Let's Revisit How Unhinged Tim Scott Is Now That He's Running for President

S'pose this dude is a racist too....


I'm not sure what you're asking so I'll just say there is no such thing as acting white or acting black. Those are racist generalities.
Exactly, so why is it that black people who dare to express conservative ideals such as limited government and fiscal restraint are treated as if there is something wrong with them, much more than a white person would be? It has to be because there is an unstated belief that black people should not think in such ways, and they face greater opposition from their own communities because of their race. That's not right.
That's not why some black people get criticized as Uncle Toms. I have many disagreements with other black people on a whole host of issues. Black people think all sorts of ways. I have black relatives that are Christian, Rastafarian and Muslim and I'm an atheist. Plenty of disagreements there.

We reserve the term Uncle Tom for supporting policies and people that we feel are anti-black and the ideological grandchildren of Southern Dixie conservative policies.
And yet I see the term applied to most any black conservative for merely espousing race neutral ideas and concepts, again because the impression given is that black people should not think that way. White liberals are among the worst, piously acting like they champion minority rights while happily spilling their racist outbursts.
I don't like Joe Biden. He is no where near my ideal candidate. I'd vote for him over most if not all Republicans because I believe their policies are worse, not because I love Joe. Despite me saying that often, despite Joe Biden having abysmal approval ratings right now from black democratic voters you still perpetuate this lie and cosplay that we are slaves to Joe Biden.
Not to Joe Biden, no, but to the democrat party, absolutely yes. You are ideological slaves to the democrat party because, by your own admission, you would vote for a candidate you don't even like as long as he/she is a democrat. That means they have your vote locked up and they can tell you any lie, make you any false promise, even give you openly racist candidates like Quid Pro Joe and you'll STILL vote for them. Would you vote for any white non-democrat who said the following?

“Latinx” people don’t want to get vaccinated because they’re worried they’ll be deported.

‘The reason why it’s been harder to get African Americans, initially, to get vaccinated because they are used to being experimented on — the Tuskegee Airmen and others,’

If you don't vote for him, "You ain't black".

“Unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things.”

To a black reporter: “That’s like saying you . . . before you got in this program, you’re take [sic] a test whether you’re taking cocaine or not. What do you think? Huh? Are you a junkie?”

Claimed a KKK Exalted Cyclops as a "mentor".

Called Obama “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean.”

“You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”

Thought forced busing to desegregate schools would cause his children to “grow up in a racial jungle.”

What would be your response to TRUMP! saying any of those things? Would you be honest and give him the same response you gave Quid Pro, your vote, even if you said you "don't like" him? Let's face it, you voted for a racist just because he's a democrat. Quid Pro is an old-school racist, confident that everyone thinks like he does and just doesn't want to say it, firm in his belief that he is superior to the inferior black population. And you voted for him. Now, far be it from me to denigrate a black person for voting for a racist like Quid Pro out of party loyalty, but it kind of destroys the moral high ground said black person has for calling someone else a racist. In 2016, TRUMP! had more accolades from the black community than Quid Pro did. And you voted for Quid Pro.
Black people are discriminated against and face an incredible wealth gap between themselves and white families
Everyone faces discrimination in one form or another. Winners use it as motivation, losers use it as an excuse/crutch.
due to racist and segregationists policies of the past.
That’s your opinion. Mine differs.
When did you think that argument went out the window? 😄
When black people take responsibility for their own failures and successes.
Exactly, so why is it that black people who dare to express conservative ideals such as limited government and fiscal restraint are treated as if there is something wrong with them, much more than a white person would be? It has to be because there is an unstated belief that black people should not think in such ways, and they face greater opposition from their own communities because of their race. That's not right.
What do you mean much more so than a white person would be? Have you noticed how I speak to conservatives around here? Also fiscal restraint to me is a bullshit turn. I don't find tax cuts to the rich, cuts in social services, increases in defense spending and bailing out business too big to fail to be fiscal restraint. Conservatives don't practice fiscal restraint, they just want to cut services to poor people.
And yet I see the term applied to most any black conservative for merely espousing race neutral ideas and concepts, again because the impression given is that black people should not think that way. White liberals are among the worst, piously acting like they champion minority rights while happily spilling their racist outbursts.
Racist outbursts? I thought we were discussing policy? I can pull up plenty of racist out bursts from conservative politicians but that is besides the policy disagreements and infintely less important.
Not to Joe Biden, no, but to the democrat party, absolutely yes. You are ideological slaves to the democrat party because, by your own admission, you would vote for a candidate you don't even like as long as he/she is a democrat. That means they have your vote locked up and they can tell you any lie, make you any false promise, even give you openly racist candidates like Quid Pro Joe and you'll STILL vote for them. Would you vote for any white non-democrat who said the following?

