Let the States Decide- ALA Supreme Court Justice urges Defiance- Gay Marraige


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
It should be a state issue mandated by public voting


Alabama Supreme Court chief justice encourages defiance on gay marriage ruling

Tue Jan 27, 2015 6:54pm EST

n">(Reuters) - In a move viewed skeptically by legal experts, the socially conservative chief justice of Alabama's Supreme Court on Tuesday encouraged judges in his state to ignore a federal ruling last week striking down its ban on gay marriage.


Justice Roy Moore, in a letter addressed to Alabama Governor Robert Bentley, said Friday's federal ruling, which was put on hold for two weeks and could be superseded by a U.S. Supreme Court decision on gay marriage due by the end of June, violates the state constitution.

"I am dismayed by those judges in our state who have stated they will recognize and unilaterally enforce a federal court decision which does not bind them," Moore wrote. "I would advise them that the issuance of such licenses would be in defiance of the laws and constitution of Alabama."

Alabama Supreme Court chief justice encourages defiance on gay marriage ruling Reuters
Ah! Enlightened, progressive Alabama! They told us that slavery and the subsequent Jim Crow laws were matters of "state's rights".

So these southern knuckledraggers have no problem with repression. It's their "right" as a state to be idiots.

"Segregation now, segregation tomorrow!" Said Fascist-in-Chief George Wallace. Today's Alabamian is not that different.

Imagine being so convinced that hatred is the right thing to do that you would wrap yourself in e time worn State's Rights argument.
Ah! Enlightened, progressive Alabama! They told us that slavery and the subsequent Jim Crow laws were matters of "state's rights".

So these southern knuckledraggers have no problem with repression. It's their "right" as a state to be idiots.

"Segregation now, segregation tomorrow!" Said Fascist-in-Chief George Wallace. Today's Alabamian is not that different.

Imagine being so convinced that hatred is the right thing to do that you would wrap yourself in e time worn State's Rights argument.
Do you ever tire of being stupid?
Wallace was a progressive, btw.
Anyway, Judge Moore is correct. States should nullify the federal law, just as COlorado did.
It should be a state issue mandated by public voting


Alabama Supreme Court chief justice encourages defiance on gay marriage ruling

Tue Jan 27, 2015 6:54pm EST

n">(Reuters) - In a move viewed skeptically by legal experts, the socially conservative chief justice of Alabama's Supreme Court on Tuesday encouraged judges in his state to ignore a federal ruling last week striking down its ban on gay marriage.


Justice Roy Moore, in a letter addressed to Alabama Governor Robert Bentley, said Friday's federal ruling, which was put on hold for two weeks and could be superseded by a U.S. Supreme Court decision on gay marriage due by the end of June, violates the state constitution.

"I am dismayed by those judges in our state who have stated they will recognize and unilaterally enforce a federal court decision which does not bind them," Moore wrote. "I would advise them that the issuance of such licenses would be in defiance of the laws and constitution of Alabama."

Alabama Supreme Court chief justice encourages defiance on gay marriage ruling Reuters

Because that worked so well for them on both interracial marriage and segregation.
Ah! Enlightened, progressive Alabama! They told us that slavery and the subsequent Jim Crow laws were matters of "state's rights".

So these southern knuckledraggers have no problem with repression. It's their "right" as a state to be idiots.

"Segregation now, segregation tomorrow!" Said Fascist-in-Chief George Wallace. Today's Alabamian is not that different.

Imagine being so convinced that hatred is the right thing to do that you would wrap yourself in e time worn State's Rights argument.
Do you ever tire of being stupid?
Wallace was a progressive, btw.
Anyway, Judge Moore is correct. States should nullify the federal law, just as COlorado did.

The issue isn't federal law. The issue is federal court rulings. There's no supreme court ruling that says states must outlaw marijuana. So Colorado didn't nullify any such ruling.
Ah! Enlightened, progressive Alabama! They told us that slavery and the subsequent Jim Crow laws were matters of "state's rights".

