Let me 'splain somethin'.............

God is not who you want Him to be.
He doesn't operate by YOUR rules.
What this means is, when you say "MY God would do 'thus and such'" you are just being your OWN God.

There IS a God - and guess what!? He's a LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! smarter than you! ...yeah and me too.. dang it...
There is no "god" as perceived by theists.

... explain .... if you don't mind...
God is not who you want Him to be.
He doesn't operate by YOUR rules.
What this means is, when you say "MY God would do 'thus and such'" you are just being your OWN God.

There IS a God - and guess what!? He's a LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! smarter than you! ...yeah and me too.. dang it...

And so? How is what you stated here any different? Are you not defining God according to your own beliefs and what you want him or see him or her or it as you see fit?

If you discovered a truth that changed your life, wouldn't you want to tell other people about it?
I have already acknowledged you have a choice in the matter............
Are you a psychiatrist? What leads you to think I have psychological issues.. that is not very nice....
God is compassionate and caring, but according to HIS definition - not yours.
I am not interfering in anyone else's religion. Only speaking what I know to be true about my beliefs. If that strikes a nerve in some, maybe it's God trying to tell them something..........

You have an interpretation of the bible and a conception of God formed from mans word and written text.

So when I make that statement my God is a compassionate and caring GOD you don't disagree with the tenet, you just have issues that I say it is my God and the way he views things.

I tried to convey religion is a personal experience, you keep wanting to stick to your zealot guns, it's my way or it's wrong.

When I said religion was a personal experience that means in interpretation of religious beliefs and rituals.

You missed the part about religions being societal road maps.

You keep coming out here speaking about your beliefs, unfortunately others have beliefs too.

Does that make yours supreme??

You say it does based on your interpretation of the lords word, what about others interpretation??

You God didn't suggest you not be judgmental?? overbearing?? obnoxious??

Funny mine did ..................

God is God - there is only 1 and he's everyone's God.
We will all have to face Him and answer to Him 1 day.
Stating that fact, well, if you view that as judgmental, overbearing and obnoxious, I'm sorry you feel that way.
I believe it is important for everyone to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Not because it does anything for me personally - but because I am commanded to do it.

Your opinion is that there is only 1 God.

Others hold the opinion that there are many gods and some point since there is zero evidence for any gods there are probably none since every god ever invented was done so by mankind.

The Great and Holy Spaghetti monster is going to get really made when he reads this thread.

Do you think that's funny Stat?
God loves you.
God IS love....
"If" there is a god, it certainly does not belong to any one religion or group an people should not speak for it or give it human traits.

There might be some design or spark that triggered everything but I see no evidence of a god of the bible with mood swing and vengeful destruction of humans for this or that action. If there is anything out there, it more than likely sees us, if at all, more like ants does not interfere with us or this planet at all.

Man created the god of the bible to explain the mysterious long be fore science had answers for how the earth works.

Humans see god in their image, not the other way around. Humans create religion to bring order and rules to build civilizations. Humans speak for god to justify wars.

If there is any intelligent being out there watching, it probably is laughing as us and expecting us to destroy ourselves. If there is anything out there, any 'force', it is probably so far advance that we cannot begin to even comprehend anything about it, or absolutely neutral to this tiny planet.

This planet has been though a number of extinctions, and likely to see several more in the future. A superior energy out there is not going to snap a finger and change anything. We don't care if ants have any prayer. You think dinosaurs believed in god or prayed? You think apes do? You think dogs do? To them we are probably god.

Science might one day find something beyond a god particle. We might find some energy or force out there, but it is seriously doubtful there will be any resemblance to the god of the bible, or of any religion.

God is a reflection of man's ego and used to manipulate the masses.

I actually understand Christian's trying to tell people about the Truth. Why?
Because they are genuinely concerned for the salvation of others and serving God.

I actually understand why people like you (and others) want to undermine and dismiss our one true God, and it's because Satan has you deceived. There is no other Earthly "logical" reason for it. Most people would just shake their head and move on rather than make concerted efforts, over and over, to try to prevent people from turning to Christ.
I actually understand Christian's trying to tell people about the Truth. Why?