“Latinx” people don’t want to get vaccinated because they’re worried they’ll be deported.

‘The reason why it’s been harder to get African Americans, initially, to get vaccinated because they are used to being experimented on — the Tuskegee Airmen and others,’

If you don't vote for him, "You ain't black".

“Unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things.”

To a black reporter: “That’s like saying you . . . before you got in this program, you’re take [sic] a test whether you’re taking cocaine or not. What do you think? Huh? Are you a junkie?”

Claimed a KKK Exalted Cyclops as a "mentor".

Called Obama “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean.”

“You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”

Thought forced busing to desegregate schools would cause his children to “grow up in a racial jungle.”
Joe Biden said some uncomfortable things but again, why would I vote for the party targeting black voting rights? That's a lot more important to me.

Court: North Carolina Voter ID Law Targeted Black Voters

On Friday, a three judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals in Richmond, Va. found the law not only had a discriminatory effect, but that lawmakers did so on purpose.

Discrimination with “almost surgical precision”

In North Carolina, African-Americans vote overwhelmingly for Democrats. They came out to vote in record numbers in 2008 and 2012 for President Barack Obama, and helped to turn the traditionally Republican-leaning state into a swing state. North Carolina went to Obama in 2008, and was narrowly won by Mitt Romney in 2012.
In 2013, in Shelby v. Holder, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a section of the Voting Rights Act that required North Carolina and other states with a history of voter discrimination to submit any voting-law changes to the federal government for approval.

A day after the Shelby decision, Republican lawmakers in North Carolina announced plans for an election law that, the federal appeals court has since found, restricted voting and registration in several ways, “all of which disproportionately affected African Americans.”

What would be your response to TRUMP! saying any of those things? Would you be honest and give him the same response you gave Quid Pro, your vote, even if you said you "don't like" him? Let's face it, you voted for a racist just because he's a democrat. Quid Pro is an old-school racist, confident that everyone thinks like he does and just doesn't want to say it, firm in his belief that he is superior to the inferior black population. And you voted for him. Now, far be it from me to denigrate a black person for voting for a racist like Quid Pro out of party loyalty, but it kind of destroys the moral high ground said black person has for calling someone else a racist. In 2016, TRUMP! had more accolades from the black community than Quid Pro did. And you voted for Quid Pro.
Instead of cosplaying what my response will he why don't you just wait for my response. You keep crying about uncomfortable statements, I have actual policy disagreements.
What do you mean much more so than a white person would be? Have you noticed how I speak to conservatives around here?
I'm talking about the abuse black conservatives get, more than white conservatives do because along with the normal hate directed at conservatives, they bear the additional brunt of hate because "black people aren't supposed to think that way". White conservatives don't have their skin color mentioned frequently while black conservatives routinely do. I don't think you can deny that.