So these southern knuckledraggers have no problem with repression. It's their "right" as a state to be idiots.

"Segregation now, segregation tomorrow!" Said Fascist-in-Chief George Wallace. Today's Alabamian is not that different.

Imagine being so convinced that hatred is the right thing to do that you would wrap yourself in e time worn State's Rights argument.

If the people gave us Obama, then well.. you know

Ah! Enlightened, progressive Alabama! They told us that slavery and the subsequent Jim Crow laws were matters of "state's rights".

So these southern knuckledraggers have no problem with repression. It's their "right" as a state to be idiots.

"Segregation now, segregation tomorrow!" Said Fascist-in-Chief George Wallace. Today's Alabamian is not that different.

Imagine being so convinced that hatred is the right thing to do that you would wrap yourself in e time worn State's Rights argument.
Do you ever tire of being stupid?
Wallace was a progressive, btw.
Anyway, Judge Moore is correct. States should nullify the federal law, just as COlorado did.

George Wallace was a racist Conservative of the first order.

Just because he was evil incarnate, you want to label him Progressive because it validates your myopic view of political ideology.
Conservatives have always tried to put the rights of Americans up for a "popular" vote and have been told continually that it flies in the face of the constitution and yet they still try to do it. Also, Alabama, my birth state, is an eternal embarrassment to democracy and human decency.
Ah! Enlightened, progressive Alabama! They told us that slavery and the subsequent Jim Crow laws were matters of "state's rights".

So these southern knuckledraggers have no problem with repression. It's their "right" as a state to be idiots.

"Segregation now, segregation tomorrow!" Said Fascist-in-Chief George Wallace. Today's Alabamian is not that different.

Imagine being so convinced that hatred is the right thing to do that you would wrap yourself in e time worn State's Rights argument.
Do you ever tire of being stupid?
Wallace was a progressive, btw.
Anyway, Judge Moore is correct. States should nullify the federal law, just as COlorado did.

George Wallace was a racist Conservative of the first order.

Just because he was evil incarnate, you want to label him Progressive because it validates your myopic view of political ideology.
George Wallace was a shameless panderer. When it got him votes he was a segregationist, later when it got him votes he was surprisingly progressive in his race relations. He won his last term in office with a large majority of the black vote because he simply wanted to be governor and would do whatever it took to get those votes even if it meant a total reversal of policy.
this the same roy moore that was removed from office? and then alabama, in all it's inbred glory, re-elected him a decade later?
Conservatives have always tried to put the rights of Americans up for a "popular" vote and have been told continually that it flies in the face of the constitution and yet they still try to do it. Also, Alabama, my birth state, is an eternal embarrassment to democracy and human decency.

Not always. If its say, gun laws....then the rights of the individual cannot be infringed by intrusive state government. And the USSC interceding is an act of protection, liberty, and a duty of the federal judiciary.
this the same roy moore that was removed from office? and then alabama, in all it's inbred glory, re-elected him a decade later?
You think that's bad look up Gov. Fob James. Yes, his name was Fob. He was elected to his first term as democrat and was somewhat progressive, then after skipping 4 years for Wallace's last term he came back as a fire breathing social conservative hypocrite and won. Alabama votes as ignorantly as they breed.
this the same roy moore that was removed from office? and then alabama, in all it's inbred glory, re-elected him a decade later?
You think that's bad look up Gov. Fob James. Yes, his name was Fob. He was elected to his first term as democrat and was somewhat progressive, then after skipping 4 years for Wallace's last term he came back as a fire breathing social conservative hypocrite and won. Alabama votes as ignorantly as they breed.

They sound like avid Obama voters too.

Just sayin

...Justice Roy Moore, in a letter addressed to Alabama Governor Robert Bentley, said Friday's federal ruling, which was put on hold for two weeks and could be superseded by a U.S. Supreme Court decision on gay marriage due by the end of June, violates the state constitution....."I am dismayed by those judges in our state who have stated they will recognize and unilaterally enforce a federal court decision which does not bind them," Moore wrote. "I would advise them that the issuance of such licenses would be in defiance of the laws and constitution of Alabama." Alabama Supreme Court chief justice encourages defiance on gay marriage ruling Reuters

...annnnnddd FINALLY a state official grows a pair, standing up to sedition and lower courts attempting to defy/overrule Windsor's 56 reiterations that the decision on so-called "gay marriage" belongs in the states until further notice... Lifestyle-Marriage Equality Slugout State Authority vs Federal US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Conservatives have always tried to put the rights of Americans up for a "popular" vote and have been told continually that it flies in the face of the constitution and yet they still try to do it. Also, Alabama, my birth state, is an eternal embarrassment to democracy and human decency.

Not always. If its say, gun laws....then the rights of the individual cannot be infringed by intrusive state government. And the USSC interceding is an act of protection, liberty, and a duty of the federal judiciary.
Their fetishistic attitude on guns and the 2nd extends no further than that. It's too bad they see all other rights as a threat when extended equally to "those people" no matter who "those people" happen to be.
Roy Moore is an old unreconstructed social conservative confederate.

What he states does not mean anything.
this the same roy moore that was removed from office? and then alabama, in all it's inbred glory, re-elected him a decade later?
You think that's bad look up Gov. Fob James. Yes, his name was Fob. He was elected to his first term as democrat and was somewhat progressive, then after skipping 4 years for Wallace's last term he came back as a fire breathing social conservative hypocrite and won. Alabama votes as ignorantly as they breed.

They sound like avid Obama voters too.

Just sayin

The 2nd poorest and probably most corrupt state has always voted to keep things the same, there is nothing more retarded than that. They have some of the poorest people in America and yet have one of the most regressive tax structures to be found terribly underfunding their fucked-up and neglected education system. Christ what a shithole of misery it is.
From the OP link:

"Ronald Krotoszynski, a constitutional law expert at the University of Alabama School of Law, said Moore's words carry little legal weight, as federal constitutional law trumps that of states.
"There is no credible legal argument that an order from a federal judge with jurisdiction over a matter isn't binding

The only federal judge Alabama should listen to on the question of so-called "gay marriage" is the highest ranking judge in the federal appelate system. That would be SCOTUS. And SCOTUS said in Windsor 2013, 56 times in 26 pages no less, that the question of gay marraige, until further notice (which can only be given by THEM) is up to the states to decide. That is the latest substantive Ruling on who gets to decide on gay marriage until further notice.

And since I highly doubt the Highest Court will overturn itself in less than two years on a specific question of law, Mr. Moore's legal deductions are absolutely correct. No state is bound to listen to a lower court attempting to defy Windsor's question on who gets to decide on so-called "gay marriage".
It should be a state issue mandated by public voting


Alabama Supreme Court chief justice encourages defiance on gay marriage ruling

Tue Jan 27, 2015 6:54pm EST

n">(Reuters) - In a move viewed skeptically by legal experts, the socially conservative chief justice of Alabama's Supreme Court on Tuesday encouraged judges in his state to ignore a federal ruling last week striking down its ban on gay marriage.


Justice Roy Moore, in a letter addressed to Alabama Governor Robert Bentley, said Friday's federal ruling, which was put on hold for two weeks and could be superseded by a U.S. Supreme Court decision on gay marriage due by the end of June, violates the state constitution.

"I am dismayed by those judges in our state who have stated they will recognize and unilaterally enforce a federal court decision which does not bind them," Moore wrote. "I would advise them that the issuance of such licenses would be in defiance of the laws and constitution of Alabama."

Alabama Supreme Court chief justice encourages defiance on gay marriage ruling Reuters
It's not subject to a vote Jesusfreak Roy, and never should have been.

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