Let Them Eat Corona Virus: Trump Says Wealthy Getting Tested First Is Just The Story Of Life


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
When a reporter asked whether the wealthy should be getting tested for COVID-19 even as thousands of people are being turned away, Trump had just the perfect response. "No, I wouldn't say so, but perhaps that’s been the story of life. That does happen on occasion."

In a country where someone who performed CPR on a spouse who was dying from COVID-19 was denied a test, and people with symptoms, and people with symptoms, and people with symptoms, and people with symptoms are being denied testing everywhere across the nation, it’s amazing to see that not only have celebrities, athletes, politicians, and the wealthy been getting tests on request, but they’ve been getting extraordinarily prompt service. Some, like Trump, have reported back results within hours of saying they had been tested, rather than the three days or more that regular citizens “lucky” enough to rate a nasal swab have waited to learn their fate.

Let them eat coronavirus: Trump says wealthy getting tested first is just 'the story of life'

We have to vote out every Republican including Trump, for the welfare of the country.
I read what is in your thread and Trump statement is reality that the rich will be treated or tested first but not all the time.

If Sanders were President the same would happen, and if you disagree you do not live in reality.

What should have said " Stop asking stupid questions you know you will spin " but he was stupid enough for the bait.
Trump was being real. He didn't lie.

Meanwhile the majority of Hollywood elites whose salaries us common fuckers pay for, have been awful quiet of late.
When a reporter asked whether the wealthy should be getting tested for COVID-19 even as thousands of people are being turned away, Trump had just the perfect response. "No, I wouldn't say so, but perhaps that’s been the story of life. That does happen on occasion."

In a country where someone who performed CPR on a spouse who was dying from COVID-19 was denied a test, and people with symptoms, and people with symptoms, and people with symptoms, and people with symptoms are being denied testing everywhere across the nation, it’s amazing to see that not only have celebrities, athletes, politicians, and the wealthy been getting tests on request, but they’ve been getting extraordinarily prompt service. Some, like Trump, have reported back results within hours of saying they had been tested, rather than the three days or more that regular citizens “lucky” enough to rate a nasal swab have waited to learn their fate.

Let them eat coronavirus: Trump says wealthy getting tested first is just 'the story of life'

We have to vote out every Republican including Trump, for the welfare of the country.

""No, I wouldn't say so, but perhaps that’s been the story of life. That does happen on occasion.""

You really are a c*nt..
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When a reporter asked whether the wealthy should be getting tested for COVID-19 even as thousands of people are being turned away, Trump had just the perfect response. "No, I wouldn't say so, but perhaps that’s been the story of life. That does happen on occasion."

In a country where someone who performed CPR on a spouse who was dying from COVID-19 was denied a test, and people with symptoms, and people with symptoms, and people with symptoms, and people with symptoms are being denied testing everywhere across the nation, it’s amazing to see that not only have celebrities, athletes, politicians, and the wealthy been getting tests on request, but they’ve been getting extraordinarily prompt service. Some, like Trump, have reported back results within hours of saying they had been tested, rather than the three days or more that regular citizens “lucky” enough to rate a nasal swab have waited to learn their fate.

Let them eat coronavirus: Trump says wealthy getting tested first is just 'the story of life'

We have to vote out every Republican including Trump, for the welfare of the country.

You LefTarded pukes want illegal wetbacks tested and treated first...right?
When a reporter asked whether the wealthy should be getting tested for COVID-19 even as thousands of people are being turned away, Trump had just the perfect response. "No, I wouldn't say so, but perhaps that’s been the story of life. That does happen on occasion."

In a country where someone who performed CPR on a spouse who was dying from COVID-19 was denied a test, and people with symptoms, and people with symptoms, and people with symptoms, and people with symptoms are being denied testing everywhere across the nation, it’s amazing to see that not only have celebrities, athletes, politicians, and the wealthy been getting tests on request, but they’ve been getting extraordinarily prompt service. Some, like Trump, have reported back results within hours of saying they had been tested, rather than the three days or more that regular citizens “lucky” enough to rate a nasal swab have waited to learn their fate.

Let them eat coronavirus: Trump says wealthy getting tested first is just 'the story of life'

We have to vote out every Republican including Trump, for the welfare of the country.
You don't know by now that people with money get whatever first and get more?
Trump only states the simplest of truth. How dsre he tell the truth. The doctor will even come to their homes. Don't you know what concierge medicine is?

Had not enemy democrats demanded Trump get tested I doubt he would yet. The enemy demanded and demanded just so they could say "Trump got a test". Enemy democrats deserve nothing more than a rope and a lamppost.
When a reporter asked whether the wealthy should be getting tested for COVID-19 even as thousands of people are being turned away, Trump had just the perfect response. "No, I wouldn't say so, but perhaps that’s been the story of life. That does happen on occasion."