I was referring to the population as a whole, not you specifically.
Also fiscal restraint to me is a bullshit turn. I don't find tax cuts to the rich, cuts in social services, increases in defense spending and bailing out business too big to fail to be fiscal restraint. Conservatives don't practice fiscal restraint, they just want to cut services to poor people.
That's bull. First, defense is constitutionally mandated. The level of defense spending is not, but when discussing what the government is allowed to spend on vs what it is mandated to spend on, it's clear that defense wins every time. You can be unhappy that businesses are too big to fail, but in reality they are. Remove Walmart tomorrow and guess who gets hit really hard. And if they are too big to fail, they need to be broken up so they are not, then they can fail. Now, let me ask you. If you are presented with a budget that routinely runs a trillion dollar deficit, the national debt is over 30 trillion dollars, and you need to bring things back into line to avoid a total economic collapse, where would you go to get the maximum savings and where would you go to get the maximum tax revenue? Be honest.
Racist outbursts? I thought we were discussing policy? I can pull up plenty of racist out bursts from conservative politicians but that is besides the policy disagreements and infintely less important.
Agreed that policy is most important. White liberals remain, however, some of the most racist individuals out there with the way they react to black conservatives. They act like black conservatives are personally betraying them and would give them 30 lashes if they could.
Joe Biden said some uncomfortable things but again, why would I vote for the party targeting black voting rights? That's a lot more important to me.

Court: North Carolina Voter ID Law Targeted Black Voters

On Friday, a three judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals in Richmond, Va. found the law not only had a discriminatory effect, but that lawmakers did so on purpose.

Discrimination with “almost surgical precision”

In North Carolina, African-Americans vote overwhelmingly for Democrats. They came out to vote in record numbers in 2008 and 2012 for President Barack Obama, and helped to turn the traditionally Republican-leaning state into a swing state. North Carolina went to Obama in 2008, and was narrowly won by Mitt Romney in 2012.
In 2013, in Shelby v. Holder, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a section of the Voting Rights Act that required North Carolina and other states with a history of voter discrimination to submit any voting-law changes to the federal government for approval.

A day after the Shelby decision, Republican lawmakers in North Carolina announced plans for an election law that, the federal appeals court has since found, restricted voting and registration in several ways, “all of which disproportionately affected African Americans.”

Instead of cosplaying what my response will he why don't you just wait for my response. You keep crying about uncomfortable statements, I have actual policy disagreements.
"Uncomfortable things"? You voted for an outright racist who targeted the first half black president this country has had with his badly hidden racism. If you don't like Republicans, you can't find a party that nominates a non-racist and has policies you do like? That's why I say you are an ideological slave to the democrat party. They can tell you any lie, make you any empty promise, even give you a racist nominee, and they will still get your vote. You do realize, don't you, that the fastest way to get "better" democrats that cater more to you is for you to stop voting monolithically for all the rich, old, white racist dudes they nominate, right? Give them a protest non-vote or pump up a third party to the point it actually gains some power, but I can guarantee you that all you will get from democrats is lip service as long as you give them 90% of your votes. Heck, drop that to 70% and watch them scramble.
I'm talking about the abuse black conservatives get, more than white conservatives do because along with the normal hate directed at conservatives, they bear the additional brunt of hate because "black people aren't supposed to think that way". White conservatives don't have their skin color mentioned frequently while black conservatives routinely do. I don't think you can deny that.
I don't know what you don't understand. Jews would be called sellouts for working with Nazis but it's not like the Nazis don't get their fair share of hate. White Southern conservatives are the equivalent of Nazi descendants who still idolize their Nazi ancestors. They come from a shit Confederate culture that still idolizes the Confederacy. In my opinion white liberals aren't harsh enough to them. Bidens problem is that he wants to do too much reaching across the isle to make deals with those mutant bigots.

I don't care if Black people have different opinions than me but when they work with Confederate idolaters I'm going to call them sellouts and Uncle Toms. Feel free to cry about it.
I was referring to the population as a whole, not you specifically.