Because they are trying to validate their beliefs by getting others to believe it
Are you a psychiatrist? What leads you to think I have psychological issues.. that is not very nice....
God is compassionate and caring, but according to HIS definition - not yours.
I am not interfering in anyone else's religion. Only speaking what I know to be true about my beliefs. If that strikes a nerve in some, maybe it's God trying to tell them something..........

You have an interpretation of the bible and a conception of God formed from mans word and written text.

So when I make that statement my God is a compassionate and caring GOD you don't disagree with the tenet, you just have issues that I say it is my God and the way he views things.

I tried to convey religion is a personal experience, you keep wanting to stick to your zealot guns, it's my way or it's wrong.

When I said religion was a personal experience that means in interpretation of religious beliefs and rituals.

You missed the part about religions being societal road maps.

You keep coming out here speaking about your beliefs, unfortunately others have beliefs too.

Does that make yours supreme??

You say it does based on your interpretation of the lords word, what about others interpretation??

You God didn't suggest you not be judgmental?? overbearing?? obnoxious??

Funny mine did ..................

God is God - there is only 1 and he's everyone's God.
We will all have to face Him and answer to Him 1 day.
Stating that fact, well, if you view that as judgmental, overbearing and obnoxious, I'm sorry you feel that way.
I believe it is important for everyone to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Not because it does anything for me personally - but because I am commanded to do it.

Your opinion is that there is only 1 God.

Others hold the opinion that there are many gods and some point out that since there is zero evidence for any gods there are probably none since every god ever invented was done so by mankind.

It is frustrating and difficult for anyone who has not allowed themselves to open their hearts and experience the miracle of God's love .... accepting his sacrifice ..... to "make sense" of what Christian's already know......

I'm not special in and of myself.
The only thing that makes me special is any part of Jesus that comes through me to others.
It's all about HIM!
Are you a psychiatrist? What leads you to think I have psychological issues.. that is not very nice....
God is compassionate and caring, but according to HIS definition - not yours.
I am not interfering in anyone else's religion. Only speaking what I know to be true about my beliefs. If that strikes a nerve in some, maybe it's God trying to tell them something..........

You have an interpretation of the bible and a conception of God formed from mans word and written text.

So when I make that statement my God is a compassionate and caring GOD you don't disagree with the tenet, you just have issues that I say it is my God and the way he views things.

I tried to convey religion is a personal experience, you keep wanting to stick to your zealot guns, it's my way or it's wrong.

When I said religion was a personal experience that means in interpretation of religious beliefs and rituals.

You missed the part about religions being societal road maps.

You keep coming out here speaking about your beliefs, unfortunately others have beliefs too.

Does that make yours supreme??

You say it does based on your interpretation of the lords word, what about others interpretation??

You God didn't suggest you not be judgmental?? overbearing?? obnoxious??

Funny mine did ..................

God is God - there is only 1 and he's everyone's God.
We will all have to face Him and answer to Him 1 day.
Stating that fact, well, if you view that as judgmental, overbearing and obnoxious, I'm sorry you feel that way.
I believe it is important for everyone to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Not because it does anything for me personally - but because I am commanded to do it.

Your opinion is that there is only 1 God.

Others hold the opinion that there are many gods and some point since there is zero evidence for any gods there are probably none since every god ever invented was done so by mankind.

The Great and Holy Spaghetti monster is going to get really made when he reads this thread.

I am having lunch with him today so I will let you know how he feels about it. :D
God is God - there is only 1 and he's everyone's God.
We will all have to face Him and answer to Him 1 day.
Stating that fact, well, if you view that as judgmental, overbearing and obnoxious, I'm sorry you feel that way.
I believe it is important for everyone to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Not because it does anything for me personally - but because I am commanded to do it.

You are already struggling with the religious aspect of this conversation,

Now you want to change gears and discuss God??

There is only one God whether you be muslim and that god be allah or you be christian and that god be God .............

Intellectually you are not capable of conversing with me on this ...............
God is not who you want Him to be.
He doesn't operate by YOUR rules.
What this means is, when you say "MY God would do 'thus and such'" you are just being your OWN God.

There IS a God - and guess what!? He's a LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! smarter than you! ...yeah and me too.. dang it...

And so? How is what you stated here any different? Are you not defining God according to your own beliefs and what you want him or see him or her or it as you see fit?

