Let's call leftists who they are, shall we?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
1. They lost an election and the Obama admin. fixed things to circumvent Trump's effectiveness as the PROG-version for a "smooth transition of power".

2. They conspired with an Obama justice department and foreigners to build the idea Trump won because of his alliance with foreigners. When we were a better country and people much would be called treason, and you know it too. But Democrats are to be seen as victims and held to different standards, so they get away with it.

3. They twisted Trump's words so they could declare him racist following Charlotte Va., and they live by those words today.

4. They blame Trump for COVID deaths because Democrat districts run by Democrats suffered a greater blow. Of course Trump was RACIST during the process, poor fucking Chinese. They ignore the impact COVID had on other free worlds, because narrative always takes a backseat to what's real. Numbers are inconvenient too.

5. They blame Trump for the unrest over the Floyd incident that was clearly built by Democrats and PROGS. Left police departments, left cities, left counties, left States & left rioters = Trump's fault. Worth mentioning they're protesting over a Thug's death simply because he's black. White deaths have no meaning, in fact, when is the last time you witnessed a protest and riot over the death of anyone other than black? These are the same people who claim a desire for a world that's colored blind. Meanwhile diversity lives alive and well in their heads.

Worth mentioning physical safe spaces adorned by PROGS is so last week. "We'll let the scientists tell us what's what, blah blah blah". I'm positive that's code for laziness and a desire for failure.

6. In the meantime they sympathize with PROGS who steal, murder and destroy all they can. Surely they'll blame Trump when their economies crash, taxes are raised to new levels and the standard of living decreases yet again.

What's the moral of all this?..................

Rip it down, project responsibility and then complain about it.
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Jesus - Trump supporters ... Where every day is Festivus and an Airing of Grievances :D

Jesus - Trump supporters ... Where every day is Festivus and an Airing of Grievances :D


Oh WOW!, you must be really intelligent. I feel like deleting this thread now, you got me a good one.
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DO NOT underestimate how corrupt these lowlife scumbag Democrats are. No respect for the US Constitution, no respect for the law, no respect for election results or the will of the people. Do I need to remind you how they crammed Obamacare through over the objections of the people? These assholes must be defeated not bargained with.
You pretty much nailed why voting for a Republican is a wasted vote. The poor would likely do better by Republicans and conservatives by Libertarians. To me the Democrats seem in it for themselves.
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Jesus - Trump supporters ... Where every day is Festivus and an Airing of Grievances :D

Trump supporters airing of grievances??? Perhaps you haven't followed the leftist Marxist MSM and their leftist Marxist politicians. For three years now, all we've heard is..."He's not our president!" "Resist!" "He's evil!" "His followers are all racist Nazis and Fascists!"
Unlike your Marxist/Leninist left, we are "Constitutionalists!"
Jesus - Trump supporters ... Where every day is Festivus and an Airing of Grievances :D

Trump supporters airing of grievances??? Perhaps you haven't followed the leftist Marxist MSM and their leftist Marxist politicians. For three years now, all we've heard is..."He's not our president!" "Resist!" "He's evil!" "His followers are all racist Nazis and Fascists!"
Unlike your Marxist/Leninist left, we are "Constitutionalists!"

Nope, you're a lowlife Trumpanzee. Donnie has torn up your beloved constitution.
Perhaps he used it as toilet paper for his fat orange ass?
Face it, this is a Thugocracy. ;)

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