That's bull. First, defense is constitutionally mandated. The level of defense spending is not, but when discussing what the government is allowed to spend on vs what it is mandated to spend on, it's clear that defense wins every time.
So is the general welfare, its mentioned right after providing for the common defense. It still doesn't address my point that infinite increases to defense spending being labeled as fiscally conservative pretty much highlights how fiscally conservative is just a talking point rather than actual philosophy.
You can be unhappy that businesses are too big to fail, but in reality they are.
They aren't. You saying they are doesn't actually make them too big to fail. They certainly can fail the only question is if we allow them to as capitalism is supposed to.
Remove Walmart tomorrow and guess who gets hit really hard.
The owners of Walmart? People who enjoy watching bums fight in parking lots?
And if they are too big to fail, they need to be broken up so they are not, then they can fail.
That's what happens when you go bankrupt. Entrepreneurs buy your assests on the low low.
Now, let me ask you. If you are presented with a budget that routinely runs a trillion dollar deficit, the national debt is over 30 trillion dollars, and you need to bring things back into line to avoid a total economic collapse, where would you go to get the maximum savings and where would you go to get the maximum tax revenue? Be honest.
We don't. The deficit isn't really a problem. A lot of that money we owe to ourself and taking on debt from foreign investors means those countries have a vested interest in the health of our economy and that they believe that our economy is good enough to make them a return on that investment.
Agreed that policy is most important. White liberals remain, however, some of the most racist individuals out there with the way they react to black conservatives. They act like black conservatives are personally betraying them and would give them 30 lashes if they could.
That's your opinion. The opinion of me and most of the black people I know are that Southern white conservatives are the most racists, bigoted people in the country.
"Uncomfortable things"? You voted for an outright racist who targeted the first half black president this country has had with his badly hidden racism. If you don't like Republicans, you can't find a party that nominates a non-racist and has policies you do like? That's why I say you are an ideological slave to the democrat party. They can tell you any lie, make you any empty promise, even give you a racist nominee, and they will still get your vote.
Are you trying to tell me what I think or are you asking me? We have a two party system. Third parties arent viable. Not supporting one or the other of two parties is strategically stupid. I know perfectly well that Biden is a sellout to corporations and wasnt going to do half of what he promised but that doesnt mean we can let Confederates win.
You do realize, don't you, that the fastest way to get "better" democrats that cater more to you is for you to stop voting monolithically for all the rich, old, white racist dudes they nominate, right? Give them a protest non-vote or pump up a third party to the point it actually gains some power, but I can guarantee you that all you will get from democrats is lip service as long as you give them 90% of your votes. Heck, drop that to 70% and watch them scramble.
Yeah your advice is stupid. Your strategy is shit. Instead I think we'll just keep primarying moderates to push them out of the party as we also fend off the mutant deplorables.
I don't know what you don't understand. Jews would be called sellouts for working with Nazis but it's not like the Nazis don't get their fair share of hate. White Southern conservatives are the equivalent of Nazi descendants who still idolize their Nazi ancestors. They come from a shit Confederate culture that still idolizes the Confederacy. In my opinion white liberals aren't harsh enough to them. Bidens problem is that he wants to do too much reaching across the isle to make deals with those mutant bigots.

I don't care if Black people have different opinions than me but when they work with Confederate idolaters I'm going to call them sellouts and Uncle Toms. Feel free to cry about it.
Now I better understand, you believe garbage about people you don't know. Very few people "idolize" the Confederacy. I don't see Confederate flags around where I live just outside the Capitol of the Confederacy except for a few places way out in the boonies.
So is the general welfare, its mentioned right after providing for the common defense. It still doesn't address my point that infinite increases to defense spending being labeled as fiscally conservative pretty much highlights how fiscally conservative is just a talking point rather than actual philosophy.
And again, garbage about people you don't know. No one outside of a few crazed war hawks want "infinite increases to defense spending". They certainly don't like $600 toilet seats and trillions of dollars disappearing without a trace or accountability.