Huhhh , you actually got the jest of my assertions??
Can I quote your post today??
Are you a psychiatrist? What leads you to think I have psychological issues.. that is not very nice....
God is compassionate and caring, but according to HIS definition - not yours.
I am not interfering in anyone else's religion. Only speaking what I know to be true about my beliefs. If that strikes a nerve in some, maybe it's God trying to tell them something..........

You have an interpretation of the bible and a conception of God formed from mans word and written text.

So when I make that statement my God is a compassionate and caring GOD you don't disagree with the tenet, you just have issues that I say it is my God and the way he views things.

I tried to convey religion is a personal experience, you keep wanting to stick to your zealot guns, it's my way or it's wrong.

When I said religion was a personal experience that means in interpretation of religious beliefs and rituals.

You missed the part about religions being societal road maps.

You keep coming out here speaking about your beliefs, unfortunately others have beliefs too.

Does that make yours supreme??

You say it does based on your interpretation of the lords word, what about others interpretation??

You God didn't suggest you not be judgmental?? overbearing?? obnoxious??

Funny mine did ..................

God is God - there is only 1 and he's everyone's God.
We will all have to face Him and answer to Him 1 day.
Stating that fact, well, if you view that as judgmental, overbearing and obnoxious, I'm sorry you feel that way.
I believe it is important for everyone to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Not because it does anything for me personally - but because I am commanded to do it.

Your opinion is that there is only 1 God.

Others hold the opinion that there are many gods and some point since there is zero evidence for any gods there are probably none since every god ever invented was done so by mankind.

The Great and Holy Spaghetti monster is going to get really made when he reads this thread.

Do you think that's funny Stat?
God loves you.
God IS love....

It was a joke, Chill out.
"If" there is a god, it certainly does not belong to any one religion or group an people should not speak for it or give it human traits.

There might be some design or spark that triggered everything but I see no evidence of a god of the bible with mood swing and vengeful destruction of humans for this or that action. If there is anything out there, it more than likely sees us, if at all, more like ants does not interfere with us or this planet at all.

Man created the god of the bible to explain the mysterious long be fore science had answers for how the earth works.

Humans see god in their image, not the other way around. Humans create religion to bring order and rules to build civilizations. Humans speak for god to justify wars.

If there is any intelligent being out there watching, it probably is laughing as us and expecting us to destroy ourselves. If there is anything out there, any 'force', it is probably so far advance that we cannot begin to even comprehend anything about it, or absolutely neutral to this tiny planet.

This planet has been though a number of extinctions, and likely to see several more in the future. A superior energy out there is not going to snap a finger and change anything. We don't care if ants have any prayer. You think dinosaurs believed in god or prayed? You think apes do? You think dogs do? To them we are probably god.

Science might one day find something beyond a god particle. We might find some energy or force out there, but it is seriously doubtful there will be any resemblance to the god of the bible, or of any religion.

God is a reflection of man's ego and used to manipulate the masses.

I actually understand Christian's trying to tell people about the Truth. Why?
Because they are genuinely concerned for the salvation of others and serving God.

I actually understand why people like you (and others) want to undermine and dismiss our one true God, and it's because Satan has you deceived. There is no other Earthly "logical" reason for it. Most people would just shake their head and move on rather than make concerted efforts, over and over, to try to prevent people from turning to Christ.
I actually understand Christian's trying to tell people about the Truth. Why?

Because they are trying to validate their beliefs by getting others to believe it

What is my gain in that guno?
Personally, what is my gain?

I don't run a church. Even if someone DID happen to accept the free gift of salvation (1) I would never know about it and (2) all the credit and glory would go to God.
You have an interpretation of the bible and a conception of God formed from mans word and written text.

So when I make that statement my God is a compassionate and caring GOD you don't disagree with the tenet, you just have issues that I say it is my God and the way he views things.

I tried to convey religion is a personal experience, you keep wanting to stick to your zealot guns, it's my way or it's wrong.

When I said religion was a personal experience that means in interpretation of religious beliefs and rituals.

You missed the part about religions being societal road maps.

You keep coming out here speaking about your beliefs, unfortunately others have beliefs too.

Does that make yours supreme??

You say it does based on your interpretation of the lords word, what about others interpretation??

You God didn't suggest you not be judgmental?? overbearing?? obnoxious??

Funny mine did ..................