In a country where someone who performed CPR on a spouse who was dying from COVID-19 was denied a test, and people with symptoms, and people with symptoms, and people with symptoms, and people with symptoms are being denied testing everywhere across the nation, it’s amazing to see that not only have celebrities, athletes, politicians, and the wealthy been getting tests on request, but they’ve been getting extraordinarily prompt service. Some, like Trump, have reported back results within hours of saying they had been tested, rather than the three days or more that regular citizens “lucky” enough to rate a nasal swab have waited to learn their fate.

Let them eat coronavirus: Trump says wealthy getting tested first is just 'the story of life'

We have to vote out every Republican including Trump, for the welfare of the country.

If you were paying attention, you would know, the entire narrative of this biological weapon is off. . . . something is WAY OFF.

Even if you get it, get over it, you can get it again? wtf?!?

That doesn't behave like any known virus. Something odd is going on.

Japanese man tests positive for coronavirus again
Japanese man tests positive for coronavirus again | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News
When a reporter asked whether the wealthy should be getting tested for COVID-19 even as thousands of people are being turned away, Trump had just the perfect response. "No, I wouldn't say so, but perhaps that’s been the story of life. That does happen on occasion."

In a country where someone who performed CPR on a spouse who was dying from COVID-19 was denied a test, and people with symptoms, and people with symptoms, and people with symptoms, and people with symptoms are being denied testing everywhere across the nation, it’s amazing to see that not only have celebrities, athletes, politicians, and the wealthy been getting tests on request, but they’ve been getting extraordinarily prompt service. Some, like Trump, have reported back results within hours of saying they had been tested, rather than the three days or more that regular citizens “lucky” enough to rate a nasal swab have waited to learn their fate.

Let them eat coronavirus: Trump says wealthy getting tested first is just 'the story of life'

We have to vote out every Republican including Trump, for the welfare of the country.
I read where every NBA player has been tested since 2 have been diagnosed.............the NBA is about 90% black............Soooooooooooooooooo.....clearly Trump is racist.
When a reporter asked whether the wealthy should be getting tested for COVID-19 even as thousands of people are being turned away, Trump had just the perfect response. "No, I wouldn't say so, but perhaps that’s been the story of life. That does happen on occasion."

In a country where someone who performed CPR on a spouse who was dying from COVID-19 was denied a test, and people with symptoms, and people with symptoms, and people with symptoms, and people with symptoms are being denied testing everywhere across the nation, it’s amazing to see that not only have celebrities, athletes, politicians, and the wealthy been getting tests on request, but they’ve been getting extraordinarily prompt service. Some, like Trump, have reported back results within hours of saying they had been tested, rather than the three days or more that regular citizens “lucky” enough to rate a nasal swab have waited to learn their fate.

Let them eat coronavirus: Trump says wealthy getting tested first is just 'the story of life'

We have to vote out every Republican including Trump, for the welfare of the country.
So are you protesting the fact that NBA players get tested before “the rest of us”?
When a reporter asked whether the wealthy should be getting tested for COVID-19 even as thousands of people are being turned away, Trump had just the perfect response. "No, I wouldn't say so, but perhaps that’s been the story of life. That does happen on occasion."

In a country where someone who performed CPR on a spouse who was dying from COVID-19 was denied a test, and people with symptoms, and people with symptoms, and people with symptoms, and people with symptoms are being denied testing everywhere across the nation, it’s amazing to see that not only have celebrities, athletes, politicians, and the wealthy been getting tests on request, but they’ve been getting extraordinarily prompt service. Some, like Trump, have reported back results within hours of saying they had been tested, rather than the three days or more that regular citizens “lucky” enough to rate a nasal swab have waited to learn their fate.

Let them eat coronavirus: Trump says wealthy getting tested first is just 'the story of life'

We have to vote out every Republican including Trump, for the welfare of the country.

If Trump was able to cure the Wuhan Covid-19 virus tomorrow morning you'd be whining that he didn't do it sooner. Hmm... if they're dying and CPR is necessary they're too far gone to worry about Covid virus testing....
When a reporter asked whether the wealthy should be getting tested for COVID-19 even as thousands of people are being turned away, Trump had just the perfect response. "No, I wouldn't say so, but perhaps that’s been the story of life. That does happen on occasion."

In a country where someone who performed CPR on a spouse who was dying from COVID-19 was denied a test, and people with symptoms, and people with symptoms, and people with symptoms, and people with symptoms are being denied testing everywhere across the nation, it’s amazing to see that not only have celebrities, athletes, politicians, and the wealthy been getting tests on request, but they’ve been getting extraordinarily prompt service. Some, like Trump, have reported back results within hours of saying they had been tested, rather than the three days or more that regular citizens “lucky” enough to rate a nasal swab have waited to learn their fate.

Let them eat coronavirus: Trump says wealthy getting tested first is just 'the story of life'

We have to vote out every Republican including Trump, for the welfare of the country.

He is not wrong and there is nothing he can do to change it. Why are NBA stars getting tested....because they have the cash

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