief orders an immediate air strike against that Chinese warship. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff immediately calls the President of the CCP and says "We have been ordered to attack your ship, we will be engaging with air strikes in approximately 8 hours. Good luck sir". So anyone have a problem with that?
Trying to write a movie script and wanting plot direction ideas, Mike?
So, lemme get this right...........

Some kind of "intelligence" is supposed to....what....have a vision of The Red Scourge sending a ship our way and the SAME assholes that were shitting their diapers that Trump was going to attack China, all of a sudden have absolutely NO problem with it under Beijing Biden? And on top of that, they are going to CALL the leader of The Red Scourge and TELL HIM ABOUT IT???

If I didn't know a bunch of hypocritical, psychopathically deranged greed-mongering war-mongers were in power right now, I'd call you an idiot.

But KNOWING whats running this country right now, I'd say you pretty much have it covered.
In the real world, that Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff would be marched off to some courtyard, placed up against a wall, and summarily executed by means of a military firing squad.

The firing squad would consist of the traditional number of six riflemen. At least one person would be issued a blank round so that there is plausible deniability that a person actually killed the condemned person.

I won't go much further into the gory details but in the end, the worms would devour the dead person's brain from inside his skull and from what I've heard, his toenails will keep growing after he was dead.

Of course, this is all fantasy. Because we no longer live in the "real world." That Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff would probably be given a high rank in the People's Liberation Army, as well as a diminutive Chinese girl who would rub his back and wash his uniform every day. And cook too. And other things that I won't mention.
In the real world, that Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff would be marched off to some courtyard, placed up against a wall, and summarily executed by means of a military firing squad.

The firing squad would consist of the traditional number of six riflemen. At least one person would be issued a blank round so that there is plausible deniability that a person actually killed the condemned person.

I won't go much further into the gory details but in the end, the worms would devour the dead person's brain from inside his skull and from what I've heard, his toenails will keep growing after he was dead.

Of course, this is all fantasy. Because we no longer live in the "real world." That Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff would probably be given a high rank in the People's Liberation Army, as well as a diminutive Chinese girl who would rub his back and wash his uniform every day. And cook too. And other things that I won't mention.
I find myself wondering if the Chinese have already bought General Milley. The Chinese own Biden and Son and a number of politicians and lobbyist. I feel the Chinese are smart enough to realize they can buy our corrupt politicians and end up taking over our nation without ever firing a shot.

The Chinese value the writings of Sun Tzu In his Art oF War

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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