my dad is a PHD in viral medicine, and this is what he told me: "i wish i could tell you that Trump knows what he's doing, but he doesn't!"

What did your dad tell you Trump should have done?
test every single American

Ok. Then what?

Also, how?
i'll phone him up and get back to ya!

It’s odd that he told you Trump doesn’t know what he’s doing but didn’t say what he should be doing and you didn’t ask.

Seems the logical next step.
my dad is a man of few words. and so am i. SILENCE IS GOLDEN!
Locking down only slowed herd immunity. Yes we should expect a spike in cases, stopping new cases was never the purpose. It was to give the medical system time to prepare so it wouldn't be overwhelmed. Numbers of ventilators was the bottleneck. Now we are shipping them overseas.
Locking down only slowed herd immunity. Yes we should expect a spike in cases, stopping new cases was never the purpose. It was to give the medical system time to prepare so it wouldn't be overwhelmed. Numbers of ventilators was the bottleneck. Now we are shipping them overseas.

The lockdown was to flatten the curve, not stop anyone from catching COVID.

There is a 100% chance that as we see the 2nd wave hit, moron Libs who changed the rules will blame Trump.

I’ll say it again, the lockdown was the flatten the curve as to not overburden the healthcare system. Not to prevent people from ever getting it at all.

Can you libs remember that for a month?

Try real hard. I know it will be tough to not blame Trump.
We're still spiking, it never stopped.
Ask yourself which political party benefits from the collapse of the economy and the illegal power grab that forces Americans to remain under virtual Martial Law. Then ask yourself which side of the political spectrum is fighting to keep the illegal sanctions in place.
It’s coming. A 2nd wave of infections and DEATHS as we unlock. It’s unavoidable. Germany went back to lockdown it was so bad there. Sweden will not have a 2nd wave.

Remember this liberals, and remember not to blame Trump. You all WANTED this lockdown. So don’t cry when the 2nd wave hits.
It’s going to hit soon.

What will you TDS liberals do when it hits?

Forget science?
Liberals don’t forget, because you will start crying when we spike.
Are we here yet? Will liberals blame trump for the 2nd wave?

You stupid assholes were a month late on this shit.

Why are you moving the goalposts?

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my dad is a PHD in viral medicine, and this is what he told me: "i wish i could tell you that Trump knows what he's doing, but he doesn't!"

What did your dad tell you Trump should have done?
test every single American

Ok. Then what?

Also, how?
i'll phone him up and get back to ya!

What are the visiting hours at the prison?
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The lockdown was to flatten the curve, not stop anyone from catching COVID.

There is a 100% chance that as we see the 2nd wave hit, moron Libs who changed the rules will blame Trump.

I’ll say it again, the lockdown was the flatten the curve as to not overburden the healthcare system. Not to prevent people from ever getting it at all.

Can you libs remember that for a month?

Try real hard. I know it will be tough to not blame Trump.
We're still spiking, it never stopped.
Except Georgia has fewer cases than the national average and they have been opened for 3 weeks. And the fewer cases is SINCE opening. How do you explain that?
my dad is a PHD in viral medicine, and this is what he told me: "i wish i could tell you that Trump knows what he's doing, but he doesn't!"

What did your dad tell you Trump should have done?
test every single American

Ok. Then what?

Also, how?
i'll phone him up and get back to ya!

It’s odd that he told you Trump doesn’t know what he’s doing but didn’t say what he should be doing and you didn’t ask.

Seems the logical next step.
my dad is a man of few words. and so am i. SILENCE IS GOLDEN!

He's probably embarrassed by you, so the he does not acknowledge you exist!
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The tests are a waste of money. If you are a vulnerable person (older, heart disease, diabetes, etc...) you should protect yourself. Everyone else needs to chill the fuck out.....
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Thirty-one counties in Oregon that qualified for Phase 1 can start reopening on a limited basis beginning Friday, May 15. One of those is where I live: :yes_text12:

  • In order to be approved for Phase 1 of reopening, counties must:
    • Show a decline in COVID-19 or have fewer than 5 hospitalizations.
    • Have sufficient COVID-19 testing and contact tracing capability.
    • Establish plans for the isolation and quarantine of new cases.
    • Have the hospital capacity to handle any surge in COVID-19 cases.
    • Have enough personal protective equipment for health care workers.
    Under Phase 1, counties can begin reopening the following sectors under specific safety guidelines:
    • Restaurants and bars for sit-down service
    • Personal care and services businesses, including barbers and salons
    • Gyms
    • In-person gatherings of up to 25 people
    Counties must remain in Phase 1 for at least three weeks before they are eligible for further reopening under Phase 2. If there are significant increases in COVID-19 cases or community spread, the Oregon Health Authority will work with local health officials to evaluate what actions need to be taken to stop the spread of the virus.
my dad is a PHD in viral medicine, and this is what he told me: "i wish i could tell you that Trump knows what he's doing, but he doesn't!"
But is he a medical doctor working with patients?

My brother is a medical doctor as well as a registered pharmacist and is working with patients and two weeks ago he told me to "go out and have fun and don't worry about this virus. You'll be fine". And I did and I am! :beer:
What did he know we listening to Fauci or the CDC weren't telling us? :dunno:

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