Lethal drug cocktail in star's body


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Lethal drug cocktail in star's body

MICHAEL Jackson had lethal levels of powerful painkiller DEMORAL and heroin substitute METHADONE in his body when he died, The Sun can reveal.

Also present were lower levels of PROPOFOL — an anesthetic for hospital use only, but which Jackson used as a sleeping draft.
A significant amount of narcotic DILAUDID, normally used to numb post-surgery pain, was discovered.
Found ... detox info at Jackson's house In addition there were ?therapeutic? levels of FENTANYL, another post-op painkiller 100 times more potent than morphine, plus prescription painkiller VICODIN, anti-anxiety pills VALIUM and the sleeping drug AMBIEN.
Best matches for drugs found in in Michael Jackson’s body

THE human body can build up a startling tolerance to morphine-based and tranquillizer drugs, writes Health and Science Editor Emma Morton. The phenomenon, tachyphylaxis, means larger and larger doses are needed to have an effect. This puts massive pressure on the heart, triggering heart failure.
A case insider told The Sun: ?Michael Jackson was a walking drug store when he died — he never stood a chance.?

Are we dealing with a homicide or are we dealing with accidental overdose??

Michael Jackson was a common drug addict and the levels of Propofol was low and not enough to kill him. What drugs had he taken before the Propofol will show the doctor NOT GUILTY.
Nicole Smith’s doctors and attorney was NOT GUILTY and neither is Dr. Murray.
Dr. Murray was more likely the one person that keep him alive. He probably would have been dead long ago because of his drug abuse. If anyone is to blame, it’s his large family who knew he had a drug problem. The act that he was on Methodone tells me that Dr. Murray was trying to help him.
WIth all the crap in his system, I don't see how they can blame Propofol.
You wonder why they call it dope. Sounds like a day in the park for the King. Elvis had enough drugs in his system to intoxicate an entire town.
They said that the reason MJ couldn't sleep was because of his addiction to Demerol. He is taking all of these other drugs so he could sleep when all he had to do was get off of the Demerol.

Unfortunate sad life and a waste of extraordinary talent. Elvis too.
Jackson gamed his doctors to get drugs much like RUSH games his doctors to get his drugs.

No doubt his personal physician knew it or at least ought to have suspected it.
Just another Liberal lalaland cocktail. "just keep smiling. Just keep smiling"
How else could logical, reasoning human beings conclude that the people that built America, including the founders were evil? Or the Palestinians are good? The Israelis are bad? Or America is evil? Muslims are good?

Not to be snarky:
Demerol equals meperidine generic
Dilaudid equals hydromorphone
Vicodin equals hydrocodone/apap
Valium equals diazepam
Ambien equals zolpidem
Fentanyl is fentanyl
For the addict, happiness is having a fentanyl patch on each shoulder, while picking up your freshly filled prescriptions for hydromorphone and alprazalalazam.
Strange requests come out of that bunch, probably because propriety is something they don't come into contact with very often. Like sitting in the plane at 8PM waiting to take off and calling in your refill via cell phone for alprazalalazam, then asking the person taking the call if they could please stay open untiil they arrived to pick it up. Its not bias, its just math. Closing time at 9PM, 1 hour flight plus the 90 minute ride from the airport equals ten thirty PM. State medicaid of course. Sorry past the employees bedtime.
The narcotics basic effect in overdose is to depress the brainstem, especially the respiratory centers located there, to the point where the organism simply stops breathing. They usually give it to asthmatics in the terminal stages of status asthmaticus, it decreases that overwhelming urge to breath. It helps them to pass more comfortably.
The brainstem is that widening or bulging of the spinal cord just before it enters the brain. The centers for control of heartrate and breathing are located there. Its a more primitive area of the nervous system but extremely vital. The Soviets made good use of that knowledge of basic anatomy in their heyday. All 30,000 of the Polish officers executed by the Soviets in the Katyn Forest, after the Poles surrendered to the Germans and were turned over to the Soviets, in 1939 were dispatched by a well placed round into the brainstem.
Jackson paid his doctor 150K a month to dope him. I can't find a violin small enuff to play for him.
Dr. Kevorkian would have done it for alot cheaper.
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Jackson paid his doctor 150K a month to dope him. I can't find a violin small enuff to play for him.
Dr. Kevorkian would have done it for alot cheaper.
Most definitely MJ contributed to his own death.

But MDs who do this need to be held accountable for such negligence - giving those who want the poison, the poison.

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