God is God - there is only 1 and he's everyone's God.
We will all have to face Him and answer to Him 1 day.
Stating that fact, well, if you view that as judgmental, overbearing and obnoxious, I'm sorry you feel that way.
I believe it is important for everyone to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Not because it does anything for me personally - but because I am commanded to do it.

Your opinion is that there is only 1 God.

Others hold the opinion that there are many gods and some point since there is zero evidence for any gods there are probably none since every god ever invented was done so by mankind.

The Great and Holy Spaghetti monster is going to get really made when he reads this thread.

Do you think that's funny Stat?
God loves you.
God IS love....

It was a joke, Chill out.

I am always 'chill', dear :)
God is not who you want Him to be.
He doesn't operate by YOUR rules.
What this means is, when you say "MY God would do 'thus and such'" you are just being your OWN God.

There IS a God - and guess what!? He's a LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! smarter than you! ...yeah and me too.. dang it...

And so? How is what you stated here any different? Are you not defining God according to your own beliefs and what you want him or see him or her or it as you see fit?

If you discovered a truth that changed your life, wouldn't you want to tell other people about it?
I have already acknowledged you have a choice in the matter............

"Discovered a truth" and what mind altering drugs were you ingesting??

Listen to your psycho babble ...........

We are talking about religions and God.
God is not who you want Him to be.
He doesn't operate by YOUR rules.
What this means is, when you say "MY God would do 'thus and such'" you are just being your OWN God.

There IS a God - and guess what!? He's a LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! smarter than you! ...yeah and me too.. dang it...

And so? How is what you stated here any different? Are you not defining God according to your own beliefs and what you want him or see him or her or it as you see fit?

If you discovered a truth that changed your life, wouldn't you want to tell other people about it?
I have already acknowledged you have a choice in the matter............

"Discovered a truth" and what mind altering drugs were you ingesting??

Listen to your psycho babble ...........

We are talking about religions and God.

I am talking about God and Jesus Christ.
Savior of mankind.
God is not who you want Him to be.
He doesn't operate by YOUR rules.
What this means is, when you say "MY God would do 'thus and such'" you are just being your OWN God.

There IS a God - and guess what!? He's a LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! smarter than you! ...yeah and me too.. dang it...

And so? How is what you stated here any different? Are you not defining God according to your own beliefs and what you want him or see him or her or it as you see fit?

If you discovered a truth that changed your life, wouldn't you want to tell other people about it?
I have already acknowledged you have a choice in the matter............

"Discovered a truth" and what mind altering drugs were you ingesting??

Listen to your psycho babble ...........

We are talking about religions and God.

I am talking about God and Jesus Christ.
Savior of mankind.

No you are out her zealot ranting .............
God is not who you want Him to be.
He doesn't operate by YOUR rules.
What this means is, when you say "MY God would do 'thus and such'" you are just being your OWN God.

There IS a God - and guess what!? He's a LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! smarter than you! ...yeah and me too.. dang it...

And so? How is what you stated here any different? Are you not defining God according to your own beliefs and what you want him or see him or her or it as you see fit?

If you discovered a truth that changed your life, wouldn't you want to tell other people about it?
I have already acknowledged you have a choice in the matter............

Really? What's my choice? Heaven or Hell? ;)
Really? What's my choice? Heaven or Hell? ;)

We live through either / both on earth depending on our actions and attitudes both with ourselves and others .............

It's all about how you interact with society, thus you need a societal plan (religion) ............

You also need a God to turn to( a power greater than ones self) .............

Hope is priceless to the soul.
God is not who you want Him to be.
He doesn't operate by YOUR rules.
What this means is, when you say "MY God would do 'thus and such'" you are just being your OWN God.

There IS a God - and guess what!? He's a LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! smarter than you! ...yeah and me too.. dang it...

And so? How is what you stated here any different? Are you not defining God according to your own beliefs and what you want him or see him or her or it as you see fit?

If you discovered a truth that changed your life, wouldn't you want to tell other people about it?
I have already acknowledged you have a choice in the matter............

"Discovered a truth" and what mind altering drugs were you ingesting??

Listen to your psycho babble ...........

We are talking about religions and God.

I am talking about God and Jesus Christ.
Savior of mankind.
oy vey, the goyim god of two sticks

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