You certainly like to think you know what other people think. And you should check into what general welfare really means in light of the restrictions placed on the government.
They aren't. You saying they are doesn't actually make them too big to fail. They certainly can fail the only question is if we allow them to as capitalism is supposed to.
Sure, sure, that works in a vacuum, then real people get hurt for real. The better answer is to periodically ask if they really are too big to fail and take steps to keep them out of that category. If they're too big to fail, they're probably more of a monopoly than is healthy.
The owners of Walmart? People who enjoy watching bums fight in parking lots?
Nope, the poor who depend on Walmart for goods they can afford. I mean, do you seriously think the owners of Walmart, worth billions, would be significantly hurt if Walmart was shut down? They may be down to their last billion, the poor dears.
That's what happens when you go bankrupt. Entrepreneurs buy your assests on the low low.
Not when massive banks fail. Then the taxpayer is on the hook for all the deposits held by ordinary people.
We don't. The deficit isn't really a problem. A lot of that money we owe to ourself and taking on debt from foreign investors means those countries have a vested interest in the health of our economy and that they believe that our economy is good enough to make them a return on that investment.
I think you mean debt, not deficit. A lot of people get those mixed up, though I don't know why. But, you say it "Isn't really a problem". Let's take a look, shall we" The CBO projected that interest on the debt would be about $400 billion in 2022. The numbers have gone up since then, but it's recent enough. Do you understand how much money that is? It's more than what government will spend on veterans' programs ($269 billion); food and nutrition services ($230 billion), including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program; Social Security Disability Insurance ($142 billion); federal civilian and military retirement ($133 billion); transportation ($130 billion); elementary, secondary, and vocational education ($129 billion); housing ($78 billion); higher education ($69 billion); Supplemental Security Income ($61 billion); and science, space and technology ($37 billion). That's a lot of money that has to be removed from the taxpayers and doesn't go to benefit anyone except the investors.

Just How Big Are Federal Interest Payments? | Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget
That's your opinion. The opinion of me and most of the black people I know are that Southern white conservatives are the most racists, bigoted people in the country.
I live 30 miles from the Capitol of the Confederacy, and white liberals are among the most racist there are. They try to hide it behind dog whistles and verbal code, but it's there. Just observing their behavior when a black conservative speaks tells you that. Scratch them and they sound like the KKK. Heck, plop a black family down into a fully white, gated community that votes democrat and hear the sphincters snap shut.

Did you miss how fast Marth's Vineyard got rid of the brown people that showed up one day?
Are you trying to tell me what I think or are you asking me? We have a two party system. Third parties arent viable. Not supporting one or the other of two parties is strategically stupid. I know perfectly well that Biden is a sellout to corporations and wasnt going to do half of what he promised but that doesnt mean we can let Confederates win.
Democrats know that you think that way, and that's what makes you an ideological slave to the party. They can tell you any lie, make you any empty promise, heck, even give you a racist to vote for and you will still give them your vote. They know they don't have to actually do squat for you. Do you think black voters are going to stop voting democrat in California when the reparations idea falls through and they don't get a dime after they got their hopes up? Nope. The party knows they can yank your chain any time they want and you'll jump on command.
Yeah your advice is stupid. Your strategy is shit. Instead I think we'll just keep primarying moderates to push them out of the party as we also fend off the mutant deplorables.
You're giving your blind allegiance to a party that despises you and takes you for granted because they can. In so doing, you're ensuring that the situation will continue. Doesn't it even bother you that powerful white people are treating you like you're their property? Like I said, one or two voting cycles where democrats get less than 80% of the black vote would force them to change like you wouldn't believe, but hey, you keep doing what's been working so well for you.
Now I better understand, you believe garbage about people you don't know.

How would you know what I know or don't know?
Very few people "idolize" the Confederacy. I don't see Confederate flags around where I live just outside the Capitol of the Confederacy except for a few places way out in the boonies.
That's not how logic and reason work. You personally not seeing Confederate flags around is an anecdote and not evidence of anything. I already linked to a news story in a previous post were Republicans in North Carolina the moment conservative Justices on the Supreme Court weakend the Voting Rights Act of 1965 they set about writing new voting laws that would later go own to get thrown out by a court, an appellate court and then finally the Supreme Court because they found Republicans in North Carolina targeted black voters with "surgical precision". That's an actual quote from the Judges. "Surgical precision". What they did was they requested records for what type of IDs black voters were more likely to use than white voters and set about eliminating those from being used as IDs to vote.

As for evidence of Republicans directly defending and idolizing the Confederacy, well I have evidence of that as well, not just anecdotes.

Republicans Defend Confederate Statues in the Capitol

GOP Candidate For Virginia Governor Defends Confederate Statues


West Virginia Republicans seek to criminalize removal of Confederate statues

West Virginia Republicans want to criminalize not honoring the Confederacy and West Virgnia famously split off to fight the Confederacy! 😄

These Republicans waving the Confederate flag won their primaries
And again, garbage about people you don't know. No one outside of a few crazed war hawks want "infinite increases to defense spending". They certainly don't like $600 toilet seats and trillions of dollars disappearing without a trace or accountability.
Which Republicans don't vote for raising military spending budget after budget?
You certainly like to think you know what other people think. And you should check into what general welfare really means in light of the restrictions placed on the government.
I take stock of what they do. Like all these Republicans defending deplorable Confederate culture. Again, why would anyone take offense to calling a jew a sellout for supporting people who defend Nazi culture?
Sure, sure, that works in a vacuum, then real people get hurt for real. The better answer is to periodically ask if they really are too big to fail and take steps to keep them out of that category. If they're too big to fail, they're probably more of a monopoly than is healthy.
I have no problem subsidizing real people before private business.
Nope, the poor who depend on Walmart for goods they can afford. I mean, do you seriously think the owners of Walmart, worth billions, would be significantly hurt if Walmart was shut down? They may be down to their last billion, the poor dears.
There are other places to shop besides Walmart that are also cheap.
Not when massive banks fail. Then the taxpayer is on the hook for all the deposits held by ordinary people.
Why bailout bad businesses when we could just cut out the middle man and bail out depositors?
I think you mean debt, not deficit. A lot of people get those mixed up, though I don't know why. But, you say it "Isn't really a problem". Let's take a look, shall we" The CBO projected that interest on the debt would be about $400 billion in 2022. The numbers have gone up since then, but it's recent enough. Do you understand how much money that is? It's more than what government will spend on veterans' programs ($269 billion); food and nutrition services ($230 billion), including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program; Social Security Disability Insurance ($142 billion); federal civilian and military retirement ($133 billion); transportation ($130 billion); elementary, secondary, and vocational education ($129 billion); housing ($78 billion); higher education ($69 billion); Supplemental Security Income ($61 billion); and science, space and technology ($37 billion). That's a lot of money that has to be removed from the taxpayers and doesn't go to benefit anyone except the investors.
I don't know if you know this but we're a fairly wealthy nation with a strong economy. We're going to be just fine. We can always class back some of those tax cuts for the wealthy.
Just How Big Are Federal Interest Payments? | Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget

I live 30 miles from the Capitol of the Confederacy, and white liberals are among the most racist there are. They try to hide it behind dog whistles and verbal code, but it's there. Just observing their behavior when a black conservative speaks tells you that. Scratch them and they sound like the KKK. Heck, plop a black family down into a fully white, gated community that votes democrat and hear the sphincters snap shut.

And you seem really triggered by that but I think the people still openly venerating the Confederacy are tad bit more racist.
Did you miss how fast Marth's Vineyard got rid of the brown people that showed up one day?
Yep. How much following of Martha Stewart do you imagine I'm doing? 😄
Democrats know that you think that way, and that's what makes you an ideological slave to the party. They can tell you any lie, make you any empty promise, heck, even give you a racist to vote for and you will still give them your vote. They know they don't have to actually do squat for you. Do you think black voters are going to stop voting democrat in California when the reparations idea falls through and they don't get a dime after they got their hopes up? Nope. The party knows they can yank your chain any time they want and you'll jump on command.
So to sum up your non racist argument is that all black democratic voters are too stupid to see what you see? We're all gullible? What characterization are you trying to make of 90% of black voters?
You're giving your blind allegiance to a party that despises you and takes you for granted because they can. In so doing, you're ensuring that the situation will continue. Doesn't it even bother you that powerful white people are treating you like you're their property? Like I said, one or two voting cycles where democrats get less than 80% of the black vote would force them to change like you wouldn't believe, but hey, you keep doing what's been working so well for you.
What doesn't bother me is your attempt to get me to adopt your shit strategy. 😄
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How would you know what I know or don't know?

That's not how logic and reason work. You personally not seeing Confederate flags around is an anecdote and not evidence of anything.
And you personally thinking that democrats are being nice to you is not evidence of anything either. They're playing you.
I already linked to a news story in a previous post were Republicans in North Carolina the moment conservative Justices on the Supreme Court weakend the Voting Rights Act of 1965 they set about writing new voting laws that would later go own to get thrown out by a court, an appellate court and then finally the Supreme Court because they found Republicans in North Carolina targeted black voters with "surgical precision". That's an actual quote from the Judges. "Surgical precision". What they did was they requested records for what type of IDs black voters were more likely to use than white voters and set about eliminating those from being used as IDs to vote.
I don't live in NC and don't really pay much attention to their politics. Is that where you live, or are they just a convenient target for your vitriol?
As for evidence of Republicans directly defending and idolizing the Confederacy, well I have evidence of that as well, not just anecdotes.

Republicans Defend Confederate Statues in the Capitol

GOP Candidate For Virginia Governor Defends Confederate Statues


West Virginia Republicans seek to criminalize removal of Confederate statues

West Virginia Republicans want to criminalize not honoring the Confederacy and West Virgnia famously split off to fight the Confederacy! 😄

These Republicans waving the Confederate flag won their primaries
What do I have to do with them? They didn't ask me what I thought, and I didn't vote for them.
Which Republicans don't vote for raising military spending budget after budget?
Democrats did too. Like I said, they're playing you for a fool, because when it's their turn to set the budget, they jack military spending just like the Republicans do. Why do you think you've been oblivious to that? Answer, because they've convinced you that Republicans are bad guys who want more military spending while they're good guys who don't. The fact that they lie to you and increase military spending just like Republicans do simply flies over your head as you pull the lever for them.
I take stock of what they do. Like all these Republicans defending deplorable Confederate culture. Again, why would anyone take offense to calling a jew a sellout for supporting people who defend Nazi culture?
Confederates are not Nazis, no matter how long you hold your breath or stomp your feet.
I have no problem subsidizing real people before private business.

There are other places to shop besides Walmart that are also cheap.
Really? How many can compete with Walmart on price?
Why bailout bad businesses when we could just cut out the middle man and bail out depositors?

I don't know if you know this but we're a fairly wealthy nation with a strong economy. We're going to be just fine. We can always class back some of those tax cuts for the wealthy.

Which wouldn't help the debt at all. It's funny when somebody thinks we could actually close the deficit and start paying off the debt if we would just tax the wealthy more. In fact, it's downright hilarious. Obviously, you have no imagination wondering what we could do with an extra $400 billion.
And you seem really triggered by that but I think the people still openly venerating the Confederacy are tad bit more racist.
Your opinion is irrelevant and anecdotal. Now, where have I heard that before?
Yep. How much following of Martha Stewart do you imagine I'm doing? 😄
Hmm, a deflection attempt. Now, why would that be surprising? Answer, it's not. Lily-white liberals are as racist as anybody else.
So to sum up your non racist argument is that all black democratic voters are too stupid to see what you see? We're all gullible? What characterization are you trying to make of 90% of black voters?
I'm pointing out that the democrat party takes your vote for granted and doesn't have to do diddly for you to get it. Does that mean you're gullible, stupid, or just don't care? Not my call, but the white guys running the party know they have your vote sewn up, can treat you like their property and you'll still vote for their rich, old, white, racist candidates.
What doesn't bother me is your attempt to get me to adopt your shit strategy. 😄
Like I said, keep doing what you've been doing that's been working so well for you.
And you personally thinking that democrats are being nice to you is not evidence of anything either. They're playing you.

You're making up my feelings if Democrats in order to avoid addressing my criticisms of Republicans. I support primarying any and all Democrats who aren't sufficiently progressive or effective or not. That's the reality. I don't even care if they agree with me ideologically. If they can't get shit done they got to go.
I don't live in NC and don't really pay much attention to their politics. Is that where you live, or are they just a convenient target for your vitriol?
It's convenient because it lays Republican intentions bare. Care to actually address the content?
What do I have to do with them? They didn't ask me what I thought, and I didn't vote for them.
I'm asking you what are poor choices of words compared to policies that assault the right of black people to vote?
Democrats did too. Like I said, they're playing you for a fool, because when it's their turn to set the budget, they jack military spending just like the Republicans do.
They do. They just aren't out here calling themselves fiscal conservatives.
Why do you think you've been oblivious to that?
Why do you need to strawman?
Answer, because they've convinced you that Republicans are bad guys who want more military spending while they're good guys who don't. The fact that they lie to you and increase military spending just like Republicans do simply flies over your head as you pull the lever for them.
Would you some privacy so you can keep debating with yourself?
Confederates are not Nazis, no matter how long you hold your breath or stomp your feet.
Is that what you're planning to do to convince me of your argument? They bought, sold, whipped, raped and worked to death black men, women and children. That's as deplorable to me as anything the Nazis did.
Really? How many can compete with Walmart on price?
Depends on the area. We have dollar stores here, Sedanos and Bravo supermarkets where you can find pretty good deals.
Which wouldn't help the debt at all. It's funny when somebody thinks we could actually close the deficit and start paying off the debt if we would just tax the wealthy more. In fact, it's downright hilarious. Obviously, you have no imagination wondering what we could do with an extra $400 billion.
What's hilarious is you trying to red herring your way through this argument.
Your opinion is irrelevant and anecdotal. Now, where have I heard that before?
You tried to use your opinion as evidence the Republicans weren't idolizing the Confederacy. I used my opinion as evidence of my opinion. Try not to be too confused by those different scenarios you Bingo. 😄
Hmm, a deflection attempt. Now, why would that be surprising? Answer, it's not. Lily-white liberals are as racist as anybody else.
Not as racist as people who idolize slavers.
I'm pointing out that the democrat party takes your vote for granted and doesn't have to do diddly for you to get it. Does that mean you're gullible, stupid, or just don't care? Not my call, but the white guys running the party know they have your vote sewn up, can treat you like their property and you'll still vote for their rich, old, white, racist candidates.
Right, you're too pussy now to sat what the logical conclusion is of your comments.
Like I said, keep doing what you've been doing that's been working so well for you.
We will. You keep being a bitch annoying slowly the cowards way.

I don't know what you don't understand. Jews would be called sellouts for working with Nazis but it's not like the Nazis don't get their fair share of hate. White Southern conservatives are the equivalent of Nazi descendants who still idolize their Nazi ancestors. They come from a shit Confederate culture that still idolizes the Confederacy. In my opinion white liberals aren't harsh enough to them. Bidens problem is that he wants to do too much reaching across the isle to make deals with those mutant bigots.

I don't care if Black people have different opinions than me but when they work with Confederate idolaters I'm going to call them sellouts and Uncle Toms. Feel free to cry about it.

So is the general welfare, its mentioned right after providing for the common defense. It still doesn't address my point that infinite increases to defense spending being labeled as fiscally conservative pretty much highlights how fiscally conservative is just a talking point rather than actual philosophy.

They aren't. You saying they are doesn't actually make them too big to fail. They certainly can fail the only question is if we allow them to as capitalism is supposed to.

The owners of Walmart? People who enjoy watching bums fight in parking lots?

That's what happens when you go bankrupt. Entrepreneurs buy your assests on the low low.

We don't. The deficit isn't really a problem. A lot of that money we owe to ourself and taking on debt from foreign investors means those countries have a vested interest in the health of our economy and that they believe that our economy is good enough to make them a return on that investment.

That's your opinion. The opinion of me and most of the black people I know are that Southern white conservatives are the most racists, bigoted people in the country.

Are you trying to tell me what I think or are you asking me? We have a two party system. Third parties arent viable. Not supporting one or the other of two parties is strategically stupid. I know perfectly well that Biden is a sellout to corporations and wasnt going to do half of what he promised but that doesnt mean we can let Confederates win.

Yeah your advice is stupid. Your strategy is shit. Instead I think we'll just keep primarying moderates to push them out of the party as we also fend off the mutant deplorables.

LOL! Shut up, honky. You and your fellow Klanners still run the DemoKKKrat party.




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