Let's do away with all high school and college sports programs.

No it isn't. Not for a lot of those kids, it definitely is not. The effort put into pushing them in academics outside of formal class time are nonexistent, compared to the enormous time and effort spent on training them for sportyball.

You're talking out your ass - AGAIN.
I still agree. Let third party entities have club sports, and students can head there after school, and the families can pay for them.
High school sports are an integral part of communities all across the country. They are also often the only factor that keeps poor kids in school and motivated enough to attend class and keep up their grades. Take away high school sports and the drop out rates will skyrocket as will crime. Most families would not be able to afford club sports.
There is no rational connection between education and competitive sports. Few civilized countries even have school sports, and none of them take sports to the extremes that we do. The countries that we admire academically have no interest whatsoever in school sports (e.g., Japan, Germany).

Sports are great. I loved playing sports when I was a child & teen, and every kid should be introduced to a variety of sports (and other activities) to see if there is any interest or benefit. In my own family, kids are consumed with club hockey, Soccer, Irish Dance, Yoga, Karate, and so on....NONE of them school-related.

If you suppose that the end of school sports would result in the end of competitive sports for kids, all I can say is, you are wrong. Where there is a will, there is a way.

Of course, this is a pointless discussion. School sports provide free babysitting for millions of parents who want to avail themselves, and as one of our members who claims to be a teacher says, the end of school sports would result in a massive crime wave, and POC Yoots would all drop out of school without graduating